# Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id$
+ 24 Jun 2011; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> Makefile,
+ doc/asciidoc.conf, doc/catalyst.1.txt, doc/make_subarch_table_guidexml.py:
+ Include list of supported subarches in man page.
14 Apr 2011; Raúl Porcel <armin76@gentoo.org> catalyst:
This is catalyst
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org>
+# Licensed under GPL v2 or later
+PACKAGE_VERSION = `fgrep '__version__=' catalyst | sed 's|^__version__="\(.*\)"$$|\1|'`
+CLEAN_FILES = files/catalyst.1 doc/subarches.generated.txt
+EXTRA_DIST = files/catalyst.1
+distdir = catalyst-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)
+all: files/catalyst.1
+files/catalyst.1: doc/catalyst.1.txt doc/subarches.generated.txt doc/asciidoc.conf Makefile catalyst
+ a2x --conf-file=doc/asciidoc.conf --attribute="catalystversion=$(PACKAGE_VERSION)" \
+ --format=manpage -D files "$<"
+ ./doc/make_subarch_table_guidexml.py
+ rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES)
+ find -name '*.pyo' -delete
+ git diff --quiet || { echo 'STOP, you have uncommitted changes in the working directory' ; false ; }
+ git diff --cached --quiet || { echo 'STOP, you have uncommitted changes in the index' ; false ; }
+dist: check-git-repository $(EXTRA_DIST)
+ rm -Rf "$(distdir)" "$(distdir)".tar "$(distdir)".tar.bz2
+ mkdir "$(distdir)"
+ git ls-files -z | xargs -0 cp --no-dereference --parents --target-directory="$(distdir)" \
+ tar cf "$(distdir)".tar "$(distdir)"
+ bzip2 -9v "$(distdir)".tar
+ rm -Rf "$(distdir)"
--- /dev/null
+# asciidoc.conf for catalyst's man page
--- /dev/null
+:man source: catalyst {catalystversion}
+:man manual: catalyst {catalystversion}
+catalyst - The Gentoo Linux Release Engineering meta-tool
+*catalyst* ['OPTIONS'] [*-f* 'FILE' | *-C* 'KEYS' | *-s* 'DATE'] ...
+*catalyst* is the tool that the Gentoo Release Engineering team
+utilizes to build all Gentoo Linux releases. It is capable of building
+installation stages, bootable LiveCDs, netboot images, and Gentoo Reference
+Platform (GRP) sets. *catalyst* is also capable of providing a simple
+tinderbox environment for ebuild/package testing.
+For more information, please visit the *catalyst* project page
+on the web at 'http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst'.
+This option is to be used to clear any autoresume points that have been saved
+for this target. It is used in conjunction with *-f*, *-C*, or both.
+*--cli*|*-C* 'KEY'='VALUE' ..::
+This option is to be used in place of a specfile. All options are passed
+to *catalyst* on the commandline. Please note that this option must
+be the last option passed to *catalyst* for everything to work correctly.
+*--config*|*-c* 'FILE'::
+Tell *catalyst* to use a user-defined configuration file. A sample
+configuration file is installed at '/etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf'.
+Enable debugging mode
+This tells *catalyst* to only fetch distfiles for the given packages without
+performing any building.
+*--file*|*-f* 'FILE'::
+Tell *catalyst* to use the user supplied specfile.
+Print the help message and exit
+Tell *catalyst* to clear all temporary directories, package caches, and
+autoresume flags for the given target.
+*--snapshot*|*-s* 'DATE'::
+Create a Portage snapshot using the specified identifier stamp.
+Enable verbose mode.
+Print the version information and exit
+Using the commandline option (*-C*, *--cli*) to build a Portage snapshot:
+# catalyst -C target=snapshot version_stamp=my_date
+Using the specfile option (*-f*, *--file*) to build a stage target:
+# catalyst -f stage1-specfile.spec
+Using the snapshot option (*-s*, *--snapshot*) to package a Portage snapshot
+using the datestamp 20051208:
+# catalyst -s 20051208
+Example specfiles can be found in '/usr/share/doc/catalyst-{catalystversion}/examples'.
