from __future__ import print_function
-__all__ = ["PreservedLibsRegistry", "LinkageMap",
+__all__ = [
"vardbapi", "vartree", "dblink"] + \
["write_contents", "tar_contents"]
basestring = str
long = int
-class PreservedLibsRegistry(object):
- """ This class handles the tracking of preserved library objects """
- def __init__(self, root, filename, autocommit=True):
- """
- @param root: root used to check existence of paths in pruneNonExisting
- @type root: String
- @param filename: absolute path for saving the preserved libs records
- @type filename: String
- @param autocommit: determines if the file is written after every update
- @type autocommit: Boolean
- """
- self._root = root
- self._filename = filename
- self._autocommit = autocommit
- self.load()
- self.pruneNonExisting()
- def load(self):
- """ Reload the registry data from file """
- self._data = None
- try:
- self._data = pickle.load(
- open(_unicode_encode(self._filename,
- encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb'))
- except (ValueError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as e:
- writemsg_level(_("!!! Error loading '%s': %s\n") % \
- (self._filename, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- except (EOFError, IOError) as e:
- if isinstance(e, EOFError) or e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- pass
- elif e.errno == PermissionDenied.errno:
- raise PermissionDenied(self._filename)
- else:
- raise
- if self._data is None:
- self._data = {}
- self._data_orig = self._data.copy()
- def store(self):
- """ Store the registry data to file. No need to call this if autocommit
- was enabled.
- """
- if os.environ.get("SANDBOX_ON") == "1" or \
- self._data == self._data_orig:
- return
- try:
- f = atomic_ofstream(self._filename, 'wb')
- pickle.dump(self._data, f, protocol=2)
- f.close()
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- if e.errno != PermissionDenied.errno:
- writemsg("!!! %s %s\n" % (e, self._filename), noiselevel=-1)
- else:
- self._data_orig = self._data.copy()
- def register(self, cpv, slot, counter, paths):
- """ Register new objects in the registry. If there is a record with the
- same packagename (internally derived from cpv) and slot it is
- overwritten with the new data.
- @param cpv: package instance that owns the objects
- @type cpv: CPV (as String)
- @param slot: the value of SLOT of the given package instance
- @type slot: String
- @param counter: vdb counter value for the package instace
- @type counter: Integer
- @param paths: absolute paths of objects that got preserved during an update
- @type paths: List
- """
- cp = "/".join(catpkgsplit(cpv)[:2])
- cps = cp+":"+slot
- if len(paths) == 0 and cps in self._data \
- and self._data[cps][0] == cpv and int(self._data[cps][1]) == int(counter):
- del self._data[cps]
- elif len(paths) > 0:
- self._data[cps] = (cpv, counter, paths)
- if self._autocommit:
- def unregister(self, cpv, slot, counter):
- """ Remove a previous registration of preserved objects for the given package.
- @param cpv: package instance whose records should be removed
- @type cpv: CPV (as String)
- @param slot: the value of SLOT of the given package instance
- @type slot: String
- """
- self.register(cpv, slot, counter, [])
- def pruneNonExisting(self):
- """ Remove all records for objects that no longer exist on the filesystem. """
- os = _os_merge
- for cps in list(self._data):
- cpv, counter, paths = self._data[cps]
- paths = [f for f in paths \
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._root, f.lstrip(os.sep)))]
- if len(paths) > 0:
- self._data[cps] = (cpv, counter, paths)
- else:
- del self._data[cps]
- if self._autocommit:
- def hasEntries(self):
- """ Check if this registry contains any records. """
- return len(self._data) > 0
- def getPreservedLibs(self):
- """ Return a mapping of packages->preserved objects.
- @returns mapping of package instances to preserved objects
- @rtype Dict cpv->list-of-paths
- """
- rValue = {}
- for cps in self._data:
- rValue[self._data[cps][0]] = self._data[cps][2]
- return rValue
-class LinkageMap(object):
- """Models dynamic linker dependencies."""
- _needed_aux_key = "NEEDED.ELF.2"
- _soname_map_class = slot_dict_class(
- ("consumers", "providers"), prefix="")
- def __init__(self, vardbapi):
- self._dbapi = vardbapi
- self._root = self._dbapi.root
- self._libs = {}
- self._obj_properties = {}
- self._obj_key_cache = {}
- self._defpath = set()
- self._path_key_cache = {}
- def _clear_cache(self):
- self._libs.clear()
- self._obj_properties.clear()
- self._obj_key_cache.clear()
- self._defpath.clear()
- self._path_key_cache.clear()
- def _path_key(self, path):
- key = self._path_key_cache.get(path)
- if key is None:
- key = self._ObjectKey(path, self._root)
- self._path_key_cache[path] = key
- return key
- def _obj_key(self, path):
- key = self._obj_key_cache.get(path)
- if key is None:
- key = self._ObjectKey(path, self._root)
- self._obj_key_cache[path] = key
- return key
- class _ObjectKey(object):
- """Helper class used as _obj_properties keys for objects."""
