Added out-of-plane vectors to Mechanics.asy.
And associated tests to Mechanics-test.asy.
Combined Circ.wire() and Circ.wireU().
Also added wire tests to Circ-test.asy.
Use noncyclic unitcircle in Circ.asy's source().
This avoids the filling of cyclic paths in TwoTerminal.draw().
Fixed links from Serway_and_Jewett_4_wking to my limo problems.
Renamed some of my problems and added two more.
Fixed EMPTY_DIRS handling in html/Makefile.
Website:doc/note subdir and Makefile tree for publishing latex/notes.
Added solutions for rec7.
Added more label positioning arguments to Distance.draw().
Added Week 5 recitation solutions.
Solution template added.
Rec4 solutions added with ascii drawings.
Added week two recitation solutions.
Fixed trajectory plot in Young and Freedman v12 p21.86 solution.
Added tests for my asymptote libraries.
Also a few tweaks to get Serway_and_Jewett_4/problem19.07.tex
and Young_and_Freedman_12/problem21.74.tex to compile.
Started versioning my asymptote libraries.
Reorganized problems by textbook and imported my previous courses' code.
Began versioning.
This course-website framework developed over the first half of 2009
while TAing for Phys201 (Modern physics for engineers) at Drexel
University. After a few false starts at versioning, I'm starting this
new repository because I think I've figured out a stable scheme.
When you start a new course, clone this repository to create a working
copy. Seperate your commits on the clone into course-specific commits
(e.g. Makefile changes when adding homework 2, atom.xml updates, etc.)
and general commits (corrections to README files, additional problem
source in /latex/problems/, etc.). Then, cherry pick the
course-specific commits back into this repo with
git remote add phys201 /home/bob/phys201
git fetch phys201
git cherry-pick
git remote rm phys201
git remote prune phys201
The benefit of cloning an independent repo over just starting up a new
branch is that most people don't care about the particular per-course
details, but lots of people may want the framework, and not want to
worry about the disk space needed for all the per-course cruft.
From a more philosophical perspective, this repo will track the history
of 'what you want for building a course website', while the per-course
repos track the history of a particular course's website (and student
grades, TA emails, etc.).