2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattabmove notes client code into lib
2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattabtweaks to slidenotes
2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattabadjust whitespace of notes code to match rest of project
2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattabinclude underscore as a dependency for npm
2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattab/lib restructuring
2012-07-01 Hakim El Hattabrestructured /lib, moved /assets/fonts to /lib/fonts
2012-07-01 Hakim El HattabMerge branch 'presenter_notes_server' of https://github...
2012-06-24 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #72 from rhudea/fix-fragmenthidden
2012-06-20 Raul HudeaSend the correct element for fragmenthidden events
2012-06-18 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #65 from bleathem/patch-2
2012-06-18 Hakim El Hattabenable controls by default
2012-06-18 Rebecca Murpheyconnect to whatever server we're on
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheyfix socket id
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheyfix path to
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheyhave notes page only listen to one socket
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheyadd mustache dependency
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheybroadcast socket id as part of slidedata
2012-06-17 Rebecca Murpheyuse current host/port
2012-06-14 Brian LeathemSpecify position for .reveal.linear sections. fixes #64
2012-06-14 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #63 from bleathem/patch-1
2012-06-14 Brian LeathemChanged #reveal to .reveal in print.css
2012-06-13 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #58 from danielmitd/controls
2012-06-13 Hakim El Hattabadd default table styles (closes #62)
2012-06-13 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #61 from rmurphey/navigatePrev_navig...
2012-06-11 Rebecca Murpheyupdate readme
2012-06-11 Rebecca Murpheyexpose navigatePrev, navigateNext
2012-06-10 danielmitdadapt coding style
2012-06-10 danielmitduse config
2012-06-10 danielmitdcontrols are not necessary
2012-06-08 Rebecca Murpheyremoving errant author info
2012-06-08 Rebecca Murpheytaking a stab at a presenter notes server
2012-06-07 Hakim El Hattabsyntax highlighting in readme examples
2012-06-07 Hakim El Hattabinclude references to previous/current sldie DOM elemen...
2012-06-07 Hakim El Hattabprevent duplicate slidechange from firing after hash...
2012-06-07 Hakim El Hattabadded example
2012-06-05 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #53 from isellsoap/master
2012-06-05 Francesco Schwarzsimplified handling of nested lists
2012-06-03 Hakim El Hattabchange add .reveal class in index (closes #51)
2012-06-03 Hakim El Hattabadded new example (closes #50)
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabreadme update
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabapi methods for adding/removing all event listeners...
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabchanged selection of main container from #reveal to...
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabcredit in readme
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabversion 1.3 is stable, upgrade to 1.4
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabcomments, tweaks and a new slide highlighting mobile... 1.3.0 v1.3
2012-06-02 Hakim El Hattabsupport for swipe and pinch gestures #48
2012-06-01 Aaron Kierskyminified!
2012-06-01 Aaron Kierskyadded some public access methods
2012-06-01 Hakim El Hattabdispatch events when visible fragment changes ('fragmen...
2012-06-01 Hakim El Hattabsupport more variations of nested lists (closes #47)
2012-06-01 Hakim El Hattabadded new examples, linked all contributor names to...
2012-05-30 akierskyupdated min.js to match
2012-05-30 akierskyfixed bug in swipe gesture interacting with links.
2012-05-30 akierskyadded left, right, up, down gestures to change slides...
2012-05-29 Hakim El Hattabspace and return keys can be used to exit the overview...
2012-05-29 Hakim El Hattabadjust where page background is applied
2012-05-25 Hakim El Hattabadded example
2012-05-15 Hakim El Hattabadjust end key nav to last slide
2012-05-15 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #41 from frockenstein/master
2012-05-14 Jason Finneyfrockuse home and end key
2012-05-10 Hakim El HattabMerge branch 'master' of
2012-05-10 Hakim El Hattabmore explicit list styles (closes #38)
2012-05-09 Hakim El Hattabadded example
2012-05-08 Hakim El Hattabfix controls z-index in ff
2012-05-07 Hakim El Hattabhide address bar in mobile browsers, add apple web...
2012-05-05 Hakim El Hattabshow all fragments during print
2012-05-05 Hakim El Hattabprint styles (closes #19)
2012-05-04 Hakim El Hattab'slidechanged' event, added Reveal.addEventListener...
2012-05-03 hakimelie9 fixes, including new classList polyfill
2012-05-01 Hakim El Hattabminor style or wording tweaks
2012-04-30 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #36 from commadelimited/master
2012-04-30 andy matthewsAdding example for custom event binding.
2012-04-28 Hakim El Hattabnew example
2012-04-28 Hakim El Hattabadded support for looped presentations
2012-04-28 Hakim El Hattabmerge keyboard shortcut changes
2012-04-27 Michael Mahemoffignore metaKey modifier too
2012-04-27 Mahemoffp for previous, n for next
2012-04-27 MahemoffAdd new key mappings for navigation.
2012-04-26 Hakim El Hattab(c) year
2012-04-26 Hakim El Hattabsignificantly smaller js file header, added minified js
2012-04-25 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #32 from philipbjorge/master
2012-04-25 Hakim El Hattabadded new example
2012-04-25 Philip BjorgeOverview now shows hidden fragments.
2012-04-23 Hakim El Hattabnew example
2012-04-14 Hakim El Hattabadded new example
2012-04-04 Hakim El Hattabmore detailed usage instructions including docs on...
2012-04-04 Hakim El Hattabupgrade to v 1.3
2012-04-04 Hakim El Hattabbetter example of state usage 1.2.0 v1.2
2012-04-02 Hakim El Hattabnew example
2012-03-31 Hakim El Hattabchange back state event scope, document level makes...
2012-03-31 Hakim El Hattabadjustments to custom state events
2012-03-30 Andy MatthewsFiring custom event based on data-state name. This...
2012-03-30 Hakim El Hattabnow capturing data-state on slides and lifting it to...
2012-03-28 Hakim El Hattabmerge prev/next navigation pull request with modifications
2012-03-27 Catalin BuzoiuImplemented correct Previous and Next navigation for...
2012-03-24 Hakim El HattabclassList polyfill included for ie9
2012-03-24 Hakim El Hattabdelay hash changes to avoid transition lag in chrome...
2012-03-24 Hakim El Hattabdon't overwrite existing classes on slides (closes...
2012-03-20 Hakim El HattabMerge pull request #21 from archive/master
2012-03-19 Andersadded support for wireless presenter