I assume that your hardware device is in your computer, and that
-you know the relevant details about it, i.e., what kind of card
-it is, the I/O base, the IRQ, jumper settings related to input
-ranges, etc.
To tell the comedi kernel module that you have a particular device, and
-some information about it, you will be running the comedi_config
-command. Perhaps you should read the man page now.
In this tutorial, I will go through the process of configuring comedi
-for two devices, a National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-10
-and a Data Translation DT2821-F-8DI.
The NI board is plug-and-play, and the man page tells me that I need
-to configure the PnP part of the board with isapnptools. The isapnptools
-package is a little cryptic, but the concepts are simple. Once I
-learned how to use it, I settled on a /etc/isapnp.conf file that
-contained the lines:
It also contains a few lines about overall configuration and about my
-sound card. I found out after a bit of trial-and-error that the NI
-board does not always work with interrupts other than IRQ 3. YMMV.
-Currently, the driver doesn't use DMA, but it may in the future, so
-I commented out the DMA lines. It is a curious fact that the device
-ignores the IRQ and DMA information given here, however, I keep the
-information here to remind myself that the numbers aren't arbitrary.
When I run comedi_config (as root, of course), I provide the same
-information. Since I want to have the board configured every time
-I boot, I put the line
into /etc/rc.d/rc.local. You can, of course, run this command at
-a command prompt. The man page tells me that the option list
-is supposed to be "(I/O base),(IRQ)", so I used the same numbers
-as I put in /etc/isapnp.conf, i.e., 0x260,3.
For the Data Translation board, I need to have a list of the
-jumper settings. Fortunately, I wrote them all down in the
-manual -- I hope they are still correct. However, I had to
-open the case to figure out which board in the series I had.
-It is a DT2821-f-8di. The man page of comedi_config tells
-me that I need to know the I/O base, IRQ, DMA 1, DMA 2. However,
-since I wrote the driver, I know that it also recognizes the
-differential/single-ended and unipolar/bipolar jumpers. As always,
-the source is the final authority, and looking in module/dt282x.c
-tells me that the options list is interpreted as:
I/O base
1=differential, 0=single ended
ai 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
ao0 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
ao1 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
(ai=analog input, ao=analog output.) From this, I decide that
-the appropriate options list is
I left the differential/single-ended number blank, since the
-driver already knowns (from the board name), that it is
-differential. I also left the DMA numbers blank, since I
-don't want the driver to use DMA. (Don't want it to interfere
-with my sound card -- life is full of difficult choices.)
-Keep in mind that things commented in the source, but not in
-the documentation are about as likely to change as the weather,
-so I put good comments next to the following line when I put
-it in rc.local.
So now I think that I have my boards configured correctly.
-Since data acquisition boards are not typically well-engineered,
-comedi sometimes can't figure out if the board is actually there.
-If it can't, it assumes you are right. Both of these boards
-are well-made, so comedi will give me an error message if it
-can't find them. The comedi kernel module, since it is a part
-of the kernel, prints messages to the kernel logs, which you
-can access through the command 'dmesg' or /var/log/messages.
-Here is a configuration failure (from dmesg):
So now that we have comedi talking to the hardware, we want to
-talk to comedi. Here's some pretty low-level information --
-it's sometimes useful for debugging:
This is a feature that is not well-developed yet. Basically, it
-currently tells you driver name, device name, and number of
In the demo/ directory, there is a command called
-info, which provides information about each subdevice on the
-board. The output of it is rather long, since I have 7
-subdevices (4 or fewer is common for other boards.)
-Here's part of the output of the NI board (which
-is on /dev/comedi0.) ('demo/info /dev/comedi0')
-overall info:
- version code: 0x000604
- driver name: atmio-E
- board name: at-mio-16e-10
- number of subdevices: 7
-subdevice 0:
- type: 1 (unknown)
- number of channels: 16
- max data value: 4095
The overall info gives information about the device -- basically
-the same information as /proc/comedi.
This board has 7 subdevices. Devices are separated into
-subdevices that each have a distinct purpose -- e.g., analog
-input, analog output, digital input/output. This board also
-has an EEPROM and calibration DACs that are also subdevices.
Subdevice 0 is the analog input subdevice. You would have
-known this from the 'type: 1 (unknown)' line, if I've updated
-demo/info recently, because it would say 'type: 1 (analog input)'
-instead. The other lines should be self-explanitory. Comedi
-has more information about the device, but demo/info doesn't
-currently display this.
This section contains information that is specific to each
-hardware driver. The most current information about a driver
-is included in the comedi source.
This example requires a card that has analog or
-digital input. Right to the source:
-#include <stdio.h> /* for printf() */
-#include <comedilib.h>
-int subdev = 0; /* change this to your input subdevice */
-int chan = 0; /* change this to your channel */
-int range = 0; /* more on this later */
-int aref = AREF_GROUND; /* more on this later */
-int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- comedi_t *it;
- lsampl_t data;
- it=comedi_open("/dev/comedi0");
- comedi_data_read(it,subdev,chan,range,aref,&data);
- printf("%d\n",data);
- return 0;
Should be understandable: open the device, get the data,
-print it out. This is basically the guts of demo/inp.c,
-without error checking or fancy options.
-Compile it using
-cc tut1.c -lcomedi -o tut1
A few notes: The range variable tells comedi which gain
-to use when measuring an analog voltage. Since we don't
-know (yet) which numbers are valid, or what each means,
-we'll use 0, because it won't cause errors. Likewise with
-aref, which determines the analog reference used.
If you selected an analog input subdevice, you probably noticed
-that the output of tut1 is a number between
-0 and 4095, or 0 and 65535, depending on the number of bits
-in the A/D converter. Comedi samples are always unsigned,
-with 0 representing the lowest voltage of the ADC, and 4095
-the highest. Comedi compensates for
-anything else the manual for your device says. However,
-you probably prefer to have this number translated to
-a voltage. Naturally, as a good programmer, your first
-question is: "How do I do this in a device-independent
Most devices give you a choice of gain and unipolar/bipolar
-input, and Comedi allows you to select which of these to
-use. This parameter is called the "range parameter", since
-it specifies the "input range" for analog input (or "output range"
-for analog output.) The range parameter represents both the gain
-and the unipolar/bipolar aspects.
Comedi keeps the number of available ranges and the largest
-sample value for each subdevice/channel combination. (Some
-devices allow different input/output ranges for different
-channels in a subdevice.)
The largest sample value can be found using the function:
The number of available ranges can be found using the function:
For each value of the range parameter for a particular
-subdevice/channel, you can get range information using the
The structure element 'min' represents
-the voltage corresponding to comedi_data_read() returning 0,
-and 'max' represents comedi_data_read() returning 'maxdata',
-(i.e., 4095 for 12 bit A/C converters, 65535 for 16 bit,
-or, 1 for digital input -- more on this in a bit.) The
-'unit' entry tells you if min and
-max refer to voltage, current, etc.
"Could it get easier?", you say. Well, yes. Use
-the function comedi_to_phys(), which converts data
-values to physical units. Call it using something like
In addition to providing low level routines for data
-access, the comedi library provides higher-level access,
-much like the standard C library provides fopen(), etc.
-as a high-level (and portable) alternative to the direct
-UNIX system calls open(), etc. Similarily to fopen(),
-we have comedi_open():
where file is of type (comedi_t *). This function
-calls open(), like we did explicitly in a previous
-section, but also fills the comedi_t structure with
-lots of goodies -- information that we will need to use
Specifically, we needed to know maxdata for a specific
-subdevice/channel. How about:
Many boards supported by comedi have digital input and output
-channels. Some boards allow the direction of a channel to be
-specified in software.
Comedi groups digital channels into subdevice, which is a group
-of digital channels that have the same characteristics. For
-example, digital output lines will be grouped into a digital
-output subdevice, bidirectional digital lines will be grouped
-into a digital I/O subdevice. Thus, there can be multiple
-digital subdevices on a particular board.
Individual digital lines can be read and written using the
comedi_dio_read(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int *bit);
-comedi_dio_write(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int bit);
The direction of bidirectional lines can be configured using
-the function
comedi_dio_config(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int dir);
The parameter dir should be either COMEDI_INPUT or COMEDI_OUTPUT.
-Many digital I/O subdevices group channels into blocks for
-configuring direction. Changing one channel in a block changes
-the entire block.
Multiple channels can be read and written simultaneously using the
comedi_dio_bitfield(device,subdevice,unsigned int write_mask,unsigned int *bits);
Each channel is assigned to a bit in the write_mask and bits
-bitfield. If a bit in write_mask is set, the corresponding bit
-in *bits will be written to the corresponding digital output line.
-Each digital line is then read and placed into *bits. The value
-of bits in *bits corresponding to digital output lines is
-undefined and device-specific. Channel 0 is the least significant
-bit in the bitfield; channel 31 is the most significant bit. Channels
-higher than 31 cannot be accessed using this method.
Sometimes, your input channels change slowly enough that
-you are able to average many sucessive input values to get a
-more accurate measurement of the actual value. In general,
-the more samples you average, the better your estimate
-gets, roughly by a factor of sqrt(number_of_samples).
-Obviously, there are limitations to this:
you are ultimately limited by "spurious free dynamic range"
you need to have _some_ noise on the input channel,
-otherwise you will be averaging the same number N times.
the more noise you have, the greater your SFDR, but it
-takes many more samples to compensate for the increased
if you feel the need to average samples for 2 seconds,
-your signal will need to be _very_ slowly-varying, i.e.,
-not varying more than your target uncertainty for the
-entire 2 seconds.
As you might have guessed, the comedi library has functions
-to help you in your quest to accurately measure slowly varying
-inputs. I use these functions to measure thermocouple voltages
--- actually, the library functions came from a section of code
-that was previously part of the thermocouple reading program.
The comedi self-calibration utility also uses these functions.
-On some hardware, it is possible to tell it to measure an
-internal stable voltage reference, which is typically going
-to be very slowly varying -- on the kilosecond time scale
-or more. So it is reasonable to measure millions of samples,
-to get a very accurate measurement of the A/D converter output
-value that corresponds to the voltage reference. Sometimes,
-however, this is overkill, since there is no need to
-perform a part-per-million calibration to a standard that
-is only accurate to part-per-thousand.
