From: Jameson Graef Rollins <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 01:01:16 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: test: add crypto tests for signature verification and decryption
X-Git-Tag: debian/0.6_254~97

test: add crypto tests for signature verification and decryption

This adds a new "crypto" test script to the test suite to test
PGP/MIME signature verification and message decryption.  Included here
is a test GNUPGHOME with a test secret key (passwordless), and test

  * signing/verification
  * signing/verification with full owner trust
  * verification with signer key unavailable
  * encryption/decryption
  * decryption failure with missing key
  * encryption/decryption + signing/verfifying
  * reply to encrypted message
  * verification of signature from revoked key

These tests are not expected to pass now, but will as crypto
functionality is included.

diff --git a/test/basic b/test/basic
index a8d1f1d2..808c9687 100755
--- a/test/basic
+++ b/test/basic
@@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ available=$(ls -1 ../ | \
     sed -r -e "/^(|Makefile|Makefile.local|notmuch-test)/d" \
 	   -e "/^(README||test-lib.el|test-results|tmp.*|valgrind|corpus*)/d" \
 	   -e "/^(emacs.expected-output|smtp-dummy|smtp-dummy.c|test-verbose)/d" \
-	   -e "/^(test.expected-output|.*~)/d" | sort)
+	   -e "/^(test.expected-output|.*~)/d" \
+	   -e "/^(gnupg-secret-key.asc)/d" \
+	   -e "/^(gnupg-secret-key.NOTE)/d" \
+	   | sort)
 test_expect_equal "$tests_in_suite" "$available"
diff --git a/test/crypto b/test/crypto
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ead05829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/crypto
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# TODO:
+# - decryption/verification with signer key not available
+# - verification of signatures from expired/revoked keys
+test_description='PGP/MIME signature verification and decryption'
+. ./
+add_gnupg_home ()
+    local output
+    [ -d ${GNUPGHOME} ] && return
+    mkdir -m 0700 "$GNUPGHOME"
+    gpg --no-tty --import <../gnupg-secret-key.asc >"$GNUPGHOME"/import.log 2>&1
+    test_debug "cat $GNUPGHOME/import.log"
+    if (gpg --quick-random --version >/dev/null 2>&1) ; then
+	echo quick-random >> "$GNUPGHOME"/gpg.conf
+    elif (gpg --debug-quick-random --version >/dev/null 2>&1) ; then
+	echo debug-quick-random >> "$GNUPGHOME"/gpg.conf
+    fi
+# get key fingerprint
+FINGERPRINT=$(gpg --no-tty --list-secret-keys --with-colons --fingerprint | grep '^fpr:' | cut -d: -f10)
+# for some reason this is needed for emacs_deliver_message to work,
+# although I can't figure out why
+test_expect_success 'emacs delivery of signed message' \
+'emacs_deliver_message \
+    "test signed message 001" \
+    "This is a test signed message." \
+    "(mml-secure-message-sign)"'
+test_begin_subtest "signature verification"
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
+ "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
+ "created": 946728000}],
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "signature verification with full owner trust"
+# give the key full owner trust
+echo "${FINGERPRINT}:6:" | gpg --no-tty --import-ownertrust >>"$GNUPGHOME"/trust.log 2>&1
+gpg --no-tty --check-trustdb >>"$GNUPGHOME"/trust.log 2>&1
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
+ "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
+ "created": 946728000,
+ "userid": " Notmuch Test Suite <> (INSECURE!)"}],
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "signature verification with signer key unavailable"
+# move the gnupghome temporarily out of the way
+mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{,.bak}
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "sigstatus": [{"status": "error",
+ "keyid": "'$(echo $FINGERPRINT | cut -c 25-)'",
+ "errors": 2}],
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{.bak,}
+# create a test encrypted message with attachment
+This is a test file.
+test_expect_success 'emacs delivery of encrypted message with attachment' \
+'emacs_deliver_message \
+    "test encrypted message 001" \
+    "This is a test encrypted message.\n" \
+    "(mml-attach-file \"TESTATTACHMENT\") (mml-secure-message-encrypt)"'
+test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=text"
+output=$(notmuch show --format=text --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
+    | notmuch_show_sanitize_all \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='message{ id:XXXXX depth:0 match:1 filename:XXXXX
+header{
+Notmuch Test Suite <> (2000-01-01) (inbox)
+Subject: test encrypted message 001
+From: Notmuch Test Suite <>
+Date: 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000
+header}
+body{
+part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed
+part{ ID: 2, Content-type: text/plain
+This is a test encrypted message.
+part}
+attachment{ ID: 3, Content-type: application/octet-stream
+Attachment: TESTATTACHMENT (application/octet-stream)
+Non-text part: application/octet-stream
+attachment}
+part}
+body}
+message}'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=json"
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "encstatus": [{"status": "good"}],
+ "sigstatus": [],
+ "content-type": "multipart/mixed",
+ "content": [{"id": 2,
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test encrypted message.\n"},
+ {"id": 3,
+ "content-type": "application/octet-stream",
+ "filename": "TESTATTACHMENT"}]}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "decryption, --format=json, --part=2"
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --part=2 --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='{"id": 2,
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test encrypted message.\n"}'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "decrypt attachment (--part=3 --format=raw)"
