From: Ian Abbott <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:54:51 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Added NI DAQCard-700 DIO-only driver by fred brooks.

Added NI DAQCard-700 DIO-only driver by fred brooks.

diff --git a/comedi/drivers/Kbuild b/comedi/drivers/Kbuild
index e8870268..b90fe145 100644
--- a/comedi/drivers/Kbuild
+++ b/comedi/drivers/Kbuild
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_RT_MODULES) += comedi_rt_timer.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += cb_das16_cs.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += das08_cs.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += ni_daq_700.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += ni_daq_dio24.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += ni_mio_cs.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_COMEDI_PCMCIA_MODULES) += ni_labpc_cs.o
diff --git a/comedi/drivers/ b/comedi/drivers/
index 9802a194..deb70035 100644
--- a/comedi/drivers/
+++ b/comedi/drivers/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ if CONFIG_PCMCIA
 pcmcia_modules= \
  cb_das16_cs.ko \
  das08_cs.ko \
+ ni_daq_700.ko \
  ni_daq_dio24.ko \
  ni_mio_cs.ko \
  ni_labpc_cs.ko \
@@ -288,6 +289,7 @@ ni_atmio16d_ko_SOURCES = ni_atmio16d.c
 ni_at_a2150_ko_SOURCES = ni_at_a2150.c
 ni_labpc_ko_SOURCES = ni_labpc.c
 ni_labpc_cs_ko_SOURCES = ni_labpc_cs.c
+ni_daq_700_ko_SOURCES = ni_daq_700.c
 ni_daq_dio24_ko_SOURCES = ni_daq_dio24.c
 ni_at_ao_ko_SOURCES = ni_at_ao.c
 ni_tio_ko_SOURCES = ni_tio.c
diff --git a/comedi/drivers/ni_daq_700.c b/comedi/drivers/ni_daq_700.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae5a0c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comedi/drivers/ni_daq_700.c
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+ *     comedi/drivers/.c
+ *     Driver for DAQCard-700 DIO only
+ *     copied from 8255
+ *
+ *     COMEDI - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface
+ *     Copyright (C) 1998 David A. Schleef <>
+ *
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *     (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ *                                                                     */
+ * The daqcard-700 appears in Comedi as a single
+ * digital I/O subdevice with 16 channels.  The channel 0 corresponds
+ * to the daqcard-700's output port , bit 0; channel 8 corresponds to 
+ * the input port , bit 0.
+ * Direction configuration: channels 0-7 output, 8-15 input
+ * (8225 device emu as port A output, port B input, port C N/A)
+ * IRQ is assigned but not used.
+ *
+ *  */
+Driver: ni_daq_700
+Description: National Instruments PCMCIA DAQCard-700 DIO only
+Author: Daniel Vecino Castel <> (ni_daq_dio24),
+	Fred Brooks (daqcard-700 mods) <>
+Devices: [National Instruments] PCMCIA DAQ-Card-700 (ni_daq_700)
+Status: Works
+Updated: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 16:40:00 -0800
+#include <linux/comedidev.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#define _700_H
+#include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cs.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cisreg.h>
+#include <pcmcia/ds.h>
+static struct pcmcia_device *pcmcia_cur_dev = NULL;
+#define DIO700_SIZE 8	// size of io region used by board
+static int dio700_attach(comedi_device *dev,comedi_devconfig *it);
+static int dio700_detach(comedi_device *dev);
+enum dio700_bustype {pcmcia_bustype};
+typedef struct dio700_board_struct{
+	const char *name;
+	int device_id;	// device id for pcmcia board
+	enum dio700_bustype bustype;	// PCMCIA
+	int have_dio;	// have daqcard-700 dio
