(Debian package: libstring-shellquote-perl)
- Term::ReadLine <http://search.cpan.org/~hayashi/Term-ReadLine-Gnu/>
(Debian package: libterm-readline-gnu-perl)
-- File::Which <http://search.cpan.org/dist/File-Which/>
- (Debian package: libfile-which-perl)
-The --remove-dups option will use fdupes <https://code.google.com/p/fdupes/>
-if it is installed. Version fdupes-1.50-PR2 or higher is required.
To *build* notmuch-mutt documentation you will need:
use Pod::Usage;
use String::ShellQuote;
use Term::ReadLine;
-use Digest::SHA;
-use File::Which;
my $xdg_cache_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.cache";
-# Match files by size and SHA-256; then delete duplicates
-sub builtin_remove_dups($) {
- my ($maildir) = @_;
- my (%size_to_files, %sha_to_files);
- # Group files by matching sizes
- foreach my $file (glob("$maildir/cur/*")) {
- my $size = -s $file;
- push(@{$size_to_files{$size}}, $file) if $size;
- }
- foreach my $same_size_files (values %size_to_files) {
- # Don't run sha unless there is another file of the same size
- next if scalar(@$same_size_files) < 2;
- %sha_to_files = ();
- # Group files with matching sizes by SHA-256
- foreach my $file (@$same_size_files) {
- open(my $fh, '<', $file) or next;
- binmode($fh);
- my $sha256hash = Digest::SHA->new(256)->addfile($fh)->hexdigest;
- close($fh);
- push(@{$sha_to_files{$sha256hash}}, $file);
- }
- # Remove duplicates
- foreach my $same_sha_files (values %sha_to_files) {
- next if scalar(@$same_sha_files) < 2;
- unlink(@{$same_sha_files}[1..$#$same_sha_files]);
- }
- }
-# Use either fdupes or the built-in scanner to detect and remove duplicate
-# search results in the maildir
-sub remove_duplicates($) {
- my ($maildir) = @_;
- my $fdupes = which("fdupes");
- if ($fdupes) {
- system("$fdupes --hardlinks --symlinks --delete --noprompt"
- . " --quiet $maildir/cur/ > /dev/null");
- } else {
- builtin_remove_dups($maildir);
- }
# search($maildir, $remove_dups, $query)
# search mails according to $query with notmuch; store results in $maildir
sub search($$$) {
my ($maildir, $remove_dups, $query) = @_;
+ my $dup_option = "";
$query = shell_quote($query);
+ if ($remove_dups) {
+ $dup_option = "--duplicate=1";
+ }
- system("notmuch search --output=files $query"
+ system("notmuch search --output=files $dup_option $query"
. " | sed -e 's: :\\\\ :g'"
. " | xargs --no-run-if-empty ln -s -t $maildir/cur/");
- remove_duplicates($maildir) if ($remove_dups);
sub prompt($$) {
=item --remove-dups
-Remove duplicates from search results.
+Remove emails with duplicate message-ids from search results. (Passes
+--duplicate=1 to notmuch search command.) Note this can hide search
+results if an email accidentally or maliciously uses the same message-id
+as a different email.
=item -h