--- /dev/null
+GDB extension that adds Cython support.
+import sys
+import traceback
+import functools
+import itertools
+import collections
+import gdb
+ from lxml import etree
+ have_lxml = True
+except ImportError:
+ have_lxml = False
+ try:
+ # Python 2.5
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ # Python 2.5
+ from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ # normal cElementTree install
+ import cElementTree as etree
+ except ImportError:
+ # normal ElementTree install
+ import elementtree.ElementTree as etree
+if hasattr(gdb, 'string_to_argv'):
+ from gdb import string_to_argv
+ from shlex import split as string_to_argv
+from Cython.Debugger import libpython
+# Cython module namespace
+cython_namespace = {}
+# C or Python type
+CObject = object()
+PythonObject = object()
+# maps (unique) qualified function names (e.g.
+# cythonmodule.ClassName.method_name) to the CythonFunction object
+functions_by_qualified_name = {}
+# unique cnames of Cython functions
+functions_by_cname = {}
+# map function names like method_name to a list of all such CythonFunction
+# objects
+functions_by_name = collections.defaultdict(list)
+_filesystemencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'UTF-8'
+def dont_suppress_errors(function):
+ @functools.wraps(function)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return function(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+class CythonModule(object):
+ def __init__(self, module_name, filename):
+ self.name = module_name
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.functions = {}
+ self.globals = {}
+class CythonVariable(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, cname, qualified_name, type):
+ self.name = name
+ self.cname = cname
+ self.qualified_name = qualified_name
+ self.type = type
+class CythonFunction(CythonVariable):
+ def __init__(self,
+ module,
+ name,
+ cname,
+ pf_cname,
+ qualified_name,
+ lineno,
+ type=CObject):
+ super(CythonFunction, self).__init__(name, cname, qualified_name, type)
+ self.module = module
+ self.pf_cname = pf_cname
+ self.lineno = lineno
+ self.locals = {}
+ self.arguments = []
+class CythonCommand(gdb.Command):
+ """
+ Invoke a Cython command. Available commands are:
+ cy import
+ cy break
+ cy condition
+ cy step
+ cy enable
+ cy disable
+ cy print
+ cy list
+ cy locals
+ cy globals
+ cy tb
+ cy cname
+ """
+CythonCommand('cy', gdb.COMMAND_NONE, gdb.COMPLETE_COMMAND, prefix=True)
+class CyImport(gdb.Command):
+ """
+ Import debug information outputted by the Cython compiler
+ Example: cy import FILE...
+ """
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ args = args.encode(_filesystemencoding)
+ for arg in string_to_argv(args):
+ try:
+ f = open(arg)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print('Unable to open file %r: %s' % (args, e.args[1]))
+ return
+ t = etree.parse(f)
+ for module in t.getroot():
+ cython_module = CythonModule(**module.attrib)
+ cython_namespace[cython_module.name] = cython_module
+ for variable in module.find('Globals'):
+ d = variable.attrib
+ cython_module.globals[d['name']] = CythonVariable(**d)
+ for function in module.find('Functions'):
+ cython_function = CythonFunction(module=cython_module,
+ **function.attrib)
+ cython_module.functions[cython_function.name] = \
+ cython_function
+ # update the global function mappings
+ functions_by_name[cython_function.name].append(
+ cython_function)
+ functions_by_qualified_name[
+ cython_function.qualified_name] = cython_function
+ functions_by_cname[cython_function.cname] = cython_function
+ for local in function.find('Locals'):
+ d = local.attrib
+ cython_function.locals[d['name']] = CythonVariable(**d)
+ cython_function.arguments.extend(
+ funcarg.tag for funcarg in function.find('Arguments'))
+CyImport('cy import', gdb.COMMAND_STATUS, gdb.COMPLETE_FILENAME)
+class CyBreak(gdb.Command):
+ """
+ Set a breakpoint for Cython code using Cython qualified name notation, e.g.:
+ cy-break cython_modulename.ClassName.method_name...
+ or normal notation:
+ cy-break function_or_method_name...
+ """
+ def invoke(self, function_names, from_tty):
+ for funcname in string_to_argv(function_names.encode('UTF-8')):
+ func = functions_by_qualified_name.get(funcname)
+ break_funcs = [func]
+ if not func:
+ funcs = functions_by_name.get(funcname)
+ if not funcs:
+ gdb.execute('break ' + funcname)
+ return
+ if len(funcs) > 1:
+ # multiple functions, let the user pick one
+ print 'There are multiple such functions:'
+ for idx, func in enumerate(funcs):
+ print '%3d) %s' % (idx, func.qualified_name)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ result = raw_input(
+ "Select a function, press 'a' for all "
+ "functions or press 'q' or '^D' to quit: ")
+ except EOFError:
+ return
+ else:
+ if result.lower() == 'q':
+ return
+ elif result.lower() == 'a':
+ break_funcs = funcs
+ break
+ elif (result.isdigit() and
+ 0 <= int(result) < len(funcs)):
+ break_funcs = [funcs[int(result)]]
+ break
+ else:
+ print 'Not understood...'
