I've got a travel-size violin (by [Bill Whipple]) that I mess around with. I like a lot of traditional and celtic music, and I wanted something that would provide both a visual and aural rendition of a song to help me learn it. Looking around, I found [ABC][] (see John Chamber's [page][JC] and [tutorial][]), which is a simple, ASCII notation for sheet music. There are lots of [software tools][] for processing ABC; my favorite is [abcMIDI][] (which I've packaged in my [[Gentoo overlay]] and is also packaged in the [Sunrise overlay][]). `abcMIDI` provides several useful programs: * `abc2midi`: ABC to MIDI conversion, to listen to your music. * `yaps`: ABC to PostScript conversion, to look at your music. * `midi2abc`: MIDI to ABC conversion, when you can't find ABC source. My favorite ABC tune repository is [The Session][], but there are also search tools and repositories listed on the [ABC homepage][ABC] and [JC's page][JC]. To make playing ABC files as easy as possible, I've written a little script, [[abcplay.sh]], which uses `abc2midi` to generate a MIDI file for each tune and then plays them with [timidity++][]. [Bill Whipple]: http://www.wiplstix.com/ [ABC]: http://abcnotation.com/ [JC]: http://ecf-guest.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/ [tutorial]: http://ecf-guest.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/doc/ABCtutorial.html [software tools]: http://abcnotation.com/software [abcMIDI]: http://abc.sourceforge.net/abcMIDI/ [Sunrise overlay]: http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/sunrise [The Session]: http://www.thesession.org/ [timidity++]: http://timidity.sourceforge.net/