- __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "_key")
- def __init__(self, obj, root):
- """
- This takes a path to an object.
- @param object: path to a file
- @type object: string (example: '/usr/bin/bar')
- """
- self._key = self._generate_object_key(obj, root)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self._key)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self._key == other._key
- def _generate_object_key(self, obj, root):
- """
- Generate object key for a given object.
- @param object: path to a file
- @type object: string (example: '/usr/bin/bar')
- @rtype: 2-tuple of types (long, int) if object exists. string if
- object does not exist.
- @return:
- 1. 2-tuple of object's inode and device from a stat call, if object
- exists.
- 2. realpath of object if object does not exist.
- """
- os = _os_merge
- try:
- _unicode_encode(obj,
- encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict')
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- # The package appears to have been merged with a
- # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(),
- # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate.
- try:
- _unicode_encode(obj,
- encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict')
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- pass
- else:
- os = portage.os
- abs_path = os.path.join(root, obj.lstrip(os.sep))
- try:
- object_stat = os.stat(abs_path)
- except OSError:
- # Use the realpath as the key if the file does not exists on the
- # filesystem.
- return os.path.realpath(abs_path)
- # Return a tuple of the device and inode.
- return (object_stat.st_dev, object_stat.st_ino)
- def file_exists(self):
- """
- Determine if the file for this key exists on the filesystem.
- @rtype: Boolean
- @return:
- 1. True if the file exists.
- 2. False if the file does not exist or is a broken symlink.
- """
- return isinstance(self._key, tuple)
- class _LibGraphNode(_ObjectKey):
- __slots__ = ("alt_paths",)
- def __init__(self, obj, root):
- LinkageMap._ObjectKey.__init__(self, obj, root)
- self.alt_paths = set()
- def __str__(self):
- return str(sorted(self.alt_paths))
- def rebuild(self, exclude_pkgs=None, include_file=None):
- """
- Raises CommandNotFound if there are preserved libs
- and the scanelf binary is not available.
- """
- os = _os_merge
- root = self._root
- root_len = len(root) - 1
- self._clear_cache()
- self._defpath.update(getlibpaths(self._root))
- libs = self._libs
- obj_key_cache = self._obj_key_cache
- obj_properties = self._obj_properties
- lines = []
- # Data from include_file is processed first so that it
- # overrides any data from previously installed files.
- if include_file is not None:
- lines += grabfile(include_file)
- aux_keys = [self._needed_aux_key]
- for cpv in self._dbapi.cpv_all():
- if exclude_pkgs is not None and cpv in exclude_pkgs:
- continue
- lines += self._dbapi.aux_get(cpv, aux_keys)[0].split('\n')
- # Cache NEEDED.* files avoid doing excessive IO for every rebuild.
- self._dbapi.flush_cache()
- # have to call scanelf for preserved libs here as they aren't
- # registered in NEEDED.ELF.2 files
- if self._dbapi.plib_registry and self._dbapi.plib_registry.getPreservedLibs():
- args = ["/usr/bin/scanelf", "-qF", "%a;%F;%S;%r;%n"]
- for items in self._dbapi.plib_registry.getPreservedLibs().values():
- args.extend(os.path.join(root, x.lstrip("." + os.sep)) \
- for x in items)
- try:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- raise CommandNotFound(args[0])
- else:
- for l in proc.stdout:
- try:
- l = _unicode_decode(l,
- encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- l = _unicode_decode(l,
- encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
- writemsg_level(_("\nError decoding characters " \
- "returned from scanelf: %s\n\n") % (l,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- l = l[3:].rstrip("\n")
- if not l:
- continue
- fields = l.split(";")
- if len(fields) < 5:
- writemsg_level(_("\nWrong number of fields " \
- "returned from scanelf: %s\n\n") % (l,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- continue
- fields[1] = fields[1][root_len:]
- lines.append(";".join(fields))
- proc.wait()
- for l in lines:
- l = l.rstrip("\n")
- if not l:
- continue
- fields = l.split(";")
- if len(fields) < 5:
- writemsg_level(_("\nWrong number of fields " \
- "in %s: %s\n\n") % (self._needed_aux_key, l),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- continue
- arch = fields[0]
- obj = fields[1]
- soname = fields[2]
- path = set([normalize_path(x) \
- for x in filter(None, fields[3].replace(
- "${ORIGIN}", os.path.dirname(obj)).replace(
- "$ORIGIN", os.path.dirname(obj)).split(":"))])
- needed = [x for x in fields[4].split(",") if x]
- obj_key = self._obj_key(obj)
- indexed = True
- myprops = obj_properties.get(obj_key)
- if myprops is None:
- indexed = False
- myprops = (arch, needed, path, soname, set())
- obj_properties[obj_key] = myprops
- # All object paths are added into the obj_properties tuple.
