* Add a test suite for the svn backend.
* Daemonize before sending RPC pings, since that can take a while
and/or hang.
* Daemonize before sending commit mails, as that can also take a long
time/hang if the mail server is unhappy.
* Factor out commit mail sending code into new function.
- # TODO: daemonize here so slow pings don't slow down wiki updates
+ # daemonize here so slow pings don't slow down wiki updates
+ eval q{use POSIX ’setsid’};
+ chdir '/';
+ open STDIN, '/dev/null';
+ open STDOUT, '>/dev/null';
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or error("Can't fork: $!");
+ return if $pid;
+ setsid() or error("Can't start a new session: $!");
+ open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or error("Can’t dup stdout: $!");
foreach my $page (keys %toping) {
my $title=pagetitle(basename($page));
require IkiWiki::UserInfo;
- my @email_recipients = commit_notify_list($user, @changed_pages);
- return if !@email_recipients;
- # TODO: if a commit spans multiple pages, this will send
- # subscribers a diff that might contain pages they did not
- # sign up for. Should separate the diff per page and
- # reassemble into one mail with just the pages subscribed to.
- my $diff = join "\n", run_or_die('git-diff', "${sha1}^", $sha1);
- my $subject="update of $config{wikiname}'s ";
- if (@changed_pages > 2) {
- $subject .= "$changed_pages[0] $changed_pages[1] etc";
- } else {
- $subject .= join " ", @changed_pages;
- }
- $subject .= " by $user";
- my $template = template("notifymail.tmpl");
- $template->param(
- wikiname => $config{wikiname},
- diff => $diff,
- user => $user,
- message => $message,
- );
- eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
- error($@) if $@;
- foreach my $email (@email_recipients) {
- sendmail(
- To => $email,
- From => "$config{wikiname} <$config{adminemail}>",
- Subject => $subject,
- Message => $template->output,
- ) or error("Failed to send update notification mail: $!");
- }
+ send_commit_mails(
+ sub {
+ $message;
+ },
+ sub {
+ join "\n", run_or_die('git-diff', "${sha1}^", $sha1);
+ }, $user, @changed_pages);
} #}}}
sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
my $user=`svnlook author $config{svnrepo} -r $rev`;
chomp $user;
- my $message=`svnlook log $config{svnrepo} -r $rev`;
- if ($message=~/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
- $user=defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
- $message=$4;
- }
my @changed_pages;
foreach my $change (`svnlook changed $config{svnrepo} -r $rev`) {
push @changed_pages, $1;
require IkiWiki::UserInfo;
- my @email_recipients=commit_notify_list($user, @changed_pages);
- if (@email_recipients) {
- # TODO: if a commit spans multiple pages, this will send
- # subscribers a diff that might contain pages they did not
- # sign up for. Should separate the diff per page and
- # reassemble into one mail with just the pages subscribed to.
- my $diff=`svnlook diff $config{svnrepo} -r $rev --no-diff-deleted`;
- my $subject="update of $config{wikiname}'s ";
- if (@changed_pages > 2) {
- $subject.="$changed_pages[0] $changed_pages[1] etc";
- }
- else {
- $subject.=join(" ", @changed_pages);
- }
- $subject.=" by $user";
- my $template=template("notifymail.tmpl");
- $template->param(
- wikiname => $config{wikiname},
- diff => $diff,
- user => $user,
- message => $message,
- );
- eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
- error($@) if $@;
- foreach my $email (@email_recipients) {
- sendmail(
- To => $email,
- From => "$config{wikiname} <$config{adminemail}>",
- Subject => $subject,
- Message => $template->output,
- ) or error("Failed to send update notification mail");
- }
- }
+ send_commit_mails(
+ sub {
+ my $message=`svnlook log $config{svnrepo} -r $rev`;
+ if ($message=~/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
+ $user=defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
+ $message=$4;
+ }
+ return $message;
+ },
+ sub {
+ `svnlook diff $config{svnrepo} -r $rev --no-diff-deleted`;
+ }, $user, @changed_pages);
} #}}}
sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
my $head = Mail::Header->new(\*LOG);
- my $message = $head->get("Summary");
my $user = $head->get("Creator");
my $newfiles = $head->get("New-files");
my @changed_pages = grep { !/(^.*\/)?\.arch-ids\/.*\.id$/ }
split(/ /, "$newfiles $modfiles $remfiles .arch-ids/fake.id");
- if ($message =~ /$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
- $user=defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
- $message=$4;
- }
require IkiWiki::UserInfo;
- my @email_recipients=commit_notify_list($user, @changed_pages);
- if (@email_recipients) {
- # TODO: if a commit spans multiple pages, this will send
- # subscribers a diff that might contain pages they did not
- # sign up for. Should separate the diff per page and
- # reassemble into one mail with just the pages subscribed to.
