From 4ff0ac1f46507cf2048a62356cb863318e5aa351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "W. Trevor King" Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 12:23:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add hong10, zhao10, liu10, measey09, shan09, yuan08, liu08, ... to root.bib. Papers by Prof. Yang. --- src/root.bib | 622 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 615 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/root.bib b/src/root.bib index c731c12..b7192ba 100644 --- a/src/root.bib +++ b/src/root.bib @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ @string{BBABE = "Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics"} @string{BPJ = "Biophys. J."} @string{BIOSENSE = "Biosensors and Bioelectronics"} +@string{BIOTECH = "Biotechnology and Bioengineering"} @string{JBirchler = "Birchler, James A."} @string{AWBlake = "Blake, Anthony W."} @string{JBlawzdziewicz = "Blawzdziewicz, Jerzy"} @@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ @string{VBrumfeld = "Brumfeld, Vlad"} @string{JDBryngelson = "Bryngelson, J. D."} @string{ABuguin = "Buguin, A."} +@string{ABulhassan = "Bulhassan, Ahmed"} @string{BBullard = "Bullard, Belinda"} @string{DBusam = "Busam, D."} @string{CBustamante = "Bustamante, Carlos"} @@ -127,16 +129,22 @@ @string{RCharlab = "Charlab, R."} @string{KChaturvedi = "Chaturvedi, K."} @string{CChauzy = "Chauzy, C."} +@string{SChe = "Che, Shunai"} +@string{CHEM = "Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)"} @string{CPC = "Chemphyschem"} @string{HCChen = "Chen, H. C."} @string{LChen = "Chen, L."} @string{XNChen = "Chen, X. N."} +@string{XChen = "Chen, Xuming"} @string{JFCheng = "Cheng, J. F."} @string{MLCheng = "Cheng, M. L."} @string{VGCheung = "Cheung, V. G."} @string{YHChiang = "Chiang, Y. H."} @string{AChinwalla = "Chinwalla, A."} @string{JChoy = "Choy, Jason"} +@string{BChu = "Chu, Benjamin"} +@string{XChu = "Chu, Xueying"} +@string{TYChung = "Chung, Tse-Yu"} @string{CLChyan = "Chyan, Chia-Lin"} @string{GCiccotti = "Ciccotti, Giovanni"} @string{AGClark = "Clark, A. G."} @@ -166,6 +174,7 @@ @string{FDahlquist = "Dahlquist, Frederick W."} @string{SDanaher = "Danaher, S."} @string{LDavenport = "Davenport, L."} +@string{SDecatur = "Decatur, Sean M."} @string{WDeGrado = "DeGrado, William F."} @string{PDebrunner = "Debrunner, P."} @string{ADelcher = "Delcher, A."} @@ -216,6 +225,8 @@ @string{RSEvans = "Evans, R. S."} @string{MEvstigneev = "Evstigneev, M."} @string{DFasulo = "Fasulo, D."} +@string{FEBS = "FEBS letters"} +@string{XFei = "Fei, Xiaofang"} @string{JFernandez = "Fernandez, Julio M."} @string{SFerriera = "Ferriera, S."} @string{AEFilippov = "Filippov, A. E."} @@ -284,6 +295,7 @@ @string{RGuigo = "Guig\'o, R."} @string{HJGuntherodt = "Guntherodt, Hans-Joachim"} @string{NGuo = "Guo, N."} +@string{YGuo = "Guo, Yi"} @string{PHanggi = {H\"anggi, Peter}} @string{THa = "Ha, Taekjip"} @string{JHaack = "Haack, Julie A."} @@ -325,6 +337,7 @@ @string{WHoff = "Hoff, Wouter D."} @string{JLHolden = "Holden, J. L."} @string{RAHolt = "Holt, R. A."} +@string{XHong = "Hong, Xia"} @string{LHood = "Hood, L."} @string{JHoover = "Hoover, J."} @string{JHorber = "Horber, J. K. H."} @@ -333,7 +346,9 @@ @string{JHouck = "Houck, J."} @string{AHoumeida = "Houmeida, Ahmed"} @string{THowland = "Howland, T."} +@string{BHsiao = "Hsiao, Benjamin S."} @string{CKHu = "Hu, Chin-Kun"} +@string{BHuang = "Huang, Baiqu"} @string{HHuang = "Huang, Hector Han-Li"} @string{GHummer = "Hummer, Gerhard"} @string{SJHumphray = "Humphray, S. J."} @@ -354,7 +369,8 @@ @string{MIvemeyer = "Ivemeyer, M."} @string{DIzhaky = "Izhaky, David"} @string{SIzrailev = "Izrailev, S."} -@string{JACS = "J Am Chem Soc"} +%@string{JACS = "J Am Chem Soc"} +@string{JACS = "Journal of the American Chemical Society"} @string{JBM = "J Biomech"} @string{JBT = "J Biotechnol"} @string{JMathBiol = "J Math Biol"} @@ -365,6 +381,7 @@ @string{JJAP = "Japanese Journal of Applied Physics"} @string{MJaschke = "Jaschke, Manfred"} @string{DJennings = "Jennings, D."} +@string{HFJi = "Ji, Hai-Feng"} @string{RRJi = "Ji, R. R."} @string{YJia = "Jia, Yiwei"} @string{SJiang = "Jiang, Shaoyi"} @@ -436,6 +453,7 @@ @string{CLam = "Lam, Canaan"} @string{JLamb = "Lamb, Jonathan C."} @string{LANG = "Langmuir"} +% "Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids", @string{WLau = "Lau, Wai Leung"} @string{RLaw = "Law, Richard"} @string{BLazareva = "Lazareva, B."