- myprops[4].add(obj)
- # Don't index the same file more that once since only one
- # set of data can be correct and therefore mixing data
- # may corrupt the index (include_file overrides previously
- # installed).
- if indexed:
- continue
- arch_map = libs.get(arch)
- if arch_map is None:
- arch_map = {}
- libs[arch] = arch_map
- if soname:
- soname_map = arch_map.get(soname)
- if soname_map is None:
- soname_map = self._soname_map_class(
- providers=set(), consumers=set())
- arch_map[soname] = soname_map
- soname_map.providers.add(obj_key)
- for needed_soname in needed:
- soname_map = arch_map.get(needed_soname)
- if soname_map is None:
- soname_map = self._soname_map_class(
- providers=set(), consumers=set())
- arch_map[needed_soname] = soname_map
- soname_map.consumers.add(obj_key)
- def listBrokenBinaries(self, debug=False):
- """
- Find binaries and their needed sonames, which have no providers.
- @param debug: Boolean to enable debug output
- @type debug: Boolean
- @rtype: dict (example: {'/usr/bin/foo': set([''])})
- @return: The return value is an object -> set-of-sonames mapping, where
- object is a broken binary and the set consists of sonames needed by
- object that have no corresponding libraries to fulfill the dependency.
- """
- os = _os_merge
- class _LibraryCache(object):
- """
- Caches properties associated with paths.
- The purpose of this class is to prevent multiple instances of
- _ObjectKey for the same paths.
- """
- def __init__(cache_self):
- cache_self.cache = {}
- def get(cache_self, obj):
- """
- Caches and returns properties associated with an object.
- @param obj: absolute path (can be symlink)
- @type obj: string (example: '/usr/lib/')
- @rtype: 4-tuple with types
- (string or None, string or None, 2-tuple, Boolean)
- @return: 4-tuple with the following components:
- 1. arch as a string or None if it does not exist,
- 2. soname as a string or None if it does not exist,
- 3. obj_key as 2-tuple,
- 4. Boolean representing whether the object exists.
- (example: ('', (123L, 456L), True))
- """
- if obj in cache_self.cache:
- return cache_self.cache[obj]
- else:
- obj_key = self._obj_key(obj)
- # Check that the library exists on the filesystem.
- if obj_key.file_exists():
- # Get the arch and soname from LinkageMap._obj_properties if
- # it exists. Otherwise, None.
- arch, _, _, soname, _ = \
- self._obj_properties.get(obj_key, (None,)*5)
- return cache_self.cache.setdefault(obj, \
- (arch, soname, obj_key, True))
- else:
- return cache_self.cache.setdefault(obj, \
- (None, None, obj_key, False))
- rValue = {}
- cache = _LibraryCache()
- providers = self.listProviders()
- # Iterate over all obj_keys and their providers.
- for obj_key, sonames in providers.items():
- arch, _, path, _, objs = self._obj_properties[obj_key]
- path = path.union(self._defpath)
- # Iterate over each needed soname and the set of library paths that
- # fulfill the soname to determine if the dependency is broken.
- for soname, libraries in sonames.items():
- # validLibraries is used to store libraries, which satisfy soname,
- # so if no valid libraries are found, the soname is not satisfied
- # for obj_key. If unsatisfied, objects associated with obj_key
- # must be emerged.
- validLibraries = set()
- # It could be the case that the library to satisfy the soname is
- # not in the obj's runpath, but a symlink to the library is (eg
- # in nvidia-drivers). Also, since LinkageMap
- # does not catalog symlinks, broken or missing symlinks may go
- # unnoticed. As a result of these cases, check that a file with
- # the same name as the soname exists in obj's runpath.
- # XXX If we catalog symlinks in LinkageMap, this could be improved.
- for directory in path:
- cachedArch, cachedSoname, cachedKey, cachedExists = \
- cache.get(os.path.join(directory, soname))
- # Check that this library provides the needed soname. Doing
- # this, however, will cause consumers of libraries missing
- # sonames to be unnecessarily emerged. (eg
- if cachedSoname == soname and cachedArch == arch:
- validLibraries.add(cachedKey)
- if debug and cachedKey not in \
- set(map(self._obj_key_cache.get, libraries)):
- # XXX This is most often due to soname symlinks not in
- # a library's directory. We could catalog symlinks in
- # LinkageMap to avoid checking for this edge case here.
- print(_("Found provider outside of findProviders:"), \
- os.path.join(directory, soname), "->", \
- self._obj_properties[cachedKey][4], libraries)
- # A valid library has been found, so there is no need to
- # continue.
