--- /dev/null
+[[!meta title="Atomgen"]]
+[[!meta date="2009-03-28 05:48:23"]]
+I've been using [Atom
+feeds](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_%28standard%29) to publish
+announcements to my course websites recently. The ‘please check this
+page daily for changes’ directives I saw on a few other pages were too
+painful to bear ;). I've written a little PHP script to convert the
+atom.xml into XHTML so non-atom students can still read the
+announcements online, and I've been using
+[rss2email](http://rss2email.infogami.com/) in a cron job and a
+[procmail](http://www.procmail.org/) rule to automatically email the
+class any new announcements I post in the feed. It works rather well
+I think, even if noone ends up actually looking at the feed ;).
+Anyhow, I wrote up a little command line wrapper around Sylvain
+Hellegouarch's [Atomixlib](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/atomixlib/),
+which is based on [Amara](http://xml3k.org/Amara/) or
+[ElementTree](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/elementtree/). However,
+Sylvain seems to be falling behind as ElementTree and Amara continue
+to evolve, so I recently rewrote my script to run off
+[Amara2](http://xml3k.org/Amara2) directly, since Amara's _bindery_
+interface is wonderful (well, for data manipulation anyway.
+Attributes, prefixes, and tree construction don't make much sense to
+me yet...).
+You can grab my script and see some simple usage examples on my [code
+[[!tag programming]]