Error compiling Cython file:
cdef class Command (object):
cdef _comedi_h.comedi_cmd _cmd
cdef public list _fields
cdef _comedi_h.comedi_cmd *get_comedi_cmd_pointer(self)
pycomedi/command.pxd:26:30: C method 'get_comedi_cmd_pointer' is declared but not defined
Cython is stricter about that sort of thing since 0.22 (2015-02-11)
Mismatching 'except' declarations on signatures in .pxd and .pyx
files failed to produce a compile error.
[1]: https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#022-2015-02-11
cdef _comedi_h.comedi_cmd _cmd
cdef public list _fields
- cdef _comedi_h.comedi_cmd *get_comedi_cmd_pointer(self)
+ cdef _comedi_h.comedi_cmd *get_comedi_cmd_pointer(self) except *