From: Zac Medico <>
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 09:52:39 +0000 (-0000)
Subject: Remove pym/ because it's not used. Thanks to Brian Harring for... 
X-Git-Tag: v2.1_pre8~1

Remove pym/ because it's not used. Thanks to Brian Harring for noticing.

svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=3100

diff --git a/pym/ b/pym/
deleted file mode 100644
index edafc2ff2..000000000
--- a/pym/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# -- (Persistent) Contents File Management
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/,v 2005/01/16 02:35:33 carpaski Exp $
-import os,string,types,sys,copy
-import portage_exception
-import portage_const
-#import gettext
-#gettext_t = gettext.translation('portage.contents', portage_const.LOCALE_DATA_PATH)
-#_ = gettext_t.ugettext
-def _(mystr):
-	return mystr
-def ContentsHandler(filename):
-	infile = open(filename)
-	myfiles = []
-	mydirs  = []
-	mylines = infile.readlines()
-	infile.close()
-	for line in mylines:
-		if line[-1] == '\n':
-			line   = line[:-1]
-		parts  = string.split(line)
-		mytype   = parts[0]
-		mytarget = None
-		if   mytype in ["dir","dev","fif"]:
-			mypath = string.join(parts[1:])
-		elif mytype == "obj":
-			mypath = string.join(parts[1:-2])
-		elif mytype == "sym":
-			sl = string.join(parts[1:-1])
-			sl = string.split(sl, " -> ")
-			mypath   = sl[0]
-			mytarget = sl[1]
-		else:
-			print _("Unknown type:"),mytype
-		if mytype in ["dir"]:
-			mydirs.append(mypath)
-		else:
-			myfiles.append(mypath)
-	mydirs.sort()
-	myfiles.sort()
-	return myfiles,mydirs
-class PathLookupTable:
-	"""Creates a temporary lookup table for paths from files."""
-	def __init__(self,dbname):
-		#if not self.validLocation(dbname):
-		#	raise portage_exception.InvalidLocation, dbname
-		#self.base = copy.deepcopy(dbname)
-		self.files = []
-		self.pathtree = {}
-	def addFromFile(self, filename, handler):
-		if type(handler) != types.FunctionType:
-			raise portage_exception.IncorrectParameter, _("Handler of type '%(type)s' not 'function'") % {"type": type(handler)}
-		filelist,dirlist = handler(filename)
-		filestat = os.stat(filename)
-		if type(filelist) != types.ListType:
-			raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, _("%(handler)s returned an invalid file list") % {"handler": handler.__name__}
-		if type(dirlist) != types.ListType:
-			raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, _("%(handler)s returned an invalid directory list") % {"handler": handler.__name__}
-		for x in filelist:
-			if not x:
-				continue
-			x = os.path.normpath(x)
-			if len(x) > 1:
-				if x[:2] == "//":
-					x = x[1:]
-			if type(x) != types.StringType:
-				raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, _("%(handler)s returned an invalid subelement in dataset") % {"handler": handler.__name__}
-			xs = string.split(x, "/")
-			self.addFilePath(xs,filename)
-		for x in dirlist:
-			if not x:
-				continue
-			x = os.path.normpath(x)
-			if len(x) > 1:
-				if x[:2] == "//":
-					x = x[1:]
-			if type(x) != types.StringType:
-				raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, _("%(handler)s returned an invalid subelement in dataset") % {"handler": handler.__name__}
-			xs = string.split(x, "/")
-			self.addDirectoryPath(xs,filename)
-	def addDirectoryPath(self,split_path, owner):
-		pt = self.pathtree
-		for x in split_path:
-			if x not in pt.keys():
-				pt[x] = {FILES_KEY:{},OWNER_KEY:[]}
-			if owner not in pt[x][OWNER_KEY]:
-				pt[x][OWNER_KEY].append(owner[:])
-			pt = pt[x]
-		return pt
-	def addFilePath(self,split_path, owner):
-		pt = self.addDirectoryPath(split_path[:-1], owner)
-		if split_path[-1] not in pt[FILES_KEY]:
-			pt[FILES_KEY][split_path[-1][:]] = []
-		if owner not in pt[FILES_KEY][split_path[-1][:]]:
-			pt[FILES_KEY][split_path[-1][:]].append(owner[:])
-	def whoProvides(self,path):
-		if type(path) != types.StringType:
-			raise portage_exception.InvalidData, _("Path passed is not a string: %(path)s") % {"path": path}
-		x = os.path.normpath(path)
-		if x[0:2] == '//':
-			x = x[1:]
-		xs = x.split("/")
-		pt = self.pathtree
-		final_dir = xs.pop(-1)
-		for subpath in xs:
-			if subpath in pt.keys():
-				pt = pt[subpath]
-		owners = []
-		if final_dir in pt[FILES_KEY]:
-			for x in pt[FILES_KEY][final_dir]:
-				if x not in owners:
-					owners.append(x[:])
-		if final_dir in pt:
-			for x in pt[final_dir][OWNER_KEY]:
-				if x not in owners:
-					owners.append(x[:])
-		return owners
-def test():
-	import os
-	plt = PathLookupTable("spork")
-	for x in os.listdir("/var/db/pkg"):
-		for y in os.listdir("/var/db/pkg/"+x):
-			c_path = "/var/db/pkg/"+x+"/"+y+"/CONTENTS"
-			if os.path.exists(c_path):
-				plt.addFromFile(c_path, ContentsHandler)
-	print "/bin/bash:",    plt.whoProvides("/bin/bash")
-	print "/var/spool:",   plt.whoProvides("/var/spool")
-	print "/etc/init.d",   plt.whoProvides("/etc/init.d")
-	return plt