+An example configuration file can be found at '/etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf'.
+The following table shows the list of supported architectures as well as
+the list of valid strings for key 'subarch'.
+An up-to-date list of Catalyst bugs can always be found listed on the Gentoo
+Linux bug-tracking system at 'http://bugs.gentoo.org'.
+A more in-depth examination of Catalyst options and procedures can be found
+linked from the *catalyst* project page, which is located at
+*catalyst* is conceptually derived from the Gentoo livecd-ng and Gentoo
+stager projects, both of which were used to create pre-1.4 Gentoo releases.
+*catalyst* was originally conceived and coded by both Daniel Robbins and
+John Davis. It is currently maintained by Chris Gianelloni and Eric Edgar and
+has been mostly re-written.
+- John Davis <zhen@gentoo.org>
+- Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
+- Raúl Porcel <armin76@gentoo.org>
+- Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org>
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Pipping <sebastian@pipping.org>
+# Licensed under GPL v2 or later
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+_pattern_arch_generic = re.compile('^class arch_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\\(generic_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\\):')
+_pattern_arch_arch = re.compile('^class arch_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\\(arch_([a-z0-9_.-]+)\\):')
+_pattern_title = re.compile('"([a-z0-9_.-]+)"[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*arch_([a-z0-9_.-]+),?')
+_pattern_arch_genericliases = {
+ 'armeb':'arm',
+ 'sheb':'sh',
+ 'mipsel':'mips',
+def handle_line(line, subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id):
+ x = _pattern_arch_generic.search(line)
+ if x is not None:
+ subarch = x.group(1)
+ arch = x.group(2)
+ # Apply alias grouping
+ arch = _pattern_arch_genericliases.get(arch, arch)
+ assert(subarch not in subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id)
+ subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id[subarch] = arch
+ return
+ x = _pattern_arch_arch.search(line)
+ if x is not None:
+ child_subarch = x.group(1)
+ parent_subarch = x.group(2)
+ assert(child_subarch not in subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id)
+ subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id[child_subarch] = subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id[parent_subarch]
+ return
+ for x in re.finditer(_pattern_title, line):
+ subarch_title = x.group(1)
+ subarch_id = x.group(2)
+ assert(subarch_title not in subarch_title_to_subarch_id)
+ subarch_title_to_subarch_id[subarch_title] = subarch_id
+def handle_file(fn, subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id):
+ f = open(fn, 'r')
+ for l in f:
+ line = l.rstrip()
+ handle_line(line, subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id)
+ f.close()
+def dump(subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id):
+ arch_id_to_subarch_titles = dict()
+ for subarch_title, subarch_id in subarch_title_to_subarch_id.items():
+ arch_id = subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id.get(subarch_id, subarch_id)
+ if arch_id not in arch_id_to_subarch_titles:
+ arch_id_to_subarch_titles[arch_id] = set()
+ arch_id_to_subarch_titles[arch_id].add(subarch_title)
+ # GuideXML version
+ f = open('doc/subarches.generated.xml', 'w')
+ f.write("""
+ for arch_id, subarch_titles in sorted(arch_id_to_subarch_titles.items()):
+ f.write("""<tr>
+""" % (arch_id, '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(' '.join(sorted(subarch_titles)), 60))))
+ f.write("""</table>
+ f.close()
+ # Asciidoc
+ f = open('doc/subarches.generated.txt', 'w')
+ for arch_id, subarch_titles in sorted(arch_id_to_subarch_titles.items()):
+ f.write('*%s*::\n' % arch_id)
+ f.write(' %s\n' % ', '.join(sorted(subarch_titles)))
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ subarch_title_to_subarch_id = dict()
+ subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id = dict()
+ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('arch'):
+ for _fn in filenames:
+ if not _fn.endswith('.py'):
+ continue
+ fn = os.path.join(dirpath, _fn)
+ handle_file(fn, subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id)
+ dump(subarch_title_to_subarch_id, subarch_id_to_pattern_arch_genericrch_id)
+++ /dev/null
-.TH "CATALYST" "1" "December 8, 2005" "Catalyst 2.0" "Catalyst"
-catalyst \- The Gentoo Linux Release Engineering meta-tool
-.BR catalyst
-[\fIoptions\fR] [\fI\-f file\fR | \fI\-C keys\fR | \fI\-s version_stamp\fR] ...