Many data acquisition devices have the capability to directly
-control acquisition using either an on-board timer or an external
-triggering input. Comedi commands are used to control this kind
-of acquisition. The
-comedi_cmd structure is
-used to control acquisition and query the capabilities of a device
-(see also
-comedi_command_test(), and
Commands specify a particular data acquisition sequence, which
-is comprised of a number of scans. Each scan is comprised of
-a number of conversions, which usually corresponds to a single
-A/D or D/A conversion. The start and end of the sequence, and
-the start and end of each scan, and each conversion is called an
Each of these 5 types of events are caused by a triggering
-source, specified through the *_src members of the
-comedi_cmd structure. The source types are:
TRIG_NONE: don't ever cause an event
TRIG_NOW: cause event to occur immediately
TRIG_FOLLOW: see notes below
TRIG_TIME: cause event to occur at a particular time
TRIG_TIMER: cause event to occur repeatedly at a specific rate
TRIG_COUNT: cause event when count reaches specific value
TRIG_EXT: external signal causes event
TRIG_INT: internal signal causes event
TRIG_OTHER: driver-specific meaning
Not all triggers are applicable to all events. Supported triggers
-for specific events depend significantly on your particular
-device. The
-function is useful for determining what triggers a subdevice supports.
For every trigger, there is a corresponding
-argument (the *_arg members of the
-structure) whose meaning depends on the type of trigger. The meanings
-of the arguments are as follows:
TRIG_NONE is typically used only as a stop_src. The argument for TRIG_NONE
-is reserved and should be set to 0.
TRIG_NOW is most often used as a start_src. The argument for TRIG_NOW is
-the number of nanoseconds between when the command is issued and when
-the event should occur. In the case of using TRIG now as a start_src,
-it indicates a delay between issuing the command and the start of
-acquisition. Most drivers only support a delay of 0.
TRIG_FOLLOW is a special type of trigger for events that trigger on
-the completion of some other, logically connected event. The argument
-is reserved and should be set to 0. When used
-as a scan_begin_src, it indicates that a trigger should occur as a
-logical continuation of convert events. This is done in order to
-properly describe boards that do not have separate timers for
-convert and scan_begin events. When used as a start_src for analog
-output subdevices, it indicates that conversion of output samples
-should begin when samples are written to the buffer.
TRIG_TIME is reserved for future use.
TRIG_TIMER is most often used as a convert_src, a scan_begin_src, or
-both. It indicates that triggers should occur at a specific rate.
-The argument specifies the interval between triggers in nanoseconds.
TRIG_COUNT is used for scan_end_src and stop_src. It indicates that
-a trigger should occur when the specified number of corresponding
-lower-level triggers (convert and scan_begin, respectively) occur.
-The argument is the count of lower-level triggers.
TRIG_EXT can be useful as any of the trigger sources. It indicates
-that an external digital line should be used to trigger the event.
-The exact meaning of digital line is device-dependent. Some devices
-have one dedicated line, others may allow generic digital input
-lines to be used. The argument indicates the particular external
-line to use as the trigger.
TRIG_INT is typically used as a start_src. This trigger occurs when
-the application performs an INSN_INTTRIG instruction. Using TRIG_INT
-is a method by which the application can accurately record the time of
-the start of acquisition, since the parsing and setup time of a
-particular command may be significant. The argument associated with
-TRIG_INT is reserved and should be set to 0.
TRIG_OTHER can be useful as any of the trigger sources. The exact
-meaning of TRIG_OTHER is driver-specific, and implements a feature
-that otherwise does not fit into the command interface. Configuration
-of TRIG_OTHER features are done by INSN_CONFIG insns. The argument
-is reserved and should be set to 0.
Ths subdev member of the
-structure is the index of the subdevice the command is intended for. The
-function can be useful in discovering the index of your desired subdevice.
The chanlist member of the
-structure should point to an array whose number of elements is specificed by chanlist_len
-(this will generally be the same as the scan_end_arg).
-The chanlist specifies the sequence of channels and gains (and analog references)
-that should be stepped through for each scan. The elements of the chanlist array
-should be initialized by packing the channel, range and reference information
-together with the
-CR_PACK() macro.
The data and data_len members can be safely ignored when issueing commands
-from a user-space program. They only have meaning when a command is sent from a kernel
-module using the kcomedilib interface, in which case they specify the buffer where
-the driver should write/read its data to/from.
The final member of the
-comedi_cmd structure is flags.
-The following flags are valid, and can be bitwise-or'd together.
TRIG_BOGUS: do the motions??
TRIG_DITHER: enable dithering??
TRIG_DEGLITCH: enable deglitching??
TRIG_RT: ask driver to use a hard real-time interrupt handler. This will
-reduce latency in handling interrupts from your data aquisition hardware. It can
-be useful if you are sampling at high frequency, or if your hardware has a small onboard
-fifo. You must have a real-time kernel (RTAI or RTLinux) and must compile
-comedi with real-time support or this flag will do nothing.
TRIG_CONFIG: perform configuration, not triggering. This is a legacy of the
-deprecated comedi_trig_struct, and has no function at present.
TRIG_WAKE_EOS: some drivers will change their behaviour when this flag is set,
-trying to transfer data at the end of every scan (instead of, for example, passing
-data in chunks whenever the board's onboard fifo is half full). This flag
-may degrade a driver's performance at high frequencies.
TRIG_WRITE: write to bidirectional devices. Could be useful in principle, if someone
-wrote a driver that supported commands for a digital i/o device that could do either
-input or output.
-There are also a few flags that indicate how timing arguments should be rounded
-if the hardware cannot achieve the exact timing requested.
TRIG_ROUND_NEAREST: round to nearest supported timing period, the default.
TRIG_ROUND_DOWN: round period down.
TRIG_ROUND_UP: round period up.
TRIG_ROUND_UP_NEXT: this one doesn't do anything, and I don't know what it was intended
-to do??
The typical sequence for executing a command is to first send
-the command through
-once or twice. The test will check that the command is valid for the particular
-device, and often makes some adjustments to the command arguments, which
-can then be read back by the user to see the actual values used. The
-command is executed with
-comedi_command(). For input/output commands, data
-is read from or written to the device file /dev/comedi[0..3] you are using.
CR_PACK is used to initialize the elements of the chanlist array in the
-comedi_cmd structure, and the chanspec member
-of the
-comedi_insn structure.
The channel argument is the channel you wish to use, with the channel numbering
-starting at zero.
The range is an index, starting at zero, whose meaning
-is device dependent. The
-comedi_get_n_ranges() and
-comedi_get_range() functions
-are useful in discovering information about the available ranges.
The aref argument indicates what reference you want the device to use. It
-can be any of the following:
AREF_GROUND is for inputs/outputs referenced to ground
AREF_COMMON is for a `common' reference (the low inputs of all the channels are tied
-together, but are isolated from ground)
AREF_DIFF is for differential inputs/outputs
AREF_OTHER is for any reference that does not fit into the above categories
-Particular drivers may or may not use the AREF flags. If they are not supported, they
-are silently ignored.
Source: /include/comedi.h
RANGE_LENGTH() (deprecated)
Rangetype values are library-internal tokens that represent an
-array of range information structures. These numbers are primarily
-used for communication between the kernel and library.
The RANGE_LENGTH() macro returns the length of the array that is
-specified by the rangetype token.
The RANGE_LENGTH() macro is deprecated, and should not be used in
-new applications. It is scheduled to be removed from the header
-file at version 1.0. Binary compatibility may be broken for version
The data type comedi_t is used to represent an open Comedi
-device. A valid comedi_t pointer is returned by a successful
-call to comedi_open(), and should be used for subsequent
-access to the device.
-It is a transparent type, and pointers to type comedi_t
-should not be dereferenced by the application.
The data type sampl_t is one of the generic types used to represent
-data values in libcomedi. It is used in a few places where a shorter
-data type is useful, but is limited to 16 bits on the i386 architecture.
The data type lsampl_t is one of the generic types used to represent
-data values in libcomedi. It is currently defined to be unsigned int.
comedi_trig_struct (deprecated)
The comedi_trig structure
-struct comedi_trig_struct{
- unsigned int subdev; /* subdevice */
- unsigned int mode; /* mode */
- unsigned int flags;
- unsigned int n_chan; /* number of channels */
- unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
- sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
- unsigned int n; /* number of scans */
- unsigned int trigsrc;
- unsigned int trigvar;
- unsigned int trigvar1;
- unsigned int data_len;
- unsigned int unused[3];
The comedi_trig structure is a control structure used by the
-COMEDI_TRIG ioctl, an older method of communicating
-instructions to the driver and hardware. Use of comedi_trig is
-deprecated, and should not be used in new applications.
This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
-struct comedi_sv_struct{
- comedi_t *dev;
- unsigned int subdevice;
- unsigned int chan;
- /* range policy */
- int range;
- int aref;
- /* number of measurements to average (for ai) */
- int n;
- lsampl_t maxdata;
The comedi_sv_t structure is used by the comedi_sv_*()
-functions to provide a simple method of accurately measuring
-slowly varying inputs. See the relevant section for more
-typedef struct comedi_cmd_struct comedi_cmd;
-struct comedi_cmd_struct{
- unsigned int subdev;
- unsigned int flags;
- unsigned int start_src;
- unsigned int start_arg;
- unsigned int scan_begin_src;
- unsigned int scan_begin_arg;
- unsigned int convert_src;
- unsigned int convert_arg;
- unsigned int scan_end_src;
- unsigned int scan_end_arg;
- unsigned int stop_src;
- unsigned int stop_arg;
- unsigned int *chanlist;
- unsigned int chanlist_len;
- sampl_t *data;
- unsigned int data_len;
More information on using commands can be found in the
-command section.
This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
Related functions are described in section XXX.
This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
Closes a device previously opened by comedi_open().
The return type of this function will change to int, in
-order to match fclose.
Source: /lib/comedi.c
int comedi_command(comedi_t *it, comedi_cmd *cmd);
Issues the command pointed at by cmd to the open device it. It
-is usually necessary to pass the command through
-comedi_command_test() to
-fix up the command before it can be successfully executed with
-commands for more information.
Source: /lib/comedi.c
int comedi_command_test(comedi_t *it, comedi_cmd *cmd);
Tests and fixes up the command pointed at by cmd according
-to the limitations of the driver configured on the open device it.
-The return value has the following meaning:
0: the command passed the test and can be successfully executed
-comedi_command(). The one exception
-to this rule is that the test will allow a NULL chanlist for the command.
1: invalid trigger. One or more of the trigger sources (the *_src members
-of the
-comedi_cmd structure) is not
-supported by the driver.
2: incompatible triggers. Two or more of the triggers selected are
-incompatible with each other. For example, a driver might allow either
-the scan_begin_src or the convert_src to be TRIG_TIMER, but not both.