+notmuch show \
+    --format=raw \
+    --part=3 \
+    --decrypt \
+    subject:"test encrypted message 001" >OUTPUT
+test_expect_equal_file OUTPUT TESTATTACHMENT
+test_begin_subtest "decryption failure with missing key"
+mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{,.bak}
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "encstatus": [{"status": "bad"}],
+ "content-type": "multipart/encrypted",
+ "content": [{"id": 2,
+ "content-type": "application/pgp-encrypted"},
+ {"id": 3,
+ "content-type": "application/octet-stream"}]}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+mv "${GNUPGHOME}"{.bak,}
+test_expect_success 'emacs delivery of encrypted + signed message' \
+'emacs_deliver_message \
+    "test encrypted message 002" \
+    "This is another test encrypted message.\n" \
+    "(mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt)"'
+test_begin_subtest "decryption + signature verification"
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 002" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test encrypted message 002",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "encstatus": [{"status": "good"}],
+ "sigstatus": [{"status": "good",
+ "fingerprint": "'$FINGERPRINT'",
+ "created": 946728000,
+ "userid": " Notmuch Test Suite <> (INSECURE!)"}],
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is another test encrypted message.\n"}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "reply to encrypted message"
+output=$(notmuch reply --decrypt subject:"test encrypted message 002" \
+    | grep -v -e '^In-Reply-To:' -e '^References:')
+expected='From: Notmuch Test Suite <>
+Subject: Re: test encrypted message 002
+On 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000, Notmuch Test Suite <> wrote:
+> This is another test encrypted message.'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
+test_begin_subtest "signature verification with revoked key"
+# generate revokation certificate and load it to revoke key
+echo "y
+Notmuch Test Suite key revocation (automated) $(date '+%F_%T%z')
+" \
+    | gpg --no-tty --quiet --command-fd 0 --armor --gen-revoke "0x${FINGERPRINT}!" 2>/dev/null \
+    | gpg --no-tty --quiet --import
+output=$(notmuch show --format=json --verify subject:"test signed message 001" \
+    | notmuch_json_show_sanitize \
+    | sed -e 's|"created": [1234567890]*|"created": 946728000|')
+expected='[[[{"id": "XXXXX",
+ "match": true,
+ "filename": "YYYYY",
+ "timestamp": 946728000,
+ "date_relative": "2000-01-01",
+ "tags": ["inbox"],
+ "headers": {"Subject": "test signed message 001",
+ "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <>",
+ "To": "",
+ "Cc": "",
+ "Bcc": "",
+ "Date": "01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000"},
+ "body": [{"id": 1,
+ "sigstatus": [{"status": "error",
+ "keyid": "6D92612D94E46381",
+ "errors": 8}],
+ "content-type": "text/plain",
+ "content": "This is a test signed message.\n"}]},
+ []]]]'
+test_expect_equal \
+    "$output" \
+    "$expected"
diff --git a/test/gnupg-secret-key.NOTE b/test/gnupg-secret-key.NOTE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..604496c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gnupg-secret-key.NOTE
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+How the crypto test gnupg secret was generated:
+GNUPGHOME=gnupghome gpg --quick-random --gen-key
+kind: 1 (RSA/RSA)
+size: 1024
+expire: 0
+name: Notmuch Test Suite
+(no passphrase)
diff --git a/test/gnupg-secret-key.asc b/test/gnupg-secret-key.asc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6431b56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gnupg-secret-key.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/test/notmuch-test b/test/notmuch-test
index c81e3fc0..9f58c129 100755
--- a/test/notmuch-test
+++ b/test/notmuch-test
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ TESTS="
+  crypto
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 078f0602..922b1ef5 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -379,6 +379,26 @@ add_message ()
     notmuch new > /dev/null
+# Deliver a message with emacs and add it to the database
+# Uses emacs to generate and deliver a message to the mail store.
+# Accepts arbitrary extra emacs/elisp functions to modify the message
+# before sending, which is useful to doing things like attaching files
+# to the message and encrypting/signing.
+emacs_deliver_message ()
+    local subject="$1"
+    local body="$2"
+    shift 2
+    # before we can send a message, we have to prepare the FCC maildir
+    mkdir -p "$MAIL_DIR"/sent/{cur,new,tmp}
+    ../smtp-dummy sent_message &
+    smtp_dummy_pid=$!
+    test_emacs "(setq message-send-mail-function 'message-smtpmail-send-it) (setq smtpmail-smtp-server \"localhost\") (setq smtpmail-smtp-service \"25025\") (notmuch-hello) (notmuch-mua-mail) (message-goto-to) (insert \"\nDate: 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00 -0000\") (message-goto-subject) (insert \"${subject}\") (message-goto-body) (insert \"${body}\") $@ (message-send-and-exit)" >/dev/null 2>&1
+    wait ${smtp_dummy_pid}
+    notmuch new >/dev/null
 # Generate a corpus of email and add it to the database.
 # This corpus is fixed, (it happens to be 50 messages from early in
@@ -509,6 +529,14 @@ notmuch_show_sanitize_all ()
 	-e 's| id:[^ ]* | id:XXXXX |'
+notmuch_json_show_sanitize ()
+    sed -e 's|, |,\n |g' | \
+	sed \
+	-e 's|"id": "[^"]*",|"id": "XXXXX",|' \
+	-e 's|"filename": "[^"]*",|"filename": "YYYYY",|'
 # End of notmuch helper functions
 # Use test_set_prereq to tell that a particular prerequisite is available.
@@ -946,6 +974,7 @@ rm -fr "$test" || {
+export GNUPGHOME="${TMP_DIRECTORY}/gnupg"
 export NOTMUCH_CONFIG="${TMP_DIRECTORY}/notmuch-config"
 mkdir -p "${test}"