Basically, anyone with access to the `docker0` bridge has access to
the client's port.
-If you're going to be loading a large database ([devicemapper only
-supports 16GB][devicemapper-size-limit]), you may want to
-[volume-mount] the database. Grab the configured stuff we'll want to
- # docker run -d -name postgresql-0 wking/postgresql
- # docker cp postgresql-0:/var/lib/postgresql/ /var/lib/
- # mv /var/lib/postgresql/ /var/lib/postgresql-0
- # docker kill postgresql-0
- # docker rm postgresql-0
-And run future containers with:
- $ docker run -d -name postgresql-0 -v /var/lib/postgresql-0:/var/lib/postgresql wking/postgresql
+To allow mounting a large database ([devicemapper only supports
+16GB][devicemapper-size-limit]) we declare `/var/lib/postgresql` as a
+[VOLUME][]. This means that `/var/lib/postgresql` is stored outside
+the image (under `/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir` with metadata under
+`/var/lib/docker/volumes`) and mounted automatically when you spin up
+a container. From a [pending version][fd24041] of [issue 3389][3389]:
+> If you remove containers that mount volumes, including the initial
+> `DATA` container, or the middleman, the volumes will not be deleted
+> until there are no containers still referencing those volumes. This
+> allows you to upgrade, or effectivly migrate data volumes between
+> containers.
+That means you should be able to migrate your `/var/lib/postgresql`
+data to new PostgreSQL containers (e.g. if you upgrade PostgreSQL).