2004-02-18 John P. Davisbugfix in catalyst.conf
2004-02-18 Brad Housespec updates
2004-02-17 John P. Davisadding default config file
2004-02-17 John P. Davisremoving deprecated stuff
2004-02-17 Daniel Robbinskumba fix
2004-02-16 John P. Davisspecs dir deprecated by examples dir
2004-02-16 John P. Davisremoving old stuff
2004-02-15 Pieter van... A few remarks. These aren't dogmas :-)
2004-02-15 Benjamin JudasSpecs for a Knoppix-like livecd (including X-Free etc.)
2004-02-14 Brad Houserunscript updates
2004-02-14 Benjamin JudasUpdated Kernel-Configs
2004-02-14 Brad Houseadd ucl to profile
2004-02-14 Brad Houseadd squashfs and gcloop support
2004-02-13 John P. Davisthis file is now covered by the online docs
2004-02-13 John P. Davissparc fixups
2004-02-13 Daniel Robbinslivecd-stage2 fixes, ccache now works for genkernel...
2004-02-12 Daniel Robbinsmissing "/" and new clst_conf support
2004-02-12 Rob HollandAUTHORS
2004-02-12 Benjamin JudasNamespace defined
2004-02-11 Nicholas JonesAdded another '=' for a comparison.
2004-02-11 John P. Davisfix missing colon after else line ~537
2004-02-11 John P. Davisupdating README and adding authors
2004-02-11 Daniel Robbinsvarious livecd improvements (see ChangeLog)
2004-02-11 Rob Hollandgiving up on this and just adding to the empty list...
2004-02-11 Rob Hollandnicer fix for .foo cleanables
2004-02-11 John P. Davismoving around readmes
2004-02-11 John P. Davismoving around readmes
2004-02-11 Rob Hollandclean up dot directories (.ccache) too
2004-02-11 John P. Davislarge amount of changes - see ChangeLog
2004-02-10 Joshua KinardCatalyst spec files used (so far) for mips stage building.
2004-02-10 Daniel Robbinsgrp srcset enhancement, ccache should now work
2004-02-09 Brad Houseppc64 specs
2004-02-09 Brad Houseppc64 target update
2004-02-08 Brad Housemake sure we clean /root/.ccache
2004-02-03 Rob Hollandbetter fix (I think)
2004-02-03 Rob Hollandremove ccache stuff. this is 120MB uncompressed on x86
2004-02-03 Daniel Robbinsccache should work now
2004-02-03 Daniel Robbinstypo fix :/
2004-02-02 Brad Houseextraversion additions for kernel compile, bumps in...
2004-02-02 Daniel Robbinsccache fixups
2004-02-01 Brad Housespec updates
2004-01-29 John P. Davisadded distcc support, documentation forthcoming
2004-01-26 Brad Houseadd a way for arches to specify genkernel args
2004-01-25 Brad Houseamd64 spec update
2004-01-25 Brad Housetools like autoconfig and net-setup
2004-01-25 Brad Housefixes for livecd
2004-01-24 Brad Housenew spec files
2004-01-24 Benjamin JudasConfiguration for 2.4-kernels (sys-kernel/xfs-sources...
2004-01-21 Daniel Robbinsfile location check and non-tarring of livecd-stage1...
2004-01-21 Daniel Robbinsmissing/extra files
2004-01-21 Daniel Robbinsx86 livecd working
2004-01-20 Daniel Robbinslivecd polish
2004-01-20 Daniel Robbinssyntax fix
2004-01-20 Daniel Robbinsmassive changes to livecd building. there are likely...
2004-01-20 Daniel Robbinsgetting clean to work
2004-01-20 Daniel Robbinsarchscripts renamed to have "archscript" in the filenam...
2004-01-20 Ciaran McCreeshadded in rsync for snapshots
2004-01-19 Jason WeverAdded sparc64 livecd files.
2004-01-18 Brad Housemove some stuff from the archscript to the default...
2004-01-18 Brad Houseproperly clean up livecd-stage3
2004-01-17 Brad Houseremove old spec files
2004-01-17 Brad Housebump
2004-01-17 Brad Housespec updates for looptype
2004-01-17 Brad Houserunscript fixes
2004-01-17 Brad Houselooptype additions
2004-01-17 Rob Hollandreminder
2004-01-17 Brad Housearchrunscript -> archscript
2004-01-17 Brad Houseremove obsolete patch
2004-01-17 Brad Houseadd arch runscript
2004-01-17 Brad Housespec changes
2004-01-17 Brad Housespec changes
2004-01-17 Brad Houserunscript additions
2004-01-17 Brad Houserunscript changes
2004-01-15 Brad Housefixes
2004-01-15 Brad Houserunscript changes
2004-01-15 Brad Houseadd modules to the default runlevel
2004-01-15 Brad Housemodule_init_tools dep
2004-01-15 Brad Houseadd diff for drobbins to check out
2004-01-15 Brad Houserunscript fixes
2004-01-15 Brad Housecommit new specs
2004-01-15 Brad Houseadd starter runscripts
2004-01-14 Luca BarbatoNewer experiment
2004-01-14 John P. Davisadded mips patches
2004-01-14 Daniel Robbinslivecd-stage3/empty and livecd-stage3/rm -> livecd/*
2004-01-14 Guy MartinBetter CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
2004-01-13 Guy MartinAdded testing livecd .spec
2004-01-13 Guy MartinFixed grp .spec
2004-01-13 Brad Housefixes
2004-01-13 Brad Houserunscript updates for filesystem
2004-01-13 Jason WeverAdded sparc and sparc64 example stage spec files.
2004-01-12 Brad Housedep on baselayout >= -r4
2004-01-12 Brad Housecommitted specs to wrong place
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinswill hopefully fix the python<->bash linkage with ...
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinsouch
2004-01-12 Luca Barbatostages built with experimental snapshot
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinsnew escaping paradigm
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinsexpansion fixor?
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinstest fix
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinsproper quoting for call
2004-01-12 Daniel Robbinslivecd-stage1/* to livecd/*