2011-06-30 Mark AndersonFix folder: coherence issue
2011-06-30 Carl Worthtest: Use increment_mtime rather than sleep
2011-06-30 Mark Andersontest:Folder tags shouldn't match after removal of file...
2011-06-30 Mark Andersonsearch --output=files: Output all filenames for each...
2011-06-28 David Bremnerlibnotmuch: build symbols list without relying on gcc...
2011-06-24 Dmitry Kurochkintest: remove useless test_emacs call from an emacs...
2011-06-24 Dmitry KurochkinFix wrong-type-argument lisp error in `notmuch-fcc...
2011-06-24 Carl Worthtest: Test emacs message composing with various values...
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: fix installation of notmuch-vim README
2011-06-23 David Bremnerstart new changelog stanza
2011-06-23 David BremnerRevert "debian: Override RPATH_LDFLAGS"
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Set conflicts from package split to point to...
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: fix typo in short description of notmuch-vim
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: update changelog for upload 0.6~254, bump stand... debian/0.6_254
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: remove Xapian exceptions symbols from libnotmuc...
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: split off vim interface to its own package
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: split off emacs interface into its own package.
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Build depend on emacs-nox instead of emacs.
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: build package for python-bindings.
2011-06-23 David Bremnertests: add a test for symbol hiding side effects
2011-06-23 David Bremnerlibnotmuch: add linker script to declare only notmuch_...
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: add changlog stanza for new snapshot 0.6~237
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Changelog stanza for new git snapshot 0.6~215
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: update symbols file for libnotmuch1
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Changelog stanza for new snapshot 0.6~180
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: update symbols file for libnotmuch1
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Override RPATH_LDFLAGS
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Add changelog stanza for new snapshot 0.6~171
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Add myself (David Bremner) as an uploader
2011-06-23 David Bremnerdebian: Incorporate changelog entries from post 0.5...
2011-06-23 Jameson Graef... emacs: Show all multipart/alternative parts by default.
2011-06-22 Carl Worthsmtp-dummy: Prefer return rather than exit() in main.
2011-06-22 Dmitry KurochkinFix compilation warnings in test/smtp-dummy.c.
2011-06-22 David Bremnerdebian: Generate version from debian/changelog
2011-06-22 David Bremnertests: Add optional use of timeout utility, if present.
2011-06-20 David BremnerDo not import notmuch in
2011-06-16 Sebastian SpaethSimplify (& fix) Message().__str__()
2011-06-16 Sebastian Spaethpython: Bulletproof Database() path parameter
2011-06-16 Sebastian Spaethpython: Improve API documentation
2011-06-16 Sebastian SpaethImplement Message.tags_to_maildir_flags
2011-06-15 Sebastian Spaethpython: Improve documentation
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinFix indentation in guess_from_received_header().
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinFix memory leak in guess_from_received_header().
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinFix double free in guess_from_received_header().
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinSimplify message and headers visibility code in notmuch...
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinSet higher priority for headers and hidden citation...
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinFix hiding a message while some citations are shown...
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinSet message invisibility spec properties before inserti...
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinPass message to the `notmuch-show-insert-text/plain...
2011-06-15 Dmitry KurochkinWorkaround for Emacs bug #8721.
2011-06-15 Dmitry Kurochkintest emacs: Add tests for hiding messages in notmuch...
2011-06-15 Sebastian Spaethpython: Implement Message.__cmp__ and __hash__
2011-06-15 Sebastian Spaethpython: Remove Messages().__len__
2011-06-11 Carl Worthtest: Fix from-guessing to actually span Received heade...
2011-06-11 Stewart SmithFix appending of Received headers
2011-06-11 Carl Worthtest: Extend from-guessing test with a test with multip...
2011-06-10 Carl Worthtest: Add test that emacs detects and hides top-post...
2011-06-10 David Bremnernotmuch.el: hide original message in top posted replies.
2011-06-04 Daniel Kahn... Use stock GMimeSession by default
2011-06-03 Jameson Graef... show: Avoid inadvertently closing stdout
2011-06-03 Jameson Graef... test: modify multipart test to use test_expect_equal_file
2011-06-03 Jameson Graef... test: update emacs test to use test_expect_equal_file
2011-06-03 Dmitry KurochkinMake `notmuch-show-clean-address' parsing-error-proof.
2011-06-03 Dmitry Kurochkintest: add "notmuch-show for message with invalid From...
2011-06-03 Thomas Jostemacs: Cleaner interface when prompting for sender...
2011-06-03 Thomas Jostemacs: Don't always prompt for the "From" address when...
2011-06-03 Jameson Graef... emacs: fix notmuch-show-part-button to not include...
2011-06-03 Austin ClementsFix misspelling in search output sanitization test.
2011-06-03 Daniel Kahn... avoid segfault when calling sanitize_string() on NULL
2011-06-03 Anton Khirnovlib/message-file: plug three memleaks.
2011-06-03 Dmitry KurochkinUse message-field-value instead of message-fetch-field...
2011-06-02 Sebastian Spaethbindings/python: Bump bindings version to 0.6
2011-06-02 Sebastian Spaethbindings/python: Implement Tags().__nonzero__()
2011-06-02 Sebastian Spaethbindings/python: implement Threads().__nonzero__
2011-06-02 Sebastian Spaethbindings/python: Include the new get_filenames in the...
2011-06-02 Sebastian Spaethbindings/python: Implement Message().get_filenames()
2011-06-02 Pieter Praetemacs: Use "message-cited-text" instead of "message...
2011-06-02 Jameson Graef... test: cleanup search-output test names (no functional...
2011-06-02 Florian Friesdorftest: add test for sanitized notmuch-search output
2011-06-02 Andreas AmannSanitize "Subject:" and "Author:" fields to not contain...
2011-06-02 Thomas Jostemacs: Define several faces for the crypto-status button
2011-06-02 Florian Friesdorftest: Create and set temporary home directory
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... test: remove json test for search null result, since...
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... test: move utf-8 subject search test from json to searc...
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... test: Move a test from search to search-output, and...
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... Fix missing final newline in notmuch search output
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... test: modify search-output test to use the new test_exp...
2011-06-01 Jameson Graef... add note about updating the debian symbols file to...
2011-06-01 Carl Worthconfigure: Fix detection of libdir in ldconfig configur...
2011-06-01 Felipe Contrerasvim: add delete commands
2011-06-01 Felipe Contrerasvim: add support for delete in search view
2011-06-01 Felipe Contrerasvim: add support to mark as read in search view
2011-06-01 Felipe Contrerasvim: add support to mark as read in show view
2011-05-31 Carl WorthRename signerstatustostring to signer_status_to_string
2011-05-31 Carl WorthReduce some excessive indentation.
2011-05-31 Carl Worthshow: Remove some dead code from show_text_part_content
2011-05-31 Carl Worthnotmuch show: Don't do text conversions for non-text...
2011-05-31 Carl Worthtest: Add test showing notmuch corrupts a part with...
2011-05-31 Carl Worthtest: Fix a misspelling in one of our test cases.
2011-05-31 Dmitry Kurochkintest: add test for saving attachments using notmuch...