+	// function pointers so we can use inb/outb or readb/writeb as appropriate
+	unsigned int (*read_byte)(unsigned int address);
+	void (*write_byte)(unsigned int byte, unsigned int address);
+static const dio700_board dio700_boards[] =
+	{
+		name:	"daqcard-700",
+		device_id:	0x4743,	// 0x10b is manufacturer id, 0x4743 is device id
+		bustype:	pcmcia_bustype,
+		have_dio:	1,
+	},
+	{
+		name:	"dio700",
+		device_id:	0x4743,	// 0x10b is manufacturer id, 0x4743 is device id
+		bustype:	pcmcia_bustype,
+		have_dio:	1,
+	},
+ * Useful for shorthand access to the particular board structure
+ */
+#define thisboard ((const dio700_board *)dev->board_ptr)
+typedef struct{
+	int data;  /* number of data points left to be taken */
+#define devpriv ((dio700_private *)dev->private)
+static comedi_driver driver_dio700={
+	driver_name:	"ni_daq_700",
+	module:		THIS_MODULE,
+	attach:		dio700_attach,
+	detach:		dio700_detach,
+	num_names:	sizeof(dio700_boards) / sizeof(dio700_board),
+	board_name:	&dio700_boards[0].name,
+	offset:		sizeof(dio700_board),
+/*	the real driver routines	*/
+#define _700_SIZE 8
+#define _700_DATA 0
+#define DIO_W		0x04
+#define DIO_R		0x05
+struct subdev_700_struct{
+	unsigned long cb_arg;
+	int (*cb_func)(int,int,int,unsigned long);
+	int have_irq;
+#define CALLBACK_ARG	(((struct subdev_700_struct *)s->private)->cb_arg)
+#define CALLBACK_FUNC	(((struct subdev_700_struct *)s->private)->cb_func)
+#define subdevpriv	((struct subdev_700_struct *)s->private)
+static void do_config(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s);
+void subdev_700_interrupt(comedi_device *dev, comedi_subdevice *s)
+	sampl_t d;
+	comedi_buf_put(s->async, d);
+	s->async->events |= COMEDI_CB_EOS;
+	comedi_event(dev, s);
+static int subdev_700_cb(int dir,int port,int data,unsigned long arg)
+	/* port is always A for output and B for input (8255 emu) */
+	unsigned long iobase=arg;
+	if(dir){
+		outb(data,iobase+DIO_W);
+		return 0;
+	}else{
+		return inb(iobase+DIO_R);
+	}
+static int subdev_700_insn(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,
+	comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+	if(data[0]){
+		s->state &= ~data[0];
+		s->state |= (data[0]&data[1]);
+		if(data[0]&0xff)
+			CALLBACK_FUNC(1,_700_DATA,s->state&0xff,CALLBACK_ARG);
+	}
+	data[1]=CALLBACK_FUNC(0,_700_DATA,0,CALLBACK_ARG)<<8; /* shift bits to 8-15 */
+	return 2;
+static int subdev_700_insn_config(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,
+	comedi_insn *insn,lsampl_t *data)
+	switch(data[0]){
+		break;
+		break;
+		data[1] = (s->io_bits & (1<<CR_CHAN(insn->chanspec))) ? COMEDI_OUTPUT : COMEDI_INPUT;
+		return insn->n;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 1;
+static void do_config(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s)
+{	/* use powerup defaults	*/
+	return;
+static int subdev_700_cmdtest(comedi_device *dev, comedi_subdevice *s,
+	comedi_cmd *cmd)
+	int err = 0;
+	unsigned int tmp;
+	/* step 1 */
+	tmp = cmd->start_src;
+	cmd->start_src &= TRIG_NOW;
+	if(!cmd->start_src || tmp!=cmd->start_src)err++;
+	tmp=cmd->scan_begin_src;
+	cmd->scan_begin_src &= TRIG_EXT;
+	if(!cmd->scan_begin_src || tmp!=cmd->scan_begin_src)err++;
+	tmp=cmd->convert_src;
+	cmd->convert_src &= TRIG_FOLLOW;
+	if(!cmd->convert_src || tmp!=cmd->convert_src)err++;
+	tmp=cmd->scan_end_src;
+	cmd->scan_end_src &= TRIG_COUNT;
+	if(!cmd->scan_end_src || tmp!=cmd->scan_end_src)err++;
+	tmp=cmd->stop_src;
+	cmd->stop_src &= TRIG_NONE;
+	if(!cmd->stop_src || tmp!=cmd->stop_src)err++;
+	if(err) return 1;
+	/* step 2 */
+	if(err) return 2;
+	/* step 3 */
+	if(cmd->start_arg != 0){
+		cmd->start_arg = 0;
+		err++;
+	}