- my $logs = `tla logs -d $config{srcdir}`;
- my @changesets = reverse split(/\n/, $logs);
- my $i;
- for($i=0;$i<$#changesets;$i++) {
- last if $changesets[$i] eq $rev;
- }
- my $revminusone = $changesets[$i+1];
- my $diff=`tla diff -d $ENV{ARCH_TREE_ROOT} $revminusone`;
- my $subject="update of $config{wikiname}'s ";
- if (@changed_pages > 2) {
- $subject.="$changed_pages[0] $changed_pages[1] etc";
- }
- else {
- $subject.=join(" ", @changed_pages);
- }
- $subject.=" by $user";
- my $template=template("notifymail.tmpl");
- $template->param(
- wikiname => $config{wikiname},
- diff => $diff,
- user => $user,
- message => $message,
- );
- eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
- error($@) if $@;
- foreach my $email (@email_recipients) {
- sendmail(
- To => $email,
- From => "$config{wikiname} <$config{adminemail}>",
- Subject => $subject,
- Message => $template->output,
- ) or error("Failed to send update notification mail");
- }
- }
+ send_commit_mails(
+ sub {
+ my $message = $head->get("Summary");
+ if ($message =~ /$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
+ $user=defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
+ $message=$4;
+ }
+ },
+ sub {
+ my $logs = `tla logs -d $config{srcdir}`;
+ my @changesets = reverse split(/\n/, $logs);
+ my $i;
+ for($i=0;$i<$#changesets;$i++) {
+ last if $changesets[$i] eq $rev;
+ }
+ my $revminusone = $changesets[$i+1];
+ `tla diff -d $ENV{ARCH_TREE_ROOT} $revminusone`;
+ }, $user, @changed_pages);
} #}}}
sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
return @ret;
} #}}}
+sub send_commit_mails ($$$@) { #{{{
+ my $messagesub=shift;
+ my $diffsub=shift;
+ my $user=shift;
+ my @changed_pages=shift;
+ my @email_recipients=commit_notify_list($user, @changed_pages);
+ if (@email_recipients) {
+ # TODO: if a commit spans multiple pages, this will send
+ # subscribers a diff that might contain pages they did not
+ # sign up for. Should separate the diff per page and
+ # reassemble into one mail with just the pages subscribed to.
+ my $diff=$diffsub->();
+ my $message=$messagesub->();
+ my $subject="update of $config{wikiname}'s ";
+ if (@changed_pages > 2) {
+ $subject.="$changed_pages[0] $changed_pages[1] etc";
+ }
+ else {
+ $subject.=join(" ", @changed_pages);
+ }
+ $subject.=" by $user";
+ my $template=template("notifymail.tmpl");
+ $template->param(
+ wikiname => $config{wikiname},
+ diff => $diff,
+ user => $user,
+ message => $message,
+ );
+ # Daemonize, in case the mail sending takes a while.
