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W. Trevor King [Fri, 10 Jan 2014 03:41:12 +0000 (19:41 -0800)]
nginx-proxy/vhost-template.conf: Use $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for
Instead of $remote_addr. This gives a chain of remote addresses if we
have multiple layers of proxies [1]:
Contains client request-header "X-Forwarded-For" with separated by
comma $remote_addr. If there is no X-Forwarded-For request-header,
than $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for is equal to $remote_addr.
W. Trevor King [Fri, 3 Jan 2014 19:39:58 +0000 (11:39 -0800)]
postgresql/Dockerfile.template: Log to syslog
Also use sed to place the listen_addresses config near its associated
comments in the config file.
W. Trevor King [Fri, 3 Jan 2014 03:39:54 +0000 (19:39 -0800)]
nginx-proxy: Add an Nginx proxy image
I've got a bunch of HTTP server images, but I need a single proxy
container that supports SNI to expose them to the world. This
container can link to a colleciton of HTTP-serving containers and
proxy them under arbitrary hostnames using user-supplied, per-host
certificates and keys.
env and sed are both in POSIX 2013 [1,2], and the:
eval A=\$$B
variable indirection is because POSIX [3] doesn't support Bash's
indirect expansion "A=${!B}". The 'tcp' -> 'http' replacement maps
Docker's tcp:://${IP}:${PORT} addresses to http://${IP}:${PORT} for
use in the Nginx config.
envsubst is in gettext [4] and not in POSIX [5], so it may be slightly
less portable. However, envsubst and gettext are in Gentoo's x86 and
amd64 stage1s, our Gentoo-based images will have it.
W. Trevor King [Thu, 2 Jan 2014 18:11:41 +0000 (10:11 -0800)]
nginx/Dockerfile.template: Change default hostname to _
From the docs [1]:
In catch-all server examples the strange name “_” can be seen:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
return 444;
There is nothing special about this name, it is just one of a myriad
of invalid domain names which never intersect with any real name.
Still, an invalid domain name makes more sense than 'localhost' for a
public server.
W. Trevor King [Thu, 2 Jan 2014 06:23:41 +0000 (22:23 -0800)]
postgresql: Declare /var/lib/postgresql a VOLUME
Avoid the hassle of maintaining a host-mounted volume by letting
Docker handle the volume maintenance ;). We need to declare the
VOLUME *after* filling it with content (with 'emerge --config'),
otherwise ownership and permissions on the empty volume are lost
[1,2,3], and future RUN commands die due to:
initdb: could not access directory "/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/data": Permission denied
W. Trevor King [Tue, 31 Dec 2013 05:38:26 +0000 (21:38 -0800)]
portage/ You can mount volumes from stopped containers
As Sven Dowideit describes in a pending doc update [1].
W. Trevor King [Mon, 30 Dec 2013 21:23:58 +0000 (13:23 -0800)]
redis/Dockerfile.template: Direct logs to syslog
Since I'm tailing /var/log/messages in CMD. This also makes it easier
if you want to redirect the logs to a central syslog server.
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 23:05:59 +0000 (15:05 -0800)] Bump DATE to
20131226 to match the new weekly build
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 22:49:15 +0000 (14:49 -0800)]
Use envsubst instead of sed to parse Dockerfile.template
Convert everything in one pass, instead of taking a separate pass for
each variable. Thanks to aluedeke for mentioning envsubst on #docker;
I hadn't heard of it before. It's distributed as part of gettext [1],
and not in POSIX [2], so it may be slightly less portable. However,
envsubst and gettext are in Gentoo's x86 and amd64 stage1s, so it
can't be *that* uncommon ;).
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 21:24:24 +0000 (13:24 -0800)]
memcached: Add a Memcached image
The 10MB of overhead memory were estimated from this output in a
running memcached container:
# ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 20300 2124 ? S 20:57 0:00 /bin/bash
memcach+ 184 0.0 0.0 323124 1112 ? Ssl 20:58 0:00 /usr/bin/memcached -d -p 11211 -U 11211 -m 128 -c 1024 -u
root 224 0.0 0.0 25064 440 ? S 20:58 0:00 supervising syslog-ng
root 225 0.3 0.0 124708 3620 ? Ssl 20:58 0:00 /usr/sbin/syslog-ng --persist-file /var/lib/syslog-ng/sysl
root 263 0.0 0.0 18632 804 ? Ss 20:58 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
root 300 0.0 0.0 15440 1148 ? R+ 20:58 0:00 ps aux
Less Bash and ps, that's 1112 + 3620 + 804 = 5.5MB of resident memory,
so 10MB seemed like a safe buffer.
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 17:14:49 +0000 (09:14 -0800)]
kibana: Add a Kibana image
Dump a Kibana tarball into Nginx's htdocs, and use an
ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable to adjust config.js at spin-up.
List Kibana after Nginx in's REPOS to ensure the Nginx image
is built first.
