[[!meta title="Open hardware analog I/O"]] Over at [Software Carpentry][SWC], Greg Wilson just posted [some thoughts about a hypothetical open science framework][GW]. He uses Ruby on Rails and similar web frameworks as examples where frameworks can leverage standards and conventions to take care of most of the boring boilerplate that has to happen for serving a website. Greg points out that it would be useful to have a similar open science framework that small projects could use to get off the ground and collaborate more easily. My [[thesis|Thesis]] is about developing an [[open source framework for single molecule force spectroscopy|Open_source_force_spectroscopy]], so this is an avenue I'm very excited about. However, it's difficult to get this working for experimental labs with a diversity of the underlying hardware. If different labs have different hardware, it's hard to write a generic software stack that works for everybody (at least at the lower levels of the stack). Our lab does analog control and aquisition via an old National Instruments card. NI no longer sells this card, and developing [[Comedi]] drivers for new cards is too much work for many to take on pro bono. This means that new labs that want to use my software can't get started with off the shelf components; they'll need to find a second-hand card or rework the lower layers of my stack to work with a DAQ card that they can source. I'd be happy to see an inexpensive, microprocessor-based open hardware project for synchronized, multi-channel, near-MHz analog I/O to serve as a standard interface between software and the real world, but that's not the sort of thing I can whip out over a free weekend (although I have [[dipped my toe in the water|AVR]]). I think the missing component is a client-side version of [libusb][], to allow folks to write the firmware for the microprocessor without dealing with the intricacies of the [USB specs][USB]. It would also be nice to have a standard USB protocol for Comedi commands, so a single driver could interface with commodity DAQ hardware—much like the current situation for [mice, keyboards, webcams, and other approved classes][USB-class]. Then the software stack could work unchanged on any hardware, once the firmware supporting the hardware had been ported to a new microprocessor. There are two existing classes (a [physical interface device class][PID] and a [test and measurement class][TM]), but I haven't had time to dig through those with an eye toward Comedi integration yet. So much to do, so little time… [[!tag tags/hardware]] [SWC]: http://software-carpentry.org/blog/2013/06/twelve-bar-blues-of-science.html [GW]: http://software-carpentry.org/blog/2013/06/twelve-bar-blues-of-science.html [libusb]: http://www.libusb.org/ [USB]: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/ [USB-class]: http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs#approved [PID]: http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/pid1_01.pdf [TM]: http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/USBTMC_1_006a.zip