2014-02-13 W. Trevor Use autobuilds for ARCH_URL instead of curren...
2014-02-13 W. Trevor Add BUILD_OPTS for custom build options
2014-02-12 W. Trevor Kingdocker-registry: Add a Gentoo-based docker-registry
2014-02-10 W. Trevor Bump DATE to 20140206
2014-02-07 W. Trevor Remove 'is mounted from the host' typo
2014-02-07 W. Trevor Kinggentoo-portage/Dockerfile.template: chown portage:porta...
2014-02-01 W. Trevor Only extract busybox before building the...
2014-01-29 W. Trevor Add [--help] {build|missing} support
2014-01-29 W. Trevor Pull repo_exists out into a helper function
2014-01-29 W. Trevor Use functions to make the logical flow more...
2014-01-28 W. Trevor Use DOCKER to allow local command overrides
2014-01-28 W. Trevor Use generic for MIRROR
2014-01-10 W. Trevor Kingnginx-proxy/vhost-template.conf: Set X-Forwarded-Host
2014-01-10 W. Trevor Kingnginx-proxy/vhost-template.conf: Use $proxy_add_x_forwa...
2014-01-04 W. Trevor Kingpostgresql/Dockerfile.template: Log to syslog
2014-01-04 W. Trevor Kingnginx-proxy: Add an Nginx proxy image
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingnginx/Dockerfile.template: Change default hostname...
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingpostgresql: Declare /var/lib/postgresql a VOLUME
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingportage/ You can mount volumes from stopped...
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingredis/Dockerfile.template: Direct logs to syslog
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Bump DATE to 20131226 to match the new weekly...
2014-01-02 W. Trevor KingUse envsubst instead of sed to parse Dockerfile.template
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingmemcached: Add a Memcached image
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingkibana: Add a Kibana image
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingnginx: Add an Nginx image
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingstunnel: Add a stunnel-wrapper image
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingpostgresql/ Mention volume-mounts and setup
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingredis/Dockerfile.template: Bind to all interfaces
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Allow readlink for path-canonicalization
2014-01-02 W. Trevor Kingportage: Add a Portage-volume-exporting image
2013-12-29 W. Trevor Bump DATE to 20131212 to match the new weekly...
2013-12-29 W. Trevor Kingelasticsearch: Add Elasticsearch container instructions
2013-12-29 W. Trevor Kinggentoo-java/Dockerfile.template: Add Gentoo+Java contai...
2013-12-29 W. Trevor Kingpostgresql: Add PostgreSQL container instructions ...
2013-12-29 W. Trevor Kingredis: Add Redis container instructions (Dockerfile...
2013-12-12 W. Trevor KingRun
2013-12-12 W. Trevor KingAdd '# Copyright' tags for update-copyright
2013-12-12 W. Trevor King.update-copyright.conf: add copyright configuration.
2013-12-12 W. Trevor Kinggentoo-portage/Dockerfile.template: Set rc_sys="lxc"
2013-12-11 W. Trevor Remove `function` from `die()` definition
2013-12-11 W. Trevor KingCOPYING: Add the 2-clause BSD license
2013-12-11 W. Trevor KingInitial dockerfile commit