} @@ -446,6 +464,7 @@ @string{HLehmann = "Lehmann, H."} @string{HLehrach = "Lehrach, H."} @string{YLei = "Lei, Y."} +@string{PLelkes = "Lelkes, Peter I."} @string{OLequin = "Lequin, Olivier"} @string{CLethias = "Lethias, Claire"} @string{ALeung = "Leung, A."} @@ -454,11 +473,15 @@ @string{ALevitsky = "Levitsky, A."} @string{SLevy = "Levy, S."} @string{MLewis = "Lewis, M."} +@string{BLi = "Li, Bing"} +@string{CYLi = "Li, Christopher Y."} @string{HLi = "Li, Hongbin"} @string{JLi = "Li, J."} -@string{LLi = "Li, Lewyn"} +@string{LeLi = "Li, Lewyn"} +@string{LiLi = "Li, Lingyu"} @string{MSLi = "Li, Mai Suan"} @string{PWLi = "Li, P. W."} +@string{YLi = "Li, Yajun"} @string{ZLi = "Li, Z."} @string{YLiang = "Liang, Y."} @string{GLiao = "Liao, George"} @@ -469,8 +492,10 @@ @string{WALinke = "Linke, Wolfgang A."} @string{RLippert = "Lippert, R."} @string{JLis = "Lis, John T."} +@string{RLiu = "Liu, Runcong"} @string{WLiu = "Liu, W."} @string{XLiu = "Liu, X."} +@string{YLiu = "Liu, Yichun"} @string{GLois = "Lois, Gregg"} @string{JLopez = "Lopez, J."} @string{LANL = "Los Alamos National Laboratory"} @@ -478,6 +503,7 @@ @string{ALove = "Love, A."} @string{FLu = "Lu, F."} @string{HLu = "Lu, Hui"} +@string{QLu = "Lu, Qinghua"} @string{MLudwig = "Ludwig, M."} @string{ZPLuo = "Luo, Zong-Ping"} @string{ZLuthey-Schulten = "Luthey-Schulten, Z."} @@ -516,6 +542,7 @@ @string{VAMcKusick = "McKusick, V. A."} @string{IMcMullen = "McMullen, I."} @string{JDMcPherson = "McPherson, J. D."} +@string{TMeasey = "Measey, Thomas J."} @string{MAD = "Mech Ageing Dev"} @string{PMeier = "Meier, Paul"} @string{AMeller = "Meller, Amit"} @@ -551,8 +578,10 @@ @string{AMuruganujan = "Muruganujan, A."} @string{EWMyers = "Myers, E. W."} @string{RMMyers = "Myers, R. M."} +@string{AMylonakis = "Mylonakis, Andreas"} @string{JNadeau = "Nadeau, J."} @string{AKNaik = "Naik, A. K."} +@string{NANO = "Nano letters"} @string{NT = "Nanotechnology"} @string{VANarayan = "Narayan, V. A."} @string{ANarechania = "Narechania, A."} @@ -620,6 +649,7 @@ @string{PR:E = "Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys"} @string{PRL = "Phys Rev Lett"} @string{Physica = "Physica"} +@string{GPing = "Ping, Guanghui"} @string{PPodsiadlo = "Podsiadlo, Paul"} @string{ASPolitou = "Politou, A. S."} @string{APoustka = "Poustka, A."} @@ -628,7 +658,7 @@ @string{WPress = "Press, W."} @string{PNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA"} @string{PBPMB = "Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology"} -@string{PS = "Protein Sci."} +@string{PS = "Protein Science"} @string{PROT = "Proteins"} @string{EPuchner = "Puchner, Elias M."} @string{VPuri = "Puri, V."} @@ -661,6 +691,7 @@ @string{RRodriguez = "Rodriguez, R."} @string{YHRogers = "Rogers, Y. H."} @string{SRogic = "Rogic, S."} +@string{MRoman = "Roman, Marisa"} @string{DRomblad = "Romblad, D."} @string{RRos = "Ros, R."} @string{BRosenberg = "Rosenberg, B."} @@ -694,6 +725,7 @@ @string{ZSchulten = "Schulten, Zan"} @string{ISchwaiger = "Schwaiger, Ingo"} @string{RSchwartz = "Schwartz, R."} +@string{RSchweitzerStenner = "Scheitzer-Stenner, Reinhard"} @string{SCI = "Science"} @string{CEScott = "Scott, C. E."} @string{JScott = "Scott, J."} @@ -704,6 +736,7 @@ @string{PSeranski = "Seranski, P."} @string{RSesboue = {Sesbo\"u\'e, R.}} @string{EShakhnovich = "Shakhnovich, Eugene"} +@string{GShan, "Shan, Guiye"} @string{JShang = "Shang, J."} @string{WShao = "Shao, W."} @string{DSharma = "Sharma, Deepak"} @@ -727,6 +760,7 @@ @string{CSmith = "Smith, Corey L."} @string{DASmith = "Smith, D. Alastair"} @string{HOSmith = "Smith, H. O."} +@string{KBSmith = "Smith, Kathryn B."} @string{SSmith = "Smith, S."} @string{SBSmith = "Smith, S. B."} @string{TSmith = "Smith, T."} @@ -734,6 +768,7 @@ @string{NDSocci = "Socci, N. D."} @string{ESodergren = "Sodergren, E."} @string{CSoderlund = "Soderlund, C."} +@string{JSpanier = "Spanier, Jonathan E."} @string{DSpeicher = "Speicher, David W."} @string{GSpier = "Spier, G."} @string{ASprague = "Sprague, A."} @@ -818,12 +853,14 @@ @string{JWang = "Wang, J."} @string{MWang = "Wang, M."} @string{MDWang = "Wang, Michelle D."} +@string{SWang = "Wang, Shuang"} @string{XWang = "Wang, X."} @string{ZWang = "Wang, Z."} @string{HWatanabe = "Watanabe, Hiroshi"} @string{KWatanabe = "Watanabe, Kaori"} @string{RHWaterston = "Waterston, R. H."