[[!meta title="Batch Queue Job Control"]] Submitting jobs =============== You can submit jobs to the batch queue for later proccessing with `qsub`. Batch queueing can get pretty fancy, so `qsub` comes with lots of options (see `man qsub`). For the most part, you can trust your sysadmin to have set up some good defaults, and not worry about setting any options explicitly. As you get used to the batch queue system, you'll want tighter control of how your jobs execute by invoking more sophisticated options yourself, but don't let that scare you off at the beginning. They are, after all, only *options*. This paper will give you a good start on the options I find myself using most often. Simple submission ----------------- The simplest example of a job submission is: $ echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub 2705.n0.physics.drexel.edu Which submits a job executing `sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'` to the queue. The job gets an identifying ID in the queue, which `qsub` prints to `stdout`. You can check the status of your job in the queue with `qstat`. $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2705.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 Q batch There is more information on `qstat` in the [qstat section][sec.qstat]. If your job is too complicated to fit on a single line, you can save it in a script: #!/bin/bash # file: echo_script.sh sleep 30 echo "a really," echo "really," echo "complicated" echo "script" and submit the script: $ qsub echo_script.sh 2706.n0.physics.drexel.edu All the arguments discussed in later sections for the command line should have comment-style analogs that you can enter in your script if you use the script-submission approach with `qsub`. Note that you *cannot* run executibles directly with `qsub`. For example $ cat script.py #!/usr/bin/python print("hello world!") $ qsub python script.py will fail because `python` is an executible. Either use $ echo python script.py | qsub wrap your [[Python]] script in a [[Bash]] script $ cat wrapper.sh #!/bin/bash python script.py $ qsub wrapper.sh or run your Python script directly (relying on the sha-bang) $ qsub script.py IO: Job names and working directories ------------------------------------- You will often be interested in the `stdout` and `stderr` output from your jobs. The batch queue system saves this information for you (to the directory from which you called `qsub`) in two files `.o` and `.e`. Job IDs we have seen before, they're just the numeric part of `qsub` output (or the first field in the `qstat` output). Job IDs are assigned by the batch queue server, and are unique to each job. Job names are assigned by the job submitter (that's you) and need not be unique. They give you a method for keeping track of what job is doing what task, since you have no control over the job ID. The combined `.` pair is both unique (for the server) and recognizable (for the user), which is why it's used to label the output data from a given job. You control the job name by passing the `-N ` argument to `qsub`. $ echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub -N myjob 2707.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2707.n0 myjob sysadmin 0 Q batch Perhaps you are fine with `stdin` and `stdout`, but the default naming scheme, even with the job name flexibility, is too restrictive. No worries, `qsub` lets you specify exactly which files you'd like to use with the unsurprisingly named `-o` and `-e` options. $ echo "echo 'ABC' && echo 'DEF' > /dev/stderr" | qsub -o my_out -e my_err 2708.n0.physics.drexel.edu … time passes … $ cat my_out ABC $ cat my_err DEF A time will come when you are no longer satified with `stdin` and `stdout` and you want to open your own files or worse, run a program! Because no sane person uses absolute paths all the time, we need to know what directory we're in so we can construct our relative paths. You might expect that your job will execute from the same directory that you called qsub from, but that is not the case. I think the reason is that that directory is not garaunteed to exist on the host that eventually runs your program. In any case, your job will begin executing in your home directory. Writing relative paths from your home directory is about as annoying as writing absolute paths, so `qsub` gives your script a nifty environment variable `PBS_O_WORKDIR`, which is set to the directory you called `qsub` from. Since *you* know that this directory exists on the hosts (since the home directories are NFS mounted on all of our cluster nodes), you can move to that directory yourself, using something like $ echo 'pwd && cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR && pwd' | qsub 2709.n0.physics.drexel.edu … time passes … $ cat STDIN.o2709 /home/sysadmin /home/sysadmin/howto/cluster/pbs_queues Note that if we had enclosed the echo argument in double quotes (`"`), we would have to escape the `$` symbol in our `echo` argument so that it survives the shell expansion and makes it safely into `qsub`'s input. Long jobs --------- If you have jobs that may take longer than the default wall time (currently 1 hour), you will need to tell the job manager. Walltimes may seem annoying, since you don't really know how long a job will run for, but they protect the cluster from people running broken programs that waste nodes looping around forever without accomplishing anything. Therefor, your walltime doesn't have to be exactly, or even close to, your actual job execution time. Before submitting millions of long jobs, it is a good idea to submit a timing job to see how long your jobs should run for. Then set the walltime a factor of 10 or so higher. For example $ echo "time (sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...')" | qsub -j oe 2710.n0.physics.drexel.edu … time passes … $ cat STDIN.o2710 Running a job... real 0m30.013s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s $ echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub -l walltime=15:00 2711.