- break
- if debug and cachedArch == arch and \
- cachedKey in self._obj_properties:
- print(_("Broken symlink or missing/bad soname: %(dir_soname)s -> %(cachedKey)s "
- "with soname %(cachedSoname)s but expecting %(soname)s") % \
- {"dir_soname":os.path.join(directory, soname),
- "cachedKey": self._obj_properties[cachedKey],
- "cachedSoname": cachedSoname, "soname":soname})
- # This conditional checks if there are no libraries to satisfy the
- # soname (empty set).
- if not validLibraries:
- for obj in objs:
- rValue.setdefault(obj, set()).add(soname)
- # If no valid libraries have been found by this point, then
- # there are no files named with the soname within obj's runpath,
- # but if there are libraries (from the providers mapping), it is
- # likely that soname symlinks or the actual libraries are
- # missing or broken. Thus those libraries are added to rValue
- # in order to emerge corrupt library packages.
- for lib in libraries:
- rValue.setdefault(lib, set()).add(soname)
- if debug:
- if not os.path.isfile(lib):
- print(_("Missing library:"), lib)
- else:
- print(_("Possibly missing symlink:"), \
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib), soname))
- return rValue
- def listProviders(self):
- """
- Find the providers for all object keys in LinkageMap.
- @rtype: dict (example:
- {(123L, 456L): {'': set(['/lib/'])}})
- @return: The return value is an object key -> providers mapping, where
- providers is a mapping of soname -> set-of-library-paths returned
- from the findProviders method.
- """
- rValue = {}
- if not self._libs:
- self.rebuild()
- # Iterate over all object keys within LinkageMap.
- for obj_key in self._obj_properties:
- rValue.setdefault(obj_key, self.findProviders(obj_key))
- return rValue
- def isMasterLink(self, obj):
- """
- Determine whether an object is a master link.
- @param obj: absolute path to an object
- @type obj: string (example: '/usr/bin/foo')
- @rtype: Boolean
- @return:
- 1. True if obj is a master link
- 2. False if obj is not a master link
- """
- os = _os_merge
- basename = os.path.basename(obj)
- obj_key = self._obj_key(obj)
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s (%s) not in object list" % (obj_key, obj))
- soname = self._obj_properties[obj_key][3]
- return (len(basename) < len(soname))
- def listLibraryObjects(self):
- """
- Return a list of library objects.
- Known limitation: library objects lacking an soname are not included.
- @rtype: list of strings
- @return: list of paths to all providers
- """
- rValue = []
- if not self._libs:
- self.rebuild()
- for arch_map in self._libs.values():
- for soname_map in arch_map.values():
- for obj_key in soname_map.providers:
- rValue.extend(self._obj_properties[obj_key][4])
- return rValue
- def getSoname(self, obj):
- """
- Return the soname associated with an object.
- @param obj: absolute path to an object
- @type obj: string (example: '/usr/bin/bar')
- @rtype: string
- @return: soname as a string
- """
- if not self._libs:
- self.rebuild()
- if isinstance(obj, self._ObjectKey):
- obj_key = obj
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s not in object list" % obj_key)
- return self._obj_properties[obj_key][3]
- if obj not in self._obj_key_cache:
- raise KeyError("%s not in object list" % obj)
- return self._obj_properties[self._obj_key_cache[obj]][3]
- def findProviders(self, obj):
- """
- Find providers for an object or object key.
- This method may be called with a key from _obj_properties.
- In some cases, not all valid libraries are returned. This may occur when
- an soname symlink referencing a library is in an object's runpath while
- the actual library is not. We should consider cataloging symlinks within
- LinkageMap as this would avoid those cases and would be a better model of
- library dependencies (since the dynamic linker actually searches for
- files named with the soname in the runpaths).
- @param obj: absolute path to an object or a key from _obj_properties
- @type obj: string (example: '/usr/bin/bar') or _ObjectKey
- @rtype: dict (example: {'': set(['/lib/'])})
- @return: The return value is a soname -> set-of-library-paths, where
- set-of-library-paths satisfy soname.
- """
- os = _os_merge
- rValue = {}
- if not self._libs:
- self.rebuild()
- # Determine the obj_key from the arguments.
- if isinstance(obj, self._ObjectKey):
- obj_key = obj
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s not in object list" % obj_key)
- else:
- obj_key = self._obj_key(obj)
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s (%s) not in object list" % (obj_key, obj))
- arch, needed, path, _, _ = self._obj_properties[obj_key]
- path_keys = set(self._path_key(x) for x in path.union(self._defpath))
- for soname in needed:
- rValue[soname] = set()
- if arch not in self._libs or soname not in self._libs[arch]:
- continue
- # For each potential provider of the soname, add it to rValue if it
- # resides in the obj's runpath.
- for provider_key in self._libs[arch][soname].providers:
- providers = self._obj_properties[provider_key][4]
- for provider in providers:
- if self._path_key(os.path.dirname(provider)) in path_keys:
- rValue[soname].add(provider)
- return rValue
- def findConsumers(self, obj):
- """
- Find consumers of an object or object key.
