-DIST pdns-recursor-4.0.6.tar.bz2 1105423 SHA256 f2182ac644268bb08b865a71351f11d75c5015ac0608a1469eb4c1cd5494d60d SHA512 2203fd96469deded1da677344485da221eec036b1ad9fb418a89cd4477d73f2a6fcf984a39b574561df6946f440ddf1982de20cd39d7204da9c27e74216d1159 WHIRLPOOL a2eece8a6cdfcd6c791cb6fa42053d524b4e54f1431d78345640d7f2d9f3079939c7905767abe65abb977bce45647fb7232d1148dac13737625ee4bfae221da8
-DIST pdns-recursor-4.1.0-rc3.tar.bz2 1191353 SHA256 0b8bc3fec4cd39c62e53993ab7a87fc1f2b3d200df071a401775f33e47392169 SHA512 141e3fcbf5e7c81ae0228fb7a15c599ef5ae41e2c2d169e2f7b4f57c6c832ac40d3e20302d219ba565c4a514b1297906684247a1a56cd740e3ea0bff4a7da51d WHIRLPOOL b6e1c3cb233aff0ac10e1d0d4b5e3de508cf657e1f3fa27c3692e38c90f7af82cc6afe499915d1dbd78cdd5d5eb2ec814b2f3ae86ae6a3f353321abfbe191691
+DIST pdns-recursor-4.0.6.tar.bz2 1105423 BLAKE2B 50cc52f118630d4d8ce9876c2e11494a3c972ec90003c40fea36801eb08bd8b6173f876e6f53eb672ad8ff3da04e669946740a50f653a21459f25c1137d91297 SHA512 2203fd96469deded1da677344485da221eec036b1ad9fb418a89cd4477d73f2a6fcf984a39b574561df6946f440ddf1982de20cd39d7204da9c27e74216d1159
+DIST pdns-recursor-4.1.0-rc3.tar.bz2 1191353 BLAKE2B fcbc6f08f962c9c2f459448770406734eff2caab43b615690e9d910b65327e45182aa2c9bcadadeaa6eb3984a8cb463849d5e001ffb98bb618966da5b8557a8a SHA512 141e3fcbf5e7c81ae0228fb7a15c599ef5ae41e2c2d169e2f7b4f57c6c832ac40d3e20302d219ba565c4a514b1297906684247a1a56cd740e3ea0bff4a7da51d
--- /dev/null
+diff -ru pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/validate-recursor.cc pdns-recursor-4.0.6/validate-recursor.cc
+--- pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/validate-recursor.cc 2017-07-04 17:43:07.000000000 +0200
++++ pdns-recursor-4.0.6/validate-recursor.cc 2017-11-02 18:29:16.612520450 +0100
+@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@
+ bool first = true;
+ for(const auto& csp : cspmap) {
+ for(const auto& sig : csp.second.signatures) {
++ if (!csp.first.first.isPartOf(sig->d_signer)) {
++ return increaseDNSSECStateCounter(Bogus);
++ }
+ vState newState = getKeysFor(sro, sig->d_signer, keys); // XXX check validity here
+ if (newState == Bogus) // No hope
--- /dev/null
+diff -ru pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/html/local.js pdns-recursor-4.0.6/html/local.js
+--- pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/html/local.js 2017-07-04 17:43:07.000000000 +0200
++++ pdns-recursor-4.0.6/html/local.js 2017-11-02 18:26:04.624586674 +0100
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
+ $.getJSON(qstring,
+ function(data) {
+- var bouw="<table><tr><th>Number</th><th>Domain</th><th>Type</th></tr>";
++ var table = $('<table><tr><th>Number</th><th>Domain</th><th>Type</th></tr></table>');
+ var num=0;
+ var total=0, rest=0;
+ $.each(data["entries"], function(a,b) {
+@@ -75,12 +75,26 @@
+ if(b[1].length > 25)
+ b[1]=b[1].substring(0,25);
+- bouw=bouw+("<tr><td>"+b[0]+"</td><td>"+b[1]+"</td><td>"+b[2]+"</td></tr>");
+- });
+- bouw+="<tr><td>"+rest+"</td><td>Rest</td></tr>";
+- bouw=bouw+"</table>";
+- $("#queryring").html(bouw);
++ var line = $('<tr />');
++ var number = $('<td />');
++ number.text(b[0]);
++ var domain = $('<td />');
++ domain.text(b[1]);
++ var type = $('<td />');
++ type.text(b[2]);
++ line.append(number);
++ line.append(domain);
++ line.append(type);
++ table.append(line);
++ });
++ var line = $('<tr />');
++ var number = $('<td />');
++ number.text(rest);
++ var label = $('<td>Rest</td>');
++ line.append(number);
++ line.append(label);
++ table.append(line);
++ $("#queryring").html(table);
+ });
+ filtered=$("#filter2").is(':checked')
+@@ -91,7 +105,7 @@
+ $.getJSON(qstring,
+ function(data) {
+- var bouw="<table><tr><th>Number</th><th>Servfail domain</th><th>Type</th></tr>";
++ var table = $('<table><tr><th>Number</th><th>Servfail domain</th><th>Type</th></tr></table>');
+ var num=0, total=0, rest=0;
+ $.each(data["entries"], function(a,b) {
+ total+=b[0];
+@@ -101,11 +115,26 @@
+ }
+ if(b[1].length > 25)
+ b[1]=b[1].substring(0,25);
+- bouw=bouw+("<tr><td>"+b[0]+"</td><td>"+b[1]+"</td><td>"+b[2]+"</td></tr>");
++ var line = $('<tr />');
++ var number = $('<td />');
++ number.text(b[0]);
++ var domain = $('<td />');
++ domain.text(b[1]);
++ var type = $('<td />');
++ type.text(b[2]);
++ line.append(number);
++ line.append(domain);
++ line.append(type);
++ table.append(line);
+ });
+- bouw+="<tr><td>"+rest+"</td><td>Rest</td></tr>";
+- bouw=bouw+"</table>";
+- $("#servfailqueryring").html(bouw);