+ else:
+ break_funcs = [funcs[0]]
+ for func in break_funcs:
+ gdb.execute('break %s' % func.cname)
+ if func.pf_cname:
+ gdb.execute('break %s' % func.pf_cname)
+ @dont_suppress_errors
+ def complete(self, text, word):
+ names = itertools.chain(functions_by_qualified_name, functions_by_name)
+ lastword = text.strip().split()[-1]
+ if '.' in lastword:
+ compl = [n for n in functions_by_qualified_name
+ if n.startswith(lastword)]
+ else:
+ seen = set(text[:-len(word)].split())
+ return [n for n in names if n.startswith(word) and n not in seen]
+ if len(lastword) > len(word):
+ # readline sees something (e.g. a '.') as a word boundary, so don't
+ # "recomplete" this prefix
+ strip_prefix_length = len(lastword) - len(word)
+ compl = [n[strip_prefix_length:] for n in compl]
+ return compl
+CyBreak('cy break', gdb.COMMAND_BREAKPOINTS)
+# This needs GDB 7.2 or the Archer branch
+# class CompleteUnqualifiedFunctionNames(gdb.Parameter):
+ # """
+ # Indicates whether 'cy break' should complete unqualified function or
+ # method names. e.g. whether only 'modulename.functioname' should be
+ # completed, or also just 'functionname'
+ # """
+# cy_complete_unqualified = CompleteUnqualifiedFunctionNames(
+ # 'cy_complete_unqualified',
+class NoCythonFunctionNameInFrameError(Exception):
+ """
+ raised when the name of the C function could not be determined
+ in the current C stack frame
+ """
+class CyPrint(gdb.Command):
+ """
+ Print a Cython variable using 'cy-print x' or 'cy-print module.function.x'
+ """
+ def _get_current_cython_function(self):
+ func_name = gdb.selected_frame().name()
+ if func_name is None:
+ raise NoCythonFunctionNameInFrameError()
+ return functions_by_cname.get(func_name)
+ def _get_locals_globals(self):
+ try:
+ cython_function = self._get_current_cython_function()
+ except NoCythonFunctionNameInFrameError:
+ return (None, None)
+ else:
+ if cython_function is None:
+ return (None, None)
+ return cython_function.locals, cython_function.module.globals
+ def invoke(self, name, from_tty):
+ try:
+ cython_function = self._get_current_cython_function()
+ except NoCythonFunctionNameInFrameError:
+ print 'Unable to determine the name of the function in the current frame.'
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ print e.args[0]
+ else:
+ # a cython_function of None means we don't know about such a Cython
+ # function and we fall back to GDB's print
+ cname = name
+ if cython_function is not None:
+ if name in cython_function.locals:
+ cname = cython_function.locals[name].cname
+ elif name in cython_function.module.globals:
+ cname = cython_function.module.globals[name].cname
+ gdb.execute('print ' + cname)
+ def complete(self):
+ locals_, globals_ = self._get_locals_globals()
+ if locals_ is None:
+ return []
+ return list(itertools.chain(locals_, globals_))
+CyPrint('cy print', gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+class CyLocals(CyPrint):
+ def ns(self):
+ locals_, _ = self._get_locals_globals()
+ return locals_
+ def invoke(self, name, from_tty):
+ try:
+ ns = self.ns()
+ except RuntimeError, e:
+ print e.args[0]
+ return
+ if ns is None:
+ print ('Information of Cython locals could not be obtained. '
+ 'Is this an actual Cython function and did you '
+ "'cy import' the debug information?")
+ for var in ns.itervalues():
+ val = gdb.parse_and_eval(var.cname)
+ if var.type == PythonObject:
+ result = libpython.PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(val)
+ else:
+ result = CObject
+ print '%s = %s' % (var.name, result)
+class CyGlobals(CyLocals):
+ def ns(self):
+ _, globals_ = self._get_locals_globals()
+ return globals_
+ def invoke(self, name, from_tty):
+ m = gdb.parse_and_eval('PyModule_GetDict(__pyx_m)')
+ m = m.cast(gdb.lookup_type('PyModuleObject').pointer())
+ print PyObjectPtrPrinter(libpython.PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(m['md_dict'])).to_string()
+CyLocals('cy locals', gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE)
+CyGlobals('cy globals', gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE)
--- /dev/null
+From gdb 7 onwards, gdb's build can be configured --with-python, allowing gdb
+to be extended with Python code e.g. for library-specific data visualizations,
+such as for the C++ STL types. Documentation on this API can be seen at:
+This python module deals with the case when the process being debugged (the
+"inferior process" in gdb parlance) is itself python, or more specifically,
+linked against libpython. In this situation, almost every item of data is a
+(PyObject*), and having the debugger merely print their addresses is not very
+This module embeds knowledge about the implementation details of libpython so
+that we can emit useful visualizations e.g. a string, a list, a dict, a frame
+giving file/line information and the state of local variables
+In particular, given a gdb.Value corresponding to a PyObject* in the inferior
+process, we can generate a "proxy value" within the gdb process. For example,
+given a PyObject* in the inferior process that is in fact a PyListObject*
+holding three PyObject* that turn out to be PyStringObject* instances, we can
+generate a proxy value within the gdb process that is a list of strings:
+ ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+Doing so can be expensive for complicated graphs of objects, and could take
+some time, so we also have a "write_repr" method that writes a representation
+of the data to a file-like object. This allows us to stop the traversal by
+having the file-like object raise an exception if it gets too much data.
+With both "proxyval" and "write_repr" we keep track of the set of all addresses
+visited so far in the traversal, to avoid infinite recursion due to cycles in
+the graph of object references.
+We try to defer gdb.lookup_type() invocations for python types until as late as
+possible: for a dynamically linked python binary, when the process starts in
+the debugger, the libpython.so hasn't been dynamically loaded yet, so none of
+the type names are known to the debugger
+The module also extends gdb with some python-specific commands.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import gdb
+# Look up the gdb.Type for some standard types:
+_type_char_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('char').pointer() # char*
+_type_unsigned_char_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('unsigned char').pointer() # unsigned char*
+_type_void_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer() # void*
+SIZEOF_VOID_P = _type_void_ptr.sizeof
+class NullPyObjectPtr(RuntimeError):
+ pass
+def safety_limit(val):
+ # Given a integer value from the process being debugged, limit it to some
+ # safety threshold so that arbitrary breakage within said process doesn't
+ # break the gdb process too much (e.g. sizes of iterations, sizes of lists)
+ return min(val, 1000)
+def safe_range(val):
+ # As per range, but don't trust the value too much: cap it to a safety
+ # threshold in case the data was corrupted
+ return xrange(safety_limit(val))
+class StringTruncated(RuntimeError):
+ pass
+class TruncatedStringIO(object):
+ '''Similar to cStringIO, but can truncate the output by raising a
+ StringTruncated exception'''
+ def __init__(self, maxlen=None):
+ self._val = ''
+ self.maxlen = maxlen
+ def write(self, data):
+ if self.maxlen:
+ if len(data) + len(self._val) > self.maxlen:
+ # Truncation:
+ self._val += data[0:self.maxlen - len(self._val)]
+ raise StringTruncated()
+ self._val += data
+ def getvalue(self):
+ return self._val
+class PyObjectPtr(object):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a either a (PyObject*) within the
+ inferior process, or some subclass pointer e.g. (PyStringObject*)
+ There will be a subclass for every refined PyObject type that we care
+ about.