- This method may be called with a key from _obj_properties. If this
- method is going to be called with an object key, to avoid not catching
- shadowed libraries, do not pass new _ObjectKey instances to this method.
- Instead pass the obj as a string.
- In some cases, not all consumers are returned. This may occur when
- an soname symlink referencing a library is in an object's runpath while
- the actual library is not. For example, this problem is noticeable for
- binutils since it's libraries are added to the path via symlinks that
- are gemerated in the /usr/$CHOST/lib/ directory by binutils-config.
- Failure to recognize consumers of these symlinks makes preserve-libs
- fail to preserve binutils libs that are needed by these unrecognized
- consumers.
- Note that library consumption via dlopen (common for kde plugins) is
- currently undetected. However, it is possible to use the
- corresponding libtool archive (*.la) files to detect such consumers
- (revdep-rebuild is able to detect them).
- @param obj: absolute path to an object or a key from _obj_properties
- @type obj: string (example: '/usr/bin/bar') or _ObjectKey
- @rtype: set of strings (example: set(['/bin/foo', '/usr/bin/bar']))
- @return: The return value is a soname -> set-of-library-paths, where
- set-of-library-paths satisfy soname.
- """
- os = _os_merge
- rValue = set()
- if not self._libs:
- self.rebuild()
- # Determine the obj_key and the set of objects matching the arguments.
- if isinstance(obj, self._ObjectKey):
- obj_key = obj
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s not in object list" % obj_key)
- objs = self._obj_properties[obj_key][4]
- else:
- objs = set([obj])
- obj_key = self._obj_key(obj)
- if obj_key not in self._obj_properties:
- raise KeyError("%s (%s) not in object list" % (obj_key, obj))
- # If there is another version of this lib with the
- # same soname and the master link points to that
- # other version, this lib will be shadowed and won't
- # have any consumers.
- if not isinstance(obj, self._ObjectKey):
- soname = self._obj_properties[obj_key][3]
- master_link = os.path.join(self._root,
- os.path.dirname(obj).lstrip(os.path.sep), soname)
- try:
- master_st = os.stat(master_link)
- obj_st = os.stat(obj)
- except OSError:
- pass
- else:
- if (obj_st.st_dev, obj_st.st_ino) != \
- (master_st.st_dev, master_st.st_ino):
- return set()
- # Determine the directory(ies) from the set of objects.
- objs_dir_keys = set(self._path_key(os.path.dirname(x)) for x in objs)
- defpath_keys = set(self._path_key(x) for x in self._defpath)
- arch, _, _, soname, _ = self._obj_properties[obj_key]
- if arch in self._libs and soname in self._libs[arch]:
- # For each potential consumer, add it to rValue if an object from the
- # arguments resides in the consumer's runpath.
- for consumer_key in self._libs[arch][soname].consumers:
- _, _, path, _, consumer_objs = \
- self._obj_properties[consumer_key]
- path_keys = defpath_keys.union(self._path_key(x) for x in path)
- if objs_dir_keys.intersection(path_keys):
- rValue.update(consumer_objs)
- return rValue
class vardbapi(dbapi):
_excluded_dirs = ["CVS", "lost+found"]
self._counter_path = os.path.join(root,
CACHE_PATH, "counter")
- try:
- self.plib_registry = PreservedLibsRegistry(self.root,
- os.path.join(self.root, PRIVATE_PATH, "preserved_libs_registry"))
- except PermissionDenied:
- # apparently this user isn't allowed to access PRIVATE_PATH
- self.plib_registry = None
- self.linkmap = LinkageMap(self)
self._owners = self._owners_db(self)
def getpath(self, mykey, filename=None):
self.contentscache = None
self._contents_inodes = None
self._contents_basenames = None
- self._linkmap_broken = False
self._md5_merge_map = {}
def lockdb(self):
self._unmerge_pkgfiles(pkgfiles, others_in_slot)
- # Remove the registration of preserved libs for this pkg instance
- plib_registry = self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry
- plib_registry.unregister(self.mycpv, self.settings["SLOT"],
- self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(self.mycpv))
if myebuildpath:
ebuild_phase = "postrm"
if scheduler is None:
failures += 1
writemsg(_("!!! FAILED postrm: %s\n") % retval, noiselevel=-1)
- # Skip this if another package in the same slot has just been
- # merged on top of this package, since the other package has
- # already called LinkageMap.rebuild() and passed it's NEEDED file
- # in as an argument.
- if not others_in_slot:
- self._linkmap_rebuild(exclude_pkgs=(self.mycpv,))
- # remove preserved libraries that don't have any consumers left
- cpv_lib_map = self._find_unused_preserved_libs()
- if cpv_lib_map:
- self._remove_preserved_libs(cpv_lib_map)
- for cpv, removed in cpv_lib_map.items():
- if not self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
- for dblnk in others_in_slot:
- if dblnk.mycpv == cpv:
- # This one just got merged so it doesn't
- # register with cpv_exists() yet.
