From: David Bremner <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:34:43 +0000 (-0300)
Subject: docs: Update man page, NEWS and online help for new dump arguments.
X-Git-Tag: 0.10_rc1~76

docs: Update man page, NEWS and online help for new dump arguments.

We mention in all three places that using the filename argument is

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 1885f975..d4f02d73 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Notmuch 0.10 (2011-xx-xx)
+notmuch dump changes 
+The dump command now takes an optional search term much like notmuch
+search/show/tag. The output file argument of dump is deprecated in
+favour of using stdout.
 Notmuch 0.9 (2011-10-01)
diff --git a/notmuch.1 b/notmuch.1
index 5a8c83dc..10ed32ed 100644
--- a/notmuch.1
+++ b/notmuch.1
@@ -458,16 +458,27 @@ purposes, and to restore from that dump
 .RS 4
 .TP 4
-.BR dump " [<filename>]"
+.BR dump " [<filename>] [--] [<search-terms>]"
 Creates a plain-text dump of the tags of each message.
-The output is to the given filename, if any, or to stdout.
+Output is to the given filename, if any, or to stdout.  Note that
+using the filename argument is deprecated.
 These tags are the only data in the notmuch database that can't be
 recreated from the messages themselves.  The output of notmuch dump is
 therefore the only critical thing to backup (and much more friendly to
 incremental backup than the native database files.)
+With no search terms, a dump of all messages in the database will be
+generated.  A "--" argument instructs notmuch that the
+remaining arguments are search terms.
+See the
+section below for details of the supported syntax for <search-terms>.
 .BR restore " <filename>"
diff --git a/notmuch.c b/notmuch.c
index f9d66297..640ad8da 100644
--- a/notmuch.c
+++ b/notmuch.c
@@ -375,14 +375,23 @@ static command_t commands[] = {
       "\tSee \"notmuch help search-terms\" for details of the search\n"
       "\tterms syntax." },
     { "dump", notmuch_dump_command,
-      "[<filename>]",
+      "[<filename>] [--] [<search-terms>]",
       "Create a plain-text dump of the tags for each message.",
       "\tOutput is to the given filename, if any, or to stdout.\n"
+      "\tNote that using the filename argument is deprecated.\n"
+      "\n"
       "\tThese tags are the only data in the notmuch database\n"
       "\tthat can't be recreated from the messages themselves.\n"
       "\tThe output of notmuch dump is therefore the only\n"
       "\tcritical thing to backup (and much more friendly to\n"
-      "\tincremental backup than the native database files.)" },
+      "\tincremental backup than the native database files.)\n" 
+      "\n"
+      "\tWith no search terms, a dump of all messages in the\n"
+      "\tdatabase will be generated. A \"--\" argument instructs\n"
+      "\tnotmuch that the remaining arguments are search terms.\n"
+      "\n"
+      "\tSee \"notmuch help search-terms\" for the search-term syntax.\n"      
+ },
     { "restore", notmuch_restore_command,
       "Restore the tags from the given dump file (see 'dump').",