MD5 d4848a8609ff844e939d61f67eae2f71 mythtv-0.20_p13053.ebuild 8232
RMD160 91fefcc5c2c6a151e87907f6e40b5b54e5975a73 mythtv-0.20_p13053.ebuild 8232
SHA256 7f33f4fbbe14b7684d1e95a094382072b7351d9bdff99561a1aa6ddba8d09a4d mythtv-0.20_p13053.ebuild 8232
-EBUILD mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 7997 RMD160 da1db2f516c1f8c150438e8605c308c8e5529b86 SHA1 216f67ee7382832ce74ff71fdc5f7d5f408d7dfa SHA256 47186932460b700662e20ea6fc88c4a76ff2010e870cce9a59d97c1fb4cfe177
-MD5 fbd37aae328ed9947a7133009c0bfa89 mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 7997
-RMD160 da1db2f516c1f8c150438e8605c308c8e5529b86 mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 7997
-SHA256 47186932460b700662e20ea6fc88c4a76ff2010e870cce9a59d97c1fb4cfe177 mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 7997
-MISC ChangeLog 25932 RMD160 f6eac5d015f47394664c2b1c20f4437a7748d348 SHA1 afd95fd3850bde14a4f505e7c03780702d5d7d46 SHA256 98c44170f3d6dd49c15d5a47edddc0150104eee788cb876e537af1da3a5e3d1b
-MD5 8a55f85d70c28e7fed817f50a6d66df2 ChangeLog 25932
-RMD160 f6eac5d015f47394664c2b1c20f4437a7748d348 ChangeLog 25932
-SHA256 98c44170f3d6dd49c15d5a47edddc0150104eee788cb876e537af1da3a5e3d1b ChangeLog 25932
+EBUILD mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 6971 RMD160 b81f11a17d75a8ac45a1b70d95567ad6e616b9d9 SHA1 ebfb3814edf81186fd3b534040afebaafefc1998 SHA256 97519a8b6f18b6df5c71d00d66d623f23f387630efb643d896737ae69108d39c
+MD5 02daff7abcc3a0b817d2bfb22805f45c mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 6971
+RMD160 b81f11a17d75a8ac45a1b70d95567ad6e616b9d9 mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 6971
+SHA256 97519a8b6f18b6df5c71d00d66d623f23f387630efb643d896737ae69108d39c mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild 6971
+MISC ChangeLog 26152 RMD160 743522d6c08bb72f49eb7ec14edc4875fe4c7b4f SHA1 2d69d3e643c651612e058d1ee8525a1e45684f53 SHA256 ec0f45478cb2adf74a747d675bbdd4cdd315e65169d47a1e6667ff6bcaf8faf8
+MD5 4b9b03467b9286e954bb4285e77ddb98 ChangeLog 26152
+RMD160 743522d6c08bb72f49eb7ec14edc4875fe4c7b4f ChangeLog 26152
+SHA256 ec0f45478cb2adf74a747d675bbdd4cdd315e65169d47a1e6667ff6bcaf8faf8 ChangeLog 26152
MISC metadata.xml 222 RMD160 effccac2541ac4d0954899784d7d64c60a9c020e SHA1 c6bd979f236f5e6fe9332eb6568bee402efc793f SHA256 8b2065fecfbbdd0caa3c5eb86b98c22766db07f555edbf3127e9454b468ecff6
MD5 f62db0df6ee8ee1d4fe7b9c3d74432a7 metadata.xml 222
RMD160 effccac2541ac4d0954899784d7d64c60a9c020e metadata.xml 222
Version: GnuPG v2.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/mythtv/mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/03/19 04:24:12 cardoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-tv/mythtv/mythtv-0.21_pre12945.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/03/19 07:30:29 cardoe Exp $
inherit flag-o-matic multilib eutils qt3 mythtv subversion
IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS="video_cards_i810 video_cards_nvidia video_cards_via"
-IUSE="alsa altivec autostart backendonly crciprec debug dbox2 dts dvb dvd freebox frontendonly hdhomerun ieee1394 ivtv jack joystick lcd lirc mmx vorbis opengl perl xvmc ${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS}"
+IUSE="alsa altivec autostart debug dbox2 dts dvb dvd hdhomerun ieee1394 iptv ivtv jack joystick lcd lirc mmx vorbis opengl perl xvmc ${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS}"
- if use autostart && use backendonly; then
- echo
- eerror "You can't have USE=autostart while having USE=backendonly."