- self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(
- dblnk, removed)
- break
- continue
- self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(cpv, removed)
- else:
- # Prune any preserved libs that may have
- # been unmerged with this package.
- self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.pruneNonExisting()
if builddir_lock:
return False
- def _linkmap_rebuild(self, **kwargs):
- if self._linkmap_broken:
- return
- try:
- self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap.rebuild(**kwargs)
- except CommandNotFound as e:
- self._linkmap_broken = True
- self._display_merge(_("!!! Disabling preserve-libs " \
- "due to error: Command Not Found: %s\n") % (e,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- def _find_libs_to_preserve(self):
- """
- Get set of relative paths for libraries to be preserved. The file
- paths are selected from self._installed_instance.getcontents().
- """
- if self._linkmap_broken or not \
- (self._installed_instance is not None and \
- "preserve-libs" in self.settings.features):
- return None
- os = _os_merge
- linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap
- installed_instance = self._installed_instance
- old_contents = installed_instance.getcontents()
- root = self.myroot
- root_len = len(root) - 1
- lib_graph = digraph()
- path_node_map = {}
- def path_to_node(path):
- node = path_node_map.get(path)
- if node is None:
- node = LinkageMap._LibGraphNode(path, root)
- alt_path_node = lib_graph.get(node)
- if alt_path_node is not None:
- node = alt_path_node
- node.alt_paths.add(path)
- path_node_map[path] = node
- return node
- consumer_map = {}
- provider_nodes = set()
- # Create provider nodes and add them to the graph.
- for f_abs in old_contents:
- if os is _os_merge:
- try:
- _unicode_encode(f_abs,
- encoding=_encodings['merge'], errors='strict')
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- # The package appears to have been merged with a
- # different value of sys.getfilesystemencoding(),
- # so fall back to utf_8 if appropriate.
- try:
- _unicode_encode(f_abs,
- encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict')
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- pass
- else:
- os = portage.os
- f = f_abs[root_len:]
- if self.isowner(f, root):
- continue
- try:
- consumers = linkmap.findConsumers(f)
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if not consumers:
- continue
- provider_node = path_to_node(f)
- lib_graph.add(provider_node, None)
- provider_nodes.add(provider_node)
- consumer_map[provider_node] = consumers
- # Create consumer nodes and add them to the graph.
- # Note that consumers can also be providers.
- for provider_node, consumers in consumer_map.items():
- for c in consumers:
- if self.isowner(c, root):
- continue
- consumer_node = path_to_node(c)
- if installed_instance.isowner(c, root) and \
- consumer_node not in provider_nodes:
- # This is not a provider, so it will be uninstalled.
- continue
- lib_graph.add(provider_node, consumer_node)
- # Locate nodes which should be preserved. They consist of all
- # providers that are reachable from consumers that are not
- # providers themselves.
- preserve_nodes = set()
- for consumer_node in lib_graph.root_nodes():
- if consumer_node in provider_nodes:
- continue
- # Preserve all providers that are reachable from this consumer.
- node_stack = lib_graph.child_nodes(consumer_node)
- while node_stack:
- provider_node = node_stack.pop()
- if provider_node in preserve_nodes:
- continue
- preserve_nodes.add(provider_node)
- node_stack.extend(lib_graph.child_nodes(provider_node))
- preserve_paths = set()
- for preserve_node in preserve_nodes:
- # Make sure that at least one of the paths is not a symlink.
- # This prevents symlinks from being erroneously preserved by
- # themselves when the old instance installed symlinks that
- # the new instance does not install.
- have_lib = False
- for f in preserve_node.alt_paths:
- f_abs = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.sep))
- try:
- if stat.S_ISREG(os.lstat(f_abs).st_mode):
- have_lib = True
- break
- except OSError:
- continue
- if have_lib:
- preserve_paths.update(preserve_node.alt_paths)
- return preserve_paths
- def _add_preserve_libs_to_contents(self, preserve_paths):
- """
- Preserve libs returned from _find_libs_to_preserve().
- """
- if not preserve_paths:
- return
- os = _os_merge
- showMessage = self._display_merge
- root = self.myroot
- # Copy contents entries from the old package to the new one.
- new_contents = self.getcontents().copy()
- old_contents = self._installed_instance.getcontents()
- for f in sorted(preserve_paths):
- f = _unicode_decode(f,
- encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
- f_abs = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.sep))
- contents_entry = old_contents.get(f_abs)
- if contents_entry is None:
- # This will probably never happen, but it might if one of the
- # paths returned from findConsumers() refers to one of the libs
- # that should be preserved yet the path is not listed in the
- # contents. Such a path might belong to some other package, so
- # it shouldn't be preserved here.
