test = TestSCons.TestSCons()
test.subdir('work1', ['work1', 'src'], ['work1', 'src', 'subdir'],
- 'work2', ['work2', 'src'], ['work2', 'src', 'subdir'],
- 'work3', ['work3', 'src'], ['work3', 'src', 'subdir'],
- 'work4', ['work4', 'src'], ['work4', 'src', 'subdir'],
- 'work5', ['work5', 'src'], ['work5', 'src', 'subdir'])
+ 'work4', ['work4', 'src'], ['work4', 'src', 'subdir'])
subdir_file6 = os.path.join('subdir', 'file6')
subdir_file6_in = os.path.join('subdir', 'file6.in')
-# Now test (in a separate workspace) how things function when
-# we tell SCons to not save the --debug=explain info
-# using SetOption('save_explain_info').
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'SConstruct'],
- "SetOption('save_explain_info', 0)\n" + SConstruct_contents)
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'SConscript'], """\
-env.Cat('file1', 'file1.in')
-env.Cat('file2', 'file2.k')
-env.Cat('file3', ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz'])
-env.Command('file4', 'file4.in', r"%s %s $TARGET - $SOURCES")
-env.Cat('file5', 'file5.k')
-env.Cat('subdir/file6', 'subdir/file6.in')
-""" % (python, cat_py))
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'aaa'], "aaa 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'bbb.k'], """\
-bbb.k 1
-include ccc
-include ../inc/ddd
-include ../inc/eee
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'ccc'], "ccc 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'ddd'], "ddd 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'eee.in'], "eee.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file2.k'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-include xxx
-include yyy
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file4.in'], "file4.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'xxx'], "xxx 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 1\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file5.k'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-include ../inc/aaa
-include ../inc/bbb.k
-file5.k 1 line 4
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'subdir', 'file6.in'], "subdir/file6.in 1\n")
-# First, even without build info, we can tell the user that things
-# are being built because they don't exist.
-test.run(chdir='work2/src', arguments=args, stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: building `file1' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: building `file2' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: building `file3' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: building `file4' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file4 - file4.in
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "aaa" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "ddd" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "eee.in" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: building `file5' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s %s %s
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'aaa'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'aaa'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'ddd'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'ddd'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'eee'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'eee'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py,
- subdir_file6,
- python, cat_py, subdir_file6, subdir_file6_in)))
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 1
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 1\nzzz 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file4'], "file4.in 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 1
-ccc 1
-ddd 1
-eee.in 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
-# Using --debug=explain above will have actually saved the build info;
-# run again to clear it out.
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 2\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 2\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 2\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 2\ninclude ccc\n")
-test.run(chdir='work2/src', arguments='.')
-# Now, it should tell us that it can't explain why the files are
-# being rebuilt. It should also *store* the build info because
-# we're using --debug=explain...
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 3\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 3\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 3\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 3\ninclude ccc\n")
-test.run(chdir='work2/src', arguments=args, stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: Cannot explain why `file1' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: Cannot explain why `file2' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: Cannot explain why `file3' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: Cannot explain why `%s' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: Cannot explain why `file5' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py)))
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 3\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 3
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 3\nzzz 3\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 3
-ccc 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
-# ...so if we now update the files again, it should be able to tell
-# us why the files changed.
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 4\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 4\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 4\n")
-test.write(['work2', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 4\ninclude ccc\n")
-test.run(chdir='work2/src', arguments=args, stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: rebuilding `file1' because `file1.in' changed
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: rebuilding `file2' because `yyy' changed
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: rebuilding `file3' because:
- `yyy' changed
- `zzz' changed
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: rebuilding `%s' because `bbb.k' changed
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: rebuilding `file5' because `%s' changed
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work2', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py)))
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 4\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 4
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 4\nzzz 4\n")
-test.must_match(['work2', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 4
-ccc 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
-# Now test (in a separate workspace) how things function when
-# we tell SCons to not save the --debug=explain info
-# using --save-explain-info=0'.