+ Note that at every stage the underlying pointer could be NULL, point
+ to corrupt data, etc; this is the debugger, after all.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyObject'
+ def __init__(self, gdbval, cast_to=None):
+ if cast_to:
+ self._gdbval = gdbval.cast(cast_to)
+ else:
+ self._gdbval = gdbval
+ def field(self, name):
+ '''
+ Get the gdb.Value for the given field within the PyObject, coping with
+ some python 2 versus python 3 differences.
+ Various libpython types are defined using the "PyObject_HEAD" and
+ "PyObject_VAR_HEAD" macros.
+ In Python 2, this these are defined so that "ob_type" and (for a var
+ object) "ob_size" are fields of the type in question.
+ In Python 3, this is defined as an embedded PyVarObject type thus:
+ PyVarObject ob_base;
+ so that the "ob_size" field is located insize the "ob_base" field, and
+ the "ob_type" is most easily accessed by casting back to a (PyObject*).
+ '''
+ if self.is_null():
+ raise NullPyObjectPtr(self)
+ if name == 'ob_type':
+ pyo_ptr = self._gdbval.cast(PyObjectPtr.get_gdb_type())
+ return pyo_ptr.dereference()[name]
+ if name == 'ob_size':
+ try:
+ # Python 2:
+ return self._gdbval.dereference()[name]
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Python 3:
+ return self._gdbval.dereference()['ob_base'][name]
+ # General case: look it up inside the object:
+ return self._gdbval.dereference()[name]
+ def pyop_field(self, name):
+ '''
+ Get a PyObjectPtr for the given PyObject* field within this PyObject,
+ coping with some python 2 versus python 3 differences.
+ '''
+ return PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.field(name))
+ def write_field_repr(self, name, out, visited):
+ '''
+ Extract the PyObject* field named "name", and write its representation
+ to file-like object "out"
+ '''
+ field_obj = self.pyop_field(name)
+ field_obj.write_repr(out, visited)
+ def get_truncated_repr(self, maxlen):
+ '''
+ Get a repr-like string for the data, but truncate it at "maxlen" bytes
+ (ending the object graph traversal as soon as you do)
+ '''
+ out = TruncatedStringIO(maxlen)
+ try:
+ self.write_repr(out, set())
+ except StringTruncated:
+ # Truncation occurred:
+ return out.getvalue() + '...(truncated)'
+ # No truncation occurred:
+ return out.getvalue()
+ def type(self):
+ return PyTypeObjectPtr(self.field('ob_type'))
+ def is_null(self):
+ return 0 == long(self._gdbval)
+ def is_optimized_out(self):
+ '''
+ Is the value of the underlying PyObject* visible to the debugger?
+ This can vary with the precise version of the compiler used to build
+ Python, and the precise version of gdb.
+ See e.g. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=556975 with
+ PyEval_EvalFrameEx's "f"
+ '''
+ return self._gdbval.is_optimized_out
+ def safe_tp_name(self):
+ try:
+ return self.type().field('tp_name').string()
+ except NullPyObjectPtr:
+ # NULL tp_name?
+ return 'unknown'
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Can't even read the object at all?
+ return 'unknown'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ '''
+ Scrape a value from the inferior process, and try to represent it
+ within the gdb process, whilst (hopefully) avoiding crashes when
+ the remote data is corrupt.
+ Derived classes will override this.
+ For example, a PyIntObject* with ob_ival 42 in the inferior process
+ should result in an int(42) in this process.
+ visited: a set of all gdb.Value pyobject pointers already visited
+ whilst generating this value (to guard against infinite recursion when
+ visiting object graphs with loops). Analogous to Py_ReprEnter and
+ Py_ReprLeave
+ '''
+ class FakeRepr(object):
+ """
+ Class representing a non-descript PyObject* value in the inferior
+ process for when we don't have a custom scraper, intended to have
+ a sane repr().
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tp_name, address):
+ self.tp_name = tp_name
+ self.address = address
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # For the NULL pointer, we have no way of knowing a type, so
+ # special-case it as per
+ # http://bugs.python.org/issue8032#msg100882
+ if self.address == 0:
+ return '0x0'
+ return '<%s at remote 0x%x>' % (self.tp_name, self.address)
+ return FakeRepr(self.safe_tp_name(),
+ long(self._gdbval))
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ '''
+ Write a string representation of the value scraped from the inferior
+ process to "out", a file-like object.
+ '''
+ # Default implementation: generate a proxy value and write its repr
+ # However, this could involve a lot of work for complicated objects,
+ # so for derived classes we specialize this
+ return out.write(repr(self.proxyval(visited)))
+ @classmethod
+ def subclass_from_type(cls, t):
+ '''
+ Given a PyTypeObjectPtr instance wrapping a gdb.Value that's a
+ (PyTypeObject*), determine the corresponding subclass of PyObjectPtr
+ to use
+ Ideally, we would look up the symbols for the global types, but that
+ isn't working yet:
+ (gdb) python print gdb.lookup_symbol('PyList_Type')[0].value
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
+ NotImplementedError: Symbol type not yet supported in Python scripts.
