# We now know the list of fully/ultimately-valid
# certifiers, and a separate list of marginally-valid
# certifiers.
- if ($#valid_certifiers < -1) {
+ if ($#valid_certifiers < 0) {
msvalog('info', "No valid certifiers, so no marginal UI\n");
} else {
- my $certifier_list = join("\n", map { sprintf("[%s] %s", $_->{key_id}, $_->{user_id}) } @valid_certifiers);
+ my $certifier_list = join("\n", map { sprintf("%s [%s]",
+ $_->{user_id},
+ $_->{key_id},
+ ) } @valid_certifiers);
my $msg = sprintf("The matching key for [%s] is not %svalid.
The certificate is certified by:
GnuPG calculated validity: %s",
- $keyfpr->{val});
+ $keyfpr->{val},
+ );
# FIXME: what about revoked certifications?
# FIXME: what about expired certifications?
# FIXME: what about certifications ostensibly made in the future?
# make the text in the dialog box selectable
$label->set('selectable', 1);
+ my $button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-properties');
+ $button->show();
+ $button->signal_connect('clicked',
+ sub {
+ $button->hide();
+ # FIXME: for some reason, $label->set_text($labeltxt."\n\n".$tip) throws this error:
+ # Insecure dependency in eval_sv() while running with -T switch at Crypt/Monkeysphere/MSVA/MarginalUI.pm line 180.
+ # the workaround here (remove, destroy, re-create) seems to work, though.
+ $dialog->get_content_area()->remove($label);
+ $label->destroy();
+ $label = Gtk2::Label->new($labeltxt."\n\n".$tip);
+ $label->set('selectable', 1);
+ $label->show();
+ $dialog->get_content_area()->add($label);
+ });
my $tooltips = Gtk2::Tooltips->new();
$tooltips->set_tip($label, $tip);
+ $dialog->get_content_area()->add($button);
my $resp = 0;
my $icon_file = '/usr/share/pixmaps/monkeysphere-icon.png';