+ eval q{use POSIX ’setsid’};
+ chdir '/';
+ open STDIN, '/dev/null';
+ open STDOUT, '>/dev/null';
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or error("Can't fork: $!");
+ return if $pid;
+ setsid() or error("Can't start a new session: $!");
+ open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or error("Can’t dup stdout: $!");
+ eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ foreach my $email (@email_recipients) {
+ sendmail(
+ To => $email,
+ From => "$config{wikiname} <$config{adminemail}>",
+ Subject => $subject,
+ Message => $template->output,
+ ) or error("Failed to send update notification mail");
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
ikiwiki in nonstandard locations, including home directories, by just
setting PREFIX at build time.
* Fix nested examples directory in deb.
- -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Mon, 20 Nov 2006 16:49:05 -0500
+ * Add a test suite for the mercurial backend, contributed by Emanuele Aina.
+ * Add a test suite for the svn backend.
+ * Daemonize before sending RPC pings, since that can take a while
+ and/or hang.
+ * Daemonize before sending commit mails, as that can also take a long
+ time/hang if the mail server is unhappy.
+ * Factor out commit mail sending code into new function.
+ -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:58:30 -0500
ikiwiki (1.33) unstable; urgency=low
--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $dir;
+ $dir = "/tmp/ikiwiki-test-hg.$$";
+ my $hg=`which hg`;
+ chomp $hg;
+ if (! -x $hg || ! mkdir($dir)) {
+ eval q{
+ use Test::More skip_all => "hg not available or could not make test dir"
+ }
+ }
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
+$config{rcs} = "mercurial";
+$config{srcdir} = "$dir/repo";
+system "hg init $config{srcdir}";
+# Web commit
+my $test1 = readfile("t/test1.mdwn");
+writefile('test1.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test1);
+IkiWiki::rcs_commit("test1.mdwn", "Added the first page", "moo");
+my @changes;
+@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+is($#changes, 0);
+is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, "Added the first page");
+is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1.mdwn");
+# Manual commit
+my $username = "Foo Bar";
+my $user = "$username <foo.bar\@example.com>";
+my $message = "Added the second page";
+my $test2 = readfile("t/test2.mdwn");
+writefile('test2.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test2);
+system "hg add -R $config{srcdir} $config{srcdir}/test2.mdwn";
+system "hg commit -R $config{srcdir} -u \"$user\" -m \"$message\"";
+@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+is($#changes, 1);
+is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, $message);
+is($changes[0]{user}, $username);
+is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test2.mdwn");
+is($changes[1]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1.mdwn");
+system "rm -rf $dir";
--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $dir;
+ $dir="/tmp/ikiwiki-test-svn.$$";
+ my $svn=`which svn`;
+ chomp $svn;
+ my $svnadmin=`which svnadmin`;
+ chomp $svnadmin;
+ if (! -x $svn || ! -x $svnadmin || ! mkdir($dir)) {
+ eval q{
+ use Test::More skip_all => "svn not available or could not make test dir"
+ }
+ }
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
+$config{rcs} = "svn";
+$config{srcdir} = "$dir/src";
+$config{svnrepo} = "$dir/repo";
+$config{svnpath} = "trunk";
+system "svnadmin create $config{svnrepo} >/dev/null";
+system "svn mkdir file://$config{svnrepo}/trunk -m add >/dev/null";
+system "svn co file://$config{svnrepo}/trunk $config{srcdir} >/dev/null";
+# Web commit
+my $test1 = readfile("t/test1.mdwn");
+writefile('test1.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test1);
+IkiWiki::rcs_commit("test1.mdwn", "Added the first page", "moo");
+my @changes;
+@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+is($#changes, 0);
+is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, "Added the first page");
+is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1.mdwn");
+# Manual commit
+my $message = "Added the second page";
+my $test2 = readfile("t/test2.mdwn");
+writefile('test2.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test2);
+system "svn add $config{srcdir}/test2.mdwn >/dev/null";
+system "svn commit $config{srcdir}/test2.mdwn -m \"$message\" >/dev/null";
+@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+is($#changes, 1);
+is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, $message);
+is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test2.mdwn");
+is($changes[1]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1.mdwn");
+system "rm -rf $dir";