+ Error while executing Python code.
+ For now, we use tp_flags, after doing some string comparisons on the
+ tp_name for some special-cases that don't seem to be visible through
+ flags
+ '''
+ try:
+ tp_name = t.field('tp_name').string()
+ tp_flags = int(t.field('tp_flags'))
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Handle any kind of error e.g. NULL ptrs by simply using the base
+ # class
+ return cls
+ #print 'tp_flags = 0x%08x' % tp_flags
+ #print 'tp_name = %r' % tp_name
+ name_map = {'bool': PyBoolObjectPtr,
+ 'classobj': PyClassObjectPtr,
+ 'instance': PyInstanceObjectPtr,
+ 'NoneType': PyNoneStructPtr,
+ 'frame': PyFrameObjectPtr,
+ 'set' : PySetObjectPtr,
+ 'frozenset' : PySetObjectPtr,
+ 'builtin_function_or_method' : PyCFunctionObjectPtr,
+ }
+ if tp_name in name_map:
+ return name_map[tp_name]
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE:
+ return HeapTypeObjectPtr
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_INT_SUBCLASS:
+ return PyIntObjectPtr
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_LONG_SUBCLASS:
+ return PyLongObjectPtr
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_LIST_SUBCLASS:
+ return PyListObjectPtr
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_TUPLE_SUBCLASS:
+ return PyTupleObjectPtr
+ return PyStringObjectPtr
+ return PyUnicodeObjectPtr
+ if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_DICT_SUBCLASS:
+ return PyDictObjectPtr
+ return PyBaseExceptionObjectPtr
+ #if tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_TYPE_SUBCLASS:
+ # return PyTypeObjectPtr
+ # Use the base class:
+ return cls
+ @classmethod
+ def from_pyobject_ptr(cls, gdbval):
+ '''
+ Try to locate the appropriate derived class dynamically, and cast
+ the pointer accordingly.
+ '''
+ try:
+ p = PyObjectPtr(gdbval)
+ cls = cls.subclass_from_type(p.type())
+ return cls(gdbval, cast_to=cls.get_gdb_type())
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Handle any kind of error e.g. NULL ptrs by simply using the base
+ # class
+ pass
+ return cls(gdbval)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_gdb_type(cls):
+ return gdb.lookup_type(cls._typename).pointer()
+ def as_address(self):
+ return long(self._gdbval)
+class ProxyAlreadyVisited(object):
+ '''
+ Placeholder proxy to use when protecting against infinite recursion due to
+ loops in the object graph.
+ Analogous to the values emitted by the users of Py_ReprEnter and Py_ReprLeave
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, rep):
+ self._rep = rep
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self._rep
+def _write_instance_repr(out, visited, name, pyop_attrdict, address):
+ '''Shared code for use by old-style and new-style classes:
+ write a representation to file-like object "out"'''
+ out.write('<')
+ out.write(name)
+ # Write dictionary of instance attributes:
+ if isinstance(pyop_attrdict, PyDictObjectPtr):
+ out.write('(')
+ first = True
+ for pyop_arg, pyop_val in pyop_attrdict.iteritems():
+ if not first:
+ out.write(', ')
+ first = False
+ out.write(pyop_arg.proxyval(visited))
+ out.write('=')
+ pyop_val.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write(')')
+ out.write(' at remote 0x%x>' % address)
+class InstanceProxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, cl_name, attrdict, address):
+ self.cl_name = cl_name
+ self.attrdict = attrdict
+ self.address = address
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.attrdict, dict):
+ kwargs = ', '.join(["%s=%r" % (arg, val)
+ for arg, val in self.attrdict.iteritems()])
+ return '<%s(%s) at remote 0x%x>' % (self.cl_name,
+ kwargs, self.address)
+ else:
+ return '<%s at remote 0x%x>' % (self.cl_name,
+ self.address)
+def _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(typeobj, nitems):
+ return ( ( typeobj.field('tp_basicsize') +
+ nitems * typeobj.field('tp_itemsize') +
+ ) & ~(SIZEOF_VOID_P - 1)
+ ).cast(gdb.lookup_type('size_t'))
+class HeapTypeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyObject'
+ def get_attr_dict(self):
+ '''
+ Get the PyDictObject ptr representing the attribute dictionary
+ (or None if there's a problem)
+ '''
+ try:
+ typeobj = self.type()
+ dictoffset = int_from_int(typeobj.field('tp_dictoffset'))
+ if dictoffset != 0:
+ if dictoffset < 0:
+ type_PyVarObject_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('PyVarObject').pointer()
+ tsize = int_from_int(self._gdbval.cast(type_PyVarObject_ptr)['ob_size'])
+ if tsize < 0:
+ tsize = -tsize
+ size = _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(typeobj, tsize)
+ dictoffset += size
+ assert dictoffset > 0
+ assert dictoffset % SIZEOF_VOID_P == 0
+ dictptr = self._gdbval.cast(_type_char_ptr) + dictoffset
+ PyObjectPtrPtr = PyObjectPtr.get_gdb_type().pointer()
+ dictptr = dictptr.cast(PyObjectPtrPtr)
+ return PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(dictptr.dereference())
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Corrupt data somewhere; fail safe
+ pass
+ # Not found, or some kind of error:
+ return None
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ '''
+ Support for new-style classes.
