from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase
-from jinja2 import Environment, Template, TemplateSyntaxError
+from jinja2 import Environment, Template, TemplateSyntaxError, UndefinedError
env = Environment()
class SyntaxTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
- pass
+ def test_call(self):
+ env = Environment()
+ env.globals['foo'] = lambda a, b, c, e, g: a + b + c + e + g
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{ foo('a', c='d', e='f', *['b'], **{'g': 'h'}) }}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'abdfh'
+ def test_slicing(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [1, 2, 3][:] }}|{{ [1, 2, 3][::-1] }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '[1, 2, 3]|[3, 2, 1]'
+ def test_attr(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{ }}|{{ foo['bar'] }}")
+ assert tmpl.render(foo={'bar': 42}) == '42|42'
+ def test_subscript(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{ foo[0] }}|{{ foo[-1] }}")
+ assert tmpl.render(foo=[0, 1, 2]) == '0|2'
+ def test_tuple(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ () }}|{{ (1,) }}|{{ (1, 2) }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '()|(1,)|(1, 2)'
+ def test_math(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ (1 + 1 * 2) - 3 / 2 }}|{{ 2**3 }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '1.5|8'
+ def test_div(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ 3 // 2 }}|{{ 3 / 2 }}|{{ 3 % 2 }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '1|1.5|1'
+ def test_unary(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ +3 }}|{{ -3 }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '3|-3'
+ def test_concat(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string("{{ [1, 2] ~ 'foo' }}")
+ assert tmpl.render() == '[1, 2]foo'
+ def test_compare(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ 1 > 0 }}|{{ 1 >= 1 }}|{{ 2 < 3 }}|'
+ '{{ 2 == 2 }}|{{ 1 <= 1 }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'True|True|True|True|True'
+ def test_inop(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ 1 in [1, 2, 3] }}|{{ 1 not in [1, 2, 3] }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'True|False'
+ def test_literals(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [] }}|{{ {} }}|{{ () }}')
+ assert tmpl.render().lower() == '[]|{}|()'
+ def test_bool(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ true and false }}|{{ false '
+ 'or true }}|{{ not false }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'False|True|True'
+ def test_grouping(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ (true and false) or (false and true) and not false }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'False'
+ def test_django_attr(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [1, 2, 3].0 }}|{{ [[1]].0.0 }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '1|1'
+ def test_conditional_expression(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ 0 if true else 1 }}''')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '0'
+ def test_short_conditional_expression(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('<{{ 1 if false }}>')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '<>'
+ tmpl = env.from_string('<{{ (1 if false).bar }}>')
+ self.assert_raises(UndefinedError, tmpl.render)
+ def test_filter_priority(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo"|upper + "bar"|upper }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'FOOBAR'
+ def test_function_calls(self):
+ tests = [
+ (True, '*foo, bar'),
+ (True, '*foo, *bar'),
+ (True, '*foo, bar=42'),
+ (True, '**foo, *bar'),
+ (True, '**foo, bar'),
+ (False, 'foo, bar'),
+ (False, 'foo, bar=42'),
+ (False, 'foo, bar=23, *args'),
+ (False, 'a, b=c, *d, **e'),
+ (False, '*foo, **bar')
+ ]
+ for should_fail, sig in tests:
+ if should_fail:
+ self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError,
+ env.from_string, '{{ foo(%s) }}' % sig)
+ else:
+ env.from_string('foo(%s)' % sig)
+ def test_tuple_expr(self):
+ for tmpl in [
+ '{{ () }}',
+ '{{ (1, 2) }}',
+ '{{ (1, 2,) }}',
+ '{{ 1, }}',
+ '{{ 1, 2 }}',
+ '{% for foo, bar in seq %}...{% endfor %}',
+ '{% for x in foo, bar %}...{% endfor %}',
+ '{% for x in foo, %}...{% endfor %}'
+ ]:
+ assert env.from_string(tmpl)
+ def test_trailing_comma(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ (1, 2,) }}|{{ [1, 2,] }}|{{ {1: 2,} }}')
+ assert tmpl.render().lower() == '(1, 2)|[1, 2]|{1: 2}'
+ def test_block_end_name(self):
+ env.from_string('{% block foo %}...{% endblock foo %}')
+ self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string,
+ '{% block x %}{% endblock y %}')
+ def test_contant_casing(self):
+ for const in True, False, None:
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ %s }}|{{ %s }}|{{ %s }}' % (
+ str(const), str(const).lower(), str(const).upper()
+ ))
+ assert tmpl.render() == '%s|%s|' % (const, const)
+ def test_test_chaining(self):
+ self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string,
+ '{{ foo is string is sequence }}')
+ env.from_string('{{ 42 is string or 42 is number }}'
+ ).render() == 'True'
+ def test_string_concatenation(self):
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo" "bar" "baz" }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'foobarbaz'
+ def test_notin(self):
+ bar = xrange(100)
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ not 42 in bar }}''')
+ assert tmpl.render(bar=bar) == unicode(not 42 in bar)
+ def test_implicit_subscribed_tuple(self):
+ class Foo(object):
+ def __getitem__(self, x):
+ return x
+ t = env.from_string('{{ foo[1, 2] }}')
+ assert t.render(foo=Foo()) == u'(1, 2)'
def suite():