- showMessage(_("!!! File '%s' will not be preserved "
- "due to missing contents entry\n") % (f_abs,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- preserve_paths.remove(f)
- continue
- new_contents[f_abs] = contents_entry
- obj_type = contents_entry[0]
- showMessage(_(">>> needed %s %s\n") % (obj_type, f_abs),
- noiselevel=-1)
- # Add parent directories to contents if necessary.
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(f_abs)
- while len(parent_dir) > len(root):
- new_contents[parent_dir] = ["dir"]
- prev = parent_dir
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)
- if prev == parent_dir:
- break
- outfile = atomic_ofstream(os.path.join(self.dbtmpdir, "CONTENTS"))
- write_contents(new_contents, root, outfile)
- outfile.close()
- self._clear_contents_cache()
- def _find_unused_preserved_libs(self):
- """
- Find preserved libraries that don't have any consumers left.
- """
- if self._linkmap_broken:
- return {}
- # Since preserved libraries can be consumers of other preserved
- # libraries, use a graph to track consumer relationships.
- plib_dict = self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.getPreservedLibs()
- lib_graph = digraph()
- preserved_nodes = set()
- preserved_paths = set()
- path_cpv_map = {}
- path_node_map = {}
- root = self.myroot
- def path_to_node(path):
- node = path_node_map.get(path)
- if node is None:
- node = LinkageMap._LibGraphNode(path, root)
- alt_path_node = lib_graph.get(node)
- if alt_path_node is not None:
- node = alt_path_node
- node.alt_paths.add(path)
- path_node_map[path] = node
- return node
- linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap
- for cpv, plibs in plib_dict.items():
- for f in plibs:
- path_cpv_map[f] = cpv
- preserved_node = path_to_node(f)
- if not preserved_node.file_exists():
- continue
- lib_graph.add(preserved_node, None)
- preserved_paths.add(f)
- preserved_nodes.add(preserved_node)
- for c in self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap.findConsumers(f):
- consumer_node = path_to_node(c)
- if not consumer_node.file_exists():
- continue
- # Note that consumers may also be providers.
- lib_graph.add(preserved_node, consumer_node)
- # Eliminate consumers having providers with the same soname as an
- # installed library that is not preserved. This eliminates
- # libraries that are erroneously preserved due to a move from one
- # directory to another.
- provider_cache = {}
- for preserved_node in preserved_nodes:
- soname = linkmap.getSoname(preserved_node)
- for consumer_node in lib_graph.parent_nodes(preserved_node):
- if consumer_node in preserved_nodes:
- continue
- providers = provider_cache.get(consumer_node)
- if providers is None:
- providers = linkmap.findProviders(consumer_node)
- provider_cache[consumer_node] = providers
- providers = providers.get(soname)
- if providers is None:
- continue
- for provider in providers:
- if provider in preserved_paths:
- continue
- provider_node = path_to_node(provider)
- if not provider_node.file_exists():
- continue
- if provider_node in preserved_nodes:
- continue
- # An alternative provider seems to be
- # installed, so drop this edge.
- lib_graph.remove_edge(preserved_node, consumer_node)
- break
- cpv_lib_map = {}
- while not lib_graph.empty():
- root_nodes = preserved_nodes.intersection(lib_graph.root_nodes())
- if not root_nodes:
- break
- lib_graph.difference_update(root_nodes)
- unlink_list = set()
- for node in root_nodes:
- unlink_list.update(node.alt_paths)
- unlink_list = sorted(unlink_list)
- for obj in unlink_list:
- cpv = path_cpv_map.get(obj)
- if cpv is None:
- # This means that a symlink is in the preserved libs
- # registry, but the actual lib it points to is not.
- self._display_merge(_("!!! symlink to lib is preserved, "
- "but not the lib itself:\n!!! '%s'\n") % (obj,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- continue
- removed = cpv_lib_map.get(cpv)
- if removed is None:
- removed = set()
- cpv_lib_map[cpv] = removed
- removed.add(obj)
- return cpv_lib_map
- def _remove_preserved_libs(self, cpv_lib_map):
- """
- Remove files returned from _find_unused_preserved_libs().
- """
- os = _os_merge
- files_to_remove = set()
- for files in cpv_lib_map.values():
- files_to_remove.update(files)
- files_to_remove = sorted(files_to_remove)
- showMessage = self._display_merge
- root = self.myroot
- parent_dirs = set()
- for obj in files_to_remove:
- obj = os.path.join(root, obj.lstrip(os.sep))
- parent_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(obj))
- if os.path.islink(obj):
- obj_type = _("sym")
- else:
- obj_type = _("obj")
- try:
- os.unlink(obj)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- del e
- else:
- showMessage(_("<<< !needed %s %s\n") % (obj_type, obj),
- noiselevel=-1)
- # Remove empty parent directories if possible.
