From bfef1037f3e70e79fcf3fed4d13ff730b522e533 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Milad Fatenejad <>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 22:43:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] More updates to shell section

 1-Shell/ | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/1-Shell/ b/1-Shell/
index ee8e150..f5906ec 100644
--- a/1-Shell/
+++ b/1-Shell/
@@ -84,6 +84,78 @@ commands to get this data into shape. By the end we would like to:
 If we can get through this example in the available time, we will move
 onto more advanced shell topics...
-# Basic Commands
+# Let's get started
-One very basic command is `echo`. 
+One very basic command is `echo`. This command is just prints text to
+the terminal. Try entering the command:
+    echo Hello, World
+Then press enter. You should see the text "Hello, World" printed back
+to you. The echo command is useful for 
+## Moving around the file system
+Let's learn how to move around the file system using command line
+programs. This is really easy to do using a GUI (just click on
+things). Once you learn the basic commands, you'll see that it is
+really easy to do in the shell too. 
+First we have to know where we are. The program `pwd` (print working
+directory) tells you where you are sitting in the directory tree. The
+command `ls` will list the files in files in the current
+directory. Directories are often called "folders" because of how they
+are represented in GUIs. Directories are just listings of files. They
+can contain other files or directories.
+[[[START AT HOME - Slide 28]]]
+**File Types**
+[[[FILE TYPES - Slide 29]]]
+Directories can contain other files or directories. In Ubuntu, and
+many operating systems, 
+**Changing Directories**
+## Command Arguments
+Most programs take additional arguments that control their exact
+behavior. For example, `-F` is an argument to `ls`.  The `ls` program,
+like many programs, take a lot of arguments. But how do we know what
+the options are to particular commands?
+Most commonly used shell programs have a manual. You can access the
+manual using the `man` program. Try entering:
+    man ls
+This will open the manual page for `ls`. Use the arrow keys to go up
+and down. When you are done reading, just hit `q` to exit.
+# Extra Commands
+## The backtick
+## Some more common commands
+## .bashrc
+## ssh and scp
+## Regular Expressions
+# Milad's Notes:
+Don't we have to clone the repo?
+Introduce less early - go over searching. 