2013-10-23 W. Trevor Kingversion-control: Add a submodule with my subject-level...
2013-10-23 W. Trevor Kinginstructor.md: Move README.md to instructor.md
2013-10-23 Jon PipitoneConversion of all rst to corresponding markdown files
2013-10-23 W. Trevor King.mailmap: standardize identifiers for Joshua, Katy...
2013-10-23 arokemIgnore weird mac DS_Store files.
2013-10-23 MattUpdate LICENSE.md
2013-10-23 Joshua Ryan... Added CC license.
2013-10-23 W. Trevor KingREADME.md: Line wrapping and reference-style links
2013-10-23 Matt DavisAdding contributing guidelines.
2013-10-23 Matt DavisAdding some useful developer info and links to the...
2013-10-23 W. Trevor King.mailmap: Standardize identifiers for Lynne and Matt
2012-12-29 Matt DavisAdding .gitignore.
2012-11-23 MattInitial commit