-.BR catalyst
-\fI\-\-help \-h\fR
-.BR catalyst
-\fI\-\-version \-V\fR
-\fBcatalyst\fR is the tool that the Gentoo Release Engineering team
-utilizes to build all Gentoo Linux releases. It is capable of building
-installation stages, bootable LiveCDs, netboot images, and Gentoo Reference
-Platform (GRP) sets. \fBcatalyst\fR is also capable of providing a simple
-tinderbox environment for ebuild/package testing.
-For more information, please visit the \fBcatalyst\fR project page
-on the web at <http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst>.
-.BR "\-\-clear\-autoresume " (\fB\-a\fR)
-This option is to be used to clear any autoresume points that have been saved
-for this target. It is used in conjunction with \-f, \-C, or both.
-.BR "\-\-cli " (\fB\-C\fR)
-This option is to be used in place of a specfile. All options are passed
-to \fBcatalyst\fR on the commandline. Please note that this option must
-be the last option passed to \fBcatalyst\fR for everything to work correctly.
-.BR "\-\-config " (\fB\-c\fR)
-Tell \fBcatalyst\fR to use a user-defined configuration file. A sample
-configuration file is installed at /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf.
-.BR "\-\-debug " (\fB\-d\fR)
-Enable debugging mode
-.BR "\-\-fetchonly " (\fB\-F\fR)
-This tells \fBcatalyst\fR to only fetch distfiles for the given packages without
-performing any building.
-.BR "\-\-file " (\fB\-f\fR)
-Tell \fBcatalyst\fR to use the user supplied specfile.
-.BR "\-\-help " (\fB\-h\fR)
-Print the help message and exit
-.BR "\-\-purge " (\fB\-p\fR)
-Tell \fBcatalyst\fR to clear all temporary directories, package caches, and
-autoresume flags for the given target.
-.BR "\-\-snapshot " (\fB\-s\fR)
-Create a Portage snapshot using the specified identifier stamp.
-.BR "\-\-verbose " (\fB\-v\fR)
-Enable verbose mode.
-.BR "\-\-version " (\fB\-V\fR)
-Print the version information and exit
-Using the commandline option (\-C, \-\-cli) to build a Portage snapshot:
-catalyst \-C target=snapshot version_stamp=my_date
-Using the specfile option (\-f, \-\-file) to build a stage target:
-catalyst \-f stage1\-specfile.spec
-Using the snapshot option (\-s, \-\-snapshot) to package a Portage snapshot
-using the datestamp 20051208:
-catalyst \-s 20051208
-Example specfiles can be found in /usr/share/doc/catalyst-<version>/examples.
-An example configuration file can be found at /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf.
-An up-to-date list of Catalyst bugs can always be found listed on the Gentoo
-Linux bug-tracking system at <http://bugs.gentoo.org>.
-A more in-depth examination of Catalyst options and procedures can be found
-linked from the \fBcatalyst\fR project page, which is located at
-\fBCatalyst\fR is conceptually derived from the Gentoo livecd-ng and Gentoo
-stager projects, both of which were used to create pre-1.4 Gentoo releases.
-\fBCatalyst\fR was originally conceived and coded by both Daniel Robbins and
-John Davis. It is currently maintained by Chris Gianelloni and Eric Edgar and
-hass been mostly re-written.
-John Davis <zhen@gentoo.org>
-Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org>
-$Id: catalyst.1,v 1.5 2005/12/08 14:48:58 wolf31o2 Exp $