2010-04-24 Dirk Hohndelremoved unused variables
2010-04-24 David Edmondsonemacs: Add notmuch-address.el for address completion...
2010-04-24 Carl Worthemacs: Rename notmuch-show-toggle-all to notmuch-show...
2010-04-24 David Edmondsonemacs/notmuch-show.el: Add `notmuch-show-toggle-all...
2010-04-24 Dirk Hohndelfix expected test result to include Bcc lines
2010-04-24 Dirk Hohndeladd From guessing tests to test suite
2010-04-23 Carl Worthemacs: Use single-quote not double-quote when construct...
2010-04-23 David Edmondsonemacs: Re-arrange message sending code
2010-04-23 Michal Sojkatest: Set fixed time zone
2010-04-23 David Edmondsonemacs: Push the cursor to point-max on `n' or `N' at...
2010-04-23 David Edmondsonemacs: Re-arrange message sending code
2010-04-23 Carl Worthemacs: Fix some compilation warnings.
2010-04-23 David Edmondsonemacs: Add notmuch-hello.el, a friendly frontend to...
2010-04-23 David Edmondsonemacs: Remove `notmuch-search-authors-width' and fix...
2010-04-23 Jesse RosenthalReintroduce patch to quote args in notmuch-show to...
2010-04-23 Carl Worthnotmuch setup: Prompt for tags to set on new messages.
2010-04-23 Carl Worthconfig: Rename messages.new_tags to just new.tags
2010-04-23 Carl WorthClarify the documentation for the new_tags configuratio...
2010-04-23 Carl Worthnotmuch setup: Fix new configuration-file groups to...
2010-04-23 Carl WorthSprinkle some const-correctness around new_tags.
2010-04-23 Ben Gamarinotmuch-config: make new message tags configurable
2010-04-23 Sebastian Spaethpython: Add UNSORTED as Query.SORT option
2010-04-23 Sebastian Spaethpython: Delete unused files
2010-04-23 Carl Worthtest: Put the json tests into their own section.
2010-04-23 Carl Worthnotmuch search: Fix timezone of timestamp in --format...
2010-04-23 Gregor HoffleitFirst tests for JSON output and UTF-8 in mail body...
2010-04-23 Carl Worthtest: Make existing "notmuch show" test more resilient
2010-04-22 David Edmondsonjson: Replace `date_unix' with `timestamp' in show...
2010-04-22 Carl Worthemacs: Add customize treatment and rename refresh-scrip...
2010-04-22 Carl Worthemacs: Use consistent naming for the two new poll funct...
2010-04-22 Dirk HohndelAdd 'G' keybinding to folder and search view that trigg...
2010-04-22 Carl WorthRevert "thread: Simplify code for assigning the subject."
2010-04-22 Carl WorthRevert "thread: Fix sort of search when constructing...
2010-04-22 Carl WorthRevert "thread: Removed unsed sort argument from _threa...
2010-04-22 Carl Worthtest: Add a test to demonstrate message-sorting regression.
2010-04-22 Carl Worthtest: When a test fails, show diff only (save complete...
2010-04-22 Carl Worthtest: Improve grammar in test-message subjects.
2010-04-22 Jameson RollinsFix help message for "show"
2010-04-22 Carl WorthMerge Sebastian Spaeth's python bindings into bindings...
2010-04-22 Carl WorthMove everything down into a bindings/python directory.
2010-04-22 Carl Worththread: Removed unsed sort argument from _thread_add_ma...
2010-04-22 Carl Worthemacs: Move definition of notmuch-folders to earlier...
2010-04-21 Servilio Afre... emacs: Try to name search buffers using info in notmuch...
2010-04-21 Sebastian Spaethnotmuch-tag: don't sort messages before applying tag...
2010-04-21 Sebastian allow to return query results unsorted
2010-04-21 Carl Worthnotmuch: Abort if specified configuration file is not...
2010-04-21 Carl Worththread: Fix sort of search when constructing threads.
2010-04-21 Carl Worthtest: Add tests for naming threads with changing subjects.
2010-04-21 Carl Worththread: Simplify code for assigning the subject.
2010-04-21 Jesse RosenthalName thread based on matching msgs instead of first...
2010-04-21 Carl Worthconfigure: Print version of Xapian found during configu...
2010-04-21 Carl Worthconfigure: Generalize the GMime configure checks.
2010-04-21 Adrien Bustanyconfigure: Add support for GMime 2.6
2010-04-21 Carl Worthemacs: Fix notmuch-search-authors-width declaration.
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: Support for customizing search result display
2010-04-21 Carl Worthemacs/notmuch-show.el: Part headers are real buttons...
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: Display all body parts using `notmuch part ...
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: Use mailcap.el to guess the type of application...
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: Use `mm-display-part' when possible
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs/notmuch-show.el: Improved part labelling
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: Move body markup to a separate file
2010-04-21 Carl Worthemacs: Rename body-invis-spec to message-invis-spec
2010-04-21 Carl Worthemacs: Remove the notmuch-show-toggle-body command...
2010-04-21 David Edmondsonemacs: JSON based implementation
2010-04-20 Anthonyjson_quote_chararray: Always return a newly talloced...
2010-04-20 David Edmondsonjson: Avoid calling strlen(NULL)
2010-04-19 Sebastian Spaethpython: Adapt README somewhat
2010-04-19 Sebastian Spaethpython: Rename notmuch binary to
2010-04-19 Sebastian SpaethRemove all traces of cnotmuch
2010-04-19 Sebastian Spaethpython: adapt docs to the notmuch module renaming
2010-04-19 Sebastian Spaethrename module to just 'notmuch'
2010-04-19 Sebastian Spaethcnotmuch -> notmuch
2010-04-19 David Edmondsonemacs/notmuch.el: Enable `hl-line-mode' in `notmuch...
2010-04-19 David Edmondsonemacs/notmuch-show.el: Avoid passing unintended format...
2010-04-19 Carl Worthdebian: Make git ignore several intermediate files.
2010-04-16 Carl Worthmake release: Add Debian package building and upload 0.2
2010-04-16 Carl WorthIncrement version to 0.2.
2010-04-16 Carl Worthmake release: Add a check that version and debian/chang...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Avoid complaining about .first-build-message...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthFix final link of notmuch binary to use C compiler...
2010-04-16 Carl Worthdebian: Remove watch file.
2010-04-16 Carl Worthdebian: Switch to "3.0 (native)" source format.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Fix conditionals to avoid calling git when...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Add a top-level "make snapshot" target.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Rework the version checks slightly.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthRELEASING: Add a step to upgrade the version in the...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Add an explicit version file to the repository.
2010-04-16 Carl Worthdebian/changelog: Create an entry for the 0.2 release.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthRELEASING: Add a (manual!) step to create a debian...
2010-04-16 Carl Worthdebian: Don't auto-generate debian/changelog.
2010-04-16 Carl Worthdebian: Add a gbp.conf to start using git-buildpackage
2010-04-16 Carl Worthmake release: Don't print the release message on stdout.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthMakefile: Fix "make release" to print the current relea...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthNEWS: Add release notes for the 0.2 release.
2010-04-16 Carl WorthRevert "notmuch.el: 'F' in search mode takes us to...
2010-04-16 Sebastian Spaethnotmuch.c: Shorten version string
2010-04-16 Carl Worthemacs: Fix search filtering of a global search ("*")
2010-04-16 Carl WorthTODO: Add two tasks that both have to do with auditing...
2010-04-16 Carl WorthRELEASING: Change wording of libnotmuch version instruction
2010-04-16 Carl Worthmake release: Enforce a clean source tree before release.