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'SConstruct'], SConstruct_contents)
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'SConscript'], """\
-env.Cat('file1', 'file1.in')
-env.Cat('file2', 'file2.k')
-env.Cat('file3', ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz'])
-env.Command('file4', 'file4.in', r"%s %s $TARGET - $SOURCES")
-env.Cat('file5', 'file5.k')
-env.Cat('subdir/file6', 'subdir/file6.in')
-""" % (python, cat_py))
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'aaa'], "aaa 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'bbb.k'], """\
-bbb.k 1
-include ccc
-include ../inc/ddd
-include ../inc/eee
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'ccc'], "ccc 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'ddd'], "ddd 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'eee.in'], "eee.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file2.k'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-include xxx
-include yyy
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file4.in'], "file4.in 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'xxx'], "xxx 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 1\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file5.k'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-include ../inc/aaa
-include ../inc/bbb.k
-file5.k 1 line 4
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'subdir', 'file6.in'], "subdir/file6.in 1\n")
-# First, even without build info and regardless of storage option,
-# we can tell the user that things are being built because they don't exist.
- arguments='--debug=explain --save-explain-info=0 .',
- stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: building `file1' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: building `file2' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: building `file3' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: building `file4' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file4 - file4.in
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "aaa" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "ddd" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "eee.in" as "%s"
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: building `file5' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-scons: building `%s' because it doesn't exist
-%s %s %s %s
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'aaa'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'aaa'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'ddd'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'ddd'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'eee'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'eee'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py,
- subdir_file6,
- python, cat_py, subdir_file6, subdir_file6_in)))
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 1
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 1\nzzz 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file4'], "file4.in 1\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 1
-ccc 1
-ddd 1
-eee.in 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
-# Using --debug=explain above will have actually saved the build info;
-# run again to clear it out.
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 2\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 2\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 2\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 2\ninclude ccc\n")
-test.run(chdir='work3/src', arguments='--save-explain-info=0 .')
-# Now, it should tell us that it can't explain why the files are
-# being rebuilt. It should also *store* the build info because
-# we're using --debug=explain...
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 3\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 3\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 3\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 3\ninclude ccc\n")
- arguments='--debug=explain .',
- stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: Cannot explain why `file1' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: Cannot explain why `file2' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: Cannot explain why `file3' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: Cannot explain why `%s' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: Cannot explain why `file5' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py)))
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 3\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 3
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 3\nzzz 3\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 3
-ccc 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
-# ...so if we now update the files again, it should be able to tell
-# us why the files changed.
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'file1.in'], "file1.in 4\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'yyy'], "yyy 4\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'zzz'], "zzz 4\n")
-test.write(['work3', 'src', 'bbb.k'], "bbb.k 4\ninclude ccc\n")
-test.run(chdir='work3/src', arguments=args, stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\
-scons: rebuilding `file1' because `file1.in' changed
-%s %s file1 file1.in
-scons: rebuilding `file2' because `yyy' changed
-%s %s file2 file2.k
-scons: rebuilding `file3' because:
- `yyy' changed
- `zzz' changed
-%s %s file3 xxx yyy zzz
-scons: rebuilding `%s' because `bbb.k' changed
-Install file: "bbb.k" as "%s"
-scons: rebuilding `file5' because `%s' changed
-%s %s file5 file5.k
-""" % (python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- python, cat_py,
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- test.workpath('work3', 'inc', 'bbb.k'),
- python, cat_py)))
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file1'], "file1.in 4\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file2'], """\
-file2.k 1 line 1
-xxx 1
-yyy 4
-file2.k 1 line 4
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file3'], "xxx 1\nyyy 4\nzzz 4\n")
-test.must_match(['work3', 'src', 'file5'], """\
-file5.k 1 line 1
-aaa 1
-bbb.k 4
-ccc 1
-file5.k 1 line 4
# Test that the --debug=explain information gets saved by default.
test.write(['work4', 'src', 'SConstruct'], SConstruct_contents)