+ Currently we just locate the dictionary using a transliteration to
+ python of _PyObject_GetDictPtr, ignoring descriptors
+ '''
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('<...>')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ pyop_attr_dict = self.get_attr_dict()
+ if pyop_attr_dict:
+ attr_dict = pyop_attr_dict.proxyval(visited)
+ else:
+ attr_dict = {}
+ tp_name = self.safe_tp_name()
+ # New-style class:
+ return InstanceProxy(tp_name, attr_dict, long(self._gdbval))
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('<...>')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ pyop_attrdict = self.get_attr_dict()
+ _write_instance_repr(out, visited,
+ self.safe_tp_name(), pyop_attrdict, self.as_address())
+class ProxyException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, tp_name, args):
+ self.tp_name = tp_name
+ self.args = args
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '%s%r' % (self.tp_name, self.args)
+class PyBaseExceptionObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyBaseExceptionObject* i.e. an exception
+ within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyBaseExceptionObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('(...)')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ arg_proxy = self.pyop_field('args').proxyval(visited)
+ return ProxyException(self.safe_tp_name(),
+ arg_proxy)
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('(...)')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ out.write(self.safe_tp_name())
+ self.write_field_repr('args', out, visited)
+class PyBoolObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyBoolObject* i.e. one of the two
+ <bool> instances (Py_True/Py_False) within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyBoolObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ if int_from_int(self.field('ob_ival')):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class PyClassObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyClassObject* i.e. a <classobj>
+ instance within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyClassObject'
+class BuiltInFunctionProxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, ml_name):
+ self.ml_name = ml_name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<built-in function %s>" % self.ml_name
+class BuiltInMethodProxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, ml_name, pyop_m_self):
+ self.ml_name = ml_name
+ self.pyop_m_self = pyop_m_self
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ('<built-in method %s of %s object at remote 0x%x>'
+ % (self.ml_name,
+ self.pyop_m_self.safe_tp_name(),
+ self.pyop_m_self.as_address())
+ )
+class PyCFunctionObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyCFunctionObject*
+ (see Include/methodobject.h and Objects/methodobject.c)
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyCFunctionObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ m_ml = self.field('m_ml') # m_ml is a (PyMethodDef*)
+ ml_name = m_ml['ml_name'].string()
+ pyop_m_self = self.pyop_field('m_self')
+ if pyop_m_self.is_null():
+ return BuiltInFunctionProxy(ml_name)
+ else:
+ return BuiltInMethodProxy(ml_name, pyop_m_self)
+class PyCodeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyCodeObject* i.e. a <code> instance
+ within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyCodeObject'
+ def addr2line(self, addrq):
+ '''
+ Get the line number for a given bytecode offset
+ Analogous to PyCode_Addr2Line; translated from pseudocode in
+ Objects/lnotab_notes.txt
+ '''
+ co_lnotab = self.pyop_field('co_lnotab').proxyval(set())
+ # Initialize lineno to co_firstlineno as per PyCode_Addr2Line
+ # not 0, as lnotab_notes.txt has it:
+ lineno = int_from_int(self.field('co_firstlineno'))
+ addr = 0
+ for addr_incr, line_incr in zip(co_lnotab[::2], co_lnotab[1::2]):
+ addr += ord(addr_incr)
+ if addr > addrq:
+ return lineno
+ lineno += ord(line_incr)
+ return lineno
+class PyDictObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyDictObject* i.e. a dict instance
+ within the process being debugged.
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyDictObject'
+ def iteritems(self):
+ '''
+ Yields a sequence of (PyObjectPtr key, PyObjectPtr value) pairs,
+ analagous to dict.iteritems()
+ '''
+ for i in safe_range(self.field('ma_mask') + 1):
+ ep = self.field('ma_table') + i
+ pyop_value = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(ep['me_value'])
+ if not pyop_value.is_null():
+ pyop_key = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(ep['me_key'])
+ yield (pyop_key, pyop_value)
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('{...}')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ result = {}
+ for pyop_key, pyop_value in self.iteritems():
+ proxy_key = pyop_key.proxyval(visited)
+ proxy_value = pyop_value.proxyval(visited)
+ result[proxy_key] = proxy_value
+ return result
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('{...}')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ out.write('{')
+ first = True
+ for pyop_key, pyop_value in self.iteritems():
+ if not first:
+ out.write(', ')
+ first = False
+ pyop_key.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write(': ')
+ pyop_value.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write('}')
+class PyInstanceObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyInstanceObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('<...>')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ # Get name of class:
+ in_class = self.pyop_field('in_class')
+ cl_name = in_class.pyop_field('cl_name').proxyval(visited)
+ # Get dictionary of instance attributes:
+ in_dict = self.pyop_field('in_dict').proxyval(visited)
+ # Old-style class:
+ return InstanceProxy(cl_name, in_dict, long(self._gdbval))
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('<...>')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ # Old-style class:
+ # Get name of class:
+ in_class = self.pyop_field('in_class')
+ cl_name = in_class.pyop_field('cl_name').proxyval(visited)
+ # Get dictionary of instance attributes:
+ pyop_in_dict = self.pyop_field('in_dict')
+ _write_instance_repr(out, visited,
+ cl_name, pyop_in_dict, self.as_address())
+class PyIntObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyIntObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ result = int_from_int(self.field('ob_ival'))
+ return result
+class PyListObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyListObject'
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ # Get the gdb.Value for the (PyObject*) with the given index:
+ field_ob_item = self.field('ob_item')
+ return field_ob_item[i]
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('[...]')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ result = [PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i]).proxyval(visited)
+ for i in safe_range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size')))]
+ return result
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('[...]')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ out.write('[')
+ for i in safe_range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size'))):
+ if i > 0:
+ out.write(', ')
+ element = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i])
+ element.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write(']')
+class PyLongObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyLongObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ '''
+ Python's Include/longobjrep.h has this declaration:
+ struct _longobject {
+ PyObject_VAR_HEAD
+ digit ob_digit[1];
+ };
+ with this description:
+ The absolute value of a number is equal to
+ SUM(for i=0 through abs(ob_size)-1) ob_digit[i] * 2**(SHIFT*i)
+ Negative numbers are represented with ob_size < 0;
+ zero is represented by ob_size == 0.
