2011-05-26 Zac MedicoTask: precalculate _hash_value
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoTask: remove unnecessary _get_hash_key() method
2011-05-26 Marat RadchenkoPackage: precalculate _hash_key
2011-05-26 Arfrever Frehtes... Fix typos in comments.
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_find_libs_to_preserve: always return set
2011-05-26 Zac Medicopreserve-libs: check for broken linkmap more
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_pkg_visibility_check: if in graph then visible
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_LockProcess.unlock: assert successful returncode
2011-05-26 Zac Medicoetc-update: clear term when appropriate
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoFix a typo in a comment.
2011-05-26 Zac Medicodigraph: implement __bool__
2011-05-26 Zac Medicodepgraph._resolve: use temp set for autounmask
2011-05-26 Zac Medicodisplay_autounmask: optimize check_if_latest
2011-05-26 Zac Medicotest_asynchronous_lock: simulate SIGINT from tty
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoAsynchronousTask: tweak poll() logic
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoAsynchronousLock: implement _poll() and test
2011-05-26 Zac Medicotest_asynchronous_lock: test returncode more
2011-05-26 Zac Medicotest_asynchronous_lock: test wait and cancel
2011-05-26 Zac Medicotest_asynchronous_lock: test waiting
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoBinpkgFetcher: handle AsynchronousLock failure
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoEbuildBuildDir: handle AsynchronousLock failure
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_LockProcess: handle process failure more
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_LockProcess: handle process failure if cancelled
2011-05-26 Zac Medicopreserve-libs: lock vardb for removeFromContents
2011-05-26 Zac Medicomake.conf.txt: remove because unused/unmaintained
2011-05-26 Arfrever Frehtes... Fix some typos.
2011-05-26 Zac MedicoUse vardbapi.lock() where applicable.
2011-05-26 Zac Medicomovefile: handle EEXIST when os.symlink fails
2011-05-26 Zac Medico_LibGraphNode: re-use the _key attribute
2011-05-26 Arfrever Frehtes... Fix a typo in a comment.
2011-05-26 Zac Medicofind_unused_preserved_libs: fix unmerge handling
2011-05-26 Zac Medicoprune_plib_registry: display preserved libs
2011-05-26 Zac Medicotreewalk: fix plib_collisions with same cpv
2011-05-26 Sebastian Luther--autounmask: Use >= atoms if possible
2011-05-26 Zac Medicopreserve-libs: preserve during uninstall
2011-05-12 Zac Medicocache.sqlite: handle readonly more v2.1.9.49
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoporttree: use pure volatile cache if necessary
2011-05-12 Zac Medicocache.volatile: discard "perms" param
2011-05-12 Zac Medicocache.sqlite: handle readonly
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoexpand_new_virt: return early for non-virtual cat
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoexpand_new_virt: skip match for non-virtual cat
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodblink: fix broken counter references
2011-05-12 Zac Medicotreewalk: fix inverted counter init logic
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoportdbapi: tweak cache permission handling
2011-05-12 Zac MedicoEbuildPhase: extract binpkg env for pkg_pretend
2011-05-12 Zac Medicounmerge: use frozenset for syslist
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodep_check_composite_db: return early from cp_list
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodepgraph: don't clear vardbapi cache in _load_vdb
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoget_counter_tick_core: use cpv_all
2011-05-12 David JamesCache counter values, avoiding I/O when it doesn't...
2011-05-12 Zac Medicovardbapi: acquire lock during counter_tick_core
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodep_check_composite_db: remove unused _dep_expand
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodep_check_composite_db: implement cp_list
2011-05-12 Zac Medicoconfig: call _populate_treeVirtuals directly
2011-05-12 Zac Medicocpv_expand: avoid old-style virtuals more
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodep_check: avoid old-style virtuals code
2011-05-12 Zac Medicodisplay_news_notification: don't populate virts
2011-05-12 Zac Medicocpv_expand: populate old-style virts on demand
2011-05-12 Zac Medicounmerge: skip getvirtuals() if cat is not virtual
2011-05-12 Zac Medicounmerge: use expand_new_virt for sys pkg warnings
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoUpdate timestamps in headers of modified files. v2.1.9.48
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoPreservedLibsRegistry: normalize counter as str
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoAdd back cpv_exists check from previous commit.
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoRemove obsolete others_in_slot plibs code.
2011-05-08 Zac Medicotreewalk: always initialize "needed"
2011-05-08 Zac Medicomerge_wait_queue: use deque.clear()
2011-05-08 Zac Medicoresume_depgraph: don't call break_refs in loop
2011-05-08 Zac Medicolinkmap: use exclude_pkgs for the registry too
2011-05-08 David JamesUse new vardbapi lock function in FakeVartree.
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoBe careful with system pkgs + parallel-install.
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoAdd vardbapi reentrant lock/unlock methods.
2011-05-08 Zac Medicodoebuild: use EbuildBuildDir for locking
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoPreserveLibsRegistry: add lock/unlock assertions
2011-05-08 Zac MedicoRemove redundant pruneNonExisting() call.
2011-05-08 Zac Medicopreserve-libs: fix linkmap logic for new plibs
2011-05-08 David JamesCleanup preserved lib locking in portage.
2011-05-05 Zac Medicodepgraph: simplify break_refs v2.1.9.47
2011-05-05 Zac Medicoemerge: fix misspell suggestion with category
2011-05-05 Zac Medicorepoman: make virtual.oldstyle a warning for now
2011-05-04 Zac MedicoUpdate timestamps in headers of modified files.
2011-05-04 Zac Medicodoins: add reference to bug #239529
2011-05-04 Mike GilbertFix Manifest.updateAllHashes()
2011-05-04 Zac Medicocpv_expand: avoid old-style virtual code
2011-05-04 Arfrever Frehtes... Avoid evaluation of values of variables in set_unless_c...
2011-05-04 Zac Medicoemerge: skip misspell suggestion if cp exists
2011-05-04 Zac Medicodepgraph: autounmask account for optional deps
2011-05-04 Zac Medicoebuild.sh: make INHERITED independent of phase
2011-05-04 Zac Medicodepgraph: account for new-style virtual/libc
2011-05-04 Zac Medicorepoman: remove most old-style virtual checks
2011-05-04 Ulrich Muellerrepoman: Check for PROVIDE.
2011-05-04 Arfrever Frehtes... Support multiple arguments in set_unless_changed()...
2011-05-04 Zac Medicoruntests.sh: propagate arguments to runTests
2011-05-04 Arfrever Frehtes... Bug #365439: Add set_unless_changed() and unset_unless_...
2011-05-04 Zac Medicodepgraph: migrate implicit libc deps from Sched
2011-05-04 Arfrever Frehtes... install_qa_check(): Simplify code and make 'l' a local...
2011-05-04 David JamesCheck for references to ${ROOT} in install_qa_checks.
2011-05-04 Zac Medicoemergelog: only set permission on creation
2011-05-04 Zac Medicoaction_info: eliminate duplicate info_pkgs match
2011-05-04 Zac Medico_postinst_bsdflags: apply to $ROOT, not $D
2011-05-04 David JamesMove preinst/postinst_bsdflags from bash to py