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+[[!template id=gitrepo repo=problempack]]
+I've put together a [[LaTeX]] package `problempack` to make it easier
+to write up problem sets with solutions for the classes I TA.
+The package takes care of a few details:
+* Make it easy to compile one pdf with only the problems and another
+ pdf with problems and solutions.
+* Define nicely typeset environments for automatically or manually
+ numbered problems.
+* Save retyping a few of the parameters (course title, class title,
+ etc), that show up in the note title and also need to go out to
+ `pdftitle` and `pdfsubject`.
+* Change the page layout to minimize margins (saves paper on
+ printing).
+* Set the spacing between problems (e.g. to tweak output to a single
+ page, versions >= 0.2).
+* Add section level entries to the table-of-contents and hyperref
+ bookmarks (versions >= 0.3).
+The basic idea is to make it easy to write up notes. Just install
+`problempack.sty` in your `texmf` tree, and then use it like I do in
+the example included in the package. The example produces a simple
+problem set ([[probs.pdf]]) and solution notes ([[sols.pdf]]).
+For a real world example, look at my Phys 102 notes [with][] and
+[without][] solutions ([source][]). Other notes produced in this
+fashion: [Phys201 winter 2009][w09], [Phys201 spring 2009][sp09], and
+[Phys102 summer 2009][su09].
+A related package that defines some useful physics macros (`\U`, `\E`,
+`\dg`, `\vect`, `\ihat`, ...) is my `wtk_cmmds.sty`. This used to be a
+part of `problempack.sty`, but the commands are less general, so I
+split them out into their own package.
+The final package in the `problempack` repository is `wtk_format.sty`,
+which adjusts the default LaTeX margins to pack more content into a
+single page.
+[with]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys102_s08/notes/rec1_sols.pdf
+[without]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys102_s08/notes/rec1_probs.pdf
+[source]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys102_s08/latex/notes/rec1/
+[w09]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys201_w09/source/
+[sp09]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys201_s09/source/
+[su09]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/courses/phys102_sum09/source/
+[[!tag tags/code]]
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