[[!meta title="Freely rotating chains"]] [[Velocity clamp force spectroscopy|Force_spectroscopy]] pulls are [often fit to polymer models][carrionvazquez99] such as the worm-like chain (WLC). However, [Puchner et al.][puchner08] had the bright idea that, rather than fitting each loading region with a polymer model, it is easier to calculate the change in contour length by converting the abscissa to contour-length space. While the WLC is commonly used, Puchner gets better fits using the freely rotating chain (FRC) model. Computing force-extension curves for either the WLC or FJC is complicated, and it is common to use interpolation formulas to estimate the curves. For the WLC, we use [Bustamante's formula][bustamante94]: \[ F_WLC(x) = \frac{k_B T}{p} \left[ \frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{1}{\left(1-\frac{x}{L}\right)^2} - 1\right) + \frac{x}{L} \right] \] For the FRC, Puchner uses [Livadaru][livadaru03]'s equation 46. \[ \frac{R_z}{L} \approx \begin{cases} \frac{fa}{3k_B T} & \text{for } \frac{fb}{k_B T} \lt \frac{b}{l} \\ 1-\left(\frac{fl}{4k_B T}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} & \text{for } \frac{b}{l} \lt \frac{fb}{k_B T} \lt \frac{l}{b} \\ 1-\left(\frac{fb}{ck_B T}\right)^{-1} & \text{for } \frac{l}{b} \lt \frac{fb}{k_B T} \end{cases}\;. \] Unfortunately, there are two typos in Livadaru's equation 46. It should read (confirmed by private communication with Roland Netz). \[ \frac{R_z}{L} \approx \begin{cases} \frac{fa}{3k_B T} & \text{for } \frac{fb}{k_B T} \lt \frac{b}{l} \\ 1-\left(\frac{4fl}{k_B T}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} & \text{for } \frac{b}{l} \lt \frac{fb}{k_B T} \lt \frac{l}{b} \\ 1-\left(\frac{cfb}{k_B T}\right)^{-1} & \text{for } \frac{l}{b} \lt \frac{fb}{k_B T} \end{cases}\;. \] Regardless of the form of Livadaru's equation 46, the suggested FRC interpolation formula is Livadaru's equation 49, which has continuous cross-overs between the various regimes and adds the possibility of elastic backbone extension. \[ \frac{R_z}{L} = 1 - \left\{ \left(F_\text{WLC}^{-1}\left[\frac{fl}{k_BT}\right]\right)^\beta + \left(\frac{cfb}{k_BT}\right)^\beta\right\}^{\frac{-1}{\beta}} + \frac{f}{\tilde{\gamma}} \;, \] where $l=b\frac{\cos(\gamma/2)}{|\ln(\cos\gamma)|}$ (Livadaru's equation 22) is the effective persistence length, $\beta$ determines the crossover sharpness, $\tilde{\gamma}$ is the backbone stretching modulus, and $F_\text{WLC}^{-1}[x]$ is related to the inverse of Bustamante's interpolation formula, \[ F_\text{WLC}[x] = \frac{3}{4} - \frac{1}{x} + \frac{x^2}{4} \;. \] By matching their interpolation formula with simlated FRCs, Livadaru suggests using $\beta=2$, $\tilde{\gamma}=\infty$, and $c=2$. In his paper, Puchner suggests using $b=0.4$ nm and $\gamma=22^{\circ}$. However, when I contacted him and pointed out the typos in Livadaru's equation 46, he reran his analysis and got similar results using the corrected formula with $b=0.11$ nm and $\gamma=41^{\circ}$. This makes more sense because it gives a WLC persistence length similar to the one he used when fitting the WLC model: \[ l = b\frac{\cos(\gamma/2)}{|\ln(\cos\gamma)|} = 0.366\text{ nm} \] (vs. his WLC persistence length of $p=0.4$ nm). In any event, the two models (WLC and FRC) give similar results for low to moderate forces, with the differences kicking in as $fb/k_B T$ moves above $l/b$. For Puchner's revised numbers, this corresponds to \[ f \gt \frac{l}{b} \cdot \frac{k_B T}{b} = \frac{\cos(\gamma/2)}{|\ln(\cos\gamma)|} \cdot \frac{k_B T}{b} \approx 122 \text{ pN} \;, \] assuming a temperature in the range of 300 K. I've written an `inverse_frc` implementation in [[crunch.py|Comparing_velocity_clamp_experiments/crunch.py]] for [[comparing velocity clamp experiments]]. I test the implementation with [[frc.py|Comparing_velocity_clamp_experiments/frc.py]] by regenerating [Livadaru et al.'s figure 14][livadaru03]. [[!img Comparing_velocity_clamp_experiments/figure-14.png alt="Inverse FRC test matching Livadaru et al.'s figure 14" title="Inverse FRC test matching Livadaru et al.'s figure 14"]] [carrionvazquez99]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.96.20.11288 [puchner08]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.108.129999 [bustamante94]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.8079175 [livadaru03]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma020751g [[!tag tags/theory]]