+	if(cmd->scan_begin_arg!=0){
+		cmd->scan_begin_arg = 0;
+		err++;
+	}
+	if(cmd->convert_arg!=0){
+		cmd->convert_arg = 0;
+		err++;
+	}
+	if(cmd->scan_end_arg != 1){
+		cmd->scan_end_arg = 1;
+		err++;
+	}
+	if(cmd->stop_arg!= 0){
+		cmd->stop_arg = 0;
+		err++;
+	}
+	if(err)return 3;
+	/* step 4 */
+	if(err)return 4;
+	return 0;
+static int subdev_700_cmd(comedi_device *dev, comedi_subdevice *s)
+	/* FIXME */
+	return 0;
+static int subdev_700_cancel(comedi_device *dev, comedi_subdevice *s)
+	/* FIXME */
+	return 0;
+int subdev_700_init(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,int (*cb)(int,int,int,unsigned long),unsigned long arg)
+	s->type=COMEDI_SUBD_DIO;
+	s->subdev_flags=SDF_READABLE|SDF_WRITABLE;
+	s->n_chan=16;
+	s->range_table=&range_digital;
+	s->maxdata=1;
+	s->private=kmalloc(sizeof(struct subdev_700_struct),GFP_KERNEL);
+	if(!s->private)return -ENOMEM;
+	if(cb==NULL){
+		CALLBACK_FUNC=subdev_700_cb;
+	}else{
+	}
+	s->insn_bits = subdev_700_insn;
+	s->insn_config = subdev_700_insn_config;
+	s->state=0;
+	s->io_bits=0x00ff; 
+	do_config(dev,s);
+	return 0;
+int subdev_700_init_irq(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s,
+	int (*cb)(int,int,int,unsigned long),unsigned long arg)
+	int ret;
+	ret = subdev_700_init(dev,s,cb,arg);
+	if(ret<0)return ret;
+	s->do_cmdtest = subdev_700_cmdtest;
+	s->do_cmd = subdev_700_cmd;
+	s->cancel = subdev_700_cancel;
+	subdevpriv->have_irq = 1;
+	return 0;
+void subdev_700_cleanup(comedi_device *dev,comedi_subdevice *s)
+	if(s->private){
+		if(subdevpriv->have_irq){}
+		kfree(s->private);
+	}
+static int dio700_attach(comedi_device *dev, comedi_devconfig *it)
+	comedi_subdevice *s;
+	unsigned long iobase = 0;
+#ifdef incomplete
+	unsigned int irq = 0;
+	struct pcmcia_device *link;
+	/* allocate and initialize dev->private */
+	if(alloc_private(dev, sizeof(dio700_private)) < 0)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	// get base address, irq etc. based on bustype
+	switch(thisboard->bustype)
+	{
+		case pcmcia_bustype:
+			link = pcmcia_cur_dev; /* XXX hack */
+			if(!link) return -EIO;
+			iobase = link->io.BasePort1;
+#ifdef incomplete
+			irq = link->irq.AssignedIRQ;
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk("bug! couldn't determine board type\n");
+			return -EINVAL;
+			break;
+	}
+	printk("comedi%d: ni_daq_700: %s, io 0x%lx", dev->minor, thisboard->name, iobase);
+#ifdef incomplete
+	if(irq)
+	{
+		printk(", irq %u", irq);
+	}
+	printk("\n");
+	if(iobase == 0)
+	{
+		printk("io base address is zero!\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	dev->iobase = iobase;
+#ifdef incomplete
+	/* grab our IRQ */
+	dev->irq = irq;
+	dev->board_name = thisboard->name;
+	if(alloc_subdevices(dev, 1) < 0)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	/* DAQCard-700 dio */
+	s = dev->subdevices + 0;
+	subdev_700_init(dev, s, NULL, dev->iobase);
+	return 0;
+static int dio700_detach(comedi_device *dev)
+	printk("comedi%d: ni_daq_700: cs-remove\n", dev->minor);
+	if(dev->subdevices)
+		subdev_700_cleanup(dev,dev->subdevices + 0);
+	if(thisboard->bustype != pcmcia_bustype &&
+		dev->iobase)
+		release_region(dev->iobase, DIO700_SIZE);
+	if(dev->irq)
+		comedi_free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+	return 0;
+// PCMCIA crap
+   All the PCMCIA modules use PCMCIA_DEBUG to control debugging.  If
+   you do not define PCMCIA_DEBUG at all, all the debug code will be
+   left out.  If you compile with PCMCIA_DEBUG=0, the debug code will
+   be present but disabled -- but it can then be enabled for specific
+   modules at load time with a 'pc_debug=#' option to insmod.