- while parent_dirs:
- x = parent_dirs.pop()
- while True:
- try:
- os.rmdir(x)
- except OSError:
- break
- prev = x
- x = os.path.dirname(x)
- if x == prev:
- break
- self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.pruneNonExisting()
def _collision_protect(self, srcroot, destroot, mypkglist, mycontents):
os = _os_merge
self.settings.get("COLLISION_IGNORE", ""))])
- # For collisions with preserved libraries, the current package
- # will assume ownership and the libraries will be unregistered.
- plib_dict = self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.getPreservedLibs()
- plib_cpv_map = {}
- plib_paths = set()
- for cpv, paths in plib_dict.items():
- plib_paths.update(paths)
- for f in paths:
- plib_cpv_map[f] = cpv
- plib_inodes = self._lstat_inode_map(plib_paths)
- plib_collisions = {}
showMessage = self._display_merge
scheduler = self._scheduler
stopmerge = False
if f[0] != "/":
- plibs = plib_inodes.get((dest_lstat.st_dev, dest_lstat.st_ino))
- if plibs:
- for path in plibs:
- cpv = plib_cpv_map[path]
- paths = plib_collisions.get(cpv)
- if paths is None:
- paths = set()
- plib_collisions[cpv] = paths
- paths.add(path)
- # The current package will assume ownership and the
- # libraries will be unregistered, so exclude this
- # path from the normal collisions.
- continue
isowned = False
full_path = os.path.join(destroot, f.lstrip(os.path.sep))
for ver in mypkglist:
if stopmerge:
- return collisions, plib_collisions
+ return collisions
def _lstat_inode_map(self, path_iter):
blockers = self._blockers()
if blockers is None:
blockers = []
- collisions, plib_collisions = \
+ collisions = \
self._collision_protect(srcroot, destroot,
others_in_slot + blockers, myfilelist + mylinklist)
- linkmap = self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap
- self._linkmap_rebuild(include_file=os.path.join(inforoot,
- linkmap._needed_aux_key))
- # Preserve old libs if they are still in use
- preserve_paths = self._find_libs_to_preserve()
- if preserve_paths:
- self._add_preserve_libs_to_contents(preserve_paths)
# If portage is reinstalling itself, remove the old
# version now since we want to use the temporary
# PORTAGE_BIN_PATH that will be removed when we return.
showMessage(_(">>> Safely unmerging already-installed instance...\n"))
emerge_log(_(" === Unmerging... (%s)") % (dblnk.mycpv,))
others_in_slot.remove(dblnk) # dblnk will unmerge itself now
- dblnk._linkmap_broken = self._linkmap_broken
unmerge_rval = dblnk.unmerge(trimworld=0,
ldpath_mtimes=prev_mtimes, others_in_slot=others_in_slot)
_movefile(self.dbtmpdir, self.dbpkgdir, mysettings=self.settings)
- # keep track of the libs we preserved
- if preserve_paths:
- self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.register(self.mycpv,
- slot, counter, sorted(preserve_paths))
# Check for file collisions with blocking packages
# and remove any colliding files from their CONTENTS
# since they now belong to this package.
self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(blocker, iter(contents),
- # Unregister any preserved libs that this package has overwritten
- # and update the contents of the packages that owned them.
- plib_registry = self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry
- plib_dict = plib_registry.getPreservedLibs()
- for cpv, paths in plib_collisions.items():
- if cpv not in plib_dict:
- continue
- if cpv == self.mycpv:
- continue
- try:
- slot, counter = self.vartree.dbapi.aux_get(
- cpv, ["SLOT", "COUNTER"])
- except KeyError:
- continue
- remaining = [f for f in plib_dict[cpv] if f not in paths]
- plib_registry.register(cpv, slot, counter, remaining)
- self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(cpv, paths)
contents = self.getcontents()
contents=contents, env=self.settings.environ(),
- # For gcc upgrades, preserved libs have to be removed after the
- # the library path has been updated.
- self._linkmap_rebuild()
- cpv_lib_map = self._find_unused_preserved_libs()
- if cpv_lib_map:
- self._remove_preserved_libs(cpv_lib_map)
- for cpv, removed in cpv_lib_map.items():
- if not self.vartree.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
- continue
- self.vartree.dbapi.removeFromContents(cpv, removed)
return os.EX_OK
def _new_backup_path(self, p):
retval = -1
- self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.load()
- self.vartree.dbapi.plib_registry.pruneNonExisting()
retval = self.treewalk(mergeroot, myroot, inforoot, myebuild,
cleanup=cleanup, mydbapi=mydbapi, prev_mtimes=prev_mtimes)
self, mydbapi, myebuild, "clean")
- self.vartree.dbapi.linkmap._clear_cache()
return retval