+ where SHIFT can be either:
+ #define PyLong_SHIFT 30
+ #define PyLong_SHIFT 15
+ '''
+ ob_size = long(self.field('ob_size'))
+ if ob_size == 0:
+ return 0L
+ ob_digit = self.field('ob_digit')
+ if gdb.lookup_type('digit').sizeof == 2:
+ SHIFT = 15L
+ else:
+ SHIFT = 30L
+ digits = [long(ob_digit[i]) * 2**(SHIFT*i)
+ for i in safe_range(abs(ob_size))]
+ result = sum(digits)
+ if ob_size < 0:
+ result = -result
+ return result
+class PyNoneStructPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ """
+ Class wrapping a gdb.Value that's a PyObject* pointing to the
+ singleton (we hope) _Py_NoneStruct with ob_type PyNone_Type
+ """
+ _typename = 'PyObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ return None
+class PyFrameObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyFrameObject'
+ def __init__(self, gdbval, cast_to):
+ PyObjectPtr.__init__(self, gdbval, cast_to)
+ if not self.is_optimized_out():
+ self.co = PyCodeObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.field('f_code'))
+ self.co_name = self.co.pyop_field('co_name')
+ self.co_filename = self.co.pyop_field('co_filename')
+ self.f_lineno = int_from_int(self.field('f_lineno'))
+ self.f_lasti = int_from_int(self.field('f_lasti'))
+ self.co_nlocals = int_from_int(self.co.field('co_nlocals'))
+ self.co_varnames = PyTupleObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.co.field('co_varnames'))
+ def iter_locals(self):
+ '''
+ Yield a sequence of (name,value) pairs of PyObjectPtr instances, for
+ the local variables of this frame
+ '''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return
+ f_localsplus = self.field('f_localsplus')
+ for i in safe_range(self.co_nlocals):
+ pyop_value = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(f_localsplus[i])
+ if not pyop_value.is_null():
+ pyop_name = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.co_varnames[i])
+ yield (pyop_name, pyop_value)
+ def iter_globals(self):
+ '''
+ Yield a sequence of (name,value) pairs of PyObjectPtr instances, for
+ the global variables of this frame
+ '''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return
+ pyop_globals = self.pyop_field('f_globals')
+ return pyop_globals.iteritems()
+ def iter_builtins(self):
+ '''
+ Yield a sequence of (name,value) pairs of PyObjectPtr instances, for
+ the builtin variables
+ '''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return
+ pyop_builtins = self.pyop_field('f_builtins')
+ return pyop_builtins.iteritems()
+ def get_var_by_name(self, name):
+ '''
+ Look for the named local variable, returning a (PyObjectPtr, scope) pair
+ where scope is a string 'local', 'global', 'builtin'
+ If not found, return (None, None)
+ '''
+ for pyop_name, pyop_value in self.iter_locals():
+ if name == pyop_name.proxyval(set()):
+ return pyop_value, 'local'
+ for pyop_name, pyop_value in self.iter_globals():
+ if name == pyop_name.proxyval(set()):
+ return pyop_value, 'global'
+ for pyop_name, pyop_value in self.iter_builtins():
+ if name == pyop_name.proxyval(set()):
+ return pyop_value, 'builtin'
+ return None, None
+ def filename(self):
+ '''Get the path of the current Python source file, as a string'''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return '(frame information optimized out)'
+ return self.co_filename.proxyval(set())
+ def current_line_num(self):
+ '''Get current line number as an integer (1-based)
+ Translated from PyFrame_GetLineNumber and PyCode_Addr2Line
+ See Objects/lnotab_notes.txt
+ '''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return None
+ f_trace = self.field('f_trace')
+ if long(f_trace) != 0:
+ # we have a non-NULL f_trace:
+ return self.f_lineno
+ else:
+ #try:
+ return self.co.addr2line(self.f_lasti)
+ #except ValueError:
+ # return self.f_lineno
+ def current_line(self):
+ '''Get the text of the current source line as a string, with a trailing
+ newline character'''
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ return '(frame information optimized out)'
+ with open(self.filename(), 'r') as f:
+ all_lines = f.readlines()
+ # Convert from 1-based current_line_num to 0-based list offset:
+ return all_lines[self.current_line_num()-1]
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ if self.is_optimized_out():
+ out.write('(frame information optimized out)')
+ return
+ out.write('Frame 0x%x, for file %s, line %i, in %s ('
+ % (self.as_address(),
+ self.co_filename,
+ self.current_line_num(),
+ self.co_name))
+ first = True
+ for pyop_name, pyop_value in self.iter_locals():
+ if not first:
+ out.write(', ')
+ first = False
+ out.write(pyop_name.proxyval(visited))
+ out.write('=')
+ pyop_value.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write(')')
+class PySetObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PySetObject'
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('%s(...)' % self.safe_tp_name())
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ members = []
+ table = self.field('table')
+ for i in safe_range(self.field('mask')+1):
+ setentry = table[i]
+ key = setentry['key']
+ if key != 0:
+ key_proxy = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(key).proxyval(visited)
+ if key_proxy != '<dummy key>':
+ members.append(key_proxy)
+ if self.safe_tp_name() == 'frozenset':
+ return frozenset(members)
+ else:
+ return set(members)
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ out.write(self.safe_tp_name())
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('(...)')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ out.write('([')
+ first = True
+ table = self.field('table')
+ for i in safe_range(self.field('mask')+1):
+ setentry = table[i]
+ key = setentry['key']
+ if key != 0:
+ pyop_key = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(key)
+ key_proxy = pyop_key.proxyval(visited) # FIXME!