+static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG;
+module_param(pc_debug, int, 0644);
+#define DEBUG(n, args...) if (pc_debug>(n)) printk(KERN_DEBUG args)
+static char *version =
+"ni_daq_700.c, based on dummy_cs.c";
+#define DEBUG(n, args...)
+static void dio700_config(struct pcmcia_device *link);
+static void dio700_release(struct pcmcia_device *link);
+static int dio700_cs_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev);
+static int dio700_cs_resume(struct pcmcia_device *p_dev);
+   The attach() and detach() entry points are used to create and destroy
+   "instances" of the driver, where each instance represents everything
+   needed to manage one actual PCMCIA card.
+static int dio700_cs_attach(struct pcmcia_device *);
+static void dio700_cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *);
+   You'll also need to prototype all the functions that will actually
+   be used to talk to your device.  See 'memory_cs' for a good example
+   of a fully self-sufficient driver; the other drivers rely more or
+   less on other parts of the kernel.
+   The dev_info variable is the "key" that is used to match up this
+   device driver with appropriate cards, through the card configuration
+   database.
+static const dev_info_t dev_info = "ni_daq_700";
+typedef struct local_info_t {
+    struct pcmcia_device *link;
+    dev_node_t node;
+    int stop;
+    struct bus_operations *bus;
+} local_info_t;
+    dio700_cs_attach() creates an "instance" of the driver, allocating
+    local data structures for one device.  The device is registered
+    with Card Services.
+    The dev_link structure is initialized, but we don't actually
+    configure the card at this point -- we wait until we receive a
+    card insertion event.
+static int dio700_cs_attach(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+    local_info_t *local;
+    printk(KERN_INFO "ni_daq_700:  cs-attach\n");
+    DEBUG(0, "dio700_cs_attach()\n");
+    /* Allocate space for private device-specific data */
+    local = kzalloc(sizeof(local_info_t), GFP_KERNEL);
+    if (!local) return -ENOMEM;
+    local->link = link; link->priv = local;
+    /* Interrupt setup */
+    link->irq.Attributes = IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE;
+    link->irq.IRQInfo1 = IRQ_LEVEL_ID;
+    link->irq.Handler = NULL;
+    /*
+      General socket configuration defaults can go here.  In this
+      client, we assume very little, and rely on the CIS for almost
+      everything.  In most clients, many details (i.e., number, sizes,
+      and attributes of IO windows) are fixed by the nature of the
+      device, and can be hard-wired here.
+    */
+    link->conf.Attributes = 0;
+    link->conf.IntType = INT_MEMORY_AND_IO;
+    pcmcia_cur_dev = link;
+    dio700_config(link);
+    return 0;
+} /* dio700_cs_attach */
+    This deletes a driver "instance".  The device is de-registered
+    with Card Services.  If it has been released, all local data
+    structures are freed.  Otherwise, the structures will be freed
+    when the device is released.
+static void dio700_cs_detach(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+    printk(KERN_INFO "ni_daq_700: cs-detach!\n");
+    DEBUG(0, "dio700_cs_detach(0x%p)\n", link);
+    if(link->dev_node) {
+		((local_info_t *)link->priv)->stop = 1;
+		dio700_release(link);
+    }
+    /* This points to the parent local_info_t struct */
+	if(link->priv)
+		kfree(link->priv);
+} /* dio700_cs_detach */
+    dio700_config() is scheduled to run after a CARD_INSERTION event
+    is received, to configure the PCMCIA socket, and to make the
+    device available to the system.
+static void dio700_config(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+    local_info_t *dev = link->priv;
+    tuple_t tuple;
+    cisparse_t parse;
+    int last_ret;
+    u_char buf[64];
+    win_req_t req;
+    memreq_t map;
+    cistpl_cftable_entry_t dflt = { 0 };
+    printk(KERN_INFO "ni_daq_700:  cs-config\n");
+    DEBUG(0, "dio700_config(0x%p)\n", link);
+    /*
+       This reads the card's CONFIG tuple to find its configuration
+       registers.