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 05:10:17 +0000 (21:10 -0800)]
nginx: Add an Nginx image
W. Trevor King [Sat, 28 Dec 2013 00:42:27 +0000 (16:42 -0800)]
stunnel: Add a stunnel-wrapper image
Make it easy to wrap arbitrary ports with stunnel.
The explicit pid configuration avoids errors like:
... stunnel: ... Cannot create pid file /var/lib/run/stunnel/
... stunnel: ... create: No such file or directory (2)
which is probably just a wart in Gentoo's stunnel packaging.
W. Trevor King [Fri, 27 Dec 2013 21:43:21 +0000 (13:43 -0800)]
postgresql/ Mention volume-mounts and setup
Without a host-mounted volume for /var/lib/postgresql I filled up the
10GB dm block allocated by Docker v0.7.2.
W. Trevor King [Fri, 27 Dec 2013 16:56:55 +0000 (08:56 -0800)]
redis/Dockerfile.template: Bind to all interfaces
It's not much good to have a Redis container that's only listening to
localhost ;).
W. Trevor King [Fri, 27 Dec 2013 00:53:02 +0000 (16:53 -0800)] Allow readlink for path-canonicalization
Debian doesn't have realpath installed by default [1], so fall back to
the more widely available readlink [2].
W. Trevor King [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 23:31:27 +0000 (15:31 -0800)]
portage: Add a Portage-volume-exporting image
This builds the Portage snapshot into a stand-alone volume, which can
be mounted using -volumes-from. There's currently no
Dockerfile-supported way to mount this for builds, so gentoo-portage
still goes the emerge-webrsync route.
We need something to fill the role of /bin/sh in the Portage-snapshot
container, so I'm using the /bin/busybox from the 'gentoo' image. As
of 2013-12-12, it's:
USE="ipv6 pam static -livecd -make-symlinks -math -mdev -savedconfig
(-selinux) -sep-usr -syslog -systemd"
W. Trevor King [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 19:41:01 +0000 (11:41 -0800)] Bump DATE to
20131212 to match the new weekly build
W. Trevor King [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 04:30:44 +0000 (20:30 -0800)]
elasticsearch: Add Elasticsearch container instructions
W. Trevor King [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 03:53:16 +0000 (19:53 -0800)]
gentoo-java/Dockerfile.template: Add Gentoo+Java container instructions
I tried to bootstrap icedtea using icedtea-bin, but ran into a blocker
between app-admin/eselect-java-0.1.0 and
dev-java/java-config2.1.12-r1. Figuring out a resolution is not worth
my time ;).
W. Trevor King [Fri, 13 Dec 2013 00:08:48 +0000 (16:08 -0800)]
postgresql: Add PostgreSQL container instructions (Dockerfile and README)
The $(echo /etc/postgresql*/postgresql.conf) crazyness in the
Dockerfile is because Docker chokes on:
RUN echo host all all trust >> /etc/postgresql*/pg_hba.conf
/bin/sh: /etc/postgresql*/pg_hba.conf: No such file or directory
I'm not sure why it's not expanding the glob. Perhaps Docker is
quoting redirection targets? In any case, the $(echo ...) form works,
so that's what I'm going with for now.
W. Trevor King [Thu, 12 Dec 2013 21:42:35 +0000 (13:42 -0800)]
redis: Add Redis container instructions (Dockerfile and README)
W. Trevor King [Thu, 12 Dec 2013 17:07:00 +0000 (09:07 -0800)]
W. Trevor King [Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:53:29 +0000 (08:53 -0800)]
Add '# Copyright' tags for update-copyright
W. Trevor King [Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:52:50 +0000 (08:52 -0800)]
.update-copyright.conf: add copyright configuration.
Use my external update-copyright package to maintain copyright blurbs.
W. Trevor King [Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:32:03 +0000 (07:32 -0800)]
gentoo-portage/Dockerfile.template: Set rc_sys="lxc"
$ docker run -p 8010:8010 wking/buildbot
* Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ]
* You are attempting to run an openrc service on a
* system which openrc did not boot.
* You may be inside a chroot or you may have used
* another initialization system to boot this system.
* In this situation, you will get unpredictable results!
* If you really want to do this, issue the following command:
* touch /run/openrc/softlevel
* ERROR: syslog-ng failed to start
W. Trevor King [Wed, 11 Dec 2013 22:18:45 +0000 (14:18 -0800)] Remove `function` from `die()` definition
`function` is a Bash-ism. POSIX suggests [1]:
fname() compound-command[io-redirect ...]
W. Trevor King [Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:19:23 +0000 (22:19 -0800)]
COPYING: Add the 2-clause BSD license
W. Trevor King [Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:17:26 +0000 (22:17 -0800)]
Initial dockerfile commit
This builds a working Buildbot container from scratch using the Gentoo
stage3 tarball as a seed. Everything seems to work with Docker