Homework 0 ========== This package provides an example of simple packaging for a C or C++ program. This will give you an idea of what I expect when you submit homework assignments. Building ======== This package contains a simple C or C++ program that can be compiled using the `GNU Compiler Collection`_. As you write more complicated code (to solve more complicated problems), you'll be linking to external libraries and doing other things that make building your software more complicated. We record the commands you need to build the software in the ``Makefile``, which is interpreted by `GNU Make`_ to build the software. Compile the programs ``hello_world`` and ``goodbye_world`` with:: $ make Run the program with:: $ ./make run Run ``make help`` to get a list of other targets defined in the ``Makefile``. reStructuredText ================ If you're wondering why I keep using backticks and underscores in this ``README``, it's because I've writing `reStructuredText`_. reStructedText is a markup syntax that is easy to read, and also easy to convert to other formats. However, you can write your ``README`` using any syntax you like, so long as it is easy to understand. License ======= This example package is released under the GNU GPLv3+. See ``COPYING`` for details. It's a good idea to distribute your code under an explicit license so your users will know how they are allowed to use it. Contact ======= W. Trevor King wking@drexel.edu .. _GNU Compiler Collection: http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/ .. _GNU Make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/ .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html