+    */
+    tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CONFIG;
+    tuple.Attributes = 0;
+    tuple.TupleData = buf;
+    tuple.TupleDataMax = sizeof(buf);
+    tuple.TupleOffset = 0;
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_get_first_tuple(link, &tuple)) != 0)
+	{
+	    cs_error(link, GetFirstTuple, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_get_tuple_data(link, &tuple)) != 0)
+	{
+	    cs_error(link, GetTupleData, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_parse_tuple(link, &tuple, &parse)) != 0)
+	{
+	    cs_error(link, ParseTuple, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+    link->conf.ConfigBase = parse.config.base;
+    link->conf.Present = parse.config.rmask[0];
+    /*
+      In this loop, we scan the CIS for configuration table entries,
+      each of which describes a valid card configuration, including
+      voltage, IO window, memory window, and interrupt settings.
+      We make no assumptions about the card to be configured: we use
+      just the information available in the CIS.  In an ideal world,
+      this would work for any PCMCIA card, but it requires a complete
+      and accurate CIS.  In practice, a driver usually "knows" most of
+      these things without consulting the CIS, and most client drivers
+      will only use the CIS to fill in implementation-defined details.
+    */
+    tuple.DesiredTuple = CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY;
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_get_first_tuple(link, &tuple)) != 0)
+	{
+	    cs_error(link, GetFirstTuple, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+    while (1) {
+	cistpl_cftable_entry_t *cfg = &(parse.cftable_entry);
+	if(pcmcia_get_tuple_data(link, &tuple) != 0) goto next_entry;
+	if(pcmcia_parse_tuple(link, &tuple, &parse) != 0) goto next_entry;
+	if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT) dflt = *cfg;
+	if (cfg->index == 0) goto next_entry;
+	link->conf.ConfigIndex = cfg->index;
+	/* Does this card need audio output? */
+	if (cfg->flags & CISTPL_CFTABLE_AUDIO) {
+	    link->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_SPKR;
+	    link->conf.Status = CCSR_AUDIO_ENA;
+	}
+	/* Do we need to allocate an interrupt? */
+	if (cfg->irq.IRQInfo1 || dflt.irq.IRQInfo1)
+	    link->conf.Attributes |= CONF_ENABLE_IRQ;
+	/* IO window settings */
+	link->io.NumPorts1 = link->io.NumPorts2 = 0;
+	if ((cfg->io.nwin > 0) || ( > 0)) {
+	    cistpl_io_t *io = (cfg->io.nwin) ? &cfg->io : &;
+	    link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_AUTO;
+	    if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_8BIT))
+		link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_16;
+	    if (!(io->flags & CISTPL_IO_16BIT))
+		link->io.Attributes1 = IO_DATA_PATH_WIDTH_8;
+	    link->io.IOAddrLines = io->flags & CISTPL_IO_LINES_MASK;
+	    link->io.BasePort1 = io->win[0].base;
+	    link->io.NumPorts1 = io->win[0].len;
+	    if (io->nwin > 1) {
+		link->io.Attributes2 = link->io.Attributes1;
+		link->io.BasePort2 = io->win[1].base;
+		link->io.NumPorts2 = io->win[1].len;
+	    }
+	    /* This reserves IO space but doesn't actually enable it */
+		if(pcmcia_request_io(link, &link->io) != 0) goto next_entry;
+	}
+	if ((cfg->mem.nwin > 0) || (dflt.mem.nwin > 0)) {
+	    cistpl_mem_t *mem =
+		(cfg->mem.nwin) ? &cfg->mem : &dflt.mem;
+	    req.Attributes = WIN_DATA_WIDTH_16|WIN_MEMORY_TYPE_CM;
+	    req.Attributes |= WIN_ENABLE;
+	    req.Base = mem->win[0].host_addr;
+	    req.Size = mem->win[0].len;
+	    if (req.Size < 0x1000)
+		req.Size = 0x1000;
+	    req.AccessSpeed = 0;
+		if(pcmcia_request_window(&link, &req, &link->win)) goto next_entry;
+	    map.Page = 0; map.CardOffset = mem->win[0].card_addr;
+		if(pcmcia_map_mem_page(link->win, &map)) goto next_entry;
+	}
+	/* If we got this far, we're cool! */
+	break;
+    next_entry:
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_get_next_tuple(link, &tuple)) != 0)
+	{
+	    cs_error(link, GetNextTuple, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+       Allocate an interrupt line.  Note that this does not assign a
+       handler to the interrupt, unless the 'Handler' member of the
+       irq structure is initialized.
