[[!template id=gitrepo repo=parallel_computing]] In contrast to my [[course website]] project, which is mostly about constructing a framework for automatically compiling and installing [[LaTeX]] problem sets, [Prof. Vallières'][MV] [Parallel Computing][phys405] course is basically an online textbook with a large amount of example software. In order to balance between to Prof. Vallières' original and my own aesthetic, I rolled a new solution from scratch. See [my version of his Fall 2010 page][f10] for a live example. Differences from my course website project: * No PHP, since there is no dynamic content that cannot be handled with [[SSI]]. * Less installation machinery. Only a few build/cleanup scripts to avoid versioning really tedious bits. The repository is designed to be dropped into your `~/public_html/` whole, while the course website project is designed to `rsync` the built components up as they go live. * Less LaTeX, more XHTML. It's easier to edit XHTML than it is to exit and compile LaTeX, and PDFs are large and annoying. As a computing class, there are fewer graphics than there are in an intro-physics class, so the extra power of LaTeX is not as useful. [MV]: http://www.drexel.edu/physics/contact/facultyDirectory/Vallieres%20Michel/ [phys405]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~valliere/PHYS405/ [f10]: http://course.tremily.us/2010-fall/phys405/ [[!tag tags/code]] [[!tag tags/web]] [[!tag tags/teaching]]