+ if key_proxy != '<dummy key>':
+ if not first:
+ out.write(', ')
+ first = False
+ pyop_key.write_repr(out, visited)
+ out.write('])')
+class PyStringObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyStringObject'
+ def __str__(self):
+ field_ob_size = self.field('ob_size')
+ field_ob_sval = self.field('ob_sval')
+ char_ptr = field_ob_sval.address.cast(_type_unsigned_char_ptr)
+ return ''.join([chr(char_ptr[i]) for i in safe_range(field_ob_size)])
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ return str(self)
+class PyTupleObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyTupleObject'
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ # Get the gdb.Value for the (PyObject*) with the given index:
+ field_ob_item = self.field('ob_item')
+ return field_ob_item[i]
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ return ProxyAlreadyVisited('(...)')
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ result = tuple([PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i]).proxyval(visited)
+ for i in safe_range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size')))])
+ return result
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ # Guard against infinite loops:
+ if self.as_address() in visited:
+ out.write('(...)')
+ return
+ visited.add(self.as_address())
+ out.write('(')
+ for i in safe_range(int_from_int(self.field('ob_size'))):
+ if i > 0:
+ out.write(', ')
+ element = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self[i])
+ element.write_repr(out, visited)
+ if self.field('ob_size') == 1:
+ out.write(',)')
+ else:
+ out.write(')')
+class PyTypeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyTypeObject'
+class PyUnicodeObjectPtr(PyObjectPtr):
+ _typename = 'PyUnicodeObject'
+ def char_width(self):
+ _type_Py_UNICODE = gdb.lookup_type('Py_UNICODE')
+ return _type_Py_UNICODE.sizeof
+ def proxyval(self, visited):
+ # From unicodeobject.h:
+ # Py_ssize_t length; /* Length of raw Unicode data in buffer */
+ # Py_UNICODE *str; /* Raw Unicode buffer */
+ field_length = long(self.field('length'))
+ field_str = self.field('str')
+ # Gather a list of ints from the Py_UNICODE array; these are either
+ # UCS-2 or UCS-4 code points:
+ Py_UNICODEs = [int(field_str[i]) for i in safe_range(field_length)]
+ # Convert the int code points to unicode characters, and generate a
+ # local unicode instance:
+ result = u''.join([unichr(ucs) for ucs in Py_UNICODEs])
+ return result
+ def write_repr(self, out, visited):
+ proxy = self.proxyval(visited)
+ if self.char_width() == 2:
+ # sizeof(Py_UNICODE)==2: join surrogates
+ proxy2 = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(proxy):
+ ch = proxy[i]
+ i += 1
+ if (i < len(proxy)
+ and 0xD800 <= ord(ch) < 0xDC00 \
+ and 0xDC00 <= ord(proxy[i]) <= 0xDFFF):
+ # Get code point from surrogate pair
+ ch2 = proxy[i]
+ code = (ord(ch) & 0x03FF) << 10
+ code |= ord(ch2) & 0x03FF
+ code += 0x00010000
+ i += 1
+ proxy2.append(unichr(code))
+ else:
+ proxy2.append(ch)
+ proxy = u''.join(proxy2)
+ out.write(repr(proxy))
+def int_from_int(gdbval):
+ return int(str(gdbval))
+def stringify(val):
+ # TODO: repr() puts everything on one line; pformat can be nicer, but
+ # can lead to v.long results; this function isolates the choice
+ if True:
+ return repr(val)
+ else:
+ from pprint import pformat
+ return pformat(val)
+class PyObjectPtrPrinter:
+ "Prints a (PyObject*)"
+ def __init__ (self, gdbval):
+ self.gdbval = gdbval
+ def to_string (self):
+ pyop = PyObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(self.gdbval)
+ if True:
+ return pyop.get_truncated_repr(MAX_OUTPUT_LEN)
+ else:
+ # Generate full proxy value then stringify it.
+ # Doing so could be expensive
+ proxyval = pyop.proxyval(set())
+ return stringify(proxyval)
+def pretty_printer_lookup(gdbval):
+ type = gdbval.type.unqualified()
+ if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
+ type = type.target().unqualified()
+ t = str(type)
+ if t in ("PyObject", "PyFrameObject"):
+ return PyObjectPtrPrinter(gdbval)
+During development, I've been manually invoking the code in this way:
+(gdb) python
+import sys
+import libpython
+then reloading it after each edit like this:
+(gdb) python reload(libpython)
+The following code should ensure that the prettyprinter is registered
+if the code is autoloaded by gdb when visiting libpython.so, provided
+that this python file is installed to the same path as the library (or its
+.debug file) plus a "-gdb.py" suffix, e.g:
+ /usr/lib/libpython2.6.so.1.0-gdb.py
+ /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libpython2.6.so.1.0.debug-gdb.py
+def register (obj):
+ if obj == None:
+ obj = gdb
+ # Wire up the pretty-printer
+ obj.pretty_printers.append(pretty_printer_lookup)
+register (gdb.current_objfile ())
+# Unfortunately, the exact API exposed by the gdb module varies somewhat
+# from build to build
+# See http://bugs.python.org/issue8279?#msg102276
+class Frame(object):
+ '''
+ Wrapper for gdb.Frame, adding various methods
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, gdbframe):
+ self._gdbframe = gdbframe
+ def older(self):
+ older = self._gdbframe.older()
+ if older:
+ return Frame(older)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def newer(self):
+ newer = self._gdbframe.newer()
+ if newer:
+ return Frame(newer)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def select(self):
+ '''If supported, select this frame and return True; return False if unsupported
+ Not all builds have a gdb.Frame.select method; seems to be present on Fedora 12
+ onwards, but absent on Ubuntu buildbot'''
+ if not hasattr(self._gdbframe, 'select'):
+ print ('Unable to select frame: '
+ 'this build of gdb does not expose a gdb.Frame.select method')
+ return False
+ self._gdbframe.select()
+ return True
+ def get_index(self):
+ '''Calculate index of frame, starting at 0 for the newest frame within
+ this thread'''
+ index = 0
+ # Go down until you reach the newest frame:
+ iter_frame = self
+ while iter_frame.newer():
+ index += 1
+ iter_frame = iter_frame.newer()
+ return index
+ def is_evalframeex(self):
+ '''Is this a PyEval_EvalFrameEx frame?'''
