This patch improves the "early exit" test in the
i8253_cascade_ns_to_timer_2div function (comedi/drivers/8253.h) to take
account of a divisor of 65536 being represented by 0.
/* exit early if everything is already correct (this can save time
* since this function may be called repeatedly during command tests
* and execution) */
- if(*d1 * *d2 * i8253_osc_base == *nanosec &&
- *d1 > 1 && *d1 < 0x10000 &&
- *d2 > 1 && *d2 < 0x10000)
+ div1 = *d1 ? *d1 : 0x10000;
+ div2 = *d2 ? *d2 : 0x10000;
+ if(div1 * div2 * i8253_osc_base == *nanosec &&
+ div1 > 1 && div1 <= 0x10000 &&
+ div2 > 1 && div2 <= 0x10000)