} @string{MWei = "Wei, M."} +@string{YWei = "Wei, Yen"} @string{JWeissenbach = "Weissenbach, J."} @string{GWen = "Wen, G."} @string{MWen = "Wen, M."} @@ -855,6 +892,7 @@ @string{YWu = "Wu, Yiming"} @string{GJLWuite = "Wuite, Gijs J. L."} @string{KWylie = "Wylie, K."} +@string{JXi = "Xi, Jun"} @string{AXia = "Xia, A."} @string{CXiao = "Xiao, C."} @string{TYada = "Yada, T."} @@ -877,18 +915,23 @@ @string{JZhang = "Zhang, J."} @string{QZhang = "Zhang, Q."} @string{WZhang = "Zhang, W."} +@string{ZZhang = "Zhang, Zongtao"} @string{JZhao = "Zhao, Jason Ming"} +@string{LZhao = "Zhao, Liming"} @string{QZhao = "Zhao, Q."} @string{SZhao = "Zhao, S."} @string{LZheng = "Zheng, L."} @string{XHZheng = "Zheng, X. H."} @string{FZhong = "Zhong, F."} +@string{MZhong = "Zhong, Mingya"} @string{WZhong = "Zhong, W."} +@string{HXZhou = "Zhou, Huan-Xiang"} @string{SZhu = "Zhu, S."} @string{XZhu = "Zhu, X."} @string{WZhuang = "Zhuang, Wei"} @string{NZinder = "Zinder, N."} @string{RCZinober = "Zinober, Rebecca C."} +@string{PZou = "Zou, Peng"} @string{RZwanzig = "Zwanzig, R."} @string{arXiv = "arXiv"} @string{PGdeGennes = "de Gennes, P. G."} @@ -1881,6 +1924,8 @@ year = 2004, month = dec, day = 10, + address = "Department of Chemistry, National Dong Hwa University, + Hualien, Taiwan.", journal = BPJ, volume = 87, number = 6, @@ -1889,6 +1934,7 @@ doi = "10.1529/biophysj.104.042754", eprint = "", url = "", + language = "eng", keywords = "Computer Simulation;Elasticity;Mechanics;Micromanipulation;Microscopy, Atomic Force;Models, Chemical;Models, Molecular;Protein Conformation;Protein @@ -1914,7 +1960,8 @@ stability. Furthermore, pH effects were studied and it was found that the forces required to unfold the protein remained constant within a pH range around the neutral value, and forces decreased as the solution pH - was lowered to more acidic values." + was lowered to more acidic values.", + note = "includes pH effects", } @article { ciccotti86, @@ -3638,14 +3685,20 @@ title = "{M}onte {C}arlo simulation of mechanical unfolding of proteins based on a simple two-state model", year = 2010, + month = mar, + day = 1, + address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, 3141 + Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.", journal = IJBMM, volume = 46, number = 2, pages = "159--166", issn = "0141-8130", + ISSN = "1879-0003", doi = "10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2009.12.001", url = " 4XWMND2-1/2/7ef768562b4157fc201d450553e5de5e", + language = "eng", keywords = "Atomic force microscopy;Mechanical unfolding;Monte Carlo simulation;Worm-like chain;Single molecule methods", abstract = "Single molecule methods are becoming routine biophysical @@ -3947,6 +4000,10 @@ DSpeicher #" and "# DDischer, title = "Pathway shifts and thermal softening in temperature-coupled forced unfolding of spectrin domains", + address = "Biophysical Engineering Lab, Institute for Medicine and + Engineering, and School of Engineering and Applied Science, + University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania + 19104-6315, USA.", year = 2003, month = nov, journal = BPJ, @@ -3978,7 +4035,10 @@ which otherwise propagates a helix-to-coil transition to adjacent repeats. In sum, structural changes with temperature correlate with both single-molecule unfolding forces and shifts in unfolding - pathways." + pathways.", + doi = "10.1016/S0006-3495(03)74747-X", + URL = "", + language = "eng", } @article { levinthal68, @@ -4132,7 +4192,7 @@ } @article { li05, - author = LLi #" and "# HHuang #" and "# CBadilla #" and "# JFernandez, + author = LeLi #" and "# HHuang #" and "# CBadilla #" and "# JFernandez, title = "Mechanical unfolding intermediates observed by single-molecule force spectroscopy in a fibronectin type {III} module", year = 2005, @@ -4180,7 +4240,7 @@ simulations of the 10FNIII module." } -@article { li06, +@article { msli06, author = MSLi #" and "# CKHu #" and "# DKlimov #" and "# DThirumalai, title = "Multiple stepwise refolding of immunoglobulin domain {I27} upon force quench depends on initial conditions", @@ -7097,3 +7157,551 @@ configurations, of the order of a few kT, can reduce Levinthal's time to a biologically significant size." } + +@article { hong10, + author = XHong #" and "# and XChu #" and "# PZou #" and "# YLiu + #" and "# GYang, + title = "Magnetic-field-assisted rapid ultrasensitive + immunoassays using Fe3{O4}/Zn{O}/Au nanorices as Raman + probes.", + journal = BIOSENSE, + year = 2010, + month = oct, + day = 15, + address = "Centre for Advanced Optoelectronic Functional + Materials Research, Key Laboratory for UV + Light-Emitting Materials and Technology of Ministry of + Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun + 130024, PR China.", + volume = 26, + number = 2, + pages = "918--922", + keywords = "Biosensing Techniques", + keywords = "Electromagnetic Fields", + keywords = "Equipment Design", + keywords = "Equipment Failure Analysis", + keywords = "Immunoassay", + keywords = "Magnetite Nanoparticles", + keywords = "Spectrum Analysis, Raman", + keywords = "Zinc Oxide", + abstract = "Rapid and ultrasensitive immunoassays were developed + by using biofunctional Fe3O4/ZnO/Au nanorices as Raman + probes. Taking advantage of the superparamagnetic + property of the nanorices, the labeled proteins can + rapidly be separated and purified with a commercial + permanent magnet. The unsusceptible multiphonon + resonant Raman scattering of the nanorices provided a + characteristic spectroscopic fingerprint function, + which allowed an accurate detection of the analyte. + High specificity and selectivity of the assay were + demonstrated. It was found that the diffusion barriers + and the boundary layer effects had a great influence on + the detection limit. Manipulation of the nanorice + probes using an external magnetic field can enhance the + assay sensitivity by several orders of magnitude, and + reduce the detection time from 1 h to 3 min. This + magnetic-field-assisted rapid and ultrasensitive + immunoassay based on the resonant Raman scatting of + semiconductor shows significant value for potential + applications in biomedicine, food safety, and + environmental defence.", + ISSN = "1873-4235", + doi = "10.1016/j.bios.2010.06.066", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { zhao10, + author = LZhao #" and "# ABulhassan #" and "# GYang #" and "# + HFJi #" and "# JXi, + title = "Real-time detection of the morphological change in + cellulose by a nanomechanical sensor.", + journal = BIOTECH, + year = 2010, + month = sep, + day = 01, + address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, + Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.", + volume = 107, + number = 1, + pages = "190--194", + keywords = "Cellulose", + keywords = "Computer Systems", + keywords = "Equipment Design", + keywords = "Equipment Failure Analysis", + keywords = "Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems", + keywords = "Molecular Conformation", + keywords = "Nanotechnology", + keywords = "Transducers", + abstract = "Up to now, experimental limitations have prevented + researchers from achieving the molecular-level + understanding for the initial steps of the enzymatic + hydrolysis of cellulose, where cellulase breaks down + the crystal structure on the surface region of + cellulose and exposes cellulose chains for the + subsequent hydrolysis by cellulase. Because one of + these non-hydrolytic enzymatic steps could be the + rate-limiting step for the entire enzymatic hydrolysis + of crystalline cellulose by cellulase, being able to + analyze and understand these steps is instrumental in + uncovering novel leads for improving the efficiency of + cellulase. In this communication, we report an + innovative application of the microcantilever technique + for a real-time assessment of the morphological change + of cellulose induced by a treatment of sodium chloride. + This sensitive nanomechanical approach to define + changes in surface structure of cellulose has the + potential to permit a real-time assessment of the + effect of the non-hydrolytic activities of cellulase on + cellulose and thereby to provide a comprehensive + understanding of the initial steps of the enzymatic + hydrolysis of cellulose.", + ISSN = "1097-0290", + doi = "10.1002/bit.22754", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { liu10, + author = RLiu #" and "# MRoman #" and "# GYang, + title = "Correction of the viscous drag induced errors in + macromolecular manipulation experiments using atomic + force microscope.", + journal = RSI, + year = 2010, + month = jun, + address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, + Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.", + volume = 81, + number = 6, + pages = "063703", + keywords = "Algorithms", + keywords = "Artifacts", + keywords = "Macromolecular Substances", + keywords = "Mechanical Processes", + keywords = "Microscopy, Atomic Force", + keywords = "Models, Theoretical", + keywords = "Motion", + keywords = "Protein Folding", + keywords = "Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted", + keywords = "Viscosity", + abstract = "We describe a method to correct the errors induced by + viscous drag on the cantilever in macromolecular + manipulation experiments using the atomic force + microscope. The cantilever experiences a viscous drag + force in these experiments because of its motion + relative to the surrounding liquid. This viscous force + superimposes onto the force generated by the + macromolecule under study, causing ambiguity in the + experimental data. To remove this artifact, we analyzed + the motions of the cantilever and the liquid in + macromolecular manipulation experiments, and developed + a novel model to treat the viscous drag on the + cantilever as the superposition of the viscous force on + a static cantilever in a moving liquid and that on a + bending cantilever in a static liquid. The viscous + force was measured under both conditions and the + results were used to correct the viscous drag induced + errors from the experimental data. The method will be + useful for many other cantilever based techniques, + especially when high viscosity and high cantilever + speed are involved.", + ISSN = "1089-7623", + doi = "10.1063/1.3436646", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { measey09, + author = TMeasey #" and "# KBSmith #" and "# SDecatur #" and "# + LZhao #" and "# GYang #" and "# RSchweitzerStenner, + title = "Self-aggregation of a polyalanine octamer promoted by + its {C}-terminal tyrosine and probed by a strongly + enhanced vibrational circular dichroism signal.", + journal = JACS, + year = 2009, + month = dec, + day = 30, + address = "Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, 3141 + Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, + USA.", + volume = 131, + number = 51, + pages = "18218--18219", + keywords = "Amyloid", + keywords = "Circular Dichroism", + keywords = "Dimerization", + keywords = "Oligopeptides", + keywords = "Peptides", + keywords = "Protein Conformation", + keywords = "Tyrosine", + abstract = "The eight-residue alanine oligopeptide + Ac-A(4)KA(2)Y-NH(2) (AKY8) was found to form + amyloid-like fibrils upon incubation at room + temperature in acidified aqueous solution at peptide + concentrations >10 mM. The fibril solution exhibits an + enhanced vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) couplet + in the amide I' band region that is nearly 2 orders of + magnitude larger than typical polypeptide/protein + signals in this region. The UV-CD spectrum of the + fibril solution shows CD in the region associated with + the tyrosine side chain absorption. A similar peptide, + Ac-A(4)KA(2)-NH(2) (AK7), which lacks a terminal + tyrosine residue, does not aggregate. These results + suggest a pivotal role for the C-terminal tyrosine + residue in stabilizing the aggregation state of this + peptide. It is speculated that interactions between the + lysine and tyrosine side chains of consecutive strands + in an antiparallel arrangement (e.g., cation-pi + interactions) are responsible for the stabilization of + the resulting fibrils. These results offer + considerations and insight regarding the de novo design + of self-assembling oligopeptides for biomedical and + biotechnological applications and highlight the + usefulness of VCD as a tool for probing amyloid fibril + formation.", + ISSN = "1520-5126", + doi = "10.1021/ja908324m", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { shan09, + author = GShan #" and "# SWang #" and "# XFei #" and "# YLiu + #" and "# GYang, + title = "Heterostructured Zn{O}/Au nanoparticles-based resonant + Raman scattering for protein detection.", + journal = JPC:B, + year = 2009, + month = feb, + day = 05, + address = "Center for Advanced Optoelectronic Functional + Materials Research, Northeast Normal University, + Changchun 130024, P. R. China.", + volume = 113, + number = 5, + pages = "1468--1472", + keywords = "Animals", + keywords = "Gold", + keywords = "Humans", + keywords = "Immunoglobulin G", + keywords = "Metal Nanoparticles", + keywords = "Microscopy, Electron, Transmission", + keywords = "Spectrum Analysis, Raman", + keywords = "Zinc Oxide", + abstract = "A new method of protein detection was explored on the + resonant Raman scattering signal of ZnO nanoparticles. + A probe for the target protein was constructed by + binding the ZnO/Au nanoparticles to secondary protein + by eletrostatic interaction. The detection of proteins + was achieved by an antibody-based sandwich assay. A + first antibody, which could be specifically recognized + by target protein, was attached to a solid silicon + surface. The ZnO/Au protein probe could specifically + recognize and bind to the complex of the target protein + and first antibody. This method on the resonant Raman + scattering signal of ZnO nanoparticles showed good + selectivity and sensitivity for the target protein.", + ISSN = "1520-6106", + doi = "10.1021/jp8046032", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { yuan08, + author = JMYuan #" and "# CLChyan #" and "# HXZhou #" and "# + TYChung #" and "# HPeng #" and "# GPing #" and "# + GYang, + title = "The effects of macromolecular crowding on the + mechanical stability of protein molecules.", + journal = PS, + year = 2008, + month = dec, + day = 09, + address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, + Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.", + volume = 17, + number = 12, + pages = "2156--2166", + keywords = "Circular Dichroism", + keywords = "Dextrans", + keywords = "Kinetics", + keywords = "Microscopy, Atomic Force", + keywords = "Microscopy, Scanning Probe", + keywords = "Protein Folding", + keywords = "Protein Stability", + keywords = "Protein Structure, Secondary", + keywords = "Thermodynamics", + keywords = "Ubiquitin", + abstract = "Macromolecular crowding, a common phenomenon in the + cellular environments, can significantly affect the + thermodynamic and kinetic properties of proteins. A + single-molecule method based on atomic force microscopy + (AFM) was used to investigate the effects of + macromolecular crowding on the forces required to + unfold individual protein molecules. It was found that + the mechanical stability of ubiquitin molecules was + enhanced by macromolecular crowding from added dextran + molecules. The average unfolding force increased from + 210 pN in the absence of dextran to 234 pN in the + presence of 300 g/L dextran at a pulling speed of 0.25 + microm/sec. A theoretical model, accounting for the + effects of macromolecular crowding on the native and + transition states of the protein molecule by applying + the scaled-particle theory, was used to quantitatively + explain the crowding-induced increase in the unfolding + force. The experimental results and interpretation + presented could have wide implications for the many + proteins that experience mechanical stresses and + perform mechanical functions in the crowded environment + of the cell.", + ISSN = "1469-896X", + doi = "10.1110/ps.037325.108", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { liu08, + author = YLiu #" and "# MZhong #" and "# GShan #" and "# YLi + #" and "# BHuang #" and "# GYang, + title = "Biocompatible Zn{O}/Au nanocomposites for + ultrasensitive {DNA} detection using resonance Raman + scattering.", + journal = JPC:B, + year = 2008, + month = may, + day = 22, + address = "Centre for Advanced Optoelectronic Functional + Materials Research, Institute of Genetics and Cytology, + Northeast Normal University, Changchun, People's + Republic of China.", + volume = 112, + number = 20, + pages = "6484--6489", + keywords = "Base Sequence", + keywords = "DNA", + keywords = "Gold", + keywords = "Microscopy, Electron, Transmission", + keywords = "Nanocomposites", + keywords = "Sensitivity and Specificity", + keywords = "Spectrum Analysis, Raman", + keywords = "Zinc Oxide", + abstract = "A novel method for identifying DNA microarrays based + on ZnO/Au nanocomposites functionalized with + thiol-oligonucleotide as probes is descried here. DNA + labeled with ZnO/Au nanocomposites has a strong Raman + signal even without silver acting as a surface-enhanced + Raman scattering promoter. X-ray photoelectron spectra + confirmed the formation of a three-component sandwich + assay, i.e., constituted DNA and ZnO/Au nanocomposites. + The resonance multiple-phonon Raman signal of the + ZnO/Au nanocomposites as a spectroscopic fingerprint is + used to detect a target sequence of oligonucleotide. + This method exhibits extraordinary sensitivity and the + detection limit is at least 1 fM.", + ISSN = "1520-6106", + doi = "10.1021/jp710399d", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { guo08, + author = YGuo #" and "# AMylonakis #" and "# ZZhang #" and "# + GYang #" and "# PLelkes #" and "# SChe #" and "# + QLu #" and "# YWei, + title = "Templated synthesis of electroactive periodic + mesoporous organosilica bridged with oligoaniline.", + journal = CHEM, + year = 2008, + address = "Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, + Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.", + volume = 14, + number = 9, + pages = "2909--2917", + keywords = "Aniline Compounds", + keywords = "Cetrimonium Compounds", + keywords = "Electrochemistry", + keywords = "Hydrolysis", + keywords = "Microscopy, Electron, Transmission", + keywords = "Molecular Structure", + keywords = "Organosilicon Compounds", + keywords = "Particle Size", + keywords = "Porosity", + keywords = "Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared", + keywords = "Surface Properties", + keywords = "Thermogravimetry", + keywords = "X-Ray Diffraction", + abstract = "The synthesis and characterization of novel + electroactive periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) + are reported. The silsesquioxane precursor, + N,N'-bis(4'-(3-triethoxysilylpropylureido)phenyl)-1,4-quinonene-diimine + (TSUPQD), was prepared from the emeraldine base of + amino-capped aniline trimer (EBAT) using a one-step + coupling reaction and was used as an organic silicon + source in the co-condensation with tetraethyl + orthosilicate (TEOS) in proper ratios. By means of a + hydrothermal sol-gel approach with the cationic + surfactant cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide (CTAB) as + the structure-directing template and acetone as the + co-solvent for the dissolution of TSUPQD, a series of + novel MCM-41 type siliceous materials (TSU-PMOs) were + successfully prepared under mild alkaline conditions. + The resultant mesoporous organosilica were + characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) + spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, + nitrogen sorption, and transmission electron microscopy + (TEM) and showed that this series of TSU-PMOs exhibited + hexagonally patterned mesostructures with pore + diameters of 2.1-2.8 nm. Although the structural + regularity and pore parameters gradually deteriorated + with increasing loading of organic bridges, the + electrochemical behavior of TSU-PMOs monitored by + cyclic voltammetry demonstrated greater + electroactivities for samples with higher concentration + of the incorporated TSU units.", + ISSN = "0947-6539", + doi = "10.1002/chem.200701605", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { li07, + author = LiLi #" and "# BLi #" and "# GYang #" and "# CYLi, + title = "Polymer decoration on carbon nanotubes via physical + vapor deposition.", + journal = LANG + year = 2007, + month = jul, + day = 31, + address = "A. J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute and Department + of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel + University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.", + volume = 23, + number = 16, + pages = "8522--8525", + keywords = "Microscopy, Atomic Force", + keywords = "Microscopy, Electron, Transmission", + keywords = "Nanotubes, Carbon", + keywords = "Polymers", + keywords = "Surface Properties", + keywords = "Volatilization", + abstract = "The polymer decoration technique has been widely used + to study the chain folding behavior of polymer single + crystals. In this article, we demonstrate that this + method can be successfully adopted to pattern a variety + of polymers on carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The resulting + structure is a two-dimensional nanohybrid shish kebab + (2D NHSK), wherein the CNT forms the shish and the + polymer crystals form the kebabs. 