print "\n!!! "+red("All ebuilds that could satisfy ")+green(xinfo)+red(" have been masked.")
print "!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:"
oldcomment = ""
+ shown_licenses = []
for p in alleb:
mreasons = portage.getmaskingstatus(p,
settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb)
if comment and comment != oldcomment:
print comment
oldcomment = comment
+ licdict = portage.getlicensetexts(p, settings=pkgsettings, portdb=portdb, onlymasked=True)
+ for lic in licdict.keys():
+ if lic+" license" in mreasons and not lic in shown_licenses:
+ if len(licdict[lic][1]) > 2000:
+ print "Please read the text of license %s in %s" % (lic, licdict[lic][0])
+ print
+ else:
+ print "License text for license %s:" % lic
+ print
+ print licdict[lic][1]
+ print
+ shown_licenses.append(lic)
print "For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or "
print "refer to the Gentoo Handbook."
# Wait until license groups are ready before enabling this.
- #self._accept_license = set(self.get("ACCEPT_LICENSE", "*").split())
- self._accept_license = set(["*"])
+ self._accept_license = set(self.get("ACCEPT_LICENSE", "*").split())
+ #self._accept_license = set(["*"])
if "gpg" in self.features:
if not os.path.exists(self["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]) or \