_contents_re = re.compile(r'^(' + \
r'(?P<dir>(dev|dir|fif) (.+))|' + \
r'(?P<obj>(obj) (.+) (\S+) (\d+))|' + \
- r'(?P<sym>(sym) (.+) -> (.+) (\d+))' + \
+ r'(?P<sym>(sym) (.+) -> (.+) ((\d+)|(?P<oldsym>(' + \
+ '\(\d+, \d+L, \d+L, \d+, \d+, \d+, \d+L, \d+, (\d+), \d+\)))))' + \
obj_index = contents_re.groupindex['obj']
dir_index = contents_re.groupindex['dir']
sym_index = contents_re.groupindex['sym']
+ # The old symlink format may exist on systems that have packages
+ # which were installed many years ago (see bug #351814).
+ oldsym_index = contents_re.groupindex['oldsym']
# CONTENTS files already contain EPREFIX
myroot = self.settings['ROOT']
if myroot == os.path.sep:
data = (m.group(base+1),)
elif m.group(sym_index) is not None:
base = sym_index
+ if m.group(oldsym_index) is None:
+ mtime = m.group(base+5)
+ else:
+ mtime = m.group(base+8)
#format: type, mtime, dest
- data = (m.group(base+1), m.group(base+4), m.group(base+3))
+ data = (m.group(base+1), mtime, m.group(base+3))
# This won't happen as long the regular expression
# is written to only match valid entries.