3: argument invalid. One or more argument is invalid, for example
-a timing argument might be in excess of the card's maximum speed. The
-command test will correct the arguments by modifying the command pointed
-at by cmd.
4: argument fix up. The command underwent minor adjustment and should
-now be valid. For example, a timing argument might not be exactly achievable
-by the card so the timing argument will be adjusted to the actual timing
-the card will use.
int comedi_data_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
-unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *data);
Reads a single sample on the channel that
-is specified by the comedi device it, the
-subdevice subd, and the channel chan.
-For the A/D conversion (if appropriate),
-the device is configured to use range specification
-range and (if appropriate) analog reference type
-aref. Analog reference types that are not supported
-by the device are silently ignored.
comedi_data_read() reads one data value from
-the specified channel and places the
-data value that is read in the location pointed to by
On sucess, comedi_data_read() returns 0. If there is an
-error, -1 is returned.
Valid analog reference numbers are:
AREF_GROUND Reference to analog ground
AREF_COMMON Reference to analog common
AREF_DIFF Differential reference
AREF_OTHER Board-specific meaning
Valid data values returned by these function is an unsigned integer
-less than or equal to maxdata, which is channel-dependent.
-Conversion of these data value to physical units can be performed
Source: /lib/data.c
int comedi_data_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
-unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t data);
Writes a single sample on the channel that
-is specified by the comedi device it, the
-subdevice subd, and the channel chan.
-For the D/A conversion (if appropriate), the device is
-configured to use range specification
-range and (if appropriate) analog reference type
-aref. Analog reference types that are not supported
-by the device are silently ignored.
comedi_data_write() writes the data value
-specified by the argument data to
-the specified channel.
On sucess, comedi_data_write() returns 0. If there is an error, -1 is
Valid analog reference numbers are:
AREF_GROUND Reference to analog ground
AREF_COMMON Reference to analog common
AREF_DIFF Differential reference
AREF_OTHER Board-specific meaning
Valid data values used by these functions is an unsigned integer
-less than or equal to maxdata, which is channel-dependent.
-Conversion of physical units to these data value can be performed
Source: /lib/data.c
int comedi_dio_bitfield(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned
-int write_mask,unsigned int *bits);
The function comedi_dio_bitfield() allows multiple channels to
-be read simultaneously from a digital input or digital I/O device.
-The parameter write_mask and the value pointed to by bits
-are interpreted as bit fields, with the least significant bit
-representing channel 0. For each bit in write_mask that is
-set, the cooresponding bit in *bits is written to the digital
-output channel. Each digital input channel is read, and the result
-placed in the approprate bits in *bits.
The current implementation reads and writes bits using separate
-system calls, which is not ideal. When the kernel driver supports
-simultaneous reading/writing, this will be fixed in the library.
It should be noted that it is not possible to access channels
-greater than 31 using this function.
Source: /lib/dio.c
int comedi_dio_config(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned
-int chan,unsigned int dir);
The function comedi_dio_config configures individual channels
-in a digital I/O subdevice to be either input or output, depending
-on the value of parameter dir. Depending on the capabilities
-of the hardware device, multiple channels may be affected by
-a single call to comedi_dio_config.
Valid directions are:
Source: /lib/dio.c
int comedi_dio_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
-chan,unsigned int *bit);
The function reads the status of channel chan belonging to the digital
-input subdevice subd of device it. The result, 0 or 1, is stored
-in bit. Returns -1 on failure.
This function is equivalent to comedi_data_read(it,subd,chan,0,0,bit).
Source: /lib/dio.c
int comedi_dio_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned
-int chan,unsigned int bit);
The function writes the value of bit, 0 or 1, to channel chan,
-belonging to the digital output device subd of device it. Returns
--1 on failure.
Source: /lib/dio.c
int comedi_fileno(comedi_t *it);
The function comedi_fileno
-returns the integer descriptor for the handle it. It
-is equivalent to the standard function fileno. If
-it is an invalid comedi_t pointer, the function
-returns -1 and sets the appropriate libcomedi error value.
Source: /lib/comedi.c
int comedi_find_range(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdevice, unsigned
-int chan, unsigned int unit, double min, double max);
The function comedi_find_range tries to
-locate the optimal (smallest) range for the channel chan
-belonging to a subdevice of the comedi device it,
-that includes both min and max in units.
-If it finds a matching range, it returns its index. If no
-matching range is available, it returns -1.
Valid units are:
Source: /lib/range.c
int comedi_errno(void);
The function comedi_errno()
-returns an integer describing the most recent comedilib error. This
-integer may be used as the errnum parameter for
When a libcomedi function fails, it usually returns -1 or
-NULL, depending on the return type. An internal library
-variable stores an error number, which can be retrieved with
-comedi_errno(). This error number can be
-converted to a human-readable form by the functions
These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the
-standard C library functions perror(),
-strerror, and errno(). In particular,
-libcomedi functions sometimes return an error that is generated
-by the C library; the Comedi error message in this case
-is the same as the C library.
Source: /lib/error.c
int comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(comedi_t *it,int type,unsigned int
The function comedi_find_subdevice_by_type tries to
-locate a subdevice belonging to comedi device it,
-having type type, starting with the subdevice
-start_subdevice. If it finds the requested subdevice,
-it returns its index. If it does not locate the requested
-subdevice, it returns -1 and sets the comedi error number to
-"subdevice not found". If there is an error, the function
-returns -1 and sets the appropriate error.
Converts data given in physical units (data) into sample values
-(lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata). The parameter rng
-represents the conversion information to use, and the parameter
-maxdata represents the maximum possible data value for the
-channel that the data will be written to.
Source: /lib/range.c
char *comedi_get_board_name(comedi_t *it);
The function comedi_get_board_name returns a pointer
-to a string containing the name of the device. This pointer is
-valid until the comedi descriptor it is closed. This
-function returns NULL if there is an error.
Source: /lib/get.c
int comedi_get_cmd_src_mask(comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdevice,
-comedi_cmd *cmd);
Source: /lib/cmd.c
char *comedi_get_driver_name(comedi_t *it);
The function comedi_get_driver_name returns a pointer
-to a string containing the name of the driver being used by comedi
-for the comedi device represented by it. This pointer is
-valid until the comedi descriptor it is closed. This
-function returns NULL if there is an error.
Source: /lib/get.c
lsampl_t comedi_get_maxdata(comedi_t *it,unsigned int
-subdevice,unsigned int chan);
The function comedi_get_maxdata() returns the maximum
-valid data value for channel chan of subdevice
-subdevice belonging to the comedi device it
-This function returns 0 on error.
Source: /lib/get.c
int comedi_get_n_channels(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
The function comedi_get_n_channels() returns the number
-of channels of the subdevice belonging to the comedi device it
-and having index subdevice. This function returns -1 on error.
Source: /lib/get.c
int comedi_get_n_ranges(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice, unsigned int
The function comedi_get_n_ranges() returns the number
-of ranges of the channel chan belonging to the subdevice
-of the comedi device it. This function returns -1 on error.
Source: /lib/range.c
int comedi_get_n_subdevices(comedi_t *it);
The function comedi_get_n_subdevices returns the
-number of subdevices associated with the comedi descriptor
-it, or -1 if there is an error.
Source: /lib/get.c
comedi_range * comedi_get_range(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned int chan,unsigned int
The function comedi_get_range returns a pointer to a
-comedi_range structure that contains information that can be used to
-convert sample values to or from physical units. The pointer is valid
-until the comedi device it is closed. If there is an
-error, NULL is returned.
Source: /lib/get.c
comedi_get_rangetype() deprecated
int comedi_get_rangetype(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned int
The function comedi_get_rangetype() returns an integer
-that represents the number of range specifications available for a
-particular channel chan of the subdevice subdevice, as well as a conversion table to convert sample
-values to/from physical units.
The macro
-can be used to determine the number of range specifications for a given
-range type.
This function is deprecated and should not be used in new code.
Source: /lib/get.c
int comedi_get_subdevice_type(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
The function comedi_get_subdevice_type() returns an
-integer describing the type of subdevice that belongs to the comedi
-device it and has the index subdevice. The
-function returns -1 is there is an error.
Valid subdevice types are:
-Subdevice has no functionality, i.e., a place-holder.
COMEDI_SUBD_AI Analog input
COMEDI_SUBD_AO Analog output
COMEDI_SUBD_DI Digital input
COMEDI_SUBD_DO Digital output
-Digital input/output. Channels are configurable as to whether they
-are inputs or outputs.
-Memory, e.g., EEPROM or dual-ported RAM
-Calibration DACs
-Processor or DSP
Source: /lib/get.c
comedi_get_timer() (deprecated)
int comedi_get_timer(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdev, double
-freq,unsigned int *trigvar, double *actual_freq);
The function comedi_get_timer converts the frequency freq
-to a number suitable to send to the driver in a comedi_trig
-structure. This function remains for compatibility with very
-old versions of Comedi, that converted sampling rates to timer
-values in the libary. This conversion is now done in the kernel,
-and every device has the timer type nanosec_timer, indicating
-that timer values are simply a time specified in nanoseconds.
This function is deprecated and should not be used in new applications.
Source: /lib/timer.c
int comedi_get_version_code(comedi_t *it);
The function comedi_get_version_code() returns the
-version code of the currently running comedi module. The version
-code is of the form 0x01072b, which is the version code for
-version 1.7.43.
This function is of limited usefulness. A typical mis-application
-of this function is to use it to determine if a certain feature is
-supported. If the application needs
-to know of the existence of a particular feature, an existence
-test function should be written and put in the libcomedi source.
Source: /lib/get.c
int comedi_loglevel(int loglevel);
This function affects the output of debugging and error messages
-from libcomedi. By increasing the loglevel, additional debugging
-information will be printed. This function returns the previous
-loglevel. Error messages and debugging are printed to the
-stream stderr. The loglevel can also be affected by the
-environment variable COMEDI_LOGLEVEL.
In order to conserve resources, some debugging information is
-disabled when libcomedi is compiled.
The meaning of the loglevels is as follows:
-Comedilib prints nothing.
-Comedilib only prints error messages when there is a
-self-consistency error (i.e., internal bug).
-Comedilib prints an error message when an invalid
-parameter is passed to comedilib.
-Comedilib prints an error message whenever an error is generated
-in the comedilib library or is generated in the C library when
-called by comedilib.
-Comedilib prints a lot of debugging messages.
Bugs: Libcomedi doesn't currently have much debugging information.
Source: /lib/error.c
comedi_t *comedi_open(char *filename);
Opens a comedi device specified by the filename filename.
