[[!meta title="Server side includes"]] When I can't use a templating system (e.g. [IkiWiki][] or [CherryPy][] + [Jinja2][]), I tend to use [server side includes][SSI] to handle all the boilerplate header and footer information that is constant across a website. Content-carrying `.shtml` files look something like

Some title

Bla bla bla.

The boilerplate files (e.g. [[header.shtml]] and [[footer.shtml]]) are included by the server whenever it serves a page. This is probably wildly inefficient from the server's point of view, but it's very convenient for me :p. It is more efficient if your publishing tool (e.g. [IkiWiki][]) can include this boilerplate once at *publish-time*, rather than having Apache include it again for every page request. [IkiWiki]: http://ikiwiki.info/ [CherryPy]: http://www.cherrypy.org/ [Jinja2]: http://jinja.pocoo.org/2/ [SSI]: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/ssi.html [[!tag tags/tools]] [[!tag tags/web]]