- eerror "USE=autostart is for mythfrontend"
- echo
- rip=1
- fi
[[ $rip == 1 ]] && die "Please fix the above issues, before continuing."
use alsa || myconf="${myconf} --disable-audio-alsa"
use jack || myconf="${myconf} --disable-audio-jack"
use dts || myconf="${myconf} --disable-dts"
- use freebox || myconf="${myconf} --disable-freebox"
use dbox2 || myconf="${myconf} --disable-dbox2"
use hdhomerun || myconf="${myconf} --disable-hdhomerun"
- use crciprec || myconf="${myconf} --disable-crciprec"
use altivec || myconf="${myconf} --disable-altivec"
use xvmc && myconf="${myconf} --enable-xvmc"
use xvmc && use video_cards_via && myconf="${myconf} --enable-xvmc-pro"
+ use xvmc && ! use video_cards_nvidia && myconf="${myconf} --disable-xvmc-opengl"
use perl && myconf="${myconf} --with-bindings=perl"
$(use_enable opengl opengl-vsync)
$(use_enable ieee1394 firewire)
+ $(use_enable iptv)
hasq distcc ${FEATURES} || myconf="${myconf} --disable-distcc"
hasq ccache ${FEATURES} || myconf="${myconf} --disable-ccache"
- if use frontendonly; then
- ##Backend Removal
- ewarn
- ewarn "You are using the experimental feature for only installing the frontend."
- ewarn "You will not get Gentoo support nor support from MythTV upstream for this."
- ewarn "If this breaks, you own both pieces."
- ewarn
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-backend"
- fi
- if use backendonly; then
- ##Frontend Removal
- ewarn
- ewarn "You are using the experimental feature for only installing the backend."
- ewarn "You will not get Gentoo support nor support from MythTV upstream for this."
- ewarn "If this breaks, you own both pieces."
- ewarn
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-frontend"
- fi
# let MythTV come up with our CFLAGS. Upstream will support this
test -e "${doc}" && dodoc ${doc}
- if ! use frontendonly; then
- insinto /usr/share/mythtv/database
- doins database/*
- exeinto /usr/share/mythtv
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/mythfilldatabase.cron"
+ insinto /usr/share/mythtv/database
+ doins database/*
- newinitd ${FILESDIR}/mythbackend-0.18.2.rc mythbackend
- newconfd ${FILESDIR}/mythbackend-0.18.2.conf mythbackend
- fi
+ exeinto /usr/share/mythtv
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}/mythfilldatabase.cron"
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/mythbackend-0.18.2.rc mythbackend
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/mythbackend-0.18.2.conf mythbackend
dodoc keys.txt docs/*.{txt,pdf}
dohtml docs/*.html
insinto /usr/share/mythtv/configfiles
doins configfiles/*
- if ! use backendonly; then
- dobin "${FILESDIR}"/runmythfe
+ dobin "${FILESDIR}"/runmythfe
- if use autostart; then
- dodir /etc/env.d/
- echo 'CONFIG_PROTECT="/home/mythtv/"' > ${D}/etc/env.d/95mythtv
+ if use autostart; then
+ dodir /etc/env.d/
+ echo 'CONFIG_PROTECT="/home/mythtv/"' > ${D}/etc/env.d/95mythtv
- insinto /home/mythtv
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/bash_profile .bash_profile
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/xinitrc .xinitrc
- fi
+ insinto /home/mythtv
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/bash_profile .bash_profile
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/xinitrc .xinitrc
pkg_postinst() {
- if ! use backendonly; then
- echo
- elog "Want mythfrontend to start automatically?"
- elog "Set USE=autostart. Details can be found at:"
- elog ""
- fi
+ echo
+ elog "Want mythfrontend to start automatically?"
+ elog "Set USE=autostart. Details can be found at:"
+ elog ""
- if ! use frontendonly; then
- echo
- elog "To always have MythBackend running and available run the following:"
- elog "rc-update add mythbackend default"
- echo
- ewarn "Your recordings folder must be owned by the user 'mythtv' now"
- ewarn "chown -R mythtv /path/to/store"
- fi
+ echo
+ elog "To always have MythBackend running and available run the following:"
+ elog "rc-update add mythbackend default"
+ echo
+ ewarn "Your recordings folder must be owned by the user 'mythtv' now"
+ ewarn "chown -R mythtv /path/to/store"
if use autostart; then