From: Zac Medico <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:41:48 +0000 (-0000)
Subject: For better handling of $DISTDIR/cvs-src permissions, use os.walk instead of spawning... 
X-Git-Tag: v2.1_pre7~56

For better handling of $DISTDIR/cvs-src permissions, use os.walk instead of spawning chgrp and chmod.

svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=2922

diff --git a/pym/ b/pym/
index ca5469614..87810a22b 100644
--- a/pym/
+++ b/pym/
@@ -2835,18 +2835,32 @@ def doebuild(myebuild,mydo,myroot,mysettings,debug=0,listonly=0,fetchonly=0,clea
 				gid=portage_gid, mode=0775, mask=02)
-			cvs_src_dir = os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], "cvs-src")
-			apply_secpass_permissions(cvs_src_dir,
-				gid=portage_gid, mode=02770, mask=02)
-			portage_exec.spawn(["chgrp", "-R", str(portage_gid), cvs_src_dir])
-			portage_exec.spawn(["chmod", "-R", "g+rw", cvs_src_dir])
-			portage_exec.spawn(["find", cvs_src_dir, "-type", "d",
-				"-exec","chmod", "g+xs", "{}", ";"])
 		except portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted, e:
 			writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e))
 		except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
 			writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e))
+		def onerror(oe):
+			writemsg("%s\n" % str(oe))
+		for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
+		os.path.join(mysettings["DISTDIR"], "cvs-src"), onerror=onerror):
+			try:
+				apply_secpass_permissions(dirpath,
+					gid=portage_gid, mode=02770, mask=02)
+			except portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted, e:
+				writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e))
+			except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+				writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e))
+			for name in filenames:
+				try:
+					apply_secpass_permissions(os.path.join(dirpath, name),
+						gid=portage_gid, mode=0660, mask=02)
+				except portage_exception.OperationNotPermitted, e:
+					writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e))
+				except portage_exception.FileNotFound, e:
+					writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e))
 	# Only try and fetch the files if we are going to need them ... otherwise,
 	# if user has FEATURES=noauto and they run `ebuild clean unpack compile install`,
 	# we will try and fetch 4 times :/