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat -f | grep '[.]walltime' You can set walltimes in `[[H:]M:]S` format, where the number of hours, minutes, and seconds are positive integers. I passed the `-j oe` combines both `sdtout` and `stdin` streams on `stdin` because `time` prints to `stderr`. Walltimes are only accurate on the order of minutes and above, but you probably shouldn't be batch queueing jobs that take less time anyway. Job dependencies ---------------- You will often find yourself in a situation where the execution of one job depends on the output of another job. For example, `jobA` and `jobB` generate some data, and `jobC` performs some analysis on that data. It wouldn't do for `jobC` to go firing off as soon as there was a free node, if there was no data available yet to analyze. We can deal with *dependencies* like these by passing a `-W depend=` option to `qsub`. The dependency list can get pretty fancy (see `man qsub`), but for the case outlined above, we'll only need `afterany` dependencies (because `jobC` should execute after jobs `A` and `B`). Looking at the `man` page, the proper format for our dependency list is `afterany:jobid[:jobid...]`, so we need to catch the job IDs output by `qsub`. We'll use [[Bash's|Bash]] command substitution (`$(command)`) for this. $ AID=$(echo "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR && sleep 30 && echo \"we're in\" > A_out" | qsub) $ BID=$(echo "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR && sleep 30 && pwd > B_out" | qsub) $ COND="depend=afterany:$AID:$BID -o C_out -W depend=afterany:$AID:$BID" $ CID=$(echo "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR && cat A_out B_out" | qsub -W depend=afterany:$AID:$BID -o C_out) $ echo -e "A: $AID\nB: $BID\nC: $CID" A: 2712.n0.physics.drexel.edu B: 2713.n0.physics.drexel.edu C: 2714.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2712.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2713.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2714.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 H batch … time passes … $ cat C_out we're in /home/sysadmin/howto/cluster/pbs_queues Note that we have to escape the `PBS_O_WORKDIR` expansion so that the variable substitution occurs when the job runs, and not when the echo command runs. Job arrays ---------- If you have *lots* of jobs you'd like to submit at once, it is tempting try $ for i in $(seq 1 5); do JOBID=`echo "echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub`; done This does work, but it puts quite a load on the server as the number of jobs gets large. In order to allow the execution of such repeated commands the batch server provides *job arrays*. You simply pass `qsub` the `-t array_request` option, listing the range or list of IDs for which you'd like to run your command. $ echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running job \$PBS_ARRAYID...'" | qsub -t 1-5 2721.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2721-1.n0 STDIN-1 sysadmin 0 R batch 2721-2.n0 STDIN-2 sysadmin 0 R batch 2721-3.n0 STDIN-3 sysadmin 0 R batch 2721-4.n0 STDIN-4 sysadmin 0 R batch 2721-5.n0 STDIN-5 sysadmin 0 R batch One possibly tricky issue is depending on a job array. If you have an analysis job that you need to run to compile the results of your whole array, try $ JOBID=$(echo "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR && sleep 30 && pwd && echo 1 > val\${PBS_ARRAYID}_out" | qsub -t 1-5) $ sleep 2 # give the job a second to load in... $ JOBNUM=$(echo $JOBID | cut -d. -f1) $ COND="depend=afterany" $ for i in $(seq 1 5); do COND="$COND:$JOBNUM-$i"; done $ echo "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR && awk 'START{s=0}{s+=\$0}END{print s}' val*_out" | \ qsub -o sum_out -W $COND 2723.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2722-1.n0 STDIN-1 sysadmin 0 R batch 2722-2.n0 STDIN-2 sysadmin 0 R batch 2722-3.n0 STDIN-3 sysadmin 0 R batch 2722-4.n0 STDIN-4 sysadmin 0 R batch 2722-5.n0 STDIN-5 sysadmin 0 R batch 2723.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 H batch $ cat sum_out 5 Note that you must create any files needed by the dependent jobs *during* the early jobs. The dependent job may start as soon as the early jobs finish, *before* the `stdin` and `stdout` files for some early jobs have been written. Sadly, depending on either the returned job ID or just its numeric portion doesn't seem to work. It is important that the jobs on which you depend are loaded into the server *before your depending job is submitted*. To ensure this, you may need to add a reasonable sleep time between submitting your job array and submitting your dependency. However, your depending job will also hang if some early jobs have *already finished* by the time you get around to submitting it. In practice, this is not much of a problem, because your jobs will likely be running for at least a few minutes, giving you a large window during which you can submit your dependent job. See the examples sections and `man qsub` for more details. Querying ======== You can get information about currently running and queued jobs with `qstat`. In the examples in the other sections, we've been using bare `qstat`s to get information about the status of jobs in the queue. You get information about a particular command with $ JOBID=`echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub` $ sleep 2 && qstat $JOBID Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2724.