% problempack.sty, a package for generating problem/solution sets.
+% Version 0.3
% see clsguide.pdf for a LaTeX package tutorial
+% see xkeyval.pdf for a 72 page spiel on xkeyval
\RequirePackage{comment}% show/hide the solution sections
\RequirePackage[pdftex]{hyperref} % pdf niceties & active links
\RequirePackage{amsmath}% environments for multiline displayed equations, \text{} and other enhancements
-\RequirePackage{amsthm} % for \theorem environment handling
+% get some \theorem environment handling (pick one of ntheorem or amsthm)
% color text (usenames -> with 68 dvips named colors)
\RequirePackage[dvipsnames, usenames]{color}
+\RequirePackage{xkeyval} % handling x=y-type options
-% define some option-processing macros
-\def\Pr@blemOptKey#1=#2 {#1}
-\def\Pr@blemOptArg#1=#2 {#2}
- \expandafter\edef \csname\Pr@blemOptKey#1 \endcsname {\Pr@blemOptArg#1 }%
-% some unit tests ;)
-%\typeout{\Pr@blemOptKey abcd=efg = abcd}
-%\typeout{\Pr@blemOptArg abcd=efg = efg}
-%\typeout{\abcd = efg}
-%\expandafter\Pr@blemOptSetup\expandafter{\x }
-%\typeout{\ABCD = EFG}
-% Our current method is limited by:
-% option name == control sequence, and
-% no error messages on goofy option names
-% \edef not protected like \newcommand, so could silently clobber something
-% important.
-% non-agrument options
+% non-argument options
% \bigskip to get a bit of space between problems
%\includecomment{nosolution} % \includecomment clears the environment definition
%\includecomment{solution} % \includecomment clears the environment definition
-% argument and unrecognized options (not accessible through \ExecuteOptions{})
- \typeout{ping \CurrentOption}
- \expandafter\Pr@blemOptSetup\expandafter{\CurrentOption}
- \typeout{Unrecognized option \CurrentOption}
+ % no indentation or parskips
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
+ % no indentation, reasonable parskips
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.5\baselineskip}
+% argument options
+% argument and unrecognized options (not accessible through \ExecuteOptionsX{})
+ \PackageWarning{problempack}{option `\CurrentOption' ignored}
% define theorem environments
\newcommand{\Pr@blemSkip}{0pt} % set to 2\baselineskip when nosolutions, to give breathing room between problems
+ \phantomsection%
+ \addtocounter{Pr@blem}{1}% <- temporarily increment Pr@blem
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Problem \arabic{Pr@blem}}%
+ \addtocounter{Pr@blem}{-1}% <- restore to its initial value
+ \begin{Pr@blem}% <- the Pr@blem counter actually gets implemented here
+ \end{Pr@blem}%
+ \vspace\Pr@blemSkip%
% HACK: you can't nest problem* environments, as there's only one PCC command.
% not that you should ever need to as far as I can imagine.
% Note: using a constant theorem name like ProblemSTAR fails on redefine attempt
% Note: you also get matching errors with \begin{Pr@blem#1}\end{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}
- {\renewcommand{\Pr@blemCounter}{#1}\newtheorem*{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}{Problem #1}\begin{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}}%
- {\end{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}\vspace\Pr@blemSkip}
+ \renewcommand{\Pr@blemCounter}{#1}%
+ \phantomsection%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Problem #1}%
+ \newtheorem*{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}{Problem #1}%
+ \begin{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}%
+ \end{Pr@blem\Pr@blemCounter}%
+ \vspace\Pr@blemSkip%
+%\theoremstyle{definition} % for amsthm.sty
+\theoremstyle{plain} % for ntheorem.sty
%\newtheorem*{solution}{} % problem: starts out with a dot.
% solution must be defined here before we process the options,
% because TODO
-% set defaults ('x,y,z' not 'x, y, z')
-% problem: for '\ExecuteOptions{wierd}',
-% the option 'wierd' is not handled by '\DeclareOption*{}', but is '\relax'ed
-% this means that we have to initialize any x=y-type options by hand.
+% set defaults
+\newcommand{\Pr@blemAuthor}{Trevor King}
+\newcommand{\Pr@blemCoursetitle}{Phys 101}
+\newcommand{\Pr@blemClasstitle}{Recitation 1}
+\newcommand{\Pr@blemSubheading}{Chapter 1}
%\ExecuteOptions{solutions} % set up for solutions, but don't initialize, b/c \includecomment is touchy
-\Pr@blemOptSetup{author={Trevor King}}
-\Pr@blemOptSetup{coursetitle={Phys 101}}
-\Pr@blemOptSetup{classtitle={Recitation 1}}
-\Pr@blemOptSetup{subheading={Chapter 1}}
% and process package-user given options
% finish setting up hyperref
\hypersetup{pdfstartview=FitH} % zooming to fit the page width.
+\hypersetup{colorlinks} % don't do the ugly boxes around links
% You can safely delete/override of the following code without effecting the
% core problem/solution environment behavior.
- {\Large Recitation 1} \\
- \subheading
+ {\Large \Pr@blemClasstitle} \\
+ \Pr@blemSubheading
%% include some useful goodies
-\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % to include images
-\usepackage{emp} % embed MetaPost pictures in LaTeX
+\RequirePackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % to include images
+%\RequirePackage{emp} % embed MetaPost pictures in LaTeX
% you need to add \begin{emp*}\end{emp*} by hand, because emp parser
% doesn't realize \end{EMP} might expand to \end{emp} or \end{empfile}.
%% define a few physics shortcuts
-\newcommand{\U}[1]{\text{ #1}} % units shortcut
-\newcommand{\E}[1]{\ensuremath{\cdot 10 ^{#1}}} % exponent shortcut
-\newcommand{\dg}{\ensuremath{^{\circ}}} % degree symbol ^o
-\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} % make vectors bold
+%\newcommand{\U}[1]{\text{ #1}} % units shortcut
+%\newcommand{\E}[1]{\ensuremath{\cdot 10 ^{#1}}} % exponent shortcut
+%\newcommand{\dg}{\ensuremath{^{\circ}}} % degree symbol ^o
+%\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} % make vectors bold
+%\newcommand{\p}[3]{\left#1 #2 \right#3} % parenthesis, e.g. \p({complicated expr})
%% finally, set up some simple formatting.
\textwidth 7.5in
\pagestyle{empty} % no room for page numbers
-% no indentation or parskips
% struts for table spacing