-Returns NULL on error. On sucess, it returns a handle that is
-given as a parameter to other libcomedi functions.
You are not supposed to have access to the internals of the
-comedi_t structure.
Bugs: Not strictly identical to fopen
Source: /lib/comedi.c
void comedi_perror(const char *s);
When a comedilib function fails, it usually returns -1 or
-NULL, depending on the return type. An internal library
-variable stores an error number, which can be retrieved with
-This error number can be
-converted to a human-readable form by the functions
These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the
-standard C library functions perror(),
-strerror, and errno(). In particular,
-comedilib functions sometimes return an error that is generated
-inside the C library; the comedi error message in this case
-is the same as the C library.
The function comedi_perror() prints an error
-message to stderr. The error message consists of the
-argument string, a colon, a space, a description of the error
-condition, and a new line.
Bugs: Does not support internationalization.
Source: /lib/error.c
*comedi_strerror(int errnum);
When a comedilib function fails, it usually returns -1 or
-NULL, depending on the return type. An internal library
-variable stores an error number, which can be retrieved with
-comedi_errno(). This error number can be
-converted to a human-readable form by the functions
-and comedi_strerror().
These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the
-standard C library functions perror(),
-strerror, and errno(). In particular,
-comedilib functions sometimes return an error that is generated
-inside the C library; the comedi error message in this case
-is the same as the C library.
The function comedi_strerror() returns a pointer to a
-character string
-describing the comedilib error errnum. The persistence
-of the returned pointer is undefined, and should not be trusted
-after the next libcomedi call. An unrecognized error number will
-return a pointer to the string "undefined error", or similar.
Bugs: Does not support internationalization.
Source: /lib/error.c
int comedi_sv_init(comedi_sv_t *sv,comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subd,
-unsigned int chan);
comedi_sv_init initializes the slow varying comedi structure
-sv of the device dev, the subdevice subd (analog input) and
-the channel chan.
-The slow varying comedi structure sv of type
-specifies the signal measurement. The default number of averaged
-samples is 100. Returns zero on success, -1 on error.
Bugs: comedi_sv_* was very poorly designed.
Source: /lib/sv.c
int comedi_sv_update(comedi_sv_t *sv);
The function comedi_sv_update updates the slow varying comedi structure
-Returns zero on success, -1 on error.
Source: /lib/sv.c
int comedi_sv_measure()
int comedi_sv_measure(comedi_sv_t *it,double *data);
comedi_sv_measure measures the slow variing signal. The measurement
-is specified by the slow varying comedi structure sv, the result is
-stored in data.
-On success returns the number of samples, -1 on error.
Converts data given in sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and
-maxdata) into physical units (double). The parameter rng
-represents the conversion information to use, and the parameter
-maxdata represents the maximum possible data value for the
-channel that the data was read.
Source: /lib/range.c
comedi_trigger() (deprecated)
int comedi_trigger(comedi_t *it,comedi_trig *trig);
The function comedi_trigger instructs comedi to
-perform the command specified by the
-trigger structuretrig. Results depend on
-the particular command being issued. If there is an
-error, -1 is returned.
Lifetime: removal at 1.0.
Source: /lib/comedi.c
int comedi_get_subdevice_flags(comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdevice);
This function returns a bitfield describing the capabilities of the
-specified subdevice. If there is an error, -1 is returned.
The bits are:
SDF_BUSY subdevice is running a command
SDF_BUSY_OWNER subdevice is running a command started by
-the file descriptor used by dev.
SDF_LOCKED subdevice is locked
SDF_LOCKED_OWNER subdevice is locked by the file descriptor used
-by dev.
SDF_MAXDATA maximum data values are channel dependent
SDF_FLAGS channel flags are channel dependent
SDF_RANGETYPE range types are channel dependent
SDF_MODE0 deprecated
SDF_MODE1 deprecated
SDF_MODE2 deprecated
SDF_MODE3 deprecated
SDF_MODE4 deprecated
SDF_CMD subdevice supports commands
SDF_READABLE subdevice can be read from
SDF_WRITEABLE subdevice can be written to
SDF_RT deprecated
SDF_GROUND subdevice is capable of ground analog reference
SDF_COMMON subdevice is capable of common analog reference
SDF_DIFF subdevice is capable of differential analog reference
SDF_OTHER subdevice is capable of other analog reference
SDF_DITHER subdevice recognizes dither flag
SDF_DEGLITCH subdevice recognizes deglitch flag
SDF_MMAP deprecated
SDF_RUNNING subdevice is acquiring data (i.e., command has not
SDF_LSAMPL subdevice uses samples of type lsampl_t (otherwise
SDF_PACKED subdevice uses bitfield samples (otherwise it uses
-one sample per channel)
The bit definitions are part of the Comedi kernel interface.
int comedi_range_is_chan_specific(comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subdevice);
If each channel of the specified subdevice has a different range
-specification, this function returns 1. Otherwise, this function
-returns 0. On error, this function returns -1.
diff --git a/doc/comedilib.txt b/doc/comedilib.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b2d8258..0000000
--- a/doc/comedilib.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1844 +0,0 @@
- Comedi Documentation
- David Schleef ds@stm.lbl.gov, Frank Hess fmhess@uiuc.edu
- 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
- This is preliminary documentation for Comedi and Comedilib.
- 22.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
- This section covers compiling, installing, and configuring comedi and
- comedlib.
- 22..11.. CCoommppiilliinngg aanndd IInnssttaalllliinngg
- This section has not been written.
- 22..22.. IInnssmmoodd''ddiinngg tthhee kkeerrnneell mmoodduullee
- This section has not been written.
- 22..33.. CCoonnffiigguurriinngg ccoommeeddii ffoorr yyoouurr hhaarrddwwaarree
- I assume that your hardware device is in your computer, and that you
- know the relevant details about it, i.e., what kind of card it is, the
- I/O base, the IRQ, jumper settings related to input ranges, etc.
- To tell the comedi kernel module that you have a particular device,
- and some information about it, you will be running the comedi_config
- command. Perhaps you should read the man page now.
- In this tutorial, I will go through the process of configuring comedi
- for two devices, a National Instruments AT-MIO-16E-10 and a Data
- Translation DT2821-F-8DI.
- The NI board is plug-and-play, and the man page tells me that I need
- to configure the PnP part of the board with isapnptools. The
- isapnptools package is a little cryptic, but the concepts are simple.
- Once I learned how to use it, I settled on a /etc/isapnp.conf file
- that contained the lines:
- # ANSI string -->National Instruments, AT-MIO-16E-10<--
- (CONFIGURE NIC2400/10725401 (LD 0
- (IO 0 (BASE 0x0260))
- (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
- # (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 5))
- # (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 6))
- (ACT Y)
- ))
- It also contains a few lines about overall configuration and about my
- sound card. I found out after a bit of trial-and-error that the NI
- board does not always work with interrupts other than IRQ 3. YMMV.
- Currently, the driver doesn't use DMA, but it may in the future, so I
- commented out the DMA lines. It is a curious fact that the device
- ignores the IRQ and DMA information given here, however, I keep the
- information here to remind myself that the numbers aren't arbitrary.
- When I run comedi_config (as root, of course), I provide the same
- information. Since I want to have the board configured every time I
- boot, I put the line
- /usr/sbin/comedi_config /dev/comedi0 atmio-E 0x260,3
- into /etc/rc.d/rc.local. You can, of course, run this command at a
- command prompt. The man page tells me that the option list is
- supposed to be "(I/O base),(IRQ)", so I used the same numbers as I put
- in /etc/isapnp.conf, i.e., 0x260,3.
- For the Data Translation board, I need to have a list of the jumper
- settings. Fortunately, I wrote them all down in the manual -- I hope
- they are still correct. However, I had to open the case to figure out
- which board in the series I had. It is a DT2821-f-8di. The man page
- of comedi_config tells me that I need to know the I/O base, IRQ, DMA
- 1, DMA 2. However, since I wrote the driver, I know that it also
- recognizes the differential/single-ended and unipolar/bipolar jumpers.
- As always, the source is the final authority, and looking in
- module/dt282x.c tells me that the options list is interpreted as:
- +o I/O base
- +o IRQ
- +o 1=differential, 0=single ended
- +o ai 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
- +o ao0 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
- +o ao1 0=unipolar, 1=bipolar
- +o dma1
- +o dma2
- (ai=analog input, ao=analog output.) From this, I decide that the
- appropriate options list is
- 0x200,4,,1,1,1
- I left the differential/single-ended number blank, since the driver
- already knowns (from the board name), that it is differential. I
- also left the DMA numbers blank, since I don't want the driver to use
- DMA. (Don't want it to interfere with my sound card -- life is full
- of difficult choices.) Keep in mind that things commented in the
- source, but not in the documentation are about as likely to change as
- the weather, so I put good comments next to the following line when I
- put it in rc.local.
- /usr/sbin/comedi_config /dev/comedi1 dt2821-f-8di 0x200,4,,1,1,1
- So now I think that I have my boards configured correctly. Since data
- acquisition boards are not typically well-engineered, comedi sometimes
- can't figure out if the board is actually there. If it can't, it
- assumes you are right. Both of these boards are well-made, so comedi
- will give me an error message if it can't find them. The comedi
- kernel module, since it is a part of the kernel, prints messages to
- the kernel logs, which you can access through the command 'dmesg' or
- /var/log/messages. Here is a configuration failure (from dmesg):
- comedi0: ni_E: 0x0200 can't find board
- When it does work, I get:
- comedi0: ni_E: 0x0260 at-mio-16e-10 ( irq = 3 )
- Note that it also correctly identified my board.
- 22..44.. GGeettttiinngg iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm ccoommeeddii
- So now that we have comedi talking to the hardware, we want to talk to
- comedi. Here's some pretty low-level information -- it's sometimes
- useful for debugging:
- cat /proc/comedi
- Right now, on my computer, this command gives:
- comedi version 0.6.4
- format string
- 0: atmio-E at-mio-16e-10 7
- 1: dt282x dt2821-f-8di 4
- This is a feature that is not well-developed yet. Basically, it
- currently tells you driver name, device name, and number of
- subdevices.
- In the demo/ directory, there is a command called info, which provides
- information about each subdevice on the board. The output of it is
- rather long, since I have 7 subdevices (4 or fewer is common for
- other boards.) Here's part of the output of the NI board (which is on
- /dev/comedi0.) ('demo/info /dev/comedi0')
- overall info:
- version code: 0x000604
- driver name: atmio-E
- board name: at-mio-16e-10
- number of subdevices: 7
- subdevice 0:
- type: 1 (unknown)
- number of channels: 16
- max data value: 4095
- ...
