def process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=False):
- """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it exit'd, or the
- signal if it died from signalling
- if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was signaled.
- This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you can't signal individual
- threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable option."""
- if (retval & 0xff)==0:
- return retval >> 8 # return exit code
- else:
- if throw_signals:
- #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about exception catching.
- raise SystemExit()
- return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal
+ """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it exit'd, or the
+ signal if it died from signalling
+ if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was signaled.
+ This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you can't signal individual
+ threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable option."""
+ if (retval & 0xff)==0:
+ return retval >> 8 # return exit code
+ else:
+ if throw_signals:
+ #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about exception catching.
+ raise SystemExit()
+ return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal
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