2009-11-10 idl0rTypo.
2009-10-26 idl0rimlate: Some cleanup. Disable metadata warnings. gentoolkit-dev-
2009-10-22 idl0rUpdate version number as well...
2009-10-22 idl0rUpdate imlate man-page.
2009-10-11 idl0rFix bug 288589, thanks to Kent Fredric <kentfredric...
2009-09-28 idl0rIgnore comments when parsing arch.list, thanks to Fabia...
2009-09-28 idl0rMake eshowkw a bit more POSIX compliant when using...
2009-09-12 idl0rUpdate TODO.
2009-09-12 idl0rMake --strict default, add --no-strict option.
2009-09-12 idl0rCleanup.
2009-09-12 idl0rCleanup VCS detection.
2009-09-12 idl0rFix bug 284657, thanks to Andrew Gaffney <agaffney...
2009-09-09 idl0rRemove EXPERIMENTAL option, make it default.
2009-09-09 idl0rBump imlate to 0.0.4, see ChangeLog for more details.
2009-09-08 idl0rUpdate TODO.
2009-09-06 idl0rFix regex, thanks to Magnus Granberg (zorry) <zorry...
2009-08-30 idl0rFix bug 283197, thanks to Sebastian Pipping (sping...
2009-08-30 idl0rFix bug 283197, thanks to Sebastian Pipping (sping...
2009-07-20 idl0rSee ChangeLog. :)
2009-07-19 idl0rAdd a clean target to remove generated manpages.
2009-07-19 idl0rUse svn cp instead of cp if vcs == svn, thanks to Justi...
2009-06-03 idl0rUpdated Changelog. Cleanup README, TODO. gentoolkit-dev-
2009-06-03 idl0rAdd support for bzr. Cleanup. Removed git related if...
2009-05-26 idl0rFixed bug 271322, thanks to Justin Lecher (jlec) <jlec...
2009-05-15 idl0rFix keywording if the KEYWORDS line starts with whitesp...
2009-05-12 idl0rFix regex, bug 269557, thanks to Samuli Suominen <ssuom...
2009-05-09 idl0rIgnore .git dir when running echangelog in the reposito...
2009-05-09 idl0rUpdate category/package when creating the initial Chang...
2009-05-07 idl0rAdd hg/mercurial support.
2009-05-07 idl0rRe-add files (git) if the copyright has been updated...
2009-05-06 idl0rTypo fixed.
2009-05-06 idl0rDon't remove test dir.
2009-05-06 idl0rChangeLog updated.
2009-05-06 fuzzyrayAdd man page to dist target
2009-05-06 fuzzyrayFix typo in Makefile
2009-05-06 fuzzyrayAdd man page for imlate
2009-05-06 idl0rImproved die message, bug 257853 thanks to Jeremy Olexa.
2009-05-06 fuzzyrayAdd imlate to main Makefile and change dist and install...
2009-05-06 idl0rAdded support for svn/git, bug 256398.
2009-05-06 idl0rAdd imlate.
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRemove gensync from Makefile
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayMove makedefs.mak to gentoolkit-dev
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayMove to gentoolkit-dev, since gentoolkit...
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayMove files to gentoolkit-dev
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRemove unneeded 99gentoolkit-dev
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRearrange trunk to support gentoolkit version 0.3....
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRearrange trunk to support gentoolkit version 0.3....
2009-05-05 idl0rAdd some useful informations when using $EDITOR.
2009-05-05 idl0rAdded test targets for echangelog.
2009-05-05 idl0rWarn if $vcs has not been found. Minor cleanup.
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRemove genpkgindex and gensync from distribution
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayRemove echangelog.pod, we will maintain the man page...
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayAdd test subdirectory to echanglog
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayAdd patch from kojiro to clean binary package metadata...
2009-05-05 fuzzyrayAdd patch from kojiro to support keyword removal and all
2009-05-04 idl0rFixed bug 256013 and bug 256103, thanks to William...
2009-05-04 idl0rFixed keyword sorting.
2009-05-04 idl0rRespect profiles/arch.list.
2009-05-02 idl0rWhitespace.
2009-05-02 idl0rFixed text_fill, \h is just available in perl >= 5...
2009-05-01 idl0rDon't eat newline, bug 264146.
2009-05-01 idl0rRemoved duplicate sort call.
2009-05-01 idl0rDefine a action if no files have been changed, thanks...
2009-05-01 idl0rFixed stty call.
2009-05-01 idl0rRespect $PATH while looking for git, thanks to grobian.
2009-05-01 fuzzyrayAdd GLEP 53 keywords sorting patch from prefix
2009-05-01 fuzzyrayFix typo in Makefile
2009-05-01 fuzzyrayAdd ekeyword rewritten in python to repo
2009-05-01 fuzzyrayAdd patch from kojiro to improve bash syntax
2009-04-30 idl0rAdded support for project-wide variables as suggested...
2009-04-30 idl0rFixed git detection.
2009-04-30 fuzzyrayAdd patch from loki_val to check -l dependencies in...
2009-04-29 idl0rFixed indent, migrated to tabs and fixed vim modeline...
2009-04-29 idl0rFixed svn mv/cp detection.
2009-04-28 fuzzyrayUpdate echangelog with updates from idl0r
2009-04-28 fuzzyrayAdd initial test suite from idl0r
2009-04-25 fuzzyrayFix bug with multiline KEYWORDS processing
2009-04-24 fuzzyrayFix ekeyword to handle multiline KEYWORDS
2009-02-21 zmedicoInside summarylist(), it's possible for myglsa.packages...
2009-02-18 fuzzyrayFix typo in normalize_emerge_opts(). Bug #259526
2009-02-16 fuzzyrayFix 'Use of uninitialized value' error when processing...
2009-02-15 vapierdocument new options
2009-02-15 vapieradd real --help/--version handling
2009-02-15 vapieralways update the first line that includes the category...
2009-02-15 vapierfix copyright to start at 1999 as that is what all...
2009-02-15 vapierset svn:executable
2009-01-20 vapiertighten up output
2009-01-20 vapierset svn:executable
2009-01-09 fuzzyrayFix for to account for PORTDIR being a...
2009-01-09 fuzzyrayFix to account for PORTDIR being a symbolic...
2009-01-07 zmedicoInside find_all_packages(), move the unique_array(...
2009-01-07 vapierconvert whitespace to tabs
2009-01-07 vapierTighten up diff output to show KEYWORDS changes
2009-01-07 vapierError out on invalid arguments #156827
2009-01-07 vapierConvert every instance of KEYWORDS in the file
2009-01-07 vapierSupport intended KEYWORDS
2009-01-06 vapierset svn:executable
2008-12-14 zmedicoWhen calling sys.exit() inside die(), don't make the...
2008-12-13 betelgeuseAdd man page documentation for the runtime state files...
2008-12-05 zmedicoBug #239000 - Improve the message about 'remaining...