--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright
+"""Generate a complete inventory for every storage location.
+You may need to export ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` so that the script
+can find the appropriate database.
+import chemdb.models as _models
+import chemdb.doc as _doc
+def filename(location, extension='.pdf'):
+ loc = location.abbrev.replace(' ', '-')
+ return '{}{}'.format(loc, extension)
+def generate_inventories():
+ for location in _models.Location.objects.all():
+ chemical_instances = location.chemical_instances.all()
+ dg = _doc.DocGen(chemical_instances=chemical_instances)
+ pdf = dg.inventory(title='Inventory ({})'.format(location.abbrev))
+ with open(filename(location), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(pdf)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_inventories()
+++ /dev/null
-# generate a complete inventory for _every_single_storage_location_ !
-# stored in ./docs/locs/<location>.pdf, with <location> being slightly
-# cleaned up...
-# usage: gen-all-inventories.sh
-DOC_DIR='./docs/locs' # no trailing slash!
-mkdir -p "$DOC_DIR"
-while read LOCATION; do
- echo "Processing '$LOCATION'"
- OUTPUT_PDF_PATH=$(./bin/chem_db.py -f "$INVENTORY_DB" --inventory --pdf-title "Inventory ($LOCATION)" --valid-record "r['Location']=='$LOCATION'" --sort-field Name | tail -n1)
- CLEAN_LOCATION=$(echo "$LOCATION" | sed 's/ /_/g')
- echo " created $FINAL_PDF_PATH"
-done < <(./bin/chem_db.py -f "$INVENTORY_DB" --list-locations)