+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit cmake-utils eutils pam versionator bash-completion-r1
-DESCRIPTION="Utility to execute commands in a chroot environment"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/${PN::1}/${PN}/${MY_P}-${DEB_REL}.debian.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm x86"
-IUSE="btrfs +dchroot debug doc lvm nls pam test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.42.0
- >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.16
- btrfs? ( >=sys-fs/btrfs-progs-0.19-r2 )
- lvm? ( sys-fs/lvm2 )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- app-arch/xz-utils
- sys-apps/groff
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- media-gfx/graphviz
- )
- nls? (
- >=app-text/po4a-0.40
- sys-devel/gettext
- )
- test? ( >=dev-util/cppunit-1.10.0 )
- sys-apps/debianutils
- dchroot? ( !sys-apps/dchroot )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )
- "${S}/debian/patches/Add-support-for-more-compression-formats.patch"
- "${S}/debian/patches/Add-SESSION_SOURCE-and-CHROOT_SESSION_SOURCE.patch"
- "${S}/debian/patches/10mount-Move-mount-directory-to-var-run.patch"
- "${S}/debian/patches/Support-union-mounts-with-overlay-as-in-Linux-4.0.patch"
- "${S}/debian/patches/GCC5-fixes-on-regexes.patch"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.orig.tar.xz
- cd "${S}"
- unpack ${MY_P}-${DEB_REL}.debian.tar.xz
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e 's/warn(/message(WARNING /' man/CMakeLists.txt || die
- sed -i -e '/^have schroot/d' etc/bash_completion/schroot || die
- cmake-utils_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -Dbtrfs-snapshot=$(usex btrfs)
- -Ddchroot=$(usex dchroot)
- -Ddchroot-dsa=$(usex dchroot)
- -Ddebug=$(usex debug)
- -Ddoxygen=$(usex doc)
- -Dlvm-snapshot=$(usex lvm)
- -Dnls=$(usex nls)
- -Dpam=$(usex pam)
- -Dtest=$(usex test)
- -Dbash_completion_dir="$(get_bashcompdir)"
- )
- if ! use nls; then
- fi
- cmake-utils_src_configure
-src_compile() {
- cmake-utils_src_compile all $(usev doc)
-src_test() {
- if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
- ewarn "Disabling tests because you are not root"
- return 0
- fi
- cmake-utils_src_test
-src_install() {
- cmake-utils_src_install
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/contrib/setup.d
- doins contrib/setup.d/05customdir contrib/setup.d/09fsck contrib/setup.d/10mount-ssh
- newdoc debian/schroot.NEWS NEWS.debian
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/schroot.initd schroot
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/schroot.confd schroot
- if use doc; then
- docinto html/sbuild
- dohtml "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/sbuild/html/*
- docinto html/schroot
- dohtml "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/schroot/html/*
- fi
- if use pam; then
- rm -f "${ED}"etc/pam.d/schroot
- pamd_mimic_system schroot auth account session
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} == 1.[24]* ]]; then
- elog "Please read /usr/share/doc/${PF}/NEWS.debian* for important"
- elog "upgrade information."
- fi
- # If installing to a running system, upgrading from <=1.6.10-r3, then
- # make sure that the runtime dirs are still visible to the new install
- if [[ ${ROOT} == / && ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] && ! version_is_at_least 1.6.10-r4 ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; then
- ln -s "${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/schroot "${EPREFIX}"/var/run/schroot
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} ]]; then
- for dir in $(find "${EROOT}"/var/lib/schroot/mount -maxdepth 1 -type d | tac); do
- rmdir "$dir" || elog "Failed to remove session mount directory $dir: Please check for any stray mounts or data under this directory and remove by hand."
- done
- fi
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit bash-completion-r1 cmake pam tmpfiles
-DESCRIPTION="Utility to execute commands in a chroot environment"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/${PN::1}/${PN}/${MY_P}-${DEB_REL}.debian.tar.xz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="btrfs +dchroot debug doc lvm nls pam test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- >=dev-libs/boost-1.42.0:=
- >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.16
- btrfs? ( >=sys-fs/btrfs-progs-0.19-r2 )
- lvm? ( sys-fs/lvm2 )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- app-arch/xz-utils
- sys-apps/groff
- doc? (
- app-doc/doxygen
- media-gfx/graphviz
- )
- nls? (
- >=app-text/po4a-0.40
- sys-devel/gettext
- )
- test? ( >=dev-util/cppunit-1.10.0 )
- sys-apps/debianutils
- dchroot? ( !sys-apps/dchroot )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.orig.tar.xz
- cd "${S}"
- unpack ${MY_P}-${DEB_REL}.debian.tar.xz
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e 's/warn(/message(WARNING /' man/CMakeLists.txt || die
- eapply "${S}"/debian/patches/*.patch
- cmake_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -Dbtrfs-snapshot=$(usex btrfs)
- -Ddchroot=$(usex dchroot)
- -Ddchroot-dsa=$(usex dchroot)
- -Ddebug=$(usex debug)
- -Ddoxygen=$(usex doc)
- -Dlvm-snapshot=$(usex lvm)
- -Dnls=$(usex nls)
- -Dpam=$(usex pam)
- -Dtest=$(usex test)
- -Dbash_completion_dir="$(get_bashcompdir)"
- -DSCHROOT_MOUNT_DIR="${EPREFIX}/run/${PN}/mount"
- )
- if ! use nls; then
- fi
- cmake_src_configure
-src_compile() {
- cmake_src_compile all $(usev doc)
-src_test() {
- if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
- ewarn "Disabling tests because you are not root"
- return 0
- fi
- cmake_src_test
-src_install() {
- cmake_src_install
- keepdir /var/lib/schroot/{session,unpack,union/{overlay,underlay}}
- docinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/contrib/setup.d
- dodoc contrib/setup.d/05customdir contrib/setup.d/09fsck contrib/setup.d/10mount-ssh
- newdoc debian/schroot.NEWS NEWS.debian
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/schroot.initd schroot
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/schroot.confd schroot
- newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/schroot.tmpfilesd schroot.conf
- if use doc; then
- docinto html/sbuild
- dodoc "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/sbuild/html/*
- docinto html/schroot
- dodoc "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/schroot/html/*
- fi
- if use pam; then
- rm -f "${ED}"/etc/pam.d/schroot
- pamd_mimic_system schroot auth account session
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- tmpfiles_process ${PN}.conf