I finally got around to upgrading the environment on the server that autogenerates my [Hooke documentation][doc]. The new setup is: - [[Python]] 2.7 (previously Python 2.5) - [[Sphinx]] 1.0.3 (previously Sphinx 0.6.5) - [Numpydoc][] from the current [git source][git] (previously 0.3.1, see [numpy ticket 1489][1489]) - [SCons][] 2.0.1.r5134 (unchanged) The main effect of the change is that the [hooke module documentation][mod] is now generated in its entirety, while the previous implementation only generated documentation for Python 2.5-compatible submodules. [doc]: http://doc.hooke.tremily.us/ [Numpydoc]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpydoc/ [git]: http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/browse_git [1489]: http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/1489 [SCons]: http://www.scons.org/ [mod]: http://doc.hooke.tremily.us/hooke.html [[!tag tags/hooke]] [[!tag tags/programming]]