2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd seed count and error for missing data
2013-06-22 Brian Dolbecfilter results for 'active' devs only
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecInitial commit of an ldap search and seed file creation...
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd a configured separator for the in file seed info.
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd keyring parameter to GkeysGPG class
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd nick field to GKEY class
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd a --nick option.
2013-06-22 Brian DolbecAdd an automatice relative testpath file for runing...
2012-12-23 Brian Dolbecremove the shebang from all lib files, since they won...
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbecfix missed copy/paste edit.
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbecadd moveseed functionality.
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbeccode list, add remove seeds. Very basic output printing...
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbecdebug
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbechyphenate the config file variables, make config handli...
2012-12-10 Brian Dolbecchmod +x gkeys
2012-12-09 Brian Dolbecadd
2012-12-09 Brian DolbecAdd seed files to gkeys.conf
2012-12-09 Brian DolbecNew file, class Seeds for all seed file handli...
2012-12-09 Brian Dolbecrename to gkeys namespace, '-' in names is not allowed.
2012-12-03 Brian Dolbecdoh!, forgot to rename the file before the first commit.
2012-12-03 Brian DolbecAdd a copy of layman's minus some layman speci...
2012-12-03 Brian DolbecInitial stubbing out of a gentoo-keys gkey manager...