++ var line = $('<tr />');
++ var number = $('<td />');
++ number.text(rest);
++ var label = $('<td>Rest</td>');
++ line.append(number);
++ line.append(label);
++ table.append(line);
++ $("#servfailqueryring").html(table);
+ });
--- /dev/null
+diff -ru pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/ws-recursor.cc pdns-recursor-4.0.6/ws-recursor.cc
+--- pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/ws-recursor.cc 2017-07-04 17:43:07.000000000 +0200
++++ pdns-recursor-4.0.6/ws-recursor.cc 2017-11-02 18:13:55.762458134 +0100
+@@ -76,10 +76,11 @@
+ throw ApiException("'value' must be an array");
+ }
++ NetmaskGroup nmg;
+ for (auto value : jlist.array_items()) {
+ try {
+- Netmask(value.string_value());
+- } catch (NetmaskException &e) {
++ nmg.addMask(value.string_value());
++ } catch (const NetmaskException &e) {
+ throw ApiException(e.reason);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -91,9 +92,7 @@
+ // Clear allow-from, and provide a "parent" value
+ ss << "allow-from=" << endl;
+- for (auto value : jlist.array_items()) {
+- ss << "allow-from+=" << value.string_value() << endl;
+- }
++ ss << "allow-from+=" << nmg.toString() << endl;
+ apiWriteConfigFile("allow-from", ss.str());
+@@ -201,10 +200,15 @@
+ if (server == "") {
+ throw ApiException("Forwarded-to server must not be an empty string");
+ }
+- if (!serverlist.empty()) {
+- serverlist += ";";
++ try {
++ ComboAddress ca = parseIPAndPort(server, 53);
++ if (!serverlist.empty()) {
++ serverlist += ";";
++ }
++ serverlist += ca.toStringWithPort();
++ } catch (const PDNSException &e) {
++ throw ApiException(e.reason);
+ }
+- serverlist += server;
+ }
+ if (serverlist == "")
+ throw ApiException("Need at least one upstream server when forwarding");
--- /dev/null
+diff -ru pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/opensslsigners.cc pdns-recursor-4.0.6/opensslsigners.cc
+--- pdns-recursor-4.0.6.orig/opensslsigners.cc 2017-07-04 17:43:07.000000000 +0200
++++ pdns-recursor-4.0.6/opensslsigners.cc 2017-11-02 18:18:37.489408103 +0100
+@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
+ if (iqmp == NULL) {
+ RSA_free(key);
+ BN_clear_free(dmq1);
+- BN_clear_free(iqmp);
++ BN_clear_free(dmp1);
+ throw runtime_error(getName()+" allocation of BIGNUM iqmp failed");
+ }
+ RSA_set0_crt_params(key, dmp1, dmq1, iqmp);
+@@ -562,6 +562,7 @@
+ BIGNUM *n = BN_bin2bn((unsigned char*)modulus.c_str(), modulus.length(), NULL);
+ if (!n) {
+ RSA_free(key);
++ BN_clear_free(e);
+ throw runtime_error(getName()+" error loading n value of public key");
+ }
+@@ -866,6 +867,7 @@
+ int ret = EC_POINT_oct2point(d_ecgroup, pub_key, (unsigned char*) ecdsaPoint.c_str(), ecdsaPoint.length(), d_ctx);
+ if (ret != 1) {
++ EC_POINT_free(pub_key);
+ throw runtime_error(getName()+" reading ECP point from binary failed");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic eutils versionator
+DESCRIPTION="The PowerDNS Recursor"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
+IUSE="lua luajit protobuf systemd"
+REQUIRED_USE="?? ( lua luajit )"
+DEPEND="lua? ( >=dev-lang/lua-5.1:= )
+ luajit? ( dev-lang/luajit:= )
+ protobuf? (
+ dev-libs/protobuf
+ >=dev-libs/boost-1.42:=
+ )
+ systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0= )
+ >=dev-libs/boost-1.35:="
+ !<net-dns/pdns-2.9.20-r1"
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/CVE-2017-{15090,15092,15093,15094}-4.0.6.patch
+pkg_setup() {
+ filter-flags -ftree-vectorize
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/powerdns \
+ $(use_enable systemd) \
+ $(use_with lua) \
+ $(use_with luajit) \
+ $(use_with protobuf)
+src_install() {
+ default
+ mv "${D}"/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf{-dist,}
+ # set defaults: setuid=nobody, setgid=nobody
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's/^# set\([ug]\)id=$/set\1id=nobody/' \
+ -e 's/^# quiet=$/quiet=on/' \
+ -e 's/^# chroot=$/chroot=\/var\/lib\/powerdns/' \
+ "${D}"/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/pdns-recursor-r1 pdns-recursor
+ keepdir /var/lib/powerdns
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local old
+ for old in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
+ version_compare ${old} 4.0.0-r1
+ [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || continue
+ ewarn "Starting with 4.0.0-r1 the init script has been renamed from precursor"
+ ewarn "to pdns-recursor, please update your runlevels accordingly."
+ break
+ done