+    */
+    if (link->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ)
+		if((last_ret = pcmcia_request_irq(link, &link->irq)) != 0)
+		{
+		    cs_error(link, RequestIRQ, last_ret);
+			goto cs_failed;
+		}
+    /*
+       This actually configures the PCMCIA socket -- setting up
+       the I/O windows and the interrupt mapping, and putting the
+       card and host interface into "Memory and IO" mode.
+    */
+	if((last_ret = pcmcia_request_configuration(link, &link->conf)) != 0)
+	{
+		cs_error(link, RequestConfiguration, last_ret);
+		goto cs_failed;
+	}
+    /*
+      At this point, the dev_node_t structure(s) need to be
+      initialized and arranged in a linked list at link->dev.
+    */
+    sprintf(dev->node.dev_name, "ni_daq_700");
+    dev->node.major = dev->node.minor = 0;
+    link->dev_node = &dev->node;
+    /* Finally, report what we've done */
+    printk(KERN_INFO "%s: index 0x%02x",
+	   dev->node.dev_name, link->conf.ConfigIndex);
+    if (link->conf.Attributes & CONF_ENABLE_IRQ)
+		printk(", irq %d", link->irq.AssignedIRQ);
+    if (link->io.NumPorts1)
+		printk(", io 0x%04x-0x%04x", link->io.BasePort1,
+	       link->io.BasePort1+link->io.NumPorts1-1);
+    if (link->io.NumPorts2)
+		printk(" & 0x%04x-0x%04x", link->io.BasePort2,
+	       link->io.BasePort2+link->io.NumPorts2-1);
+    if (link->win)
+	printk(", mem 0x%06lx-0x%06lx", req.Base,
+	       req.Base+req.Size-1);
+    printk("\n");
+    return;
+    printk(KERN_INFO "ni_daq_700 cs failed");
+    dio700_release(link);
+} /* dio700_config */
+static void dio700_release(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+    DEBUG(0, "dio700_release(0x%p)\n", link);
+	pcmcia_disable_device(link);
+} /* dio700_release */
+    The card status event handler.  Mostly, this schedules other
+    stuff to run after an event is received.
+    When a CARD_REMOVAL event is received, we immediately set a
+    private flag to block future accesses to this device.  All the
+    functions that actually access the device should check this flag
+    to make sure the card is still present.
+static int dio700_cs_suspend(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+	local_info_t *local = link->priv;
+	/* Mark the device as stopped, to block IO until later */
+	local->stop = 1;
+	return 0;
+} /* dio700_cs_suspend */
+static int dio700_cs_resume(struct pcmcia_device *link)
+	local_info_t *local = link->priv;
+	local->stop = 0;
+	return 0;
+} /* dio700_cs_resume */
+static struct pcmcia_device_id dio700_cs_ids[] =
+	/* N.B. These IDs should match those in dio700_boards */
+	PCMCIA_DEVICE_MANF_CARD(0x010b, 0x4743),	/* daqcard-700 */
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pcmcia, dio700_cs_ids);
+struct pcmcia_driver dio700_cs_driver =
+	.probe = dio700_cs_attach,
+	.remove = dio700_cs_detach,
+	.suspend = dio700_cs_suspend,
+	.resume = dio700_cs_resume,
+	.id_table = dio700_cs_ids,
+	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+	.drv = {
+		.name = dev_info,
+	},	
+static int __init init_dio700_cs(void)
+    printk("ni_daq_700:  cs-init \n");
+    DEBUG(0, "%s\n", version);
+	pcmcia_register_driver(&dio700_cs_driver);
+    return 0;
+static void __exit exit_dio700_cs(void)
+    DEBUG(0, "ni_daq_700: unloading\n");
+	pcmcia_unregister_driver(&dio700_cs_driver);
+int __init init_module(void)
+     int ret;
+     ret = init_dio700_cs();
+     if(ret < 0)
+            return ret;
+       return comedi_driver_register(&driver_dio700);
+void __exit cleanup_module(void)
+        exit_dio700_cs();
+        comedi_driver_unregister(&driver_dio700);