2012-10-06 Eric S. RaymondEnable us to see stack traces from with delivery thread...
2012-10-06 Eric S. Raymondbasestring makes the isinstance checks work.
2012-10-06 Eric S. RaymondActually get tinyfier from the config variables.
2012-10-06 Eric S. RaymondFix a misspelled variable name.
2012-10-06 Eric S. RaymondAdd a needed thread termination.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondTime out if IRCd fails during handshake.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondReset status on server disconnect.
2012-10-05 Eric S. is sometimes failing to launch, give...
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondExperimental channel-aging code.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondVersion bump for release. 1.7
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondMake the main process idle loop slightly less expensive.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondError message improvement.
2012-10-05 Eric S. Raymondpylint cleanup.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondDocument 'irk'.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondEfficiency fix.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondPrevent repeated disconnects.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondAdd a test tool.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondCosmetic fix.
2012-10-05 Eric S. RaymondNews update.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondClimb out of the hole breitenfelds dug.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondImprove error diagnostics for malformed JSON.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondDereference the right object.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondDeal with exceptions in a more civilized way.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondI continue to hate my typos...
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondI hate my typos...
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondArrange to restart dead delivery threads.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondLeave a connection more politely.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondDocument the test filter better.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondRemove confusion-causing messages.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondAnother hook test.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondTrivial commit to test the post-commit hook.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondAdd a useful test hook.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondMake irkerd announce itself at startup when debugging...
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondTypo fix.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondChange the filtering so standard error is not captured.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondAdd an external filtering facility.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondVersion bump for release. 1.6
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondRemove some now-dead code associated with the filtering...
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondOne of breitenfelds's isinstance() patches was wrong.
2012-10-04 Eric S. RaymondBack out laurentb's filtering - good idea, but not...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondMerge commit 'refs/merge-requests/11' of git://gitoriou...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondPacify pylint.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondAdd a note about 2.4 compatibility.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlUse preferred form of raising exception with arguments.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlRemove unneeded backslashes.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlMiscellaneous typo fixes.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlUse isinstance() instead of type() == type() checks.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlUse "%r" % v instead of "%s" % repr(v) -- it is shorter...
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlMake server initialization respect DRY a bit more.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlUse old-style threading setDaemon() API to enhance...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondPoint at a a new feature.
2012-10-03 Laurent BachelierUse faster json if available
2012-10-03 Laurent BachelierAdd support for external pre-filtering
2012-10-03 Laurent BachelierUse existing shell quote function
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondFix the connection-aging logic.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondCompare comment-reduced and unreduced line counts.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondAdd a credit.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondAdd some credits.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondA small change to make the default value of the project...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondCorrect some usage information.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondNote the significance of Python for the security analysis.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondThere are no longer any known bugs.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondTypo fix.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondExplain the 1.6 release.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondMerge commit 'refs/merge-requests/10' of git://gitoriou...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondMerge commit 'refs/merge-requests/9' of git://gitorious...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondMerge commit 'refs/merge-requests/8' of git://gitorious...
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondFalse-match avoidance suggested by birkenfeld.
2012-10-03 Georg BrandlFix the signature of the hg_hook function.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondDeconfuse shipper's metadata extraction.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondVersion bump for release. 1.5
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondDeclare the project chat channel.
2012-10-03 Eric S. Raymondpylint cleanup.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondRemove dead code.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondAccept a Subversion limitation.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondMore elegant repository autodetection.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondWhere to find the manual page.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondDocument options if you can't modify your repo hooks.
2012-10-03 Eric S. RaymondExplain about replacing ciabot.
2012-10-03 Alexander van... Ignore empty lines for LOC.
2012-10-03 Alexander van... Ignore comments with leading whitespace as well as...
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondComment typo fix.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondFix a fatal bug due to IRC case-smashing.
2012-10-02 Eric S. Raymondpylint cleanup.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondNote the existence of the project chat channel.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondMore about testing.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondUpdate the bug list.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondDocumentation fixes.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondMerge commit 'refs/merge-requests/7' of git://gitorious...
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondFix a goof. I ihad initialized nick_trial at the wrong...
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondExit cleanly on control-C.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondShorten nick negotiation by choosing a random start...
2012-10-02 Georg Brandlmerge with upstream
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondUpdate the buglist.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondMore instrumentation for kick events.
2012-10-02 Georg BrandlTypo fix.
2012-10-02 Georg BrandlAdapt HgExtractor and hook to the new Commit based...
2012-10-02 Georg BrandlBug fix: give the extractor object explicitly to ship().
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondThis version of Mercurial support might actually work.
2012-10-02 Eric S. RaymondBug fix.