-[[ -n $EBUILD_SH_ARGS ]] && ebuild_main
+if [[ $EBUILD_PHASE = depend ]] ; then
+ ebuild_main
+elif [[ -n $EBUILD_SH_ARGS ]] ; then
+ (
+ # Don't allow subprocesses to inherit the pipe which
+ # emerge uses to monitor
+ exec 9>&-
-# Save the env only for relevant phases.
-if [ -n "${EBUILD_SH_ARGS}" ] && \
- ! hasq ${EBUILD_SH_ARGS} clean depend help info nofetch ; then
- # Save current environment and touch a success file. (echo for success)
- umask 002
- save_ebuild_env | filter_readonly_variables > "${T}/environment"
- chown portage:portage "${T}/environment" &>/dev/null
- chmod g+w "${T}/environment" &>/dev/null
+ ebuild_main
+ # Save the env only for relevant phases.
+ if ! hasq "$EBUILD_SH_ARGS" clean help info nofetch ; then
+ umask 002
+ save_ebuild_env | filter_readonly_variables > "$T/environment"
+ chown portage:portage "$T/environment" &>/dev/null
+ chmod g+w "$T/environment" &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ )
+ exit $?
# Do not exit when is sourced by other scripts.