- The overall info gives information about the device -- basically the
- same information as /proc/comedi.
- This board has 7 subdevices. Devices are separated into subdevices
- that each have a distinct purpose -- e.g., analog input, analog
- output, digital input/output. This board also has an EEPROM and
- calibration DACs that are also subdevices.
- Subdevice 0 is the analog input subdevice. You would have known this
- from the 'type: 1 (unknown)' line, if I've updated demo/info recently,
- because it would say 'type: 1 (analog input)' instead. The other
- lines should be self-explanitory. Comedi has more information about
- the device, but demo/info doesn't currently display this.
- 33.. IInnddiivviidduuaall ddrriivveerrss
- This section contains information that is specific to each hardware
- driver. The most current information about a driver is included in
- the comedi source.
- 33..11.. NNaattiioonnaall IInnssttrruummeennttss AATT--MMIIOO EE sseerriieess
- 33..22.. DDaattaa TTrraannssllaattiioonn
- 44.. WWrriittiinngg pprrooggrraammss tthhaatt uussee ccoommeeddii aanndd ccoommeeddiilliibb
- 44..11.. YYoouurr ffiirrsstt ccoommeeddii pprrooggrraamm
- This example requires a card that has analog or digital input. Right
- to the source:
- #include /* for printf() */
- #include
- int subdev = 0; /* change this to your input subdevice */
- int chan = 0; /* change this to your channel */
- int range = 0; /* more on this later */
- int aref = AREF_GROUND; /* more on this later */
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- comedi_t *it;
- lsampl_t data;
- it=comedi_open("/dev/comedi0");
- comedi_data_read(it,subdev,chan,range,aref,&data);
- printf("%d\n",data);
- return 0;
- }
- Should be understandable: open the device, get the data, print it out.
- This is basically the guts of demo/inp.c, without error checking or
- fancy options. Compile it using
- cc tut1.c -lcomedi -o tut1
- A few notes: The range variable tells comedi which gain to use when
- measuring an analog voltage. Since we don't know (yet) which numbers
- are valid, or what each means, we'll use 0, because it won't cause
- errors. Likewise with aref, which determines the analog reference
- used.
- 44..22.. CCoonnvveerrttiinngg ssaammpplleess ttoo vvoollttaaggeess
- If you selected an analog input subdevice, you probably noticed that
- the output of tut1 is a number between 0 and 4095, or 0 and 65535,
- depending on the number of bits in the A/D converter. Comedi samples
- are aallwwaayyss unsigned, with 0 representing the lowest voltage of the
- ADC, and 4095 the highest. Comedi compensates for anything else the
- manual for your device says. However, you probably prefer to have
- this number translated to a voltage. Naturally, as a good programmer,
- your first question is: "How do I do this in a device-independent
- manner?"
- Most devices give you a choice of gain and unipolar/bipolar input, and
- Comedi allows you to select which of these to use. This parameter is
- called the "range parameter", since it specifies the "input range" for
- analog input (or "output range" for analog output.) The range
- parameter represents both the gain and the unipolar/bipolar aspects.
- Comedi keeps the number of available ranges and the largest sample
- value for each subdevice/channel combination. (Some devices allow
- different input/output ranges for different channels in a subdevice.)
- The largest sample value can be found using the function:
- comedi_get_maxdata()
- The number of available ranges can be found using the function:
- comedi_get_n_ranges()
- For each value of the range parameter for a particular
- subdevice/channel, you can get range information using the function:
- ptr=comedi_get_range(comedi_file,subdevice,channel, range)
- which returns a pointer to a comedi_range structure. The comedi_range
- structure looks like
- typedef struct{
- double min;
- double max;
- unsigned int unit;
- }comedi_range;
- The structure element 'min' represents the voltage corresponding to
- comedi_data_read() returning 0, and 'max' represents
- comedi_data_read() returning 'maxdata', (i.e., 4095 for 12 bit A/C
- converters, 65535 for 16 bit, or, 1 for digital input -- more on this
- in a bit.) The max refer to voltage, current, etc.
- "Could it get easier?", you say. Well, yes. Use the function
- comedi_to_phys(), which converts data values to physical units. Call
- it using something like
- volts=comedi_to_phys(it,data,range,maxdata);
- and the opposite
- data=comedi_from_phys(it,volts,range,maxdata);
- 44..33.. AAnnootthheerr sseeccttiioonn
- In addition to providing low level routines for data access, the
- comedi library provides higher-level access, much like the standard C
- library provides fopen(), etc. as a high-level (and portable)
- alternative to the direct UNIX system calls open(), etc. Similarily
- to fopen(), we have comedi_open():
- file=comedi_open("/dev/comedi0");
- where file is of type (comedi_t *). This function calls open(), like
- we did explicitly in a previous section, but also fills the comedi_t
- structure with lots of goodies -- information that we will need to use
- soon.
- Specifically, we needed to know maxdata for a specific
- subdevice/channel. How about:
- maxdata=comedi_get_maxdata(file,subdevice,channel);
- Wow. How easy. And the range type?
- range_type=comedi_get_rangetype(file,subdevice,channel);
- Cool. Other information you need to know about a channel can be
- gotten in a similar way.
- 44..44.. YYoouurr sseeccoonndd ccoommeeddii pprrooggrraamm
- Actually, this is the first comedi program again, just that we've
- added what we've learned.
- #include /* for printf() */
- #include /* also included by comedilib.h */
- #include /* 'cuz we're using comedilib */
- int subdev = 0; /* change this to your input subdevice */
- int chan = 0; /* change this to your channel */
- int range = 0; /* more on this later */
- int aref = 0; /* more on this later */
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- comedi_t *cf;
- int chan=0;
- lsampl_t data;
- int maxdata,rangetype;
- double volts;
- cf=comedi_open("/dev/comedi0");
- maxdata=comedi_get_maxdata(cf,subdev,chan);
- rangetype=comedi_get_rangetype(cf,subdev,chan);
- comedi_data_read(cf->fd,subdev,chan,range,aref,&data);
- volts=comedi_to_phys(data,rangetype,range,maxdata);
- printf("%d %g\n",data,volts);
- return 0;
- }
- 55.. AApppplliiccaattiioonn--ssppeecciiffiicc ffuunnccttiioonnss
- 55..11.. DDiiggiittaall IInnppuutt//OOuuttppuutt
- Many boards supported by comedi have digital input and output
- channels. Some boards allow the direction of a channel to be
- specified in software.
- Comedi groups digital channels into subdevice, which is a group of
- digital channels that have the same characteristics. For example,
- digital output lines will be grouped into a digital output subdevice,
- bidirectional digital lines will be grouped into a digital I/O
- subdevice. Thus, there can be multiple digital subdevices on a
- particular board.
- Individual digital lines can be read and written using the functions
- comedi_dio_read(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int *bit);
- comedi_dio_write(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int bit);
- The direction of bidirectional lines can be configured using the
- function
- comedi_dio_config(device,subdevice,channel,unsigned int dir);
- The parameter dir should be either COMEDI_INPUT or COMEDI_OUTPUT.
- Many digital I/O subdevices group channels into blocks for configuring
- direction. Changing one channel in a block changes the entire block.
- Multiple channels can be read and written simultaneously using the
- function
- comedi_dio_bitfield(device,subdevice,unsigned int write_mask,unsigned
- int *bits);
- Each channel is assigned to a bit in the write_mask and bits bitfield.
- If a bit in write_mask is set, the corresponding bit in *bits will be
- written to the corresponding digital output line. Each digital line
- is then read and placed into *bits. The value of bits in *bits
- corresponding to digital output lines is undefined and device-
- specific. Channel 0 is the least significant bit in the bitfield;
- channel 31 is the most significant bit. Channels higher than 31
- cannot be accessed using this method.
- 55..22.. SSlloowwllyy--vvaarryyiinngg iinnppuuttss
- Sometimes, your input channels change slowly enough that you are able
- to average many sucessive input values to get a more accurate
- measurement of the actual value. In general, the more samples you
- average, the better your estimate gets, roughly by a factor of
- sqrt(number_of_samples). Obviously, there are limitations to this:
- +o you are ultimately limited by "spurious free dynamic range"
- +o you need to have _some_ noise on the input channel, otherwise you
- will be averaging the same number N times.
- +o the more noise you have, the greater your SFDR, but it takes many
- more samples to compensate for the increased noise
- +o if you feel the need to average samples for 2 seconds, your signal
- will need to be _very_ slowly-varying, i.e., not varying more than
- your target uncertainty for the entire 2 seconds.
- As you might have guessed, the comedi library has functions to help
- you in your quest to accurately measure slowly varying inputs. I use
- these functions to measure thermocouple voltages -- actually, the
- library functions came from a section of code that was previously part
- of the thermocouple reading program.
- The comedi self-calibration utility also uses these functions. On
- some hardware, it is possible to tell it to measure an internal stable
- voltage reference, which is typically going to be very slowly varying
- -- on the kilosecond time scale or more. So it is reasonable to
- measure millions of samples, to get a very accurate measurement of the
- A/D converter output value that corresponds to the voltage reference.
- Sometimes, however, this is overkill, since there is no need to
- perform a part-per-million calibration to a standard that is only
- accurate to part-per-thousand.
- 55..33.. CCoommmmaannddss
- Many data acquisition devices have the capability to directly control
- acquisition using either an on-board timer or an external triggering
- input. Comedi commands are used to control this kind of acquisition.
- The ``comedi_cmd'' structure is used to control acquisition and query
- the capabilities of a device (see also ``comedi_command()'',
- ``comedi_command_test()'', and ``comedi_get_cmd_src_mask()'').
- Commands specify a particular data acquisition sequence, which is
- comprised of a number of scans. Each scan is comprised of a number of
- conversions, which usually corresponds to a single A/D or D/A
- conversion. The start and end of the sequence, and the start and end
- of each scan, and each conversion is called an event.
- Each of these 5 types of events are caused by a triggering source,
- specified through the *_src members of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure.
- The source types are:
- +o TRIG_NONE: don't ever cause an event
- +o TRIG_NOW: cause event to occur immediately
- +o TRIG_FOLLOW: see notes below
- +o TRIG_TIME: cause event to occur at a particular time
- +o TRIG_TIMER: cause event to occur repeatedly at a specific rate
- +o TRIG_COUNT: cause event when count reaches specific value
- +o TRIG_EXT: external signal causes event
- +o TRIG_INT: internal signal causes event
- +o TRIG_OTHER: driver-specific meaning
- Not all triggers are applicable to all events. Supported triggers for
- specific events depend significantly on your particular device. The
- ``comedi_get_cmd_src_mask()'' function is useful for determining what
- triggers a subdevice supports.