2D NHSKs consisting + of CNTs and polymers such as polyethylene, nylon 66, + polyvinylidene fluoride and poly(L-lysine) have been + achieved. Transmission electron microscopy and atomic + force microscopy were used to study the nanoscale + morphology of these hybrid materials. Relatively + periodic decoration of polymers on both single-walled + and multi-walled CNTs was observed. It is envisaged + that this unique method offers a facile means to + achieve patterned CNTs for nanodevice applications.", + ISSN = "0743-7463", + doi = "10.1021/la700480z", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { su06, + author = MSu #" and "# YYang #" and "# GYang, + title = "Quantitative measurement of hydroxyl radical induced + {DNA} double-strand breaks and the effect of + {N}-acetyl-{L}-cysteine.", + journal = FEBS, + year = 2006, + month = jul, + day = 24, + address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, + Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.", + volume = 580, + number = 17, + pages = "4136--4142", + keywords = "Acetylcysteine", + keywords = "Animals", + keywords = "DNA Damage", + keywords = "Humans", + keywords = "Hydroxyl Radical", + keywords = "Microscopy, Atomic Force", + keywords = "Nucleic Acid Conformation", + keywords = "Plasmids", + abstract = "Reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl or + superoxide radicals, can be generated by exogenous + agents as well as from normal cellular metabolism. + Those radicals are known to induce various lesions in + DNA, including strand breaks and base modifications. + These lesions have been implicated in a variety of + diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, + neurodegenerative disorders and others. To assess these + oxidative DNA damages and to evaluate the effects of + the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), atomic force + microscopy (AFM) was used to image DNA molecules + exposed to hydroxyl radicals generated via Fenton + chemistry. AFM images showed that the circular DNA + molecules became linear after incubation with hydroxyl + radicals, indicating the development of double-strand + breaks. The occurrence of the double-strand breaks was + found to depend on the concentration of the hydroxyl + radicals and the duration of the reaction. Under the + conditions of the experiments, NAC was found to + exacerbate the free radical-induced DNA damage.", + ISSN = "0014-5793", + doi = "10.1016/j.febslet.2006.06.060", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} + +@article { lli06, + author = LiLi #" and "# YYang #" and "# GYang #" and "# XChen + #" and "# BHsiao #" and "# BChu #" and "# + JSpanier #" and "# CYLi, + title = "Patterning polyethylene oligomers on carbon nanotubes + using physical vapor deposition.", + journal = NANO, + year = 2006, + month = may, + address = "A. J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute and Department + of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel + University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.", + volume = 6, + number = 5, + pages = "1007--1012", + keywords = "Microscopy, Atomic Force", + keywords = "Nanotechnology", + keywords = "Nanotubes, Carbon", + keywords = "Polyethylenes", + keywords = "Volatilization", + abstract = "Periodic patterning on one-dimensional (1D) carbon + nanotubes (CNTs) is of great interest from both + scientific and technological points of view. In this + letter, we report using a facile physical vapor + deposition method to achieve periodic polyethylene (PE) + oligomer patterning on individual CNTs. Upon heating + under vacuum, PE degraded into oligomers and + crystallized into rod-shaped single crystals. These PE + rods periodically decorate on CNTs with their long axes + perpendicular to the CNT axes. The formation mechanism + was attributed to ``soft epitaxy'' growth of PE + oligomer crystals on CNTs. Both SWNTs and MWNTs were + decorated successfully with PE rods. The intermediate + state of this hybrid structure, MWNTs absorbed with a + thin layer of PE, was captured successfully by + depositing PE vapor on MWNTs detached from the solid + substrate, and was observed using high-resolution + transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, this + hybrid structure formation depends critically on CNT + surface chemistry: alkane-modification of the MWNT + surface prohibited the PE single-crystal growth on the + CNTs. We anticipate that this work could open a gateway + for creating complex CNT-based nanoarchitectures for + nanodevice applications.", + ISSN = "1530-6984", + doi = "10.1021/nl060276q", + URL = "", + language = "eng", +} -- 2.26.2