+ if self._gdbframe.name() == 'PyEval_EvalFrameEx':
+ '''
+ I believe we also need to filter on the inline
+ struct frame_id.inline_depth, only regarding frames with
+ an inline depth of 0 as actually being this function
+ So we reject those with type gdb.INLINE_FRAME
+ '''
+ if self._gdbframe.type() == gdb.NORMAL_FRAME:
+ # We have a PyEval_EvalFrameEx frame:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_pyop(self):
+ try:
+ f = self._gdbframe.read_var('f')
+ return PyFrameObjectPtr.from_pyobject_ptr(f)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_selected_frame(cls):
+ _gdbframe = gdb.selected_frame()
+ if _gdbframe:
+ return Frame(_gdbframe)
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_selected_python_frame(cls):
+ '''Try to obtain the Frame for the python code in the selected frame,
+ or None'''
+ frame = cls.get_selected_frame()
+ while frame:
+ if frame.is_evalframeex():
+ return frame
+ frame = frame.older()
+ # Not found:
+ return None
+ def print_summary(self):
+ if self.is_evalframeex():
+ pyop = self.get_pyop()
+ if pyop:
+ sys.stdout.write('#%i %s\n' % (self.get_index(), pyop.get_truncated_repr(MAX_OUTPUT_LEN)))
+ sys.stdout.write(pyop.current_line())
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write('#%i (unable to read python frame information)\n' % self.get_index())
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write('#%i\n' % self.get_index())
+class PyList(gdb.Command):
+ '''List the current Python source code, if any
+ Use
+ py-list START
+ to list at a different line number within the python source.
+ Use
+ py-list START, END
+ to list a specific range of lines within the python source.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-list",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ import re
+ start = None
+ end = None
+ m = re.match(r'\s*(\d+)\s*', args)
+ if m:
+ start = int(m.group(0))
+ end = start + 10
+ m = re.match(r'\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*', args)
+ if m:
+ start, end = map(int, m.groups())
+ frame = Frame.get_selected_python_frame()
+ if not frame:
+ print 'Unable to locate python frame'
+ return
+ pyop = frame.get_pyop()
+ if not pyop:
+ print 'Unable to read information on python frame'
+ return
+ filename = pyop.filename()
+ lineno = pyop.current_line_num()
+ if start is None:
+ start = lineno - 5
+ end = lineno + 5
+ if start<1:
+ start = 1
+ with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+ all_lines = f.readlines()
+ # start and end are 1-based, all_lines is 0-based;
+ # so [start-1:end] as a python slice gives us [start, end] as a
+ # closed interval
+ for i, line in enumerate(all_lines[start-1:end]):
+ linestr = str(i+start)
+ # Highlight current line:
+ if i + start == lineno:
+ linestr = '>' + linestr
+ sys.stdout.write('%4s %s' % (linestr, line))
+# ...and register the command:
+def move_in_stack(move_up):
+ '''Move up or down the stack (for the py-up/py-down command)'''
+ frame = Frame.get_selected_python_frame()
+ while frame:
+ if move_up:
+ iter_frame = frame.older()
+ else:
+ iter_frame = frame.newer()
+ if not iter_frame:
+ break
+ if iter_frame.is_evalframeex():
+ # Result:
+ if iter_frame.select():
+ iter_frame.print_summary()
+ return
+ frame = iter_frame
+ if move_up:
+ print 'Unable to find an older python frame'
+ else:
+ print 'Unable to find a newer python frame'
+class PyUp(gdb.Command):
+ 'Select and print the python stack frame that called this one (if any)'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-up",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ move_in_stack(move_up=True)
+class PyDown(gdb.Command):
+ 'Select and print the python stack frame called by this one (if any)'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-down",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ move_in_stack(move_up=False)
+# Not all builds of gdb have gdb.Frame.select
+if hasattr(gdb.Frame, 'select'):
+ PyUp()
+ PyDown()
+class PyBacktrace(gdb.Command):
+ 'Display the current python frame and all the frames within its call stack (if any)'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-bt",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ frame = Frame.get_selected_python_frame()
+ while frame:
+ if frame.is_evalframeex():
+ frame.print_summary()
+ frame = frame.older()
+class PyPrint(gdb.Command):
+ 'Look up the given python variable name, and print it'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-print",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ name = str(args)
+ frame = Frame.get_selected_python_frame()
+ if not frame:
+ print 'Unable to locate python frame'
+ return
+ pyop_frame = frame.get_pyop()
+ if not pyop_frame:
+ print 'Unable to read information on python frame'
+ return
+ pyop_var, scope = pyop_frame.get_var_by_name(name)
+ if pyop_var:
+ print ('%s %r = %s'
+ % (scope,
+ name,
+ pyop_var.get_truncated_repr(MAX_OUTPUT_LEN)))
+ else:
+ print '%r not found' % name
+class PyLocals(gdb.Command):
+ 'Look up the given python variable name, and print it'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gdb.Command.__init__ (self,
+ "py-locals",
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ name = str(args)
+ frame = Frame.get_selected_python_frame()
+ if not frame:
+ print 'Unable to locate python frame'
+ return
+ pyop_frame = frame.get_pyop()
+ if not pyop_frame:
+ print 'Unable to read information on python frame'
+ return
+ for pyop_name, pyop_value in pyop_frame.iter_locals():
+ print ('%s = %s'
+ % (pyop_name.proxyval(set()),
+ pyop_value.get_truncated_repr(MAX_OUTPUT_LEN)))
\ No newline at end of file