- For every trigger, there is a corresponding argument (the *_arg
- members of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure) whose meaning depends on the
- type of trigger. The meanings of the arguments are as follows:
- TRIG_NONE is typically used only as a stop_src. The argument for
- TRIG_NONE is reserved and should be set to 0.
- TRIG_NOW is most often used as a start_src. The argument for TRIG_NOW
- is the number of nanoseconds between when the command is issued and
- when the event should occur. In the case of using TRIG now as a
- start_src, it indicates a delay between issuing the command and the
- start of acquisition. Most drivers only support a delay of 0.
- TRIG_FOLLOW is a special type of trigger for events that trigger on
- the completion of some other, logically connected event. The argument
- is reserved and should be set to 0. When used as a scan_begin_src, it
- indicates that a trigger should occur as a logical continuation of
- convert events. This is done in order to properly describe boards
- that do not have separate timers for convert and scan_begin events.
- When used as a start_src for analog output subdevices, it indicates
- that conversion of output samples should begin when samples are
- written to the buffer.
- TRIG_TIME is reserved for future use.
- TRIG_TIMER is most often used as a convert_src, a scan_begin_src, or
- both. It indicates that triggers should occur at a specific rate.
- The argument specifies the interval between triggers in nanoseconds.
- TRIG_COUNT is used for scan_end_src and stop_src. It indicates that a
- trigger should occur when the specified number of corresponding lower-
- level triggers (convert and scan_begin, respectively) occur. The
- argument is the count of lower-level triggers.
- TRIG_EXT can be useful as any of the trigger sources. It indicates
- that an external digital line should be used to trigger the event.
- The exact meaning of digital line is device-dependent. Some devices
- have one dedicated line, others may allow generic digital input lines
- to be used. The argument indicates the particular external line to
- use as the trigger.
- TRIG_INT is typically used as a start_src. This trigger occurs when
- the application performs an INSN_INTTRIG instruction. Using TRIG_INT
- is a method by which the application can accurately record the time of
- the start of acquisition, since the parsing and setup time of a
- particular command may be significant. The argument associated with
- TRIG_INT is reserved and should be set to 0.
- TRIG_OTHER can be useful as any of the trigger sources. The exact
- meaning of TRIG_OTHER is driver-specific, and implements a feature
- that otherwise does not fit into the command interface. Configuration
- of TRIG_OTHER features are done by INSN_CONFIG insns. The argument is
- reserved and should be set to 0.
- Ths subdev member of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure is the index of the
- subdevice the command is intended for. The
- ``comedi_find_subdevice_by_type()'' function can be useful in
- discovering the index of your desired subdevice.
- The chanlist member of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure should point to an
- array whose number of elements is specificed by chanlist_len (this
- will generally be the same as the scan_end_arg). The chanlist
- specifies the sequence of channels and gains (and analog references)
- that should be stepped through for each scan. The elements of the
- chanlist array should be initialized by packing the channel, range and
- reference information together with the ``CR_PACK()'' macro.
- The data and data_len members can be safely ignored when issueing
- commands from a user-space program. They only have meaning when a
- command is sent from a kernel module using the kcomedilib interface,
- in which case they specify the buffer where the driver should
- write/read its data to/from.
- The final member of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure is flags. The
- following flags are valid, and can be bitwise-or'd together.
- +o TRIG_BOGUS: do the motions??
- +o TRIG_DITHER: enable dithering??
- +o TRIG_DEGLITCH: enable deglitching??
- +o TRIG_RT: ask driver to use a hard real-time interrupt
- handler. This will reduce latency in handling interrupts from your
- data aquisition hardware. It can be useful if you are sampling at
- high frequency, or if your hardware has a small onboard fifo. You
- must have a real-time kernel (RTAI or RTLinux) and must compile
- comedi with real-time support or this flag will do nothing.
- +o TRIG_CONFIG: perform configuration, not triggering. This is a
- legacy of the deprecated comedi_trig_struct, and has no function at
- present.
- +o TRIG_WAKE_EOS: some drivers will change their behaviour when this
- flag is set, trying to transfer data at the end of every scan
- (instead of, for example, passing data in chunks whenever the
- board's onboard fifo is half full). This flag may degrade a
- driver's performance at high frequencies.
- +o TRIG_WRITE: write to bidirectional devices. Could be useful in
- principle, if someone wrote a driver that supported commands for a
- digital i/o device that could do either input or output.
- There are also a few flags that indicate how timing arguments
- should be rounded if the hardware cannot achieve the exact timing
- requested.
- +o TRIG_ROUND_NEAREST: round to nearest supported timing period, the
- default.
- +o TRIG_ROUND_DOWN: round period down.
- +o TRIG_ROUND_UP: round period up.
- +o TRIG_ROUND_UP_NEXT: this one doesn't do anything, and I don't know
- what it was intended to do??
- The typical sequence for executing a command is to first send the
- command through ``comedi_command_test()'' once or twice. The test
- will check that the command is valid for the particular device, and
- often makes some adjustments to the command arguments, which can then
- be read back by the user to see the actual values used. The command
- is executed with ``comedi_command()''. For input/output commands,
- data is read from or written to the device file /dev/comedi[0..3] you
- are using.
- 66.. LLiibbccoommeeddii RReeffeerreennccee
- 66..11.. CCoonnssttaannttss aanndd MMaaccrrooss
- 66..11..11.. CCRR__PPAACCKK(())
- CR_PACK(channel, range, aref)
- CR_PACK is used to initialize the elements of the chanlist array in
- the ``comedi_cmd'' structure, and the chanspec member of the
- ``comedi_insn'' structure.
- The channel argument is the channel you wish to use, with the channel
- numbering starting at zero.
- The range is an index, starting at zero, whose meaning is device
- dependent. The ``comedi_get_n_ranges()'' and ``comedi_get_range()''
- functions are useful in discovering information about the available
- ranges.
- The aref argument indicates what reference you want the device to use.
- It can be any of the following:
- +o AREF_GROUND is for inputs/outputs referenced to ground
- +o AREF_COMMON is for a `common' reference (the low inputs of all
- the channels are tied together, but are isolated from ground)
- +o AREF_DIFF is for differential inputs/outputs
- +o AREF_OTHER is for any reference that does not fit into the
- above categories
- Particular drivers may or may not use the AREF flags. If they are
- not supported, they are silently ignored.
- Source: /include/comedi.h
- 66..11..22.. RRAANNGGEE__LLEENNGGTTHH(()) ((ddeepprreeccaatteedd))
- RANGE_LENGTH(rangetype)
- Rangetype values are library-internal tokens that represent an array
- of range information structures. These numbers are primarily used for
- communication between the kernel and library.
- The RANGE_LENGTH() macro returns the length of the array that is
- specified by the rangetype token.
- The RANGE_LENGTH() macro is deprecated, and should not be used in new
- applications. It is scheduled to be removed from the header file at
- version 1.0. Binary compatibility may be broken for version 1.1.
- 66..22.. DDaattaa TTyyppeess aanndd SSttrruuccttuurreess
- 66..22..11.. ccoommeeddii__tt
- The data type comedi_t is used to represent an open Comedi device. A
- valid comedi_t pointer is returned by a successful call to
- comedi_open(), and should be used for subsequent access to the device.
- It is a transparent type, and pointers to type comedi_t should not be
- dereferenced by the application.
- 66..22..22.. ssaammppll__tt
- The data type sampl_t is one of the generic types used to represent
- data values in libcomedi. It is used in a few places where a shorter
- data type is useful, but is limited to 16 bits on the i386
- architecture.
- 66..22..33.. llssaammppll__tt
- The data type lsampl_t is one of the generic types used to represent
- data values in libcomedi. It is currently defined to be unsigned int.
- 66..22..44.. ccoommeeddii__ttrriigg__ssttrruucctt ((ddeepprreeccaatteedd))
- The comedi_trig structure
- struct comedi_trig_struct{
- unsigned int subdev; /* subdevice */
- unsigned int mode; /* mode */
- unsigned int flags;
- unsigned int n_chan; /* number of channels */
- unsigned int *chanlist; /* channel/range list */
- sampl_t *data; /* data list, size depends on subd flags */
- unsigned int n; /* number of scans */
- unsigned int trigsrc;
- unsigned int trigvar;
- unsigned int trigvar1;
- unsigned int data_len;
- unsigned int unused[3];
- }
- The comedi_trig structure is a control structure used by the
- COMEDI_TRIG ioctl, an older method of communicating instructions to
- the driver and hardware. Use of comedi_trig is deprecated, and should
- not be used in new applications.
- This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
- 66..22..55.. ccoommeeddii__ssvv__tt
- struct comedi_sv_struct{
- comedi_t *dev;
- unsigned int subdevice;
- unsigned int chan;
- /* range policy */
- int range;
- int aref;
- /* number of measurements to average (for ai) */
- int n;
- lsampl_t maxdata;
- }
- The comedi_sv_t structure is used by the comedi_sv_*() functions to
- provide a simple method of accurately measuring slowly varying inputs.
- See the relevant section for more details.
- 66..22..66.. ccoommeeddii__ccmmdd
- typedef struct comedi_cmd_struct comedi_cmd;
- struct comedi_cmd_struct{
- unsigned int subdev;
- unsigned int flags;
- unsigned int start_src;
- unsigned int start_arg;
- unsigned int scan_begin_src;
- unsigned int scan_begin_arg;
- unsigned int convert_src;
- unsigned int convert_arg;
- unsigned int scan_end_src;
- unsigned int scan_end_arg;
- unsigned int stop_src;
- unsigned int stop_arg;
- unsigned int *chanlist;
- unsigned int chanlist_len;
- sampl_t *data;
- unsigned int data_len;
- };
- More information on using commands can be found in the ``command''
- section.
- This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
- 66..22..77.. ccoommeeddii__iinnssnn
- undocumented
- Related functions are described in section XXX.
- This structure is defined as part of the Comedi kernel interface.
- 66..22..88.. ccoommeeddii__rraannggee
- undocumented
- 66..33.. FFuunnccttiioonnss
- 66..33..11.. ccoommeeddii__cclloossee(())
- void comedi_close(comedi_t *it);
- Closes a device previously opened by comedi_open().
- The return type of this function will change to int, in order to match
- fclose.
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..22.. ccoommeeddii__ccoommmmaanndd(())
- int comedi_command(comedi_t *it, comedi_cmd *cmd);
- Issues the command pointed at by cmd to the open device it. It is
- usually necessary to pass the command through
- ``comedi_command_test()'' to fix up the command before it can be
- successfully executed with comedi_command(). See ``commands'' for
- more information.
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..33.. ccoommeeddii__ccoommmmaanndd__tteesstt(())
- int comedi_command_test(comedi_t *it, comedi_cmd *cmd);
- Tests and fixes up the command pointed at by cmd according to the
- limitations of the driver configured on the open device it. The
- return value has the following meaning:
- +o 0: the command passed the test and can be successfully
- executed by ``comedi_command()''. The one exception to this rule
- is that the test will allow a NULL chanlist for the command.
- +o 1: invalid trigger. One or more of the trigger sources (the *_src
- members of the ``comedi_cmd'' structure) is not supported by the
- driver.
- +o 2: incompatible triggers. Two or more of the triggers selected are
- incompatible with each other. For example, a driver might allow
- either the scan_begin_src or the convert_src to be TRIG_TIMER, but
- not both.
- +o 3: argument invalid. One or more argument is invalid, for example
- a timing argument might be in excess of the card's maximum speed.
- The command test will correct the arguments by modifying the
- command pointed at by cmd.
- +o 4: argument fix up. The command underwent minor adjustment and
- should now be valid. For example, a timing argument might not be
- exactly achievable by the card so the timing argument will be
- adjusted to the actual timing the card will use.
- +o negative: some other error has occured.
- See ``commands'' for more information.
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..44.. ccoommeeddii__ddaattaa__rreeaadd(())
- int comedi_data_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int chan,
- unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t *data);
- Reads a single sample on the channel that is specified by the comedi
- device it, the subdevice subd, and the channel chan. For the A/D
- conversion (if appropriate), the device is configured to use range
- specification range and (if appropriate) analog reference type aref.
- Analog reference types that are not supported by the device are
- silently ignored.
- comedi_data_read() reads one data value from the specified channel and
- places the data value that is read in the location pointed to by data.
- On sucess, comedi_data_read() returns 0. If there is an error, -1 is
- returned.
- Valid analog reference numbers are:
- +o AREF_GROUND Reference to analog ground
- +o AREF_COMMON Reference to analog common
- +o AREF_DIFF Differential reference
- +o AREF_OTHER Board-specific meaning
- Valid data values returned by these function is an unsigned integer
- less than or equal to maxdata, which is channel-dependent. Conversion
- of these data value to physical units can be performed by
- ``comedi_to_phys()''.
- Source: /lib/data.c
- 66..33..55.. ccoommeeddii__ddaattaa__wwrriittee(())
- int comedi_data_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
- chan, unsigned int range,unsigned int aref,lsampl_t data);
- Writes a single sample on the channel that is specified by the comedi
- device it, the subdevice subd, and the channel chan. For the D/A
- conversion (if appropriate), the device is configured to use range
- specification range and (if appropriate) analog reference type aref.
- Analog reference types that are not supported by the device are
- silently ignored.
- comedi_data_write() writes the data value specified by the argument
- data to the specified channel.
- On sucess, comedi_data_write() returns 0. If there is an error, -1 is
- returned.
- Valid analog reference numbers are:
- +o AREF_GROUND Reference to analog ground
- +o AREF_COMMON Reference to analog common
- +o AREF_DIFF Differential reference
- +o AREF_OTHER Board-specific meaning
- Valid data values used by these functions is an unsigned integer less
- than or equal to maxdata, which is channel-dependent. Conversion of
- physical units to these data value can be performed by
- ``comedi_from_phys()''.
- Source: /lib/data.c
- 66..33..66.. ccoommeeddii__ddiioo__bbiittffiieelldd(());;
- int comedi_dio_bitfield(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
- write_mask,unsigned int *bits);
- The function comedi_dio_bitfield() allows multiple channels to be read
- simultaneously from a digital input or digital I/O device. The
- parameter write_mask and the value pointed to by bits are interpreted
- as bit fields, with the least significant bit representing channel 0.
- For each bit in write_mask that is set, the cooresponding bit in *bits
- is written to the digital output channel. Each digital input channel
- is read, and the result placed in the approprate bits in *bits.
- The current implementation reads and writes bits using separate system
- calls, which is not ideal. When the kernel driver supports
- simultaneous reading/writing, this will be fixed in the library.
- It should be noted that it is not possible to access channels greater
- than 31 using this function.
- Source: /lib/dio.c
- 66..33..77.. ccoommeeddii__ddiioo__ccoonnffiigg(())
- int comedi_dio_config(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
- chan,unsigned int dir);
- The function comedi_dio_config configures individual channels in a
- digital I/O subdevice to be either input or output, depending on the
- value of parameter dir. Depending on the capabilities of the hardware
- device, multiple channels may be affected by a single call to
- comedi_dio_config.
- Valid directions are:
- Source: /lib/dio.c
- 66..33..88.. ccoommeeddii__ddiioo__rreeaadd(())
- int comedi_dio_read(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
- chan,unsigned int *bit);
- The function reads the status of channel chan belonging to the digital
- input subdevice subd of device it. The result, 0 or 1, is stored in
- bit. Returns -1 on failure.
- This function is equivalent to comedi_data_read(it,subd,chan,0,0,bit).
- Source: /lib/dio.c
- 66..33..99.. ccoommeeddii__ddiioo__wwrriittee(())
- int comedi_dio_write(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subd,unsigned int
- chan,unsigned int bit);
- The function writes the value of bit, 0 or 1, to channel chan,
- belonging to the digital output device subd of device it. Returns -1
- on failure.
- Source: /lib/dio.c
- 66..33..1100.. ccoommeeddii__ffiilleennoo(())
- int comedi_fileno(comedi_t *it);
- The function comedi_fileno returns the integer descriptor for the
- handle it. It is equivalent to the standard function fileno. If it
- is an invalid comedi_t pointer, the function returns -1 and sets the
- appropriate libcomedi error value.
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..1111.. ccoommeeddii__ffiinndd__rraannggee(())
- int comedi_find_range(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdevice, unsigned
- int chan, unsigned int unit, double min, double max);
- The function comedi_find_range tries to locate the optimal (smallest)
- range for the channel chan belonging to a subdevice of the comedi
- device it, that includes both min and max in units. If it finds a
- matching range, it returns its index. If no matching range is
- available, it returns -1.
- Valid units are:
- +o UNIT_volt
- +o UNIT_mA
- +o UNIT_none
- Source: /lib/range.c
- 66..33..1122.. ccoommeeddii__eerrrrnnoo(())
- int comedi_errno(void);
- The function comedi_errno() returns an integer describing the most
- recent comedilib error. This integer may be used as the errnum
- parameter for ``comedi_strerror()''.
- When a libcomedi function fails, it usually returns -1 or NULL,
- depending on the return type. An internal library variable stores an
- error number, which can be retrieved with comedi_errno(). This error
- number can be converted to a human-readable form by the functions
- ``comedi_perror()'' and ``comedi_strerror()''.
- These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the standard C
- library functions perror(), strerror, and errno(). In particular,
- libcomedi functions sometimes return an error that is generated by the
- C library; the Comedi error message in this case is the same as the C
- library.
- Source: /lib/error.c
- 66..33..1133.. ccoommeeddii__ffiinndd__ssuubbddeevviiccee__bbyy__ttyyppee(())
- int comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(comedi_t *it,int type,unsigned int
- start_subdevice);
- The function comedi_find_subdevice_by_type tries to locate a subdevice
- belonging to comedi device it, having type type, starting with the
- subdevice start_subdevice. If it finds the requested subdevice, it
- returns its index. If it does not locate the requested subdevice, it
- returns -1 and sets the comedi error number to "subdevice not found".
- If there is an error, the function returns -1 and sets the appropriate
- error.
- For subdevice types, see the manual page for the function
- ``comedi_get_subdevice_type()''.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..1144.. ccoommeeddii__ffrroomm__pphhyyss(())
- lsampl_t comedi_from_phys(double data, comedi_range *rng, lsampl_t
- maxdata);
- Converts data given in physical units (data) into sample values
- (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata). The parameter rng represents the
- conversion information to use, and the parameter maxdata represents
- the maximum possible data value for the channel that the data will be
- written to.
- Source: /lib/range.c
- 66..33..1155.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__bbooaarrdd__nnaammee(())
- char *comedi_get_board_name(comedi_t *it);
- The function comedi_get_board_name returns a pointer to a string
- containing the name of the device. This pointer is valid until the
- comedi descriptor it is closed. This function returns NULL if there
- is an error.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..1166.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__ccmmdd__ssrrcc__mmaasskk(())
- int comedi_get_cmd_src_mask(comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdevice,
- comedi_cmd *cmd);
- undocumented
- Source: /lib/cmd.c
- 66..33..1177.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__ddrriivveerr__nnaammee(())
- char *comedi_get_driver_name(comedi_t *it);
- The function comedi_get_driver_name returns a pointer to a string
- containing the name of the driver being used by comedi for the comedi
- device represented by it. This pointer is valid until the comedi
- descriptor it is closed. This function returns NULL if there is an
- error.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..1188.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__mmaaxxddaattaa(())
- lsampl_t comedi_get_maxdata(comedi_t *it,unsigned int
- subdevice,unsigned int chan);
- The function comedi_get_maxdata() returns the maximum valid data value
- for channel chan of subdevice subdevice belonging to the comedi device
- it This function returns 0 on error.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..1199.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__nn__cchhaannnneellss(())
- int comedi_get_n_channels(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
- The function comedi_get_n_channels() returns the number of channels of
- the subdevice belonging to the comedi device it and having index
- subdevice. This function returns -1 on error.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2200.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__nn__rraannggeess(())
- int comedi_get_n_ranges(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice, unsigned
- int chan);
- The function comedi_get_n_ranges() returns the number of ranges of the
- channel chan belonging to the subdevice of the comedi device it. This
- function returns -1 on error.
- Source: /lib/range.c
- 66..33..2211.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__nn__ssuubbddeevviicceess(())
- int comedi_get_n_subdevices(comedi_t *it);
- The function comedi_get_n_subdevices returns the number of subdevices
- associated with the comedi descriptor it, or -1 if there is an error.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2222.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__rraannggee(())
- comedi_range * comedi_get_range(comedi_t *it,unsigned int
- subdevice,unsigned int chan,unsigned int range);
- The function comedi_get_range returns a pointer to a comedi_range
- structure that contains information that can be used to convert sample
- values to or from physical units. The pointer is valid until the
- comedi device it is closed. If there is an error, NULL is returned.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2233.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__rraannggeettyyppee(()) ddeepprreeccaatteedd
- int comedi_get_rangetype(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice,unsigned
- int chan);
- The function comedi_get_rangetype() returns an integer that represents
- the number of range specifications available for a particular channel
- chan of the subdevice subdevice, as well as a conversion table to
- convert sample values to/from physical units.