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch and you can get detailed information on a every command (or a particular one, see previous example) with the `-f` (full) option. $ JOBID=$(echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub) $ sleep 2 $ qstat -f Job Id: 2725.n0.physics.drexel.edu Job_Name = STDIN Job_Owner = sysadmin@n0.physics.drexel.edu job_state = R queue = batch server = n0.physics.drexel.edu Checkpoint = u ctime = Thu Jun 26 13:58:54 2008 Error_Path = n0.physics.drexel.edu:/home/sysadmin/STDIN.e2725 exec_host = n8/0 Hold_Types = n Join_Path = n Keep_Files = n Mail_Points = a mtime = Thu Jun 26 13:58:55 2008 Output_Path = n0.physics.drexel.edu:/home/sysadmin/STDIN.o2725 Priority = 0 qtime = Thu Jun 26 13:58:54 2008 Rerunable = True Resource_List.nodect = 1 Resource_List.nodes = 1 Resource_List.walltime = 01:00:00 session_id = 18020 Variable_List = PBS_O_HOME=/home/sysadmin,PBS_O_LANG=en_US.UTF-8, PBS_O_LOGNAME=sysadmin, PBS_O_PATH=/home/sysadmin/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin :/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/maui/bin:/home/sysadmi n/script:/home/sysadmin/bin:.,PBS_O_MAIL=/var/mail/sysadmin, PBS_O_SHELL=/bin/bash,PBS_SERVER=n0.physics.drexel.edu, PBS_O_HOST=n0.physics.drexel.edu, PBS_O_WORKDIR=/home/sysadmin/, PBS_O_QUEUE=batch etime = Thu Jun 26 13:58:54 2008 start_time = Thu Jun 26 13:58:55 2008 start_count = 1 The `qstat` command gives you lots of information about the current state of a job, but to get a history you should use the `tracejob` command. $ JOBID=$(echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub) $ sleep 2 && tracejob $JOBID Job: 2726.n0.physics.drexel.edu 06/26/2008 13:58:57 S enqueuing into batch, state 1 hop 1 06/26/2008 13:58:57 S Job Queued at request of sysadmin@n0.physics.drexel.edu, owner = sysadmin@n0.physics.drexel.edu, job name = STDIN, queue = batch 06/26/2008 13:58:58 S Job Modified at request of root@n0.physics.drexel.edu 06/26/2008 13:58:58 S Job Run at request of root@n0.physics.drexel.edu 06/26/2008 13:58:58 S Job Modified at request of root@n0.physics.drexel.edu You can also get the status of the queue itself by passing `-q` option to `qstat` $ qstat -q server: n0 Queue Memory CPU Time Walltime Node Run Que Lm State ---------------- ------ -------- -------- ---- --- --- -- ----- batch -- -- -- -- 2 0 -- E R ----- ----- 2 0 or the status of the server with the `-B` option. $ qstat -B Server Max Tot Que Run Hld Wat Trn Ext Status ---------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------- n0.physics.drexe 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Active You can get information on the status of the various nodes with `qnodes` (a symlink to `pbsnodes`). The output of `qnodes` is bulky and not of public interest, so we will not reproduce it here. For more details on flags you can pass to `qnodes`/`pbsnodes` see `man pbsnodes`, but I haven't had any need for fancyness yet. Altering and deleting jobs ========================== Minor glitches in submitted jobs can be fixed by altering the job with `qalter`. For example, incorrect dependencies may be causing a job to hold in the queue forever. We can remove these invalid holds with $ JOBID=$(echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub -W depend=afterok:3) $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2725.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2726.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2727.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 H batch $ qalter -h n $JOBID $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2725.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2726.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2727.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 Q batch `qalter` is a Swiss-army-knife command, since it can change many aspects of a job. The specific hold-release case above could also have been handled with the `qrls` command. There are a number of other `q*` commands which provide detailed control over jobs and queues, but I haven't had to use them yet. If you decide a job is beyond repair, you can kill it with `qdel`. For obvious reasons, you can only kill your own jobs, unless your an administrator. $ JOBID=$(echo "sleep 30 && echo 'Running a job...'" | qsub) $ qdel $JOBID $ echo "deleted $JOBID" deleted 2728.n0.physics.drexel.edu $ qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ----------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 2725.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2726.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch 2727.n0 STDIN sysadmin 0 R batch Further reading =============== I used to have a number of scripts and hacks put together to make it easy to run my [[sawsim]] Monte Carlo simulations and setup dependent jobs to process the results. This system was never particularly elegant. Over time, I gained access to a number of SMP machines, as well as my multi host cluster. In order to support more general parallelization and post-processing, I put together a general manager for embarassingly parallel jobs. There are implementations using a range of parallelizing tools, from multi-threading through PBS and MPI. See the [sawsim source][sawsim-manager] for details. [sec.qsub]: #qsub [sec.qstat]: #qstat [sec.qalter]: #qalter [sawsim-manager]: http://git.tremily.us/?p=sawsim.git;a=tree;f=pysawsim/manager;hb=HEAD