- The macro RANGE_LENGTH(rangetype) can be used to determine the number
- of range specifications for a given range type.
- This function is deprecated and should not be used in new code.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2244.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__ssuubbddeevviiccee__ttyyppee(())
- int comedi_get_subdevice_type(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdevice);
- The function comedi_get_subdevice_type() returns an integer describing
- the type of subdevice that belongs to the comedi device it and has the
- index subdevice. The function returns -1 is there is an error.
- Valid subdevice types are:
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED Subdevice has no functionality, i.e., a place-
- holder.
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_AI Analog input
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_AO Analog output
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_DI Digital input
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_DO Digital output
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_DIO Digital input/output. Channels are configurable as
- to whether they are inputs or outputs.
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_MEMORY Memory, e.g., EEPROM or dual-ported RAM
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_CALIB Calibration DACs
- +o COMEDI_SUBD_PROC Processor or DSP
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2255.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__ttiimmeerr(()) ((ddeepprreeccaatteedd))
- int comedi_get_timer(comedi_t *it,unsigned int subdev, double
- freq,unsigned int *trigvar, double *actual_freq);
- The function comedi_get_timer converts the frequency freq to a number
- suitable to send to the driver in a comedi_trig structure. This
- function remains for compatibility with very old versions of Comedi,
- that converted sampling rates to timer values in the libary. This
- conversion is now done in the kernel, and every device has the timer
- type nanosec_timer, indicating that timer values are simply a time
- specified in nanoseconds.
- This function is deprecated and should not be used in new
- applications.
- Source: /lib/timer.c
- 66..33..2266.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__vveerrssiioonn__ccooddee(())
- int comedi_get_version_code(comedi_t *it);
- The function comedi_get_version_code() returns the version code of the
- currently running comedi module. The version code is of the form
- 0x01072b, which is the version code for version 1.7.43.
- This function is of limited usefulness. A typical mis-application of
- this function is to use it to determine if a certain feature is
- supported. If the application needs to know of the existence of a
- particular feature, an existence test function should be written and
- put in the libcomedi source.
- Source: /lib/get.c
- 66..33..2277.. ccoommeeddii__lloogglleevveell(())
- int comedi_loglevel(int loglevel);
- This function affects the output of debugging and error messages from
- libcomedi. By increasing the loglevel, additional debugging
- information will be printed. This function returns the previous
- loglevel. Error messages and debugging are printed to the stream
- stderr. The loglevel can also be affected by the environment variable
- In order to conserve resources, some debugging information is disabled
- when libcomedi is compiled.
- The meaning of the loglevels is as follows:
- Comedilib prints nothing.
- +o COMEDILIB_LOGLEVEL=1 (default)
- Comedilib only prints error messages when there is a self-
- consistency error (i.e., internal bug).
- Comedilib prints an error message when an invalid parameter is
- passed to comedilib.
- Comedilib prints an error message whenever an error is generated in
- the comedilib library or is generated in the C library when called
- by comedilib.
- Comedilib prints a lot of debugging messages.
- Bugs: Libcomedi doesn't currently have much debugging information.
- Source: /lib/error.c
- 66..33..2288.. ccoommeeddii__ooppeenn(())
- comedi_t *comedi_open(char *filename);
- Opens a comedi device specified by the filename filename. Returns
- NULL on error. On sucess, it returns a handle that is given as a
- parameter to other libcomedi functions.
- You are not supposed to have access to the internals of the comedi_t
- structure.
- Bugs: Not strictly identical to fopen
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..2299.. ccoommeeddii__ppeerrrroorr(())
- void comedi_perror(const char *s);
- When a comedilib function fails, it usually returns -1 or NULL,
- depending on the return type. An internal library variable stores an
- error number, which can be retrieved with ``comedi_errno()''. This
- error number can be converted to a human-readable form by the
- functions comedi_perror() and ``comedi_strerror()''.
- These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the standard C
- library functions perror(), strerror, and errno(). In particular,
- comedilib functions sometimes return an error that is generated inside
- the C library; the comedi error message in this case is the same as
- the C library.
- The function comedi_perror() prints an error message to stderr. The
- error message consists of the argument string, a colon, a space, a
- description of the error condition, and a new line.
- Bugs: Does not support internationalization.
- Source: /lib/error.c
- 66..33..3300.. ccoommeeddii__ssttrreerrrroorr(())
- *comedi_strerror(int errnum);
- When a comedilib function fails, it usually returns -1 or NULL,
- depending on the return type. An internal library variable stores an
- error number, which can be retrieved with ``comedi_errno()''. This
- error number can be converted to a human-readable form by the
- functions ``comedi_perror()'' and comedi_strerror().
- These functions are intended to mimic the behavior of the standard C
- library functions perror(), strerror, and errno(). In particular,
- comedilib functions sometimes return an error that is generated inside
- the C library; the comedi error message in this case is the same as
- the C library.
- The function comedi_strerror() returns a pointer to a character string
- describing the comedilib error errnum. The persistence of the
- returned pointer is undefined, and should not be trusted after the
- next libcomedi call. An unrecognized error number will return a
- pointer to the string "undefined error", or similar.
- Bugs: Does not support internationalization.
- Source: /lib/error.c
- 66..33..3311.. ccoommeeddii__ssvv__iinniitt(())
- int comedi_sv_init(comedi_sv_t *sv,comedi_t *dev,unsigned int subd,
- unsigned int chan);
- comedi_sv_init initializes the slow varying comedi structure sv of the
- device dev, the subdevice subd (analog input) and the channel chan.
- The slow varying comedi structure sv of type ``comedi_sv_t'' specifies
- the signal measurement. The default number of averaged samples is
- 100. Returns zero on success, -1 on error.
- Bugs: comedi_sv_* was very poorly designed.
- Source: /lib/sv.c
- 66..33..3322.. ccoommeeddii__ssvv__uuppddaattee(())
- int comedi_sv_update(comedi_sv_t *sv);
- The function comedi_sv_update updates the slow varying comedi
- structure sv. Returns zero on success, -1 on error.
- Source: /lib/sv.c
- 66..33..3333.. iinntt ccoommeeddii__ssvv__mmeeaassuurree(())
- int comedi_sv_measure(comedi_sv_t *it,double *data);
- comedi_sv_measure measures the slow variing signal. The measurement is
- specified by the slow varying comedi structure sv, the result is
- stored in data. On success returns the number of samples, -1 on
- error.
- Source: /lib/sv.c
- 66..33..3344.. ccoommeeddii__ttoo__pphhyyss(())
- double comedi_to_phys(lsampl_t data, comedi_range *rng, lsampl_t
- maxdata);
- Converts data given in sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata)
- into physical units (double). The parameter rng represents the
- conversion information to use, and the parameter maxdata represents
- the maximum possible data value for the channel that the data was
- read.
- Source: /lib/range.c
- 66..33..3355.. ccoommeeddii__ttrriiggggeerr(()) ((ddeepprreeccaatteedd))
- int comedi_trigger(comedi_t *it,comedi_trig *trig);
- The function comedi_trigger instructs comedi to perform the command
- specified by the ``trigger structure'' trig. Results depend on the
- particular command being issued. If there is an error, -1 is
- returned.
- Lifetime: removal at 1.0.
- Source: /lib/comedi.c
- 66..33..3366.. ccoommeeddii__ggeett__ssuubbddeevviiccee__ffllaaggss(())
- int comedi_get_subdevice_flags(comedi_t *dev, unsigned int subdevice);
- This function returns a bitfield describing the capabilities of the
- specified subdevice. If there is an error, -1 is returned.
- The bits are:
- +o SDF_BUSY subdevice is running a command
- +o SDF_BUSY_OWNER subdevice is running a command started by the file
- descriptor used by dev.
- +o SDF_LOCKED subdevice is locked
- +o SDF_LOCKED_OWNER subdevice is locked by the file descriptor
- used by dev.
- +o SDF_MAXDATA maximum data values are channel dependent
- +o SDF_FLAGS channel flags are channel dependent
- +o SDF_RANGETYPE range types are channel dependent
- +o SDF_MODE0 deprecated
- +o SDF_MODE1 deprecated
- +o SDF_MODE2 deprecated
- +o SDF_MODE3 deprecated
- +o SDF_MODE4 deprecated
- +o SDF_CMD subdevice supports commands
- +o SDF_READABLE subdevice can be read from
- +o SDF_WRITEABLE subdevice can be written to
- +o SDF_RT deprecated
- +o SDF_GROUND subdevice is capable of ground analog reference
- +o SDF_COMMON subdevice is capable of common analog reference
- +o SDF_DIFF subdevice is capable of differential analog
- reference
- +o SDF_OTHER subdevice is capable of other analog
- reference
- +o SDF_DITHER subdevice recognizes dither flag
- +o SDF_DEGLITCH subdevice recognizes deglitch flag
- +o SDF_MMAP deprecated
- +o SDF_RUNNING subdevice is acquiring data (i.e., command has not
- completed)
- +o SDF_LSAMPL subdevice uses samples of type lsampl_t (otherwise
- sampl_t)
- +o SDF_PACKED subdevice uses bitfield samples (otherwise it uses
- one sample per channel)
- The bit definitions are part of the Comedi kernel interface.
- 66..33..3377.. ccoommeeddii__rraannggee__iiss__cchhaann__ssppeecciiffiicc(())
- int comedi_range_is_chan_specific(comedi_t *dev,unsigned int
- subdevice);
- If each channel of the specified subdevice has a different range
- specification, this function returns 1. Otherwise, this function
- returns 0. On error, this function returns -1.
- 66..33..3388.. UUnnddooccuummeenntteedd ffuunnccttiioonnss
- +o comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific()
- +o comedi_get_buffer_size()
- +o comedi_get_max_buffer_size()
- +o comedi_set_buffer_size()
- +o comedi_set_max_buffer_size()
- +o comedi_do_insnlist()
- +o comedi_do_insn()
- +o comedi_lock()
- +o comedi_unlock()
- +o comedi_get_cmd_src_mask()
- +o comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed()
- +o comedi_cancel()
- +o comedi_poll()
- +o comedi_get_buffer_contents()
- +o comedi_mark_buffer_read()
- +o comedi_get